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This chapter presents the results and discussions of the study bared on the data

gathered and interpreted that aim to determine. Perspectives of the Online Learning on

Communication between the Teachers and Students during Covid-19 Pandemic of Selected

Senior High School of Siargao Island Institute of Technology, Dapa, Surigao del Norte. The

Discussion of result follow the sequence of the problem presented in Chapter 1.

A. Profiled of the Respondents:

Table 1. Frequency distribution and percentage in terms of age.

Age Frequency Percentage

16 years old 25 40%

17 years old 28 44%

18 years old 7 10%

19 years old 4 6%

Total N=64 100%

Table 1 shows the frequency distribution and percentage in terms of age of the

respondents. It can be seen in the table that the modal age range was 17 with twenty-eight

(28) respondents falling in this category representing 44%. Twenty- five (25) respondents

have 40% were 16 years old and seven (7) or 10% were age, while four (4) or 6% were from

19 years old and above.

Table 2. Frequency distribution and percentage in terms of sex.

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 22 35%

Female 42 65%

Total N=64 100%

Table 2 shows the frequency distribution and percentage of the respondents in terms

of sex. It can be gleaned from the table above that majority of the respondents were, female

with a frequency of fourty-two (42) and percentage of 65%, while the male respondents were

twenty-two (22) or having the percentage of 35%.

Table 3. Frequency Distribution and percentage in terms of status.

Status Frequency Percentage

Single 64 100

Married 0 0

Total N=64 100%

Table 3 exemplifies the distribution of the participants as to civil status. Civil statuses

are categorized into two which are single and married. The frequency for single participants

is 64 whilst there is none married participants. More so, the researchers had a total of sixty-

four participants which is equivalent to a percentage of 100 singles whilst there are zero

percent participants with married status.

Table 4. Frequency distribution and percentage as to grade level.

Grade level Frequency Percentage

Grade 11 32 50

Grade 12 32 50

Total N=64 100%

Table 4 exemplifies the distribution and percentage as to grade level. The grade level

can be categorized into two which mainly is Grade 11 and Grade 12, accordingly. The

frequency for both levels was thirty-two. More so, the total for both levels accumulated sixty-

four participants. The researchers garnered thirty-two (32) participants who were in Grade 11

which is equivalent to 50 percent of the total frequency of participants. Furthermore, there

were also thirty-two (32) participants who were in Grade 12, which is also equivalent to 50

percent. And adding up the participants in both levels will accumulate a total of 100 percent.

Table 5. Frequency distribution and percentage in terms of Strand.

Strand Frequency Percentage

HUMSS 16 25%

ABM 16 25%

GAS 16 25%

STEM 16 25%

Total 64 100%

Table 5 shows the frequency distribution and percentage in terms of strand

respondents. Most of the respondents were Senior High School year level (n = 16 or 25%) the

same respondents every strand has the results (n= 16 or 25%) three (3) Level of Effectiveness


Online Learning on Communication between Teachers and Students during Covid-19

Pandemic of selected Senior High School Students of Siargao Island Institute of Technology,

Dapa, Surigao del Norte in terms of productivity of the students, and limited access, and

social isolation. This section shows the mean and standard deviation with its description and

verbal interpretation on the level of effectiveness of Online learning on communication

between Teachers and Students during Covid-19 Pandemic of selected Senior High School

students of Siargao Island Institute of Technology in terms of productivity of the students and

limited access, and social isolation.

B. Effects of Online Learning on Communication Between Teachers and

Students During Covid-19 Pandemic of Selected Senior High School of Siargao Island
Institute of Technology.
Table 6 the level of the Effects of Online Learning on Communication between
Teachers and Students during Covid-19 Pandemic in terms of productivity of the students.
Indicator Mean Standard Verbal Qualitative
Form Interpretation Description

I haven’t enough sleep 2.79 1.100 Agree Effective

to wake up early.

I will be given more 3.18 0.440 Strongly Agree Highly Effective

responsibilities is studies
and home.

I haven’t enough 2.44 0.425 Agree Effective

support in my family.

I and my family have 2.39 0.559 Agree Effective

not enough money to
provide in schoolworks

I have social anxiety 2.86 0.916 Agree Effective

Over-all 2.73 0.688 Agree Effective



Scale Parameter Verbal Interpretation Qualitative


4 3.25-4.00 Strongly Agree (SA) Highly Effective


3 2.50-3.24 Agree(A) Effective(E)

2 1.75-2.4 Disagree(D) Less Effective


1 1.00-1.74 Strongly Disagree Not Effective (NE)


Table 6 the grand mean of the level of effectiveness of online learning on

communication between teachers and students during Covid-19 of selected Senior High

School of Siargao Island Institute of Technology, Dapa, Surigao del Norte in terms of

productivity of the students is 2.73 with a standard deviation of 0.688, which is verbally

interpreted as Agree and qualitative described as effective. These indicators “I haven’t

enough sleep to wake up early,” “I haven’t enough support in my Family,” “I and My Family

have not enough money to provide schoolworks,” “I have social anxiety. Were verbally

interpreted as agree and qualitatively described as effective with meaning of 2.79

(SD=1.100), 2.44 (SD=0.425), 2.39(0.559) and 2.86(0.916) respectively. On the other hand,

the following indicator was verbally interpreted as strongly agree and qualitatively described

as highly effective will be given more responsibilities in studies and home with mean of 3.18

(SD=0.440), respectively. From the negative result, it can be inferred that the students of
Siargao Island Institute of Technology, Dapa, are agreed of the negative effects that the

researchers were already done


conducted in Siargao Island Institute of Technology Senior High School Department. Table 6

level of Effectiveness of Online Learning on Communication between Teachers and Students

during Covid -19 Pandemic in terms of limited access.

