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Name: Britney Shin A.


A Close Analysis of “Padre Faura Witnesses the Execution of Rizal” by Danton


Stars don't shine. They burn.

Danton Remoto’s poem, “Padre Faura Witnesses the Execution of Rizal”,
displays and convey emotions and a glimpse of perspective on one of the most
remarkable events in the history of our country. It has made us witness the revolutionary
fate of Rizal as if we were in that actual predicament. Remoto's association of poetic
devices in the text has effectively delivered a complete and vivid experience to readers
like me. The poem exhibits Padre Faura's thoughts and feelings on the day Rizal is
executed in Bagumbayan on December 30, 1896, during the Spanish Regime in the
Philippines. The poem also displayed how Padre Faura referred Rizal as stars in the sky
and the prominence Rizal imparted to us.
The first stanza seemingly reinforces the imagery present in the poem. I can see
the perspective of Padre Faura on a roof feeling the cold breeze of the December
morning. This has activated my senses and has put myself on that situation as if I were
him. The second stanza displayed the use of the technique by the author. The phrase,
“months ago” given a way of providing flashbacks of certain moments, giving readers a
hint of context to completely comprehend. His statement, “Salt stings my eyes. I see
Pepe”, has made me contemplate of the feelings he felt for Rizal, including sadness,
regrets, and grief. To witness death of a person is already impactful, how much more if
that particular person is your friend, who has accepted the sentence he does not deserve.
The person who only aims of bringing freedom to his countrymen.
“Star: Still shimmering, Even if millions of miles away, The star itself, Is already
dead.” The star is used as a metaphor for Rizal in the poem. Most of the stars we see are
already dead, but still, stars continue to bring light through being a raging ball of fire. We
witness their luminous beauty. Like Rizal, he may have parted, but the idea and the
perspectives he has brought us, continue to live within us and be acknowledged by the
world. And it is all because of his blazing passion and determination, he started a
revolution. Jose Rizal and the patriotism he showed in his literary works will always be
remembered. He will always be one of the most remarkable heroes the Philippines has
ever had.

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