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1.0 INTRODUCTION AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION........................................................... 1

2.0 161-kV UTILITY SYSTEM .............................................................................................. 1
2.1 161-kV System Description ........................................................................................ 1
2.2 161-kV System Relaying and Protection.................................................................. 2
2.3 161-kV System Reliability ........................................................................................... 3
3.0 ORNL PRIMARY SUBSTATION ................................................................................... 4
3.1 History ............................................................................................................................ 4
3.2 Substation Configuration and Operation .................................................................. 4
3.3 Primary Substation Relaying and Protection ........................................................... 6
3.4 Primary Substation Reliability .................................................................................... 6
4.0 13.8-kV DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM................................................................................ 7
4.1 History ............................................................................................................................ 7
4.2 13.8-kV System Configuration ................................................................................... 8
4.3 13.8-kV Feeder 214 ..................................................................................................... 8
4.4 13.8-kV Feeder 224 ..................................................................................................... 9
4.5 13.8-kV Feeder 234 ..................................................................................................... 9
4.6 13.8-kV Feeder 244 and 6010 Substation ............................................................... 9
4.7 13.8-kV Feeder 254 and Building 6000 Service ................................................... 10
4.8 13.8-kV Feeder 264 ................................................................................................... 10
4.9 13.8-kV Overhead Feeder 294 and 7901 Substation .......................................... 10
4.10 13.8-kV Feeder 344 and 4509 Substation ............................................................. 11
4.11 Automatic Reclosers.................................................................................................. 12
5.0 2.4-kV DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM................................................................................ 12
5.1 History .......................................................................................................................... 12
5.2 2.4-kV System Configuration ................................................................................... 13
5.3 3000 Substation ......................................................................................................... 13
5.4 2.4-kV Circuits 1, 2, 3 and 4 ..................................................................................... 14
5.5 2.4-kV Circuits 6, 7, 8 and 10................................................................................... 14
5.6 4000 Substation ......................................................................................................... 14
5.7 2.4-kV Circuits 11, 12, 14 and 15 ............................................................................ 14
5.8 2.4-kV Circuits 23, 24, 25 and 27 ............................................................................ 15
5.9 2632 Substation ......................................................................................................... 15
5.10 2.4-kV Circuits 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35 ..................................................................... 15
6.0 SWITCHGEAR AND CIRCUIT BREAKERS ............................................................ 15
6.1 13.8-kV and 2.4-kV Circuit Breakers and Motor Starter Contactors.................. 15
6.2 13.8-kV and 2.4-kV Switchgear ............................................................................... 16

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7.0 SYSTEM GROUNDING ................................................................................................ 17

7.1 Grounding - 13.8-kV System .................................................................................... 17
7.2 Grounding - 2.4-kV System ...................................................................................... 18
7.3 Grounding - Substation and Facility Transformers............................................... 18
8.0 LIGHTNING PROTECTION ......................................................................................... 19
8.1 Protective Features and Equipment........................................................................ 19
8.2 13.8-kV System .......................................................................................................... 19
8.3 2.4-kV System ............................................................................................................ 20
9.0 POWER FACTOR CORRECTION.............................................................................. 20
9.1 History and Requirements ........................................................................................ 20
9.2 Power Factor Correction ........................................................................................... 20
10.0 ENERGY USAGE METERS......................................................................................... 21
10.1 Watt-Hour Meters....................................................................................................... 21
10.2 Meter Reading and Billing......................................................................................... 22
11.0 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ........................................................................ 22
11.1 Responsibilities........................................................................................................... 22
11.2 Operations and Maintenance ................................................................................... 22
11.4 Electrical Distribution Monitoring Systems............................................................. 23
12.0 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION AND DOCUMENTATION ......................................... 24
12.1 System Configuration ................................................................................................ 24
12.2 System Documentation ............................................................................................. 24
12.3 System Identification Scheme.................................................................................. 25

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The ORNL electrical distribution system has been continually expanded and improved. Restoration
and upgrade efforts have been ongoing with increasing emphasis during the last 20 years. Eight
major projects (four line item projects and four general plant projects) have restored and upgraded
key elements of the system. These were the $3.5M FY-82 Upgrade ORNL Primary Substation, the
$2.2M FY-85 Primary Electrical System Restoration, the $2.3M FY-90 Electrical Systems Upgrade,
and the $5.9M FY-2000 Electrical Systems Upgrade line item projects and the $0.9M FY-88 Modify
4509 Substation, the $0.9M FY-95 Vacuum Breaker Retrofit, $0.6M FY-2000 Primary Substation
SF6 Breaker, and the $0.7M FY-2001 East Campus Electrical Upgrade general plant (GPP and
GPE) projects.

Electrical power in the ORNL electrical distribution system is supplied from the ORNL (X-10) 0901
Primary Substation located north of the ORNL site. The Primary Substation receives power from the
U. S. Department of Energy - Oak Ridge Reservation (DOE-ORR) 161 kilo-Volt (kV) system and
transforms it to the 13.8-kV level. Distribution and step-down of power within the site is by way of
eight 13.8-kV feeders, seven secondary 2.4 kV substations, thirty eight 2.4 kV feeders, medium
voltage distribution switchgear and numerous facility transformers.

The system covers 10 square miles of service area, and includes 34 miles of overhead pole
distribution lines, 6 miles of underground cable, 30 medium voltage distribution switchgear
assemblies and over 300 facility transformers. The system has a total capacity of 80 Mega-Volt-
Amps (MVA). The present electrical load averages 20 Mega-Watts (MW). The total ORNL load
normally varies from a minimum 15 MW (selected days in the spring and fall) to a maximum of 28
MW (hot day in summer).


2.1 161-kV System Description

The entire ORNL site, except for the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) site, is served from the ORNL
(X-10) Primary Substation located north of the plant. The substation receives its power from the
DOE-ORR 161-kV transmission system. The DOE-ORR system consists of interconnecting 161-kV
overhead lines and three 161-kV substations: K-27 at the Oak Ridge DOE K-25 site (East
Tennessee Technology Park - ETTP), ELZA at the Oak Ridge DOE Y-12 site and the (X-10) Primary
Substation at the ORNL site. K-27 is located 8 miles northwest of the ORNL site. ELZA is located 6
miles northeast of the ORNL site. The system is owned by the U. S. Department of Energy and
operated and maintained by the BWXT (Y-12) Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) Power Operations

The DOE-ORR 161-kV system in turn receives its power from the Tennessee Valley Authority
(TVA). The DOE-ORR system is integrated into and is actually a part of the TVA 161-kV
transmission system.

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Six TVA transmission lines supply the DOE-ORR 161-kV system. The lines are brought into the
DOE-ORR system at the K-27 and ELZA substations. Three TVA 161-kV supply lines connect to
the ELZA substation: Wolf Creek, Fort Loudon, and Bull Run. The Wolf Creek 161-kV line
originates from the Russell County, Kentucky Wolf Creek hydroelectric generating plant and is 82.1
miles long. The Bull Run 161-kV line originates from the Anderson County, Tennessee Bull Run
generating steam plant and is 4.4 miles long. The Fort Loudon 161-kV line originates from the
Loudon County, Tennessee Fort Loudon hydroelectric generating plant and is 15.5 miles long.
Three TVA 161-kV supply lines connect to the K-27 substation: Kingston #1, Kingston #2 and Fort
Loudon. The Kingston #1 161-kV line originates from the Roane County, Tennessee Kingston
generating steam plant and is 7.7 miles long. The Kingston #2 161-kV line originates from the
Roane County, Tennessee Kingston generating steam plant and is 7.5 miles long. The Fort Loudon
161-kV line originates from the Loudon County, Tennessee Fort Loudon hydroelectric generating
plant and is 18.5 miles long.

The ELZA and K-27 substations in turn, supply power to the ORNL (X-10) Primary Substation via
two 161-kV lines. The ELZA to X-10 line originates at the ELZA substation and is 6.2 miles long.
The K-27 to X-10 line originates at the K-27 substation and is 8.1 miles long. The ORNL X-10
Primary Substation has a single 161-kV bus which allows either 161-kV incoming line to supply
power to the 161-kV bus. In addition, the X-10 substation can route 161-kV power from the ELZA
substation to the K-27 substation or from the K-27 substation to the ELZA substation. In the usual
case, TVA routes power from its Kingston steam plant, through the K-27 and X-10 substations, to
electrical loads at the ELZA (Y-12) substation, and to loads in west Knox County and east Roane
County (via the ELZA - Ft. Loudon line). Loading of this path is especially high when the Ft. Loudon
hydroelectric plant is not generating and its load is assumed by the Kingston steam plant.

The Central Control Facility (CCF), located in Building K-1650 at the K-25 site, is the main
control/monitoring station for the three DOE-ORR 161-kV substations (K-27, ELZA & X-10).
Monitoring information for all substations is provided from a single System Control And Data
Acquisition (SCADA) system. The CCF is manned on a 24 hour basis. The oil circuit breakers
(OCB’s) and SF6 gas circuit breakers (GCB’s) at the substations are remotely monitored and
controlled from the CCF, as well as the voltage regulating transformers and tap changers. Manually
operated equipment (e.g., load break switches) are operated locally during substation switching and
maintenance operations by ORR operating personnel.

A recent change has occurred in the DOE-ORR 161-kV system. The City of Oak Ridge has built a
new 161/13.8-kV substation to serve the K-25 (ETTP) site, and to provide increased electrical
distribution service to the west side of the city of Oak Ridge. The new City of Oak Ridge owned
substation is located north of the K-25 site, and is tied to the 161-kV bus of TVA’s Roane 500/161-
kV substation. The existing DOE-ORR K-27 substation will be removed from service. It is
envisioned that the 161-kV supply lines will be removed from the K-27 substation, and that the X-10
(ORNL) substation will be connected to and be fed directly from TVA’s Kingston #1 line. It is
envisioned that TVA’s Kingston #2 line will be connected to TVA’s Ft. Loudon line. Under such a
scenario, the reliability of 161-kV service to ORNL will increase slightly.

