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In groups, discuss what you know about ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and

Rome. Then, discuss which culture is represented in the museum in the photograph
Mesopotamian agriculture was concerned with life and not death, from what is
known about them I think they were very intelligent; their main architecture was
Egypt, I know because of the Nile valley and its great pyramids that have many
theories about them.
The Greek civilization stood out for its art (sculpture, architecture, ceramics,
theater, literature) and for an important philosophical legacy, with thinkers like
Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.
In ancient Rome, the Colosseum is the main monument of ancient Rome. In this
amphitheater gladiator fights, wild animal hunting shows and a lot of other
barbarities took place.
about the image that is represented in the book I think it could be Mesopotamia
because the other cultures are focused on another aspect of people.
1. It is related to our existence and to understanding that thanks to these civilizations
we exist and to discovering or understanding the culture they had in ancient times.
2. I don't know, I think the researchers have discovered a lot of things but they keep
everything as a secret.
3. They continue to study it out of curiosity and because they may have secrets that
can cure deadly diseases or help us in the future.
The territory of Michoacan was inhabited by the Tarascans or Purépechas, who
developed as a dominant culture and imposed their economic, religious, military and
cultural hegemony on the other ethnic groups that also inhabited the region, such as the
Nahua, Otomi, Matlatzinca or Pirinca and Tecos.

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