Indicators Mean Standard Verbal Qualitative

Deviation Interpretation Description

I have poor internet connection 2.86 1.091 Agree Effective

I have lack of money 2.79 0.259 Agree Effective

I have health issues 2.59 1.556 Agree Effective

I have a lack of time 2.81 0.504 Agree Effective

I have lack of confidence 3.08 0.692 Agree Effective

Overall 2.83 0.820 Agree Effective

Parameter Verbal interpretation Qualitative Description

3.25-4.00 Strongly Agree Highly Effective

2.50-3.24 Agree Effective

1.75-2.4 Disagree Less Effective

1.00-1.74 Strongly Disagree Not Effective

Table 7 exemplifies that among all the indicators in the level of Effectiveness of

Online Learning on Communication between Teachers and Students during Covid-19

Pandemic of selected Senior High School of Siargao Island Institute of Technology, Dapa,

Surigao del Norte in terms of limited access the indicator “I have poor internet connection”
was verbally interpreted as strongly agree and qualitatively described as highly effective with

mean 2.86 and standard deviation of 1.091. The indicator “I have lack of money” was

verbally interpreted as


strongly agree and qualitatively described as highly effective with mean 2.79 and standard

deviation of 0.259. Next the indicator “I have health issues” was verbally interpreted as

strongly agree and qualitatively described as highly effective with mean 2.59 and standard

deviation of 1.556. More so, the indicator “I have lack of time” was verbally interpreted as

strongly agree and qualitatively described as highly effective with mean 2.81 and standard

deviation of 0.504. Furthermore, the indicator “I have lack of confidence” was verbally

interpreted as strongly agree and qualitatively described as highly effective with mean 3.08

and standard deviation of 0.692. Lastly the overall of the mean have an overall of 2.83 and

the standard deviation have an overall of 0.820. In addition, verbally interpretation have an

overall of strongly agree and qualitatively description have an overall of highly effective in

Effectiveness of Online Learning on Communication between Teachers and Students during

Covid-19 Pandemic of selected Senior High School of Siargao Island Institute of

Technology, Dapa, Surigao del Norte.

Indicators Mean Standard Verbal Qualitative

Deviation Interpretation Description
I have depression. 2.63 0.905 Agree Effective
I have anxiety and 2.53 0.325 Agree Effective
experience substance
I have chronic 2.09 0.466 Disagree Less Effective
condition like high
blood pressure.
I have heart disease 2.08 3.496 Disagree Less Effective
and issues.
I will prioritize my 2.91 2.167 Strongly Agree Not Effective
studies than myself.
Overall 2.45 1.472 Agree Effective



Scale Parameters Verbal Interpretation Qualitative Description

4 3.25-4:00 Strongly Agree Highly Effective

3 2.50-3.24 Agree Effective

2 1.75-2.4 Disagree Less effective

1 1.00-1.74 Strongly Disagree Not Effective

Table 8 exemplifies that among all the indicators in the level of Effectiveness of Online
Learning on Communication between Teachers and Students during Covid-19 Pandemic of
selected Senior High School of Siargao Island Institute of Technology, Dapa, Surigao del
Norte in terms of limited access the indicator “I have depression” was verbally interpreted as
strongly agree and qualitatively described as highly effective with mean 2.63 and standard
deviation of 0.905. The indicator “I have anxiety and experience substance abuse” was
verbally interpreted as strongly agree and qualitatively described as highly effective with
mean 2.53 and standard deviation of 0.325. Next the indicator “I have chronic condition like
high blood pressure” was verbally interpreted as strongly disagree and qualitatively described
as less effective with mean 2.09 and standard deviation of 0.446. More so, the indicator “I
have heart disease and issues” was verbally interpreted as strongly disagree and qualitatively
described as less effective with mean 2.08 and standard deviation of 3.496. Furthermore, the
indicator “I will prioritize my studies than myself” was verbally interpreted as strongly agree
and qualitatively described as highly effective with mean 2.91 and standard deviation of
2.167. Lastly the overall of the mean have an overall of 2.45 and the standard deviation have
an overall of 1.472. In addition, verbally interpretation have an overall of strongly agree and
qualitatively description have an overall of highly effective in Effectiveness of Online
Learning on Communication between Teachers and Students during Covid-19 Pandemic of
selected Senior High School of Siargao Island Institute of Technology, Dapa, Surigao del


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