In addition, the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) project has constructed a new 161/13.8-kV
substation to supply the SNS accelerator and associated support facilities. The SNS substation is
tied to TVA’s ELZA to Ft. Loudon 161-kV line. The TVA ELZA to Ft. Loudon 161-kV line is now
routed through and connected to the 161-kV buses of the new SNS substation.

2.2 161-kV System Relaying and Protection

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The DOE-ORR 161-kV system overhead transmission lines are continuously monitored with
protective relays to ensure that faults on the system are detected and isolated with minimum
disturbance to the system. These transmission lines are directly connected (with the exception
of the X-10 supply lines) to the TVA transmission system. The DOE-ORR 161-kV protective relaying
system is integrated into and actually a part of the TVA system. Therefore, the protection scheme is
a utility type arrangement for all incoming lines to the ELZA, X-10 and K-27 substations. The
principal features of these schemes are described below:

The 161-kV transmission lines are protected by three-phase (reversed third zone) step distance
phase relays augmented with directional comparison carrier blocking and have directional
overcurrent carrier ground and backup ground relays. The relay potential circuits are fed from a
set of potential transformers connected to each substation 161-kV bus section.

The 161-kV transmission line protective relay system is designed to maximize the reliability of
the incoming power to the network. The protective relaying provides for fast detection of faults,
and should the transmission line protective relays fail to clear a fault, adequate backup
protection is available in the form of 161-kV bus backup relays. If a fault is not cleared within a
specific time setting, all breakers connected to the bus section of the faulted line will be tripped
and locked out.

Each 161-kV bus in the substations is also protected by bus differential relays. These relays
continuously monitor the current inflow and outflow from the 161-kV bus section under their
supervision. Whenever the current inflow does not equal the current outflow, the relays operate
instantaneously to trip and lock out all breakers in their protected bus section.

In addition to the line and bus protection schemes, the 161-kV substation power circuit breakers
(OCB and GCBs) are protected by breaker failure relays with current supervision. The breaker
failure relays operate through a timing relay, and should a breaker fail to trip within the time
setting of its timing relay, the associated breaker failure trip relay will trip and lock out both
breakers in that particular substation bay and also trip and lock out all breakers connected to
the bus associated with the failed breaker.

Each of the power transformers located in the three switchyards are protected with sudden
pressure relays and neutral overcurrent and directional overcurrent relays for ground faults.
The operation of any of these relays will trip and lock out the feeder air circuit breakers/OCBs
and the transformer's associated 13.8-kV secondary main breaker. Control power for the
relaying is supplied by the substation dc auxiliary (battery) power system.

2.3 161-kV System Reliability

The reliability of the 161-kV utility supply system to the ORNL Primary Substation has been
excellent. Since installation of the two 161-kV substation supplies (K-27 and ELZA) in 1960, only
four total losses of 161-kV utility power (1980, 1985, 1995 and 2000) have occurred over the 40
years, an average of one loss every 10 years. Based on published data in ANSI Standard 493-
1997, Recommended Practice for the Design of Reliable Industrial and Commercial Power systems
(IEEE Gold Book), this reliability is four times better than that of a typical industrial utility system.

The excellent reliability is attributed to the closeness of the system to the TVA transmission grid and
its direct connection to four relatively close but physically separated generation sources (Bull Run,
Kingston, Wolf Creek and Ft. Loudon). The four principal generation sources which serve the
system are located 4 miles east (Bull Run), 8 miles west (Kingston), 82 miles north (Wolf Creek) and

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16 miles south (Ft. Loudon) of the DOE-ORR site. The supplying 161-kV lines average 22.6 miles in


3.1 History

In the early 1940's, the ORNL site was served by a single 13.8-kV overhead line from the ETTP (K-
25) site. A standby 12.5 kV line came from Lenoir City. A second 13.8-kV reserve line was later
installed from the Y-12 plant. Due to the temporary single purpose nature of the plant (Graphite
Reactor and its processing facilities), power was distributed in the ORNL site at the 2.4-kV level.

In 1948, the ORNL Primary Substation was built. The existing ELZA to K-27 161-kV line was tapped
and extended to the substation. The substation initially consisted of a single 161-kV breaker (#874),
a 35 MVA 161/13.8-kV power transformer (#1), and a control building housing a single 13.8-kV bus
(#1), a main 13.8-kV breaker (#204) and three 13.8-kV feeder breakers (214, 224 and 234).

In 1961, the construction of the 7600 Experimental Gas Cooled Reactor (EGCR), the 6000 Oak
Ridge Isochronous Cyclotron (ORIC) and the 7900 High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) necessitated
the addition of a second 161-kV breaker (#884), a second 161/13.8-kV power transformer (#2), a
13.8-kV voltage regulating transformer (#2), a second 13.8-kV bus (#2), a second main 13.8-kV
breaker (#284) and additional 13.8-kV feeder air circuit breakers (#244, #254, #264 and #294). The
K-27 to ELZA 161-kV line was looped through the substation to provide two independent 161-kV
supplies (ELZA and K-27).

In 1966, the 13.8-kV Bus #1 indoor air circuit breakers were replaced with outdoor oil circuit
breakers (main breaker #274, tie breaker #204 and feeder breakers #214, #224, #234 and #344).
The 13.8-kV voltage regulating transformer for power transformer #1 was also added.

In 1982, the substation was restored and upgraded. This project added two 161-kV incoming line oil
circuit breakers (#954 and #964), added a third 161/13.8-kV power transformer (#3), provided
separate 161-kV primary breakers for each transformer (#874, #884 and #894), added two 13.8-kV
SF6 main breakers for power transformer #3 (#374 and #384) and replaced the 13.8-kV Bus #2
feeder breakers with SF6 breakers (#244, #254, #264 and #294). The project also rebuilt the entire
161-kV buswork. In 1987, metering current transformers and TVA revenue metering was installed
on the 161-kV primary of each of the 161/13.8-kV power transformers.

In 1993, the feeder #294 breaker was recircuited as a radial feed from power transformer #3
(dedicated service for 13.8-kV feeder 294 and the HFIR reactor).

In 2000, the three transformer 161-kV oil circuit breakers (#874, #884 and #894) were replaced with
new SF6 gas circuit breakers.

In 2003, the 161-kV current transformer for gas circuit breaker 874 failed catastrophically, and was

3.2 Substation Configuration and Operation

The ORNL Primary Substation consists of steel structure supported 161-kV and 13.8-kV open
buswork, 161-kV and 13.8-kV equipment, and a control building. The substation is located one-half

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mile north of the main ORNL building complex. The substation consists of two incoming 161-kV
transmission lines (K-27 and ELZA), two incoming 161-kV line OCBs, a single 161-kV overhead
bus, three 161-kV transformer primary GCBs, nine 161-kV disconnect switches, three 161/13.8-kV
power transformers (one 35 MVA and two 40 MVA), four 13.8-kV secondary breakers, two 13.8-kV
overhead buses, a 13.8-kV bus tie breaker and eight 13.8-kV feeder breakers. The 161-kV side is
arranged in a single bus configuration with two incoming OCBs and three transformer primary
GCBs. The power transformers are fed radially from the 161-kV bus. See drawing
E3E020002D500 for a one line diagram of the substation arrangement. The control building houses
control and metering equipment, protective relaying, revenue metering, SCADA equipment, and
station auxiliary ac and dc services. The auxiliary services are powered via step-down transformers
from the 13.8-kV system and a dc battery/charger arrangement.

The substation is equipped with a drainage system which captures all surface water runoff and
routes it though a basin type oil-water skimmer. The substation is equipped with mineral oil storage
tanks, oil pump house and oil handling piping system.

The substation is operated and maintained by the BWXT (Y-12) ORR Power Operations group. The
substation is monitored and controlled remotely from the K-25 Central Control Facility (CCF) via a
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system.

ORNL’s Laboratory Shift Supervisor’s (LSS) office has limited monitoring of the substation, which
includes open-closed status of both the 161-kV and 13.8-kV breakers.

The three power transformers step-down the 161-kV transmission voltage to the 13.8-kV distribution
voltage of the ORNL site. Power transformer #1 is a 35,000 kVA (35 MVA), forced-oil/forced-air
cooled, 154-kV delta/13.8-kV wye-connected unit. The transformer is equipped with two cooling
banks, one that starts when the transformer is energized and a second that starts automatically at
about 80 deg C. Power transformer #2 is a forced-oil/forced-air cooled, 154-kV delta/13.8-kV
wye-connected unit with a self-cooled rating of 24,000 kVA, 32,000 kVA with one cooling bank in
service, and 40,000 kVA with both cooling banks in service. The first cooling bank will start
automatically at about 65 deg C and the other at about 70 deg C. Power transformer #3 is a
self-cooled/forced-air, 161-kV delta/14.0-kV wye-connected unit with a self-cooled rating of 24,000
kVA, 32,000 kVA with one set of fans in service, and 40,000 kVA with both sets of fans in service.
Transformer #3 does not have oil pumps, and uses natural convection for oil circulation. The two
sets of fans start at about 65 deg C and 70 deg C respectively.

Power transformers #1 and #2 have separate load tap changing transformers (voltage regulating
transformers). Power transformer #3 is provided with integral load tap changing equipment. The
tap changers can be operated remotely from the K-25 site Central Control Facility (CCF), be
operated locally at the ORNL substation, or be placed in an automatic mode.

Spot checks of the Primary Substation 161-kV bus voltage indicate that the three 161/13.8-kV power
transformers are over excited (voltage level of the DOE-ORA utility system is normally around 170
kV instead of the nominal 161-kV). This causes excessive excitation losses in the transformers.
Consideration should be given to raising the primary taps of transformers 2 and 3 to lower the
excitation losses. This would also improve the efficiency of the regulating transformer for
transformer 2.

The 13.8-kV side of the substation feeds ORNL site loads through eight feeder breakers. The
substation is normally operated with all three transformers on line. Power transformer #1 normally
supplies power to 13.8-kV Bus #1 and ORNL 13.8-kV feeders 214, 224, 234 and 344. Power

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transformer #2 supplies power to 13.8-kV Bus #2 and ORNL 13.8-kV feeders 244, 254 and 264.
The bus tie breaker (204) between 13.8-kV Bus 1 and Bus 2 is operated normally closed, paralleling
power transformers #1 and #2. Power transformer #3 normally serves only 13.8-kV feeder 294
(HFIR reactor preferred supply) and is dedicated for HFIR and its adjacent Radiochemical
Engineering Development Center (REDC) facilities.

