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How do you view sex? Is it good or evil? Why do we have sexuality? What is the ultimate purpose of

Sex is a doing between a marriage person a husband and wife. It's a doing of a

two person who are in love. Sex is good but sometimes become evil. There’s nothing

wrong with sex. It's become evil because one individual makes it evil they use it in an

illegal doings. How people use it, that's it make's evil. Based on my study sexuality is a

sexual feeling thoughts attraction and behavior towards to other person. So we have

sexuality to add a people in this country. It helps to produce a nature-individual.

Moreover sexuality is an integral part of human being. Like other things in this world

there are also ultimate purpose of sexuality it is because its part of a human being. Also

it is a way to show a love affection and sexual intimacy to your reactions but these

doing are for married only. Also the purpose of it, based on my research is satisfaction.
Activity Sheet

Individual Reflection- How can we use our knowledge of sexuality in finding the

right partner/spouse for life?

This study is really helpful to the people on the society to find the right partner/

spouse in life. Sexuality education has a positive effect to the individual. Because it give

them an insight about the things that right and wrong. Its open each other’s mind to the

right deeds and to the wrong deeds we need to know in this also helps to.

Increase young’s people knowledge like us about this particular topic. Because in this study

it not only teach us about sex because it also teach us deeper than that sexuality is not only

a sex it is more than that. Sexuality is a understanding all about one's body. Your feelings

healthy relationship. It’s all about building caring a relationship and caring about other

people that we’ve encounter and be part of our life. It’s also teach us to be safe and

responsible because as they always say prevention is better than cure. I believe for us to find

the right partner in life we must be a right person first. After we make our self to the best

and better version of our life next thing we do we must find or analyze the right person thru

the help on this study. Because right person plus right person will leads into a healthy

relationship that will bring joy to the both of them. It leads to an everlasting happiness. That

no one can beat of an everlasting memories that will never fade in their heart mind and


What important or life-saving lessons have you learned from this topic?

There have a lot of life saving or importance that I've learn on this topic. First the

sexuality, sexuality is not all about sex. Because sexuality is differ from that. It's all

about our body, about a healthy relationship towards to someone and what loves looks

like. And its marks my mind that i will surely bring not only today but in my everyday

life. It is a lifetime knowledge that surely marks every one of us.

When i was young i thought that love is just a love between two opposite sex but

differ from that i don’t know. However today I've learned that love is more of an act of

the will and a commitment to bring hope faith and life to ones object. Love is very

mysterious that even some scientific explanation can't explain that’s why we feel that

way. Also love is not only a happiness feeling and unexplainable feelings towards to

someone. Because when we anger fear worry and caring that is also an explanation that

you're in love. Also fall out love is not true. The something is missing is not love that’s

the commitment to bring life to other person that was terminate for lack or loss of

respect towards to each other. And it’s really important to know about that because

love is number one priority and tool in our world. Furthermore, Love has four category

it is eros phileo estoge and agape. Eros is a romantic love and sexual love towards to
one specific person in our life. While the phileo is the love that we give to our friend.

Estorge is a love that we give to our families. While the agape is a godly form of love it's

has a wide explanation and deep explanation about in everything.

In my conclusion it’s really important for us to know about that thing because

that will help us and lead us to the right person that we need in our life and a person

the we've truly deserve. Love is something we know because love have a deep feelings

and explanation like an ocean deep


How can you be of help to the community, your family, or to someone who is struggling in this kind of
problem especially on sexual deviations and sexually transmitted diseases?

This study is really helpful to the people that dealing with sexual deviations and

sexually transmitted diseases. And i will be an instrument to cheer them up. Thru this

study i will give them some tips of advice that will help them. First i will say that there's

always a reason for everything. All things we've do is a result of our doing its either bad

or good. Second i will tell them what kind of process they've must do like they must

conduct to a professional doctor. Because as I’ve read on our module that having those

kind of disease is can also be lead to a mental disorder. Third i will show them and

share my knowledge about this topic that sexuality is not all about sex. Yes the problem

that they've faces is not that easy i think they have been thru a lot of pain judgments

from this cruel society for me the best thing that i can do is that i will motivate them

that all things happen in our life is plan by our god. Many these will teach us a lesson

that we've learned a lot from this. If ever that they heal from that disease stop doing the

thing that they've do to get this kind of disease. Nothing is impossible when you hold

and have faith in god

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