Weather and Climate Rubric

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Evaluation: Research and Poster 20 Points for each person in the group.

Total points - 20 for exceptional, 15 for Satisfactory, 10 for

Progressing, and 5 for Needs Improvement.

Exceptional Satisfactory Progressing Needs Improvement

Completion of The student’s The student’s The student’s The student’s

Research research is research is quite research is research is
exceptionally thorough and well sparse and incomplete.
thorough and thought- out. not very well
well thought- thought-out.

Poster The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is

well organized, organized, neat, somewhat unorganized, or is
neat, entertaining and organized, lacking critical
entertaining and informational. neat, information.
highly entertaining
informational. and

Class Students seems Students seem Student Student does not

Presentation very quite seems seem very
knowledgeable knowledgeable somewhat knowledgeable about
about their about their knowledgeabl their research and
research and research and e about their topic.
topic. topic. research and

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