The dedication of power transformer #3 for the HFIR and REDC complex isolates 13.8-kV feeder
294 (HFIR preferred supply) from the remainder of the ORNL 13.8-kV electrical system. This
shields the HFIR preferred supply from power disturbances (voltage dips and surges) that occur on
the remainder of the ORNL 13.8-kV system (power disturbances are attenuated by the impedance
of the other two power transformers in the ORNL substation).

A 5000 HP 13.8-kV synchronous motor located in building 6000 is part of an mg-set which provides
dc power to the building 6000 cyclotron. At present, two power transformers at the Primary
Substation must be paralleled to start the 5000 HP motor. This can be a combination of
transformers 1 and 2 (normal condition), transformers 2 and 3 (when HFIR is not operating), or
transformer 1 and 3 (when HFIR is not operating). The voltage dip when starting the motor on one
transformer is marginal (approximately 11%). The motor may be started on one transformer under
forced or emergency conditions. Plans are underway to replace the 5000 HP mg-set with a solid-
state power supply. When that occurs, two power transformers would not have to be paralleled for
the building 6000 cyclotron to operate.

3.3 Primary Substation Relaying and Protection

Should a transformer fault, a protective relaying scheme directs the transformer primary and
secondary breakers to open, allowing the unfaulted transformer to pick up the entire plant load.
Should a 13.8-kV bus fault occur, a differential relaying scheme directs all 13.8-kV breakers
connected to the faulted bus to open, allowing only half of the 13.8-kV system to lose power.

The Primary Substation single 161-kV bus is protected by a high speed bus differential scheme.
Each 161/13.8-kV transformer is protected by a primary side 161-kV OCB. The 161/13.8-kV
transformers are protected by primary phase overcurrent, primary residual ground overcurrent,
percentage differential, secondary directional ground overcurrent and sudden pressure relays.
Power transformers 1 and 2 are normally paralleled to feed 13.8-kV buses 1 and 2. Should
transformer 1 or 2 fault, a relaying scheme directs the transformer primary and secondary breakers
to open, allowing the unfaulted transformer to pick up the ORNL plant load. Power transformer 3
normally feeds HFIR’s preferred feeder 294. Should transformer 3 fault, the relaying scheme directs
the transformer primary and secondary breakers to open.

The bus tie breaker between the two 13.8-kV buses is operated normally closed, paralleling power
transformers 1 and 2. Should a 13.8-kV bus fault occur, a bus differential relaying scheme directs
all breakers on the faulted bus to open, allowing only half the ORNL plant to lose power. Each of
the 13.8-kV buses is protected by a bus overload (partial differential) relaying scheme. The scheme
provides backup relay protection for the 13.8-kV feeder breakers.

13.8-kV feeder breakers in the substation are provided with phase instantaneous, phase overcurrent
and ground overcurrent relays. A selectable (on or off) one shot reclosing scheme is provided on all
13.8-kV feeder breakers. When selected, the reclosing scheme restores power in about 250
milliseconds when a soft feeder fault occurs.

3.4 Primary Substation Reliability

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While other primary side arrangements such as a ring bus or a breaker and a half scheme are
inherently more reliable, the single 161-kV bus of the ORNL Primary Substation has proven itself to
be very reliable. Over the last 42 years, only one unplanned outage has occurred on the 161-kV
buswork or transformers.

The excellent reliability of the 161-kV equipment is attributed to the greater operational flexibility of
the 161-kV system. The dual 161-kV feeds, three 161/13.8-kV transformers and 161-kV
sectionalizing switches allow equipment to be easily taken out of service for maintenance. The
reliability of the substation 161-kV equipment and buswork is better than the industrial norm.

The 13.8-kV side has been less reliable. In 1964, a simultaneous loss of both 13.8-kV bus 1 and 2
occurred when the 13.8-kV bus 1 breakers, then located in the control house, failed catastrophically.
The breakers were subsequently replaced with the present bus 1 outdoor breakers and open
buswork. In 1993, another simultaneous loss of both buses occurred due to a switching error.

Twelve unplanned outages have occurred on the 13.8-kV bus 1 buswork and breakers. The poorer
reliability of the 13.8-kV bus 1 system is attributed to the exposure of the bus 1 equipment to the
elements (weather related deterioration of lightning arresters, insulators and fuses; etc.) and to
exposure to animals. Over the last 43 years, the reliability of the 13.8-kV bus 1 system (outage
every 3.6 years) is less that the industrial norm (outage every 12 years).

Up until 1984, the 13.8-kV bus 2 breakers and buswork were housed in a weatherproof enclosure.
In 1984, the bus 2 system was replaced with new SF6 breakers and exposed buswork. Seven
unplanned outages have occurred on the 13.8-kV bus 2 buswork and breakers. Over the last 43
years, the reliability of the 13.8-kV bus 2 system (outage every 6 years) is less that the industrial
norm (outage every 12 years).


4.1 History

In the 1950's, the ORNL site was served by three overhead 13.8-kV feeders. One feeder (214) fed
2.4-kV secondary 3000 substation, which served the west part of the Bethel Valley site. A second
feeder (224) fed 2.4-kV secondary 4000 substation, which served the east part of the Bethel Valley
site. A third feeder (234) fed Melton Valley loads and the Tower Shielding Facility (TSF) reactor at
the 7700 area. Downstream 2.4-kV systems further distributed power within the site.

In the early 1960's, 13.8-kV overhead feeder 254 was built to serve the ORIC cyclotron in building
6000. Feeders 244 and 264 were built to serve the EGCR reactor at the 7600 area. Feeder 294
was built to serve the HFIR reactor at the 7900 area. Feeder 234 was extended to the 4500S, 4508
and 4509 facilities and to the Health Physics Research Reactor (HPRR) at the 7710 area.

In 1966, 13.8-kV feeder 244 was tapped and extended to the Oak Ridge Electron Linear Accelerator
(ORELA) at building 6010. In 1969, feeder 344 was built to the 4509 substation. In 1969, 13.8-kV
switchgear A was added at the 4509 substation to provide a primary selective system for the 4500S
and 4508 facilities. In 1971, feeder 344 was extended to the new 2.4-kV secondary 2632
substation, which in turn served 2.4-kV loads in the southwest portion of the Bethel Valley site.

In 1986, 13.8-kV feeders 234, 254 and 294 were rebuilt and the 2.4-kV switchgear was replaced at

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2632 substation. In 1990, 13.8-kV switchgear B and 2.4-kV switchgear D were added at the 4509
substation, and the existing 2.4-kV oil-filled transformer was replaced with a dry type. In 1992,
feeders 214 and 224 were rebuilt. In 2000, 13.8-kV 244 was extended to the SNS site. In 2001, the
existing 2.4-kV transformer 344-4 was replaced and 2.4-kV transformer 344-15 and 2.4-kV
switchgear C were added at 4509 substation to provide a fully redundant primary and secondary
selective system. In 2001, 13.8-kV feeders 244 and 264 were rebuilt.

Through the years, the number of facility transformer served from the 13.8-kV system has increased
substantially from 44 in 1960 to 160 in 2003.

4.2 13.8-kV System Configuration

The present 13.8-kV system consists of eight 13.8-kV feeders. The 13.8-kV feeder system covers
10 square miles of service area and consists of 22.4 miles of open overhead line and 3 miles of
underground cable. The 13.8-kV system feeds various facility transformers within the ORNL site as
well as the seven secondary 13.8/2.4-kV substations (2632, 3000, 4000, 4509, 7901, Melton Valley
and SWSA Area). With both 13.8-kV buses at the primary substation tied together, the 13.8-kV
system is efficient in delivering power through the relatively low impedance network of short lines
and underground feeders.

Although the 13.8-kV system is a wye system and is grounded through resistors at the Primary
Substation, power is delivered to loads as a 3 wire system (neutral is not carried into the site). This
requires single phase transformers installed in the system to have 13.8-kV primaries. Since the vast
majority of ORNL's facilities use 3 phase transformers, the load is evenly balanced across all three

Approximately 160 facility transformers are served from the 13.8-kV system. About 50 are pad-
mount type, with the rest being pole mounted. In many major facilities (4500S, 4509, 6000; etc.), the
13.8-kV feeders are brought into the facility and power is stepped down and distributed via dry type
transformers. Other major facilities use outdoor, pad-mounted transformers. About half of the pad-
mounted transformers are mineral oil-filled, the other half dry type. Newer outdoor pad-mounted
transformers utilize less flammable ester (vegetable) oil fill. Pole mounted oil-filled transformers are
used to serve smaller loads in both the Bethel and Melton Valley sites.

While the system is operated as a radial system, tie switches are provided between feeders that can
be manually closed to provide an alternate source of power for each feeder. These allow some
sections of line to be removed from service for maintenance or repair without loss of power to
remaining facilities. The tie switches also allow a means to restore power to some facilities when
overhead lines are damaged during an outage (lightning; etc). The system allows the entire plant, in
case of an emergency, to be fed from either 13.8-kV bus 1 or bus 2 at the ORNL Primary
Substation. An automatic transfer scheme exists at the 7900 HFIR to transfer power automatically
from the feeder 294 (preferred) to the feeder 234 (alternate) source. An automatic transfer scheme
exists at 4509 substation to transfer power automatically from the feeder 344 normal source to the
feeder 244 alternate source.

Feeders should be paralleled only in pairs (13.8-kV feeders 234 and 294; etc.) when possible. Due
to system impedance unbalances, tying more that two feeders together in parallel can cause one of
the feeders to assume more of the load than other (loads will not be shared evenly among the
feeders). This can result in breaker trip due to overcurrent.

