Drivers Ed Module 11 LP

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ODU-DCOEPS Core Instructional Lesson/Unit Plan

By Old Dominion University College of Education and Professional Studies

Teacher Candidate:  Phillip Ellis Date Taught:  11/3/2022

Cooperating  Ms. Cinnamond School / District:  VBCPS


Grade:  10th Field Supervisor:  Mrs. Makovec

Unit / Subject:  Drivers Education

Lesson Title / Focus:  Distracted Driving


Content Knowledge
This lesson ways designed from my own experience as a licensed driver and the slides given by
the DMV. All assessments were created according to the standards of learning set out by the
Virginia Department of Education.

Learner Differences
Students will have access to all the material to read along with the lesson in place of watching
the PowerPoints. For cultural background differences I would love to learn from my own
students, therefore it gives me a chance to learn what may be different from this society. Driving
trends change over time and it may shed some light on the topic.

SWBAT identify distractions inside their own vehicle that can distract them from driving.

SWBAT explain ways they can be proactive in preventing themselves from being distracted
while driving.

SWBAT identify external distractions while driving. I

SWBAT discuss the importance of not texting and driving with the rest of their peers in a way to
create a plan to prevent the action at a local and federal level.

DE.13 The student will identify visual, auditory, manual, and cognitive distractions that divert
attention from the driving task and analyze how divided visual and mental attention contribute
to driver error. Key concepts/skills include
a) researching and evaluating the most dangerous distracted driving behaviors (e.g.,
texting, setting navigation systems, reading emails, adjusting radio and other controls,
eating, drinking, smoking, personal grooming);
b) gathering and analyzing strategies to prevent distractions that take the driver’s eyes off
the road and hands off the wheel;
c) identifying interior distractions (e.g., interactive technologies, passengers, pets, insects);
d) evaluating the impact of exterior distractions ( e.g., looking at crash scenes, places of
interest, billboards, emergency vehicles); and
e) demonstrating an understanding of distracted driving laws and analyzing the cost of
distracted driving.
Resources and Materials
Sticky Notes
Chromebooks to fill out the study guide

Laptop for Canvas and presenting the slides


Learning Environment
The entirety of the lesson will take place in the health classroom. I encourage questions and
inquiry. I hope to spark discussion during the table talks and the introduction.

Instant Activity
This or That Activity: Students will write on a sticky note what they think can be a distraction to
their driving and put the sticky note on the board. We will then split the room according to what
they think is a worse distraction to their driving. Random students will be called on to support
and defend their decision.

The lesson will start and be introduced with the topic of driving distractions and the reasons why
the students think those things can disrupt their driving. I will introduce the learning targets and
the SOLs

Instructional Strategies
Most of this lesson will be taught in a direct manor, where I will “lecture” from the slide show.
Students will become involved during the activities and discussions that will be enticed through
questions and testimonials of personal experience.

As a group we will reflect on the lesson and how it can help impact our futures as drivers and
what they think they could learn from the lesson as they transfer to license drivers. I will
introduce the next topic of aggravated driving and they will complete the table talk by posting to
the discussion board on Canvas.

Differentiation How will you adjust instruction, including incorporating technology, to meet the
needs of a diverse set of learners?

When the entirety of the 11th module is completed there will be a summative assignment in the
form of a test. As for this lesson itself the students will be graded on the formative assignments
such as table talks, the instant activities, and the class discussions.



What could we have done to manage the class better?

Was there maximum involvement in all the activities? 
What changes could be made to improve the overall effectiveness of the lesson

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