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ADVT8141 F21 Assign5 IMC Online Plan 25%

Online IMC Plan

Length of Report: 8-12 pages due Week 14
Group assignment (3 students)

For this assignment students will create a 1-year Online IMC Proposal for one of the
companies listed below. Students are responsible for explaining each of the 6 sections

Budget: $25,000.

1. Website & Social Media Review /10

 Observation on website & social channels
 Recommendations or improvements
 Anything that needs changing to make new IMC plan work?

2. Overarching Goal & Smart Objectives /10

 Overarching Goal: Explain your specific campaign, where you will focus
your efforts and why
 Include at least 5 smart & measurable objectives that align with your
overarching goal (include tactics)
 Identify a good target market using database tools like Vividata and
databases like Business Source Complete found in the Conestoga
College Library. You can’t build a content strategy without a
properly researched target market. Provide a well-researched target
market and develop a target persona. Two paragraph minimum
properly cited in Conestoga College APA style

3. Content Strategy /15

 1 chart about types of content, themes, and platforms (1-week or 1-month
 Written explanation about themes, types of content and why it should work
with your chosen target audience
 Mention any distinct campaigns happening throughout the year
 Create at least 1 mock social media post
ADVT8141 F21 Assign5 IMC Online Plan 25%

4. Overall Budget /10

 A) Provide general itemized overall yearly budget (specific campaigns,
digital ads, SEO, freelancers, events etc.)
 Organize by month or expense category
ADVT8141 F21 Assign5 IMC Online Plan 25%

5. Digital Ad Chart /10

 Show with your chart where you will advertise by platform
 Provide cost of each ad type
 Provide estimates of what you expect on returns
 Include keywords when using Google Search Ads
 Create at least 1 mock digital ad (social media or Google)

6. Gantt Chart or Yearly Overview /10

 Provide a simple timeline, chart or calendar to show important dates,
content and activities throughout yearly IMC Plan

Company IMC Choices:

(One client per group. Must be approved by the instructor,)

1. Hockey Helps the Homeless KW
2. SunLife Financial HQ -Waterloo
3. Fiddleheads Health and Nutrition
4. Mercedes-Benz Kitchener-Waterloo
5. Pin Up Arcade Bar
6. Roadtrek Brand Kitchener
Waterloo 7. Kitchener’s Farmers
8. Go Bananas Rock Climbing
9. Sportcheck KW
10. The Bleacher
11. BEP Business & Education Partnership
12. Movati Kitchener

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