4.3 13.8-kV Feeder 214

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Overhead 13.8-kV feeder 214 is 0.3 miles long and serves the secondary 2.4-kV 3000 substation.
The line was originally built in 1950. It was rebuilt (new poles and equipment) and upgraded with 69
kV lightning resistant construction in 1991. Before rebuilding, it averaged an unplanned outage
once every 2.5 years. Its reliability has greatly improved. Since being rebuilt, no lightning outages
have occurred (1991 through 2002).

4.4 13.8-kV Feeder 224

Overhead 13.8-kV feeder 224 is 0.7 miles long and serves the secondary 2.4-kV 4000 substation.
The line was originally built in 1951. It was rebuilt (new poles and equipment) and upgraded with 34
kV lightning resistant construction in 1991. Before rebuilding, it averaged an unplanned outage
once every 5 years. Its reliability has greatly improved. Since being rebuilt, no lightning outages
have occurred (1991 through 2002). In 2003, 13.8-kV feeder 224 was extended underground to the
third party development (buildings 5100, 5200, 5600, 5700 and 5800).

4.5 13.8-kV Feeder 234

Overhead 13.8-kV feeder 234 is 7.9 miles long and serves loads in the Melton Valley along with the
HPRR and TSF facilities. It serves as an alternate feed to the 7900 HFIR, the 1505 Environmental
Sciences Division facility and the 1005 Mouse House. The line passes over lightning prone Haw
and Copper ridges.

The line was originally built in 1953. Static shield wires were added to the line in 1964. It was rebuilt
(except for the TSF tap) with new poles and equipment in 1988. In 1988, the Melton Valley Drive
section of 13.8-kV feeder 234 was added. In 1993, a portion of 2.4-kV circuit 35 in the 7800 SWSA
#4 area was converted from 2.4-kV to 13.8-kV and was added to 13.8-kV feeder 234. 13.8-kV/2.4-
kV step-down transformer 234-55 was added to sub-feed the remaining 2.4-kV circuit 41 overhead
line. In 1993, automatic reclosers 302, 303 and 304 were added on the segment of line that passes
over Copper Ridge, and on the 7702 TSF and 7710 HPRR segments. In 2000, a portion of 2.4-kV
circuit 35 (now circuit 51) in the Melton Valley was sub-fed from 13.8-kV by adding 13.8-kV – 2.4-kV
step-down transformer 234-69. In 2002, the 0966 west portal section of line was added. Before
rebuilding and the addition of reclosers, it averaged an unplanned outage once every 7 months.
Since rebuilding, its reliability has improved. Since being rebuilt, 6 outages have occurred (1989
through 2002). Because of its length and exposure to weather and lightning, 13.8-kV feeder 234 is
the least reliable feeder in the system. The feeder should continue to be used only as a source of
power to non-critical facilities or as an alternate source to major facilities.

4.6 13.8-kV Feeder 244 and 6010 Substation

The 13.8-kV overhead feeder 244 is 3.0 miles long and serves the 6010 ORELA facility and other
facilities in the southeast portion of the Bethel Valley site and is the backup power to the SNS site. It
is the 13.8-kV alternate source to the 4509 substation. The line was originally built in 1960 to serve
the 7600 EGCR facility. It was extended to 6010 ORELA and the 4509 substation in 1966. In 2000,
13.8-kV feeder 244 was extended to the SNS site for construction power. In 2001, 13.8-kV feeder
244, along with feeder 264 was rebuilt. The initial 1.4 miles of the line is built with lightning resistant
69 kV construction. The SNS segment is built with 34 kV construction. The 0.6 mile segment to
6010 is built with 15 kV construction. It averages an unplanned outage once every 1.9 years.

Outdoor 13.8-kV circuit breaker switchgear (6010 Substation) is used to distribute power in the
building 6010 and 6025 complex. In 1996, the 6010 switchgear air circuit breakers were replaced

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with vacuum type. In 2002, the 6010 switchgear electro-mechanical relays were replaced with
micro-processor based type.

When required, the two incoming circuit breakers (401 and 503) of the 6010 switchgear are both
closed to tie 13.8-kV feeders 244 and 254 together. The ampacity of the underground tie cable is
400 amperes (350 MCM copper conductor). Under fault conditions, the protective relays of both
breakers 401 and 503 are set to trip before the fuses of 13.8-kV switch 254-S3 in building 6000
blow. This prevents single phasing of feeders from occurring during single phase to ground faults.
For this reason, 13.8-kV breakers 401 and 503 should be used to tie the two feeders together,
instead of tie switch.

4.7 13.8-kV Feeder 254 and Building 6000 Service

The 13.8-kV overhead feeder 254 is 0.8 miles long and serves the 6000 cyclotron and accelerator
facility. The line was originally built in 1960. It was rebuilt (new poles and equipment) and upgraded
with 34 kV lightning resistant construction in 1987. Before rebuilding, it averaged an unplanned
outage once every 1.7 years. Its reliability has improved. Since being rebuilt, no lightning outages
have occurred (1991 through 2002). In 2003, 13.8-kV feeder 254 was extended underground to the
third party development (buildings 5100, 5200, 5600, 5700 and 5800).

Indoor 13.8-kV fused disconnect type switchgear is used to distribute power in the building 6000
facility. A 13.8-kV breaker in the switchgear feeds the 5000 hp synchronous motor (MG-Set) that
drives the power supply for the ORIC cyclotron. Three 13.8-kV fused disconnect switches feed
facility unit substations. The switchgear and facility can be alternately fed from 13.8-kV feeder 244
through a fourth fused disconnect tie switch. The fused disconnect type of switchgear is less than
desirable for the type of service required. Several incidents of single phasing has occurred with the
switchgear. The fuses are also difficult to coordinate with upstream circuit breakers. At this time,
the cost of replacing the switchgear exceeds the benefits gained for the expected remaining life of
the facility.

4.8 13.8-kV Feeder 264

The 13.8-kV overhead feeder 264 is 6.3 miles long and serves the 7600 area Robotics facilities and
other loads along Chestnut Ridge east of the plant. The line, along with 13.8-kV feeder 244
conductors, was originally built in 1960 to serve the EGCR facility. The two sets of conductors (each
1590 MCM aluminum) have a rated capacity of 44 MW. It was originally intended for the EGCR
reactor to generate and feed back electrical power into the electrical distribution grid. In 2001, 13.8-
kV feeder 264, along with feeder 244 was rebuilt using concrete poles and 69 kV lightning resistant

4.9 13.8-kV Overhead Feeder 294 and 7901 Substation

The 13.8-kV overhead feeder 294 is 1.7 miles long and serves the 7900 HFIR complex and the
7920 and 7930 REDC complex. The line was originally built in 1962. It was rebuilt (new poles and
equipment) in 1987. It was upgraded to 34 kV lightning resistant construction in 1993. Before
upgrading to 34 kV insulation in 1993, the overhead line averaged an unplanned outage once every
11 months. Since upgrading, its reliability has improved to an outage once every 2.6 years.

13.8-kV feeder 294 is the normal (preferred) supply of power to the HFIR complex. 13.8-kV feeder
234 is the alternate supply of power to the HFIR complex. The two feeders are installed on two
separate sets of pole structures and two physically separate right-of-ways. The two feeders

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terminate in 13.8-kV switchgear inside the 7901 electrical building (7901 Substation). The 13.8-kV
switchgear consists of two incoming 13.8-kV electrically operated vacuum circuit breakers (294 &
234) and seven feeder 13.8-kV manually operated air interrupter switches that serve the HFIR
2.4-kV, 480 volt, and 120/240 volt step-down transformers.

An automatic transfer arrangement in the incoming 13.8-kV switchgear transfers load from the
preferred feeder 294 to the alternate feeder 234 in case of power interruption on the preferred
feeder. The automatic transfer operates on either a sustained undervoltage for a preset time or a
complete loss of voltage on the preferred feeder, if voltage is available on the alternate feeder. The
transfer typically takes 1.9 seconds from the loss of power to the re-energization from the alternate
supply. If voltage is not present on either feeder, the transfer will not occur. After a transfer has
occurred, the transfer back to the preferred supply is performed manually from the 7900 HFIR
control room.

Inside the 7900 HFIR control room, the capability exists to select either 13.8-kV feeder 294 or feeder
234 as the preferred feeder with the other feeder as the alternate. The capability exists to transfer
loads back and forth between feeder via either a dead bus or live bus transfer.

Within the 7901 electrical building, the HFIR 13.8-kV switchgear bus distributes power to six step-
down power transformer substations and to two instrument power transformers. Substations 1, 2, 3
and 4 supply 480 volt power to the HFIR 480 volt electrical systems, either through bus ducts or
through motor control centers (MCCs). Substation 5 supplies 2.4-kV power to the larger HFIR
motors. Further reduction in utilization voltage is performed in the HFIR electrical system as needed
through step-down transformers. Two instrument transformers (6 and 7) are fed from a single 13.8-
kV air interrupter switch to supply the 120/240 volt instrument power systems. Substation 8 supplies
480 volt power to the 7977 cold source equipment.

4.10 13.8-kV Feeder 344 and 4509 Substation

The 13.8-kV overhead feeder 344 is 1.7 miles long and serves the 4509 substation, the secondary
2.4-kV 2632 substation, the 1505 ESD facility and the 1005 Mouse House. The line was built with
69 kV lightning resistant construction in 1969. Since being placed in service, the feeder has had
excellent reliability.

The 4509 substation serves the building 4500S, 4508, 4509 and 4515 loads. The substation
consists of two 13.8-kV distribution switchgears (A and B), two 7.5 MVA 13.8/2.4-kV transformers
(344-4 and 344-15) and two pad-mounted outdoor 2.4-kV distribution switchgears (C and D). The
13.8-kV switchgear A (indoor) and the 13.8-kV switchgear B (outdoor) provide a primary selective
system to the 4500S, 4508, 4509 and 4515 building transformers. Because of the primary selective
system, either 13.8-kV switchgear A or B can be taken out of service for major maintenance.

Indoor 13.8-kV switchgear A was installed in 1969. The switchgear was manufactured in 1961 and
was obtained as surplus from the 7600 EGCR facility. In 1996, the switchgear A air circuit breakers
were replaced with vacuum type. In 2002, the switchgear A wiring was completely replaced, and
new micro-processor based protective relays were installed. In 2002, the 13.8-kV buswork of
switchgear A was completely re-insulated.

