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Assignment 01

Numerical Analysis ( MTH603)

Total Marks 20

Due Date: December 07, 2022

You have to remember some basic points while making the assignment.

1. Show the complete process to solve the question; otherwise you will not get full marks.
2. If you write only the answer without any process, the question will not be taken as solved
3. Solve the question on MS Word and type the equations on Math Type of Equation Editor.


In this question, we are interested in finding � such that �(�) = 0, where �(�) = � − ���(�) − 0.01

i. Use the fact that ���(�) ≈ � − �3 /3! to estimate when �(�) = 0.

ii. Apply two iteration of the Newton Raphson method to �(�) = 0. Use your estimate of the
solution from part (i) as �0 . Do your calculation to at least four decimal places.

iii. Which other method you have studied can converge to the solution faster than Newton Raphson
Method? On what basis you think your suggested method (if any) converge faster ?

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