Exercise 12

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Copyright 2018 M.E.P.CAD. This work is the sole property of M.E.P.CAD and may not be reproduced, stored in
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12- 1
Prepare for plotting

Open Exercise 12.cad

Sprinkler Legend: Click here for Video

1. CLICK the Sprinkler Legend toolbar button

2. CLICK anywhere to place in the drawing

The sprinkler legend automatically includes all sprinklers in the drawing. If there are sprinklers
that you don’t want to include in the legend, de-select the undesired sprinkler(s) within

12- 2
System Area: Click here for Video

3. CLICK Tools, Area, System Area


5. DRAW as many points as necessary around

the desired area

6. RIGHT-CLICK to end the tool

7. DOUBLE the System Area boundary


8. TYPE A new name for this area under

System Area Reference i.e. ( AREA 1)

12- 3
10. CLICK the Sprinkler Legend toolbar button

11. CLICK anywhere to place in the drawing

12. DOUBLE On this new Sprinkler Legend

13. SELECT From the System Area Linking
Pulldown (Area 1)


This legend will now be linked to the System Area that you created. If any changes occur within
the system area, go into the Properties of the Sprinkler legend and click OK, this will refresh the
Sprinkler Legend and Update and new heads that where added or removed.

12- 4
Place Callout: Click here for Video

15. RIGHT-CLICK In white space

16. SELECT Alter Benchmark Elevation/Rotation

17. TYPE -1


Callout is a 3d box. Setting the Benchmark to 1’ below zero places the Callout under the cad
background so it is Visible when plotting.

19. CLICK bottom left corner of the Callout

12- 5
20. CLICK bottom right corner of the Callout

21. CLICK far extent of the Callout

12- 6
Plotting Paper Size is shown at the Top Left of the Callout. Callout’s can Link to a View.
Anything inside the Callout’s 3d Box is printed. The Callout sets the Scale for the View (Callout
default Scale is set to 0-1/8”=1’-0”).

12- 7
Set Callout Height and Scale: Click here for Video

Column Height is 20’. The Callout Height should be 25’, so the Callouts 3d box surrounds the
Sprinkler System.

12- 8
22. DOUBLE on Callout

23. TYPE FP-1 in Sheet Reference field

24. TYPE A in Callout Reference field

25. TYPE 25 in Height field

26. SELECT 0-1/4”


12- 9
Sheet tab: Click here for Video

28. RIGHT-CLICK on Sheet 1 tab

29. CLICK Import Plot Sheet

Browse your Training folder and locate Exercise 12 Title block.cap. .

30. SELECT Exercise 12 Title block.cap

31. CLICK Open

A new Sheet tab will be created, and the title block will be imported

12- 10
We are now in Sheet Space. This is where you’ll place View Elements, title block, notes, and

32. RIGHT-CLICK on Exercise 12 Titleblock.cap tab

33. CLICK Rename

34. TYPE FP-1

35. PRESS Enter

12- 11
36. RIGHT- on the Sheet 1 tab

37. CLICK Remove

The sheet tab will automatically display the size and shape of the paper that you’re plotting to,
as specified in your current plotter settings

In the example above, the plotter is set to 8-1/2 x 11. After changing the Plotter settings to plot
an E1 sheet (30x42), you’ll need to update the Sheet tab layout

12- 12
Plotter Setup: Click here for Video

38. CLICK File/Plotting/Plotter Setup…

39. SELECT Bullzip PDF Printer

40. CLICK Properties… button

41. CLICK Layout tab

12- 13
42. SELECT Landscape

43. CLICK Advanced… button





12- 14
Page Layout: Click here for Video

48. RIGHT-CLICK on FP-1 Sheet tab

49. CLICK Page Layout

50. CLICK Query Printer button


The 30x42 title block is now inside the printable area.

12- 15
View element(s) Click here for Video

52. CLICK the View toolbar button

53. DRAW View element by clicking two

opposite corners

12- 16
54. RIGHT-CLICK to end the Tool

55. DOUBLE- On View element


56. SELECT Callout: FP-1-A


12- 17
The View Element is now linked to Callout. Anything inside callout will be displayed in the View
element. If Callout size changes then the View size will change.