Outdoor 13.8-kV switchgear B was installed in 1990 and has vacuum breakers. In 2002, existing
electro-mechanical relays were replaced with micro-processor based protective relays.

The dedicated 2.4-kV service at the 4509 substation feeds six 1000 hp chiller motors and a 480 volt

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service transformer in building 4509. Outdoor 2.4-kV switchgear D was installed in 1990 and has
vacuum breakers. Outdoor 2.4-kV switchgear C was installed in 2001. In 2002, existing electro-
mechanical relays were replaced with micro-processor based protective relays in 2.4-kV switchgear
D. The two 2.4-kV switchgears C and D provide a 2.4-kV secondary selective system for the 4509
Central Chilled Water facility. Because of the secondary selective system, either 2.4-kV switchgear
C or D can be taken out of service for major maintenance.

4.11 Automatic Reclosers

All 13.8-kV feeder breakers in the ORNL Primary Substation are provided with a selectable (on or
off) one shot reclosing scheme. When selected, the reclosing scheme restores power in about 250
milliseconds when a soft feeder fault occurs.

The automatic reclosers on the feeder 224 and 254 breakers should be left permanently off. Both
feeders serve computer equipment in the 5600 Computational Sciences Building, and automatic
reclosing interferes with the orderly shutdown of computers during a power outage event. The 254
breaker serves the 5000 hp motor in building 6000, which could be damaged during reclosing.

At the primary substation, the automatic reclosers on individual 13.8-kV feeder breakers should be
turned off when two or more feeders are paralleled for an extended period of time. Should a fault
occur somewhere on the paralleled feeders, the overcurrent relaying of each breaker will not
operate in sync due to impedance differences from each breaker to the fault. This could result in
power feeding a fault for up to two seconds, resulting in excessive equipment damage and
endangerment of personnel safety.

At the primary substation, the automatic recloser on a 13.8-kV feeder breaker should be turned off
when overhead line work is being performed either on or near the overhead line.

Oil type automatic reclosers are installed on segments of 13.8-kV overhead lines which are prone to
lightning. Recloser 302 is located on the segment of 13.8-kV overhead line 234 which passes over
Copper Ridge. Recloser 303 is located on the segment of 13.8-kV overhead line 234 which serves
the 7702 TSF facility. Recloser 304 is located on the segment of 13.8-kV overhead line 234 which
serves the 7710 HPRR facility. Recloser 244-S22 is located on the segment of 13.8-kV overhead
line 244 which serves as the backup power to the SNS site. Recloser 264-S13 is located on the
segment of 13.8-kV overhead line 264 which serves the 0907 and Walker Branch facilities.
Recloser 401 serves as the 2.4-kV secondary protection of SWSA Area 13.8-kV/2.4-kV step-down
transformer 234-55. Recloser 501 serves as the 2.4-kV secondary protection of Melton Valley 13.8-
kV/2.4-kV step-down transformer 234-69.


5.1 History

In the 1940's, electrical power in the ORNL site was distributed at the 2.4-kV level due to the
temporary, single purpose nature of the site (Graphite Reactor and its processing facilities). At the
time, ORNL’s facilities were located only in the one mile square core area within Bethel Valley.
Three temporary 2.4-kV substations were installed to distribute power to facilities at the site. A 2.4-
kV line (now circuit 41) fed small loads in the Melton Valley solid waste storage areas, and a 2.4-kV
line (now circuit 27) fed a construction laydown and storage area in the 7000 area.

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Had a larger plant been envisioned at the time, 13.8-kV distribution would have likely been used.
Because of the compact nature of the plant and the relatively small expected load, 2.4-kV was
considered a suitable distribution voltage. The 2.4-kV distribution level also allowed large 2.4-kV
motors at the Graphite Reactor and the Steam Plant to be driven directly from the distribution
system without an intermediate step-down transformer.

As perimeter facilities (4500S, 4508, 4509, 6000, 6010, 7500, 7503, 7603, 7702, 7710, 7900; etc.)
were added in the 1950's and 1960's, 13.8-kV became the predominant distribution voltage because
of the increased load requirements and the increased feeder lengths. Because of the expense of
converting the existing facility transformer stations from 2.4-kV to 13.8-kV, permanent 2.4-kV
substations (3000 and 4000) were built to replace the temporary 2.4-kV substations. The new
substations re-fed the existing 2.4-kV loads. As a result, the 2.4-kV distribution system has been
retained as the distribution level to older facilities within the Bethel Valley. It is still cost prohibitive to
convert the existing 2.4-kV system to 13.8-kV.

None of the original 2.4-kV transformer stations from the early 1940's still exist, as the temporary
substations were all gradually replaced with permanent pole or pad-mounted transformer stations.
Only some spare Clinton Laboratory (original name of ORNL) pole mounted transformers remain.

5.2 2.4-kV System Configuration

Three secondary 13.8/2.4-kV substations (2632, 3000, and 4000) distribute 2.4-kV power within the
Bethel Valley site. The 2.4-kV feeder system consists of 12 miles of open overhead line and 3 miles
of overhead aerial or underground cable. Power is delivered to loads as a delta system (3 wire).
The 2.4-kV distribution system is relatively efficient in delivering power through the network of short
lines and underground circuits. The capacity of each circuit however, is limited to 1.8 MVA. Two
secondary 2.4-kV substations (4509 and 7901) are facility dedicated. Two secondary 2.4-kV
substations (Melton Valley and SWSA Area) serve overhead lines in the Melton Valley.

The 2.4-kV transformers at 2632, 3000 and 4000 have delta secondaries and are of the same
impedance. This allows circuits from different substations to be tied together (paralleled). These
two features enable some segments of line or facility transformers to be taken out of service for
repair or maintenance without a loss of power to remaining facilities.

Because of the low load capability (1.8 MVA) of each 2.4-kV circuit, circuits within the site have been
rearranged many times in the last 5 decades to accommodate new or changing loads. While the
rearrangements are inconvenient and entail expense, the overall system still performs satisfactorily.
One advantage of the many low capacity circuits is that fewer facilities lose power should a circuit

Underground cable circuits out of the substations, originally installed as unshielded 5 kV cable,
experienced many failures during the 1950’s, 1960’s and 1970’s. The underground cabling was
replaced with more reliable shielded cable in the 1980’s. Since replacement, little of the cabling has

5.3 3000 Substation

The 3000 Substation serves the 2.4-kV system in the west central section of the site. The
substation was built in 1950. It consists of 13.8-kV incoming switching that is located in an open
buswork outdoor steel structure, two outdoor 5 MVA 13.8/2.4-kV oil-filled transformers and indoor

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2.4-kV distribution switchgear. The substation can be fed from either 13.8-kV feeder 214 or 224.
The 2.4-kV switchgear is a double breaker - double bus arrangement which allows an outgoing 2.4-
kV circuit to be fed from either bus through a separate breaker. A tie breaker is provided between
the two buses and is operated normally closed. The substation can be taken out of service for
maintenance by backfeeding the outgoing circuits from other substations in the site. Although the
switchgear shell and buswork is old, the newly refurbished double breaker - double bus arrangement
is a reliable system.

In 1996, the switchgear air circuit breakers were replaced with vacuum type. In 2002, the
switchgear wiring was completely replaced, and new micro-processor based protective relays were
installed. In 2002, breaker controls were moved from the front of the breakers to the end of the
switchgear. Battery charger, loss of dc and protective relay failure alarms were implemented which
alarm at the 4512 LSS office.

5.4 2.4-kV Circuits 1, 2, 3 and 4

The 2.4-kV circuits 1, 2, 3 and 4 receive power from 2.4-kV transformer 102 in the 3000 substation.
The circuits feed facility transformers south and east of the substation. Most of the circuit 1, 2, 3 and
4 overhead lines were restored in 1986 as part of the Primary Electrical System Restoration line item
project. Transformers for the 3010, 3012 and 3042 facilities are oversized for the shutdown Bulk
Shielding Reactor (BSR) and the Oak Ridge Research (ORR) reactor.

5.5 2.4-kV Circuits 6, 7, 8 and 10

The 2.4-kV circuits 6, 7, 8 and 10 receive power from 2.4-kV transformer 101 in the 3000 substation.
The circuits feed facility transformers south and west of the substation. Most of the circuit 6 and 10
overhead lines were restored in 1986 as part of the Primary Electrical System Restoration line item
project. Circuit 7 is one of the oldest overhead lines in the site. Circuit 8 is a dedicated aerial circuit
to the steam plant.

5.6 4000 Substation

Substation 4000 serves the 2.4-kV system in the east central section of the site. The substation was
built in 1951. The substation consists of 13.8-kV incoming switching that is located in an open
buswork outdoor steel structure, two outdoor 5 MVA 13.8/2.4-kV oil-filled transformers and two
sections of pad-mounted outdoor 2.4-kV distribution switchgear. The substation can be fed from
either 13.8-kV feeder 224 or 254. Each transformer feeds a 2.4-kV switchgear bus that has radial
2.4-kV feeder breakers. A tie breaker is provided between the two buses and is operated normally
closed. Each section of 2.4-kV switchgear (east or west) can be taken out of service for
maintenance by backfeeding the outgoing circuits from other circuits.

In 1996, the switchgear air circuit breakers were replaced with vacuum type. In 1996, a battery
charger and batteries were installed to eliminate the capacitive trip devices on the breakers. In
2002, the switchgear wiring was completely replaced, and new micro-processor based protective
relays were installed. In 2002, battery charger, loss of dc, protective relay and heater failure alarms
were implemented which alarm at the 4512 LSS office.

5.7 2.4-kV Circuits 11, 12, 14 and 15

The 2.4-kV circuits 11, 12, 14 and 15 receive power from 13.8/2.4-kV transformer 201 in 4000
substation. The circuits feed facility transformers south and west of the substation. Circuits 11 and

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12 are dedicated underground cable circuits to building 4500N. Circuit 14, primarily underground,
feeds building 4501/4505. Circuit 15, primarily overhead, feeds the isotope area. The overhead
sections of circuits 14 and 15 were restored in 1986 as part of the Primary Electrical System
Restoration line item project.

