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Pearl Marinas

Sr. Mary Ann Jacobs

Education 206

December 9, 2022

Assessment Analysis Task


Nine of the fourteen students reached or nearly reached the learning target to correctly match

equations, tables, and graphs with their verbal description. Students know how to read the verbal

description, match it to its equation, find points using the equation to match it to its table, and

find the matching graph. Twelve of the students mastered matching the equations using the

verbal description. Ten students mastered matching the tables to their equation and verbal

description. Students need some work in matching the graphs with their corresponding tables,

equations, and verbal descriptions yet five students have mastered this. Two students did not

complete the assignment.

Next Steps:

Since four of the fourteen students need some more work to achieve the learning target, I feel we

can go over a few of the homework problems, specifically in matching the corresponding tables

and graphs to their verbal descriptions, in the next class. Twelve of the fourteen students are at

least in the developing stages with matching the equations, tables and graphs with their verbal

descriptions. The area that needs the most improvement is matching the graphs with their verbal

descriptions. I will focus students on using verbal descriptions and their equations of functions to

create their own tables and graphs. Students 2 and 5 may need additional support in completing

this homework assignment. I think these students will understand this topic better once they
master creating their own tables and graphs using verbal descriptions and equations of functions

that will be provided to them.

In a future lesson pertaining to this standard, I would provide students with written instructions

for how to match equations, tables, and graphs with their verbal descriptions, and go over them

step-by-step as we complete the problems as a class. I would also give students a score point

evaluative criteria instead of a full/partial credit evaluative criteria to better assess how students

are progressing toward the learning target.

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