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1. Teacher : Who can answer the question?

Students : What is your question, miss?
Teacher : ... I will read it once more.
Students : Yes, miss.
a. Raise your hand!
b. Open your book!
c. Listen carefully!
d. Look at me!
2. You ... study hard for the test tomorrow.
a. Should
b. Mustn’t
c. Can
d. Don’t
3. All the students ... obey the school rules.
a. Don’t have to
b. Don’t has to
c. Have to
d. Has to
4. You ... stop at the red light.
a. Should
b. Can
c. Can not
d. Must
5. Rearrange the words into good sentence.
Must – late – to – be – we – not – school
a. We not be late must to school
b. Not be late to must we school
c. We must not late be to school
d. We must not be late to school
6. Situation : Alfredo is having cold.
Doctor’s advice below is correct, except…
a. You should take a bed rest
b. I suggest you to eat chicken soup
c. I advise you to eat ice cream more
d. My advice is to wear mask outside, to protect yourself and other people.
7. Situation : Your friend needs a book for his homework. But he doesn’t have enough money to
buy it.
What will you suggest him?
a. You should borrow from our seniors or school library
b. I think you shouldn’t do the homework.
c. What if we go to the zoo?
d. You ought to get some rest.
8. You must keep the school clean.
The underline word is opposite with ...
a. Purify
b. Dirty
c. Spotless
d. Net
9. Which sign correctlywith the sentence "Drivers mustn't park their cars here".



10. Khairunnisa : What should we do when a teacher is talking?
Morgan : You . . .
a. Must close your eyes
b. Mustn't tell others
c. Must listen to her
d. Must talk to her
For questions number 11 - 15
Hii ... My name is Keysa. I want to describe briefly a building I have visited recently. The most
thing about the building is the shape. It's in the shape of a giant turtle. I loved the shape of the building.
It's so realistic. To enter the building, visitors had to pay Rp17,500 for adults and Rp12,500 for children.
Inside the building, we were able to enjoy facilities, such as a giant aquarium with sharks, turtles and
various fish in it, educational games, and a 3 dimensions film booth. I also liked the aquarium; the fish
inside the aquarium seemed so close to the visitors. However, I didn't like the educational game section
because almost all the games didn't work. The officer in the room was not helpful at all. He just sat in his
chair and did nothing. Even worse, he was smoking, although there was a "No Śmoking" sign in the area”

11. An adult . . . to pay Rp17,500 to enter the building.

a. Will
b. Must
c. Should
d. Has to
12. The visitor . . .visit the giant aquarium to see sharks, turtles, and various fish.
a. Should
b. Must not
c. Should not
d. Don’t have to
13.  The management . . . the education games.
a. should prepare
b. Must not give
c. Must place
d. Must fix
14. The officer . . . the visitors.
a. Must stay
b. Should help
c. Must not come
d.  Should not invite
15. The officer . . . inside the building.
a. Must not smoke
b. Have to smoke
c. Should smoke
d. Must smoke
16. . . . many vegetables in the market and you can buy it.
a. There are
b. There is
c. That
d. How
17. I find so many cars, but . . . one car that I like.
a. There are
b. There is
c. That
d. How
18. . . . many students in the classroom?
a. Are there
b. Is there
c. Have
d. Has
19. Rearrange the following words into good sentence!
I – under – my – the table – put – shoes
a. I put my shoes under the table
b. I put the table under my shoes
c. The table I put under my shoes
d. My shoes I put under the table
20. . . . I use your dictionary
a. Must
b. Don’t
c. Have to
d. May
21. . . . the door when you leave the room.
a. Open
b. Close
c. Put
d. Enter
22. Emily : Can I use your ruler ?
Jordan : ………… I’m using it now
a. I’m sure
b. I’m alright
c.  I’m sorry
d. I’m fine

The correct command for the above situation is ………..
a.  Don’t do that
b.  Clean the window
c. Open the door
d. Open the window
24. Wisnu : Turn off the light, please!
Handokosta : Ok
The underline sentence is the expression of . . .
a. Giving Instruction
b. Asking Invitation
c. Refusing Permission
d. obligation
25.  Nazwa : May I ask you a question ?
Imam : … What do you want to know ?    
a.  Be quiet
b. Sure
c. Of course not
d. Leave me alone
26. “ Mari kita kerjakan tugas kelompok kita sore ini!”
The correct sentence into good English is . . .
a. Let’s do our homework this afternoon
b. Let’s do it together
c. Let’s do our pairwork this afternoon.
d. Let’s do it, we will do it
27. These expressions are for invitation, except . . .
a. Would you come to the Elbert’s birthday with us?
b. Do you want to go with me?
c. Why don’t you join our club?
d. Raise your hands!
28. To give instruction we say….
a.  Don’t be noisy
b. Can I join you?
c. Will you come?
d. Thanks
For questions numbers 29 - 33
Birthday Invitation
Come To My Party
To: my friend “Alloy”
You are invited to My 13th birthday party
Date    : Friday, December 9, 2022
Time    : 04.00 p.m.
Address: K.H.Dewantara No. 2 Pandan

29. Based on the invitation card above, choose the kind of party that is held:
a. Birthday party
b. Born day party
c. Graduation party
d. Special party
30. Where the party will be held ....
a. At K.H. Dewantara no 1 Pandan
b. At K.H. Dewantara no 2 Pandan
c. At K.H. Dewantara no 3 Pandan
d. At K.H. Dewantara no 4 Pandan
31. The following things are include in the birthday invitation, EXCEPT....
a. Time
b. Date
c. Gift
d. address
32. The party belongs to ....
a.  My friend
b. K.H. Dewantara
c. Alloy
d. Elisabeth
33. The party will be held at ....
a. 03.00 in the afternoon
b. 02.00 in the morning
c.  01.00 in the morning
d. 04.00 in the afternoon
34. Sahata’s birthday is today. Kevin wants to greet him. What will Kevin write to Sahata on the greeting
card? Choose the most proper expression from the options below:
a. Lets join my party Sahata.
b. Happy birthday Sahata
c. Congratulation on your success Sahata
d. Happy graduation Sahata
35. The following are some expressions to ask for attention, except :
a. Attention please!
b. Look at me!
c. Listen to me please.
d. Is it clear?
36. “Do you know what I mean?”
The suitable expression to respond the sentence above is…
a. Do you follow me?
b. Are you following me?
c. I see what you’re saying.
d. Are you with me?
a. What's that?
b. You're right!
c. Thank you!
d. Listen!
38. Sista : . . . about the math test?
Marda : It’s too hard to do. I couldn’t answer number 3.
a. In your opinion
b. Would you agree
c. What do you think
d. I believe
39. Maria : Sherly, what a nice dress! You look stunning!
Sherly :…
These are some appropriate responses, except …
a. I’m glad you like it.
b. Thank you.
c. That’s very nice of you to say so.
d. You’re so jealous.
40. Which of the following sentence is used to ask for a suggestion?
a. What should I do?
b. think you shouldn’t do that.
c. I don’t think so.
d. I think you should ask for a suggestion

1 C 11 B 21 B 31 C
2 A 12 A 22 C 32 D
3 C 13 D 23 D 33 D
4 D 14 B 24 A 34 B
5 D 15 A 25 B 35 A
6 C 16 A 26 C 36 C
7 A 17 B 27 D 37 A
8 B 18 A 28 A 38 C
9 B 19 A 29 A 39 D
10 C 20 D 30 B 40 A


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