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Phillip Armand Q.

Valdez 12 – Riemann

Language evolved from a system of gestures to a system of words.

Over time, words have proven the advantages of using speech.
 Vocal speaking emerged throughout the evolution of hominids.
 Language development includes the use of physical gestures.
 As time went on, new situations arose that made vocal speech necessary.
 Vocal Language is simpler to use, easier to understand, and needs less effort, as well
as it is subjective
 Speaking is more accurate than using signs.
 Speaking is more practical than gesturing.

List of evidence
 pointing or gesturing with your hands or any other object.
 based on facial expressions, including the motions of the mouth, lips, and tongue; and
movements of the hands, arms, and body.
 Our modern chimpanzee ancestors from 5 or 6 million years ago were probably
unable to make noises, but they may have been able to communicate using their hands
and faces.
 It's possible that language barely developed 2 million years ago, thus gesturing is
most likely how they communicate.
 Speech just recently emerged during some species' evolutionary processes.
 It's possible that the evolution of speech was only finished some 170,000 years ago.
 Using sign language to convey important information is quite challenging.
 Given that our predecessors have used sign language since ancient times, the
transition from sign to speech must be quite difficult.
 However, gestures continue to be employed today.
 Great presenters actually employ gestures as much as they do words.
 We currently speak a modern language that combines words with gestures.

 It can be utilized and understood uniformly by individuals from various geographical
 It aids in eradicating misunderstandings about particular issues.
 It is also preferable to utilize actual words as labels rather than just pictures of things.
 It aids in the separation of seemingly similar but truly distinct items.
 Words are also very useful for naming things and communicating information.
 Spoken words convey information more precisely and successfully.
 You don't need to see or look at the person you're communicating with in order to
send or receive a message.
 You can communicate verbally both during the day and at night.
Speech Gesture
Speaking in front of Sometimes other It makes the Sometimes the
the other can boost people speak a long presentation information might
your confidence and unrelated speech engaging and get the wrong idea
to the audience which interesting
kind of ruin the
whole speech
Just by speaking you The speaker might The information It cannot present a
can make new become emotional can be presented long information just
connections and while giving a speech easily without any by gestures
friends and lose the whole audio
meaning of the
Speaking orally can Speaking orally may It can easily It is not
boost your critical create some identify the gesture recommended to any
thinking. misunderstanding if of the other person official occasion
the audience doesn’t
listen carefully and
understand the
speech which makes
the whole speech
useless sometimes.
Improves your A speech might We can The information
communication require a large communicate with given is bland or
skills and effectively amount of time to people with unclear sometimes
convey what prepare and to disabilities
information you execute successfully
wanted to give them

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