5.8 2.4-kV Circuits 23, 24, 25 and 27

The 2.4-kV circuits 23, 24, 25 and 27 receive power from 13.8/2.4-kV transformer 202 in the 4000
substation. The circuits feed facility transformers east, south and west of the substation. Circuit 23
is a dedicated underground cable circuit to building 4500N. Circuit 24 is an underground cable
circuit to buildings 4500N, 4512, 5002 and 5500. Circuit 25 is an overhead line that feeds buildings
3500 and 3546. Circuit 27 is an overhead line that feeds facilities in the 7000 area. Circuits 25 and
27 are among the oldest overhead lines in the site.

5.9 2632 Substation

The 2632 Substation serves the 2.4-kV system in the southwest portion of the site. The substation
was originally built in 1971. Existing fused disconnect switch type switchgear was replaced with
vacuum breaker type switchgear in 1986. The substation consists of a 13.8-kV incoming switch,
outdoor 5 MVA 13.8/2.4-kV oil-filled transformer 301 and pad-mounted outdoor 2.4-kV vacuum
breaker distribution switchgear. The substation is fed from 13.8-kV feeder 344. The transformer
feeds a single 2.4-kV switchgear bus that has radial 2.4-kV feeder breakers. The substation can be
taken out of service for maintenance by backfeeding the outgoing circuits from other substations in
the site.

In 2002, new micro-processor based protective relays were installed and battery charger, loss of dc,
protective relay and heater failure alarms were implemented which alarm at the 4512 LSS office.

5.10 2.4-kV Circuits 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35

The 2.4-kV circuits 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35 receive power from 13.8/2.4-kV transformer 301 in the
2632 substation. The circuits feed facility transformers east, south and west of the substation.
Circuit 31 is an overhead line that feeds buildings 3544 and 3525. Circuit 32 is an overhead line
that feeds buildings 2519 and 2528 and two steam plant air compressors. Circuit 33 is an overhead
line that feeds buildings 2525, 3503, 3504 and 3517. Circuit 34 is an overhead line that feeds the
2600 area and is a backup to the 2519 steam plant. Circuit 35 is an overhead line that feeds
buildings 2536 and 2644.


6.1 13.8-kV and 2.4-kV Circuit Breakers and Motor Starter Contactors

Most of ORNL’s medium voltage air circuit breakers and motor starter air contactors have been
replaced with more modern and safer vacuum type. Up until 1996, most circuit breakers at ORNL
were the air interrupter type. The 1996 Vacuum Breaker Retrofit project replaced a large number of
air circuit breakers with roll-in vacuum replacement type breakers. Other breakers were installed
new as vacuum type.

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Of the thirty one 13.8-kV breakers in the distribution system, 26 breakers are vacuum type (4509
Sub - 18, Bldg 6010 - 6, Bldg 7901 - 2). Four newer 13.8-kV air circuit breakers (1975 vintage) still
exist at the 1505 substation. One older 13.8-kV air circuit breaker (1960’s vintage) exists at building
6000. Plans are to replace this breaker with a vacuum replacement type when the building 6000
MG-Set is replaced with solid-state power supply.

All sixty seven of the 2.4-kV breakers in the distribution system are vacuum type (2632 Sub – 7,
3000 Sub – 23, 4000 Sub – 13, 4500N Sub – 10, 4509 Sub - 14). Of the 23 2.4-kV motor starter
contactors in the distribution system, 19 are vacuum type (Bldg 2519 - 4, 4509 Sub - 6, 7901 Sub -
9). Three older 2.4-kV chiller contactors (1950’s vintage) exist in building 4500N. These will be
removed with the 4500N renovation line item project. One older 2.4-kV chiller contactor (1960’s
vintage) will be replaced when the chiller in building 3525 is replaced. Three 2.4-kV automatic
transfer switches in the 2519 steam plant are vacuum type. These transfer 2.4-kV air compressor
motor load from normal power to emergency power during outage events.

6.2 13.8-kV and 2.4-kV Switchgear

In 2002, improvements were made to the protective relaying, instrumentation and monitoring of
major substation 13.8-kV and 2.4-kV switchgears. Safety and operational improvements were also
made. At each substation, discrete alarm points (relay failure, loss of dc, battery charger, heater
failure and 2.4-kV ground) are inputted to an LSS input panel which automatically transmits alarms
to the 4512 LSS office. Previous to the implementation of the system, substation operators would
need to visit each substation each 8 hour shift, to monitor the critical functions of the switchgear.
This function is now done continuously and automatically.

In 2002, Cutler-Hammer DT-3001 microprocessor based overcurrent protective relays with

communication capability were installed in each breaker cubicle at the 2632, 3000, 4000, 4509 and
6010 substations. The communication feature of the relays were tied into the Cutler-Hammer
PowerNet Electrical Distribution Communication System. ABB DPU-2000 microprocessor based
overcurrent protective relays without communication capability were installed in each breaker cubicle
at the 1505 and the 4500N substations.

At the 1505, 2632, 3000, 4500N, 4509 and 6010 substation switchgears, control switches and status
lights for each breaker have been relocated from the front of each breaker to the end of the
switchgear lineup. Control switches were previously located on the front of the switchgear cubicles,
requiring operators to dress out in personnel protective equipment gear to operate breakers. The
new location reduces the safety risk associated with manual breaker operation.

At the 1505, 3000, 4000, 4500N, 4509 and 6010 substation switchgears, a single dc circuit and a
single ac circuit had previously served all breakers in a typical substation switchgear lineup. Control
power could not be conveniently turned off, when performing maintenance in an individual breaker
cubicle. New ac and dc panels with individual circuit breakers/fuses were installed so that an
individual circuit now sends ac and dc control power to each breaker. This allows each breaker’s
control power to be individually locked and tagged out, so that maintenance activities can occur
inside completely de-energized cubicles.

At the substation switchgears, new “relay failure”, “loss of dc”, “heater failure”, ” battery charger”, and
“2.4-kV ground” alarms were implemented which alarm at the LSS office.

At each substation, all protective relays are equipped with a “relay failure” contact. At each
substation, the “relay failure” alarm contacts from multiple breakers are daisy chained together to

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produce a single “relay failure” alarm point. This alarm point will alarm if any of the overcurrent
protective features of a relay do not function.

At each substation, “loss of dc” relays monitor the status of dc control power to each breaker
cubicle. At each substation, the “loss of dc” relay contacts from multiple breakers are daisy chained
together to produce a single “loss of dc” alarm point. This alarm point will alarm if a dc control power
fuse has blown, or if the fuse circuit has been inadvertently turned off.

At each substation switchgear, a heater control panel now monitors the integrity of the switchgear
space heaters. Space heaters within the breaker cubicles are on-off controlled by a thermostat set
at 70 deg F, or by a humidistat set at 50%. A current sensing relay monitors the heater current that
is drawn when when a thermostat or humidistat calls for heat, and alarms when heaters fail, or have
been inadvertently turned off.

At each substation switchgear, a modern battery charger monitors the operation of the dc control
power charging system. Battery chargers are equipped with a “battery charger failure” contact. The
battery charger will alarm under high dc voltage, low dc voltage, dc output failure, ac input failure,
positive ground and negative ground conditions.

At the 2632, 3000, 4000 and 4509 substations, a “2.4-kV ground” alarm is wired from the 2.4-kV
high resistance grounding units to the LSS input panels which alarm at the LSS office under 2.4-kV
ground fault conditions.

At the 1505, 4000 and 6010 substations, dc battery and battery charger systems were installed to
provide dc control power to circuit breakers, protective relaying, and communications equipment.
The dc systems eliminated unreliable capacitive trip systems for breaker control. At the 2632, 3000,
4500N and 4509 substations, unvented lead acid batteries were replaced with sealed maintenance
free batteries.

With the above improvements, ORNL’s 13.8-kV and 2.4-kV switchgear’s have been fully restored
with life expectancies of 30 or more years.


7.1 Grounding - 13.8-kV System

ORNL's 13.8-kV system during the 1940's and 1950's (single 161/13.8-kV transformer and single
13.8-kV bus) was solidly grounded. Fault currents of 9000 amps caused excessive equipment
damage when the system faulted from phase to ground. At the time, the fault currents also caused
oil to spew from the 13.8-kV feeder circuit breakers that were then in operation and located in the
ORNL Primary Substation control house. For safety reasons, a 4 ohm resistor was added between
the 161/13.8-kV transformer neutral and ground to limit ground fault current to approximately 1950
amps. This reduced damage to cables and equipment when ground faults occurred. The
magnitude of power disturbances across the remainder of the system was also attenuated when a
fault occurred.

In 1960, a second 161/13.8-kV transformer was added to the ORNL Primary Substation and
paralleled with the 13.8-kV output of the existing transformer. A 4 ohm neutral grounding resistor
was also installed on the second transformer. This is the normal operating configuration of our
present day system - two transformers operating, each feeding separate buses that are operated in

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parallel through a normally closed tie breaker. As a result, the 13.8-kV supply system is effectively
grounded through a 2 ohm resistor that limits ground fault current to a maximum of 3900 amps. The
grounded system also limits transient overvoltages when switching occurs on the system. The
system has successfully operated for 40 years with this grounding arrangement.

While advantageous in limiting fault currents and power disturbances, the neutral resistor grounding
does present problems in coordinating both phase and ground overcurrent relays with downstream
fuses. The limited fault current causes fuse operation to be slow in fault clearing and difficult to
coordinate with faster, more sensitive ground relays. Of a total of 225 outages recorded over the
last 40 years, a maximum of 8 could be possibly attributed to coordination problems caused by the
grounding system. These are thought to have occurred primarily at the building 6000 electrical
system which has fused switch type service entrance switchgear (not circuit breakers). The
advantages of a neutral resistor grounded system outweigh a solidly grounded system.

