reflectionsheetED3313 Stevemaze

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Jan 15- Response: 

I found today's class quite interesting. I was surprised at how much detail went into
an actual individual Lesson plan. It's quite impressive and inspirational. To handle creating a plan of
action, that is focused on a specific group of children, it is an awesome undertaking! The sheer scope of
the problems that face new teachers along with the added resources needed to create proper lesson
plans is at best tenuous. It will be great to take part in the actual process to produce outcomes to
address those limitations in the education system of today. I was surprised yes to see that although the
province supplies guidelines the individual teacher in all sense really defines how successful the lesson
plan will or will not be.

Jan – what I learned as we went through the lesson plan, was how important it was to create an equal
playing field for every child in our school system. That we, as teachers, do our part by implementing
those practices in our classrooms. I would say it’s works in the way of many cogs in the system greater
part of a whole, essentially the old adage holds true that with many hands you make work easy! Most
importantly we can’t do that unless we get together with the kids and and genuinely collaborate with
the hopes of maybe actually hearing but they have to say. It’s through this open discourse that will find
the answers that allow us to provide a safe learning environment where it’s OK to be wrong and even
better they have questions.

Feb 6-

Response: The event last week was a lot of fun. It's quite shocking at the amount of
different teaching methods. I particularly found blooms taxonomy and VAK to be
extremely interesting. Both those topics captured my attention, and I was doing
some further research on my own. I can see these two methods being something to
rely on in my own future teachings. It has always been the case for me that as much
as I know about a topic, I always learn the most about said topic, when I had the
opportunity to teach it. If I had to lay claim to any of the teaching methods, I imagine
mine would be some sort of hybrid method between project-based learning and
VAK. If I could teach in a shop environment like I am hoping, then I can see this
relating even more so not that I could not implement it in an academic type of
environment. In my opinion both VAK and project-based learning, when it concerns
running a shop these teaching methods would be right down my alley. Especially
when it comes to teaching electrical I can already picture so many distinct types of
lessons that would apply. My key take away is the same as when I started
unfortunately and that is I still have a heck of a lot to learn when it comes to being
an educator... 

12 & 19- Reflecting back on what we learned during those two fast weeks, I keep coming up with you
need to work from the end back… It makes the lessons we plan take on such meaning if we see each as a
journey of discovery that must have a start middle and end. When we bring our lesson full circle and
give our closings meaning, then it might just leave a lasting impression on the kids. We need to take the
time to check in with the people we teach and make sure they are understanding the material. I’ll totally
admit when we first started I was completely lost with the teaching As for and of But it’s just like you
said that you provide everything we need to understand and the rest comes, which it eventually did. I
hope down the road all understand how those apply in better context I’m gonna come to applying that
in lesson plans.

The second part to this follows the first in this way. We reflect on what we’re teaching to learn if its
working or at least to try and gain insight so we look at lesson plans with an unbiased opinion. We don’t
get the hard truths if we don’t ask the hard questions. And with the lessons being very clear on what is
required or what’s needed applying that to what you’re assessing I’m making sure that your lesson plans
have all the angles is in a way continuing our education. I’ve always been big I’m being self taught and
learning for yourself my grandfather used to say knowledge is only as far as knowing where to look for it
or knowing where to find the book. By constantly assessing our own work and I’m sure at times
involving our peers it’s just another form of constructive growth.

Feb 27- All the projects we so great. My first impression was just how many different approaches to the
same idea a person could come up with. The Key takeaway, I seem to be stuck on, is the sheer vastness
of all the methods. I’ll have no excuse to not be an effective educator… we could of included a more
involved class project to garner our hook. Either way i really enjoyed the process, the hands on helps it

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