58. CLICK the View Layers tab

Layer Visibility can be copied from Model tab.

Layer States can be Loaded or Saved from View.


12- 18
Resize Callout: Click here for Video

60. CLICK on Model tab

61. CLICK on Callout

62. DRAG Grip on right to the left

12- 19
The Callout and View size has changed.

63. CLICK on Fp-1 sheet tab

64. MOVE View to center of title block

65. DRAG Grip on right to the left

12- 20
Create Sprinkler Legend from View: Click here for Video

66. RIGHT-CLICK on View

67. CLICK Create Sprinkler Legend from View

Only Sprinklers in View are shown in Sprinkler Legend.

12- 21
Note: Text and leader lines must be elevated above the view element to prevent them from
being obscured by the view

Text is below View element

Edge of View element
oolbars -Editablets Tree /
Layers oolbars -Editablets
Tree / Layers
68. CLICK the Model Tab to return back to the
model space

Section tool Click here for Video

69. ZOOM to the riser


70. RIGHT- in blank drawing space


71. CLICK Alter Benchmark Elevation/Rotation

72. CLICK the Zero Elevation button, CLICK OK

12- 22
73. CLICK the Section toolbar button

74. CLICK to begin drawing the section line

Press and hold [SHIFT] for Ortho lock

3rd click

1st click Hold [SHIFT] then 2nd click

12- 23
75. PRESS & [SHIFT] then CLICK to place the
HOLD end of the section line

76. CLICK to set the background clip

77. RIGHT-CLICK to end the tool

78. DOUBLE- the Section element to view Properties


12- 24
79. TYPE A for Section Reference, FP-1 for Sheet
Reference, and 10-0 for Height


12- 25
81. SELECT the Section element

82. MOUSE- ISO View (Up and Left)



12- 26
83. MOUSE- Plan View (Down and Right)


84. RIGHT-CLICK the Section element

85. CLICK Create Section View

set as shown below: Then Click

12- 27
86. CLICK to place the View element of the section
The CLICK will define the lower left corner of the
view element

87. DOUBLE-CLICK the edge of the view element to view Properties

Verify settings:

12- 28
Part Tag Click here for Video

88. DOUBLE- the “FIRE RISER” text to view Properties

CLICK this is a Part Tag element being used as
simple text with a leader line

12- 29
89. CLICK the Part Tag toolbar button

90. CLICK on a grooved coupling or other sprinkler

elements in your drawing
The tag is placed and part information is
captured in the tag text

91. SELECT the Part Tag

92. CLICK & DRAG the grip to move the tag to a clear
space in the drawing

12- 30
Part Legend Click here for Video

93. WINDOW-SELECT the riser as shown

94. CLICK the Parts Legend toolbar button

12- 31
95. CLICK the checkboxes as shown below, and…

96. CLICK the ISO icon shown below

12- 32

98. CLICK in blank space to place the Legend to the right of the
Section view

12- 33
99. SELECT one of the part tags

100. CLICK & each tag’s grip to place them where you like

101. CLICK on the Sheet 1 tab to return to Sheet tab space

12- 34
102. CLICK the View toolbar button once again

103. DRAW a small view element to the right of

the first large view

12- 35
104. CLICK on Model tab

105. ZOOM to the area shown below

12- 36
106. RIGHT- in blank drawing space

107. CLICK Capture Camera Settings

108. CLICK the Sheet tab to return to Paper space

109. RIGHT- on the edge of the small View element

CLICK created earlier

110. CLICK Paste Camera Settings

Practice creating more views to your liking

12- 37
Ready to plot: Click here for Video

111. CLICK on the Plotting fly-out

112. CLICK Plot

Make sure the sheet to be plotted is checked in the first column

12- 38
113. CLICK Start Printing

Make print settings adjustments as needed for plotting to a device or PDF

A print quality setting of 300 DPI is sufficient in most cases. A setting of 600 DPI and
above, while giving a higher resolution, will increase the length of time needed to produce
the plot and will increase the PDF file size.

End of exercise

12- 39

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