7.2 Grounding - 2.4-kV System

The 2632, 3000, 4000 and 4509 substation 2.4-kV secondary systems have delta secondary
transformers and were originally installed as ungrounded systems. This practice was prevalent for
Union Carbide and other chemical processing plants at that time. The major advantage of
ungrounded systems is their ability to provide continuous service (no outage) when a ground fault
occurs on one of the phases. This practice allows continued running of the faulted system until it
can be shut down for repairs. The operation of a faulted ungrounded system, however, can be
damaging to cables and equipment because the system may experience overvoltages of six times
the nominal system voltage if an intermittent (arcing) ground fault occurs. An ungrounded system
also does little to limit transient overvoltages when switching occurs on the system. In addition, the
ungrounded system does not provide immediate detection when a ground fault occurs. Many of the
early cable failures (1950's through 1970's) are attributed to the then ungrounded system and the
lower insulation levels of unshielded 5 kV cable.

High resistance grounding systems have been installed on the 2632, 3000, 4000 and 4509
substation 2.4-kV systems. Each system is grounded using a broken delta grounding transformer
and neutral current limiting resistor. The neutral resistor limits ground fault current to a safe level of
about 5 amps. Ground faults are detected and alarmed at ORNL’s LSS Office. Overvoltages
caused by switching or by intermittent (arcing) ground faults are also limited to safe levels.

The original HFIR 2.4-kV system employed a zig-zag grounding transformer. It was replaced in
1998 with a broken delta high resistance grounding transformer and neutral current limiting resistor.
Ground faults are detected and alarmed in the 7900 HFIR control room.

High resistance grounding systems have not been installed on the Melton Valley or SWSA Area 2.4-
kV systems, and no ground detection has been provided. The 2.4-kV circuits (41 and 51) of these
two systems are located solely on overhead lines, and the circuits do not enter buildings via
underground cabling systems. If a ground were to occur on one of the circuits, it would remain
undetected until a second ground would occur. At this time a phase to phase fault would occur, and
be removed by the circuit’s overcurrent protection.

7.3 Grounding - Substation and Facility Transformers

Within the ORNL plant, 13.8-kV and 2.4-kV distribution switchgear, facility substations and step
down transformers are adequately grounded through installed ground grid systems. These enable
faults to be quickly and safely cleared by overcurrent devices.

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Approximately 120 ungrounded 480 volt delta systems exist on transformer secondarys at the ORNL
site. Of these, approximately 65 are equipped with a ground detector. Most utilize an Erickson
ground detector unit with local audible alarm.

Approximately 40 solidly grounded 480/277 volt wye systems exist on building transformer
secondarys. The remaining 140 building transformer 120/208 volt wye and 120/240 volt systems
are also solidly grounded.


8.1 Protective Features and Equipment

On both the 13.8-kV and the 2.4-kV systems, protective features and equipment have been installed
to reduce the effects of lightning. Major outdoor substations (ORNL Primary Substation, 3000,
4000; etc.) with open buswork are protected by an overhead shield wire system that is grounded to
the substation ground mat. The major substation's incoming and outgoing cable circuits, either
overhead or underground, are protected by lightning arresters (usually station type) at the point
where the circuits enter or leave the substation. Incoming cable circuits of pad-mounted switchgear
or substations are also protected by lightning arresters at the open wire to the incoming
underground cable interface. Lightning arresters are provided on the primary side of many of the
major facility transformers. Pole mounted distribution transformers are protected by crossarm
mounted distribution type lightning arresters. Pole line open wire to aerial cable interfaces as well as
pole line open wire to underground cable interfaces are also protected by lightning arresters.

8.2 13.8-kV System

Lightning induced failures in the ORNL 13.8-kV overhead system is double the industrial average.
Insulation breakdown (primarily caused by lightning damage) is also double the industrial average.
The relatively high isoceraunic level of the region subjects the surrounding area to about 55
thunderstorm days per year. The area's high ridges are a contributing cause as the exposure of
overhead electrical lines to lightning is increased.

For added protection, overhead shield wires are installed on 13.8-kV lines that distribute power
across the ORNL site. The shield wires are grounded, typically at every third pole. Distribution type
arresters are placed at corners and angle turns on the lines and at intermediate points along the
line. As many of the 13.8-kV overhead lines were rebuilt during the 1980's, valve type arresters
were replaced with more modern and faster operating metal oxide type lightning arresters.
Overhead lines 344 and segments of 234 still have the older, less effective valve type arresters.

A previous lightning failure analysis has concluded that lightning resistant construction can
substantially decrease lightning caused outages. Historical data shows that a seven fold
improvement in outage rate is gained when a lightning resistant construction is used (lines insulated
to either 34 or 69 kV level). Overhead lines 214, 224, 254, 264, 294 and segments of 234 and 244
have been rebuilt using lightning resistant construction. Line 344 was initially built using lightning
resistant construction.

Because the 13.8-kV system is resistance grounded (effectively an ungrounded system), 15 kV level
lightning arresters should be applied on the system. All 13.8-kV transformers, substations,

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switchgear, switches; etc. should have a 95 kV minimum Basic Impulse Level (BIL) insulation
withstand rating.

8.3 2.4-kV System

Outages caused by lightning on the 2.4-kV system have been less of a problem than those on the
13.8-kV system (5 outages versus 72 outages). The reduced incidence is a result of two factors.
Most 2.4-kV overhead lines are located within the ORNL Bethel Valley site where they are
surrounded by taller buildings, stacks and towers. This, to a certain degree, shields the 2.4-kV lines
from lightning. The 2.4-kV systems are also resistance grounded (effectively an ungrounded
system). This allows a lightning flashover to occur between a single phase to ground without the
ensuing power flow and breaker trip. Due to the low incidence of lightning outages that have
occurred, there does not appear to be significant justification to add shield wires on the 2.4-kV
overhead lines.

Because the 2.4-kV system is resistance grounded (effectively an ungrounded system), 3 kV level
lightning arresters should be applied on the system. All 2.4-kV transformers, substations,
switchgear, switches; etc. should have a 45 kV minimum BIL insulation withstand rating.


9.1 History and Requirements

The DOE purchases power for the ORNL and Y-12 sites from TVA through its Oak Ridge Area 161-
kV system. Before 1988, the power factor of the entire DOE-ORA electrical load, including ORNL,
was corrected by large synchronous condensers and static capacitor banks located at the K-25
(ETTP) site.

With the shutdown of the K-25 enrichment plant and the subsequent amendment of the TVA/DOE
power contract, each site (ORNL, Y-12 and K-25) was required to correct its own power factor. For
the ORNL electrical system, a minimum 0.95 lagging power factor was and still is required at its
maximum prorated demand load of 34 MW. Additionally, the power factor of the entire DOE-ORA
system should not be leading at its lowest demand load.

The power factor of ORNL's electrical system when uncorrected is approximately 0.84 lagging. To
correct the power factor, surplus static capacitors were obtained from K-25 and installed on ORNL's
13.8-kV and 2.4-kV systems in 1988.

9.2 Power Factor Correction

The total capacitance applied to the ORNL system is 8,100 KiloVolt Amp Reactive (KVAR).
Capacitor banks of 1200 KVAR are applied at four places on the 13.8-kV system, at feeders 254
and 294 and at 4509 substation 13.8-kV switchgears A and B. Capacitor banks of 900 KVAR are
applied at five places on the 2.4-kV system, at the 2.4-kV buses at substation 3000 (two buses),
substation 4000 (two buses) and at substation 2632 (one bus). Since electrical loads are connected
together in the ORNL system through a low impedance 13.8-kV and 2.4-kV network, the reactive
current produced by the capacitors are shared rather evenly by the electrical loads.

The swing of ORNL load from its maximum 28 MW level (summer) to its minimum 15 MW level
(spring and fall) is such that the applied capacitors can be left energized the entire year without

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exceeding the power factor limits. The capacitors do not normally need to be switched in or out of
the system.

Due to the compact nature of the ORNL system, the capacitors as applied on the 13.8-kV and 2.4-
kV systems are efficient in achieving the desired power factor correction. A load flow analysis run
with the average ORNL load shows the capacitors saving the ORNL electrical distribution system
$42,000 in reduced line losses annually (at $55 per MWH). To determine if capacitors applied at the
480 volt utilization level would be more cost effective, a life cycle cost analysis was performed in
1992. The analysis assumed the installation of a capacitor on a typical 10 hp motor located in
building 4500S. Cost savings due to reduced line losses through the 480 volt and 13.8-kV systems
were calculated and compared with the cost of the 480 volt capacitor installation. The analysis
calculated a simple payback of 600 years. The conclusion is that the present capacitor installation
on the 13.8-kV and 2.4-kV systems is the most cost effective means of achieving power factor

Capacitor banks on the 13.8-kV and 2.4-kV systems should only be switched (energized or de-
energized) using either circuit breakers or vacuum contactors (devices which cleanly energize or de-
energize the circuit). Switching devices such as overhead line switches or fused cutouts have
inherent contact bounce or restrike conditions which produce excessive overvoltages on the system
when switching capacitors.

During 2002 and 2003, several system failures occurred which were attributed to excessive
capacitance during power up operations following an unplanned outage of 13.8-kV feeder 344. For
example, after an unplanned outage of feeder 344, most 480 volt facility load drops off line due to
the use of pushbutton motor starters in the buildings. At the 4509 chiller building, all chillers
automatically drop off line, and require manual restart. After power is re-energized to 13.8-kV feeder
344, the capacitors are all re-energized, but little electrical load is on the feeder. This results in a
local system (4500S, 4508, 4509; etc.) having a leading power factor. Remaining motors that are
energized are over-excited resulting in motor and capacitor insulation failure, blown fuses; etc.
These types of failures occurred on 13.8-kV feeders 244 and 344 in 2002 and 2003. For this
reason, the decision was made to install undervoltage trips on all ORNL capacitor banks. Pole
mounted capacitor banks 254-6 and 294-11 will be controlled by vacuum contactors which have an
undervoltage trip. Enclosure mounted capacitor banks 5-1, 9-1, 13-1, 26-1 and 36-1 will be tripped
with undervoltage devices and lockout relays by their supplying 2.4-kV circuit breaker following an
outage event.


