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Mind Map

Postgraduate build First floor Second floor

Fourth floor Third floor

Out Line

1. Postgraduate build:
 It has 4 floor
 It has lift
 It has ladder
2. First floor:
 It has mosque
 It has waiting room
 It has lecture room
 It has place receptionist
 It has toilet
 It has study room like P.1.1, P.1.2,P.1.3
3. Second floor:
 It has session room
 It has warehouse
 It has laboratory pais
 It has study room like P.2.1, P2.2,P2.3,P2.4
4. Third floor:
 It has toilet
 It has study room like P.3.1, P3.2,P3.3,P3.4,P3.5,P3.6 and P. Micropais
5. Fourth floor
 It has waiting room
 It has meeting room
 It has toilet
 It has the main courtroom
 It has 1 room until 6 room and room kitchen
Postgraduate build

Locations of postgraduate build in north library center IAIN Surakarta. In front of

postgraduate build there are talok tree and many flower. The build has green color. Postgraduate
build not only used by student postgraduate, but also to use by undergraduate. It has 4 floors. It
has lift and ladder. Usually many people use ladder to arrive third or fourth floor, because the lift
rarely to work.
University students are in postgraduate build not must go to mosque to pray. Because in
first floor of postgraduate build has mosque can used to pray together. There are has waiting
room, so we can wait our friend or free wifi in there. There are has lecture room, rarely the
lecture be in there. There are has place receptionist, if we want to know information about
someone or classes we can ask in there. There are has toilet, but the toilet is dirty and the door is
broken. The study room in first floor there are P1.1, P1.2, P1.3 usually used by postgraduate
university students.
Second floor of postgraduate build has session room, but the room is rarely to use. There
are has warehouse, if we need OB we can go to second floor. The study room in second floor
there are P2.1, P2.2, P2.3 the room usually used to emergency class.
In the third floor just has study room and toilet, the study room there are P.3.1, P3.2,
P3.3, P3.4, P3.5, P3.6 and P. Micropais. The room usually used by students undergraduate for
English Education. Because the faculty of English Education has not private build, so they study
in postgraduate build. And then toilet, but the toilet cannot to use.
Fourth floor on postgraduate build usually used when there are events. There is no main
courtroom very wide, which can accommodate many seminar participants. Only used for
seminars, there are also used for other events. There also have toilets. There is also a mosque,
kitchen and rooms. But most of it is never used.
Postgraduate build of IAIN Surakarta is not only used by postgraduate students but also
used by undergraduate. If someone who visited Surakarta IAIN don’t forgot to stop by the
building graduate to look or free wifi.

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