10.1 Watt-Hour Meters

Approximately 350 kilo-watt hour meters are used to measure electrical energy usage at UT-Battelle
and Bechtel-Jacobs buildings at ORNL. Individual metering is provided on any building that is
heated or cooled, or that has an appreciable electrical load. Exterior equipment that has an
appreciable electrical load is also metered. Small exterior loads (street and parking lot lighting, rad
monitors, weir monitors, water valves; etc.) are not metered. Buildings that only have lights or
receptacles for occasional use are not metered. Due to access problems in reading a meter, the
usage of approximately 10 buildings is estimated.

A master watt-hour meter list is maintained. The list identifies the electrical service being metered,
lists the meter’s location, the type of meter, the size of interfacing current and potential transformers

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and gives the formula for the meter multiplier. The location of watt-hour meters and the loads that
they capture are shown on the building one line diagrams – see section 12.2.

10.2 Meter Reading and Billing

Each of the 350 meters is individually numbered and identified, typically with the building number
that the meter serves (1503, 2007A, 2007B; etc.). Meters are manually read once a month by the
ORNL electrical substation operators. Meter readings are then inputted to an Excel spreadsheet
program which applies various multipliers and calculates each building’s usage. Building usages
each month are inputted to the ORNL Utility Allocation Program which bills the appropriate UT-
Battelle and Bechtel-Jacobs customers.


11.1 Responsibilities

The ORNL 13.8-kV and 2.4-kV distribution systems are operated and maintained by the Electrical
Utilities Department of the ORNL Facilities Management Division. Personnel in the Utilities group
communicate and work with the Complex Managers, Laboratory Shift Supervisor (LSS) personnel,
and Electrical Engineering personnel to maintain continuity of electrical power to facilities.

The DOE-ORA 161-kV utility system and the ORNL Primary Substation is operated and maintained
by the BWXT (Y-12) Oak Ridge Reservation Power Operations group. The Primary Substation is
monitored and controlled remotely from the K-25 (ETTP) Central Control Facility (CCF) via a SCADA
system. The CCF is manned 24 hours a day.

11.2 Operations and Maintenance

The ORNL Electrical Utilities group (1) has overall responsibility for the electrical distribution system
configuration, (2) monitors the system during the normal 8 hour work shift, (3) interfaces with the
LSS to monitor the system during off shift hours, (4) controls the system by switching during normal
or emergency conditions, (5) maintains procedures for safely operating the system, (6) provides
training for its operations personnel, (7) maintains system configuration documentation, (8) provides
documentation for outages and incidents and (9) maintains operational and electrical usage records.

ORNL Electrical Operations operates from an office in the 4500N basement. Coverage of a full
complement of operations personnel is provided only during the normal 8 hour work shift. At least
one substation operator and one shift electrician are provided 24 hours a day, including weekends.
Other operations and maintenance personnel are on call during off-shift hours. Adequate
communication between operations, maintenance and LSS personnel is provided with the ORNL
site radio network.

Control of the electrical distribution system is performed manually at each switching point, rather
than remotely or automatically. The rationale is as follows: A breaker trip or blown fuse in the
system is an indication of a failure (damaged equipment; etc.), a hazard (tree across line; etc.) or
weather related event (lightning; etc). For safety reasons, the system operating philosophy is to field
check and ascertain the cause of an outage before re-energizing. Although additional time is
required to field check, power to ORNL facilities is usually restored within 1 to 2 hours after an
outage occurs. The use of manual control also facilitates the use of the ORNL lockout/tagout safety
procedure. Facilities that require immediate backup of normal power sources (4509, 7900; etc.) are

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provided with automatic transfer systems to alternate sources. Other facilities are equipped with
automatic transfer switches and standby generators to serve critical loads during unplanned outage

The Electrical Maintenance group (1) provides planned and breakdown repair and maintenance for
overhead pole lines and underground cables through a line crew, (2) provides planned and
breakdown maintenance for substations, transformers and switchgear through a power maintenance
crew, (3) sets and calibrates relays and breakers for the system, (4) provides procedures for safely
maintaining the system, (5) provides training to ensure that personnel are qualified to safely maintain
the system and (6) maintains historical records for reliability and systems analysis.

The Electrical Maintenance group, including the power maintenance crew, operates from the
electrical service center in building 2018. The line crew operates from the building 7033 electrical
line storage and maintenance facility.

11.3 Operational and Maintenance Assistance

The LSS office monitors the status of the ORNL primary and secondary substation system breakers.
When unplanned outages and electrical incidents occur, the LSS often serves as the
communication interface between Complex Managers and Electrical Operations. During off-shift
hours, the LSS acts as the plant chief operator. It calls in and dispatches personnel as needed for
normal and emergency occurrences. The LSS also acts as the liaison between the ORNL Electrical
Operations group and the BWXT (Y-12) Power Operations group when switching is needed at the
ORNL Primary Substation.

To assist the Electrical Utilities group, the ORNL Electrical Engineering Department (1) prepares
and revises system documentation (electrical one line diagrams, pole plans, coordination curves,
fault current analysis; etc); (2) prepares studies and cost estimates of proposed improvements to the
system; (3) provides detailed design for system modifications; (4) interfaces with Architect-Engineers
(A-E's) for the design of electrical systems to new facilities and (5) provides technical consultation
services as needed.

11.4 Electrical Distribution Monitoring Systems

The ORNL electrical distribution system is monitored remotely by two similar redundant systems, the
LSS DAS system and the Electrical Distribution Communications System (EDCS). Both systems
utilize personal computer servers located at the 4512 LSS Office. Both distribute information via the
ORNL TCP/IP Ethernet wide area network.

The LSS DAS system monitors the status of feeder breakers at the ORNL 0901 Primary Substation
and the 2632, 3000, 4000 and 4509 secondary substations with a portion of the LSS Data
Acquisition System (DAS). Graphic screens with one line diagram information of each substation
are displayed. When a feeder breaker trip event occurs, the event is automatically alarmed and
logged at the LSS. LSS personnel, in turn, communicate the event to the Electrical Utilities
department, setting the outage response in motion. The LSS DAS system also monitors substation
alarms (battery charger, loss of dc, protective relay failure, heater failure, 2.4-kV ground detection;
etc.). At each substation, discrete inputs terminate in a local LSS input panel. Discrete inputs are
then transmitted via RS-232 interface, modems and telephone lines to the 4512 LSS office. The
personal computer server in 4512 alarms and logs events and transmits information via the ORNL
TCP/IP Ethernet system. Personal computers in the 4500N basement electrical operations area
and in the 2018 electrical maintenance area are presently equipped with software to receive

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information from the LSS DAS system.

The ORNL Electrical Distribution Communications System (EDCS) system was installed in 2003.
The system includes a dedicated fiber optic backbone cabling system, a dedicated fiber optic
Ethernet network (subnet) which ties into the ORNL TCP/IP Ethernet wide area network, a master
personal computer server located in the 4512 LSS office, Cutler-Hammer PowerNet software,
protective relays and meters which communicate via the Cutler-Hammer INCOM protocol, and
network translators and fiber optic switches which translate data from the INCOM to the Ethernet
medium. At each substation, protective relays, meters, network translators and fiber optic switches
are served from the continuous dc power system. The personnal computer server in the LSS office
is supplied by UPS power. This ensures that devices will continue to communicate during power
outage events. Protective relays are located at the ORNL 2632, 3000, 4000, 4509 and 6010
substations. Meters are located at the ORNL 0901 primary substation and at buildings 4501 and
4505. The capability exists to expand the system to all buildings which are accessed by the ORNL
Ethernet wide area network. Personal computers in the electrical operations, electrical maintenance
and electrical engineering departments are presently equipped with software to receive information
from the EDCS. These utilize iconics software to display one line diagram graphic screens of each
of the substations.

The Cutler-Hammer PowerNet system has advanced features. The microprocessor based
protective relays communicate breaker status, voltage, ampere, power factor, power, harmonics,
electrical usage, electrical demand and setpoint data at each application point. The system stores
and displays pre-incident information, waveform capture, trip event, alarm event, and trending


12.1 System Configuration

The Electrical Utilities group is responsible for maintaining the system configuration of the ORNL
electrical distribution system. A series of electrical distribution system one line diagrams, substation
plans and pole plan drawings are the tools used to maintain system configuration.

12.2 System Documentation

A manual containing 13.8-kV and 2.4-kV distribution one line diagram, transformer station one line
diagrams, substation plans, pole plan drawings and reference information is the prime method of
documenting the ORNL electrical distribution system. The one line diagrams, substation plans and
pole plans were generated and are routinely updated and distributed by the ORNL Electrical
Engineering department. The manual is distributed to personnel in operations, maintenance and
engineering. A building/station list cross references the transformer station from which a building
receives its power. The transformer station one lines show simplified building one line diagrams and
the watt-hour meters that capture the buildings energy usage. The one line drawings also reference
the original facility construction one line diagram drawings. The pole plans show the locations of all
overhead lines, underground cable circuits, in-line switches, fused disconnects, substations and
transformer stations in the system. The manual includes lists of ORNL standby generators, watt-
hour meters, 480 volt ground detectors, power manholes, unplanned outages and transformer
nameplate data.

Files of vendor drawings for the major switchgear, substations and equipment are jointly maintained

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by Maintenance and Engineering. Operations and Maintenance maintain files of past load surveys,
energy usage, system incidents, failures, reliability data; etc.

12.3 System Identification Scheme

A simple numbering scheme is used to identify equipment in the system. The eight 13.8-kV feeders
(214, 224; etc.) are numbered from the 13.8-kV breakers located in the Primary Substation. The
twenty eight 2.4-kV circuits (1, 2, 3; etc.) are numbered from the 2.4-kV breakers located in the 2.4-
kV secondary substations. Substations, transformers, isolation switches, fused disconnects and
capacitor banks are identified by the feeder or circuit from which it is served and by an assigned
sequential number [examples: 244-5 (transformer station), 244-S1 (isolation switch) and 244-F1
(fused disconnect)]. Tie switches are identified with the two feeders that the switch ties together.
For example, tie switch 244-254-S1 denotes the tie switch connecting feeder 244 to feeder 254.


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