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14 Light, Colours and Beyond

14.1 Light rays from an object efer to Textbook
Sectional Exercise

A. True or false (3 marks)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. We can see non-luminous objects only when they reflect light from other light sources.
2. We can see the stars at night because they reflect light from the Sun.
3. The light rays from a distant object are parallel.
Integrated Exercise

B. Fill in the blanks (3 marks)

1. The objects that give out their own light are called (a) . The objects
that do not give out their own light are called (b) .

2. Light travels in a line.

C. Multiple-choice (4 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.
Spelling Corner

1. Which of the following objects is/are luminous object(s)?

(1) A sparkling diamond (2) Burning candles (3) The Moon

A. (1) only
B. (2) only
C. (1) and (3) only
D. (2) and (3) only

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Light, Colours and Beyond 14

2. Edward is using a smartphone. Which of the following diagrams correctly shows how he sees
the image on the monitor of the smartphone?
A. B.

Sectional Exercise
C. D.

Integrated Exercise
3. Which of the following statements can explain the lunar eclipse?
(1) The Moon is a non-luminous object.
(2) Light travels in a straight line.
(3) Light travels very fast.
A. (1) only B. (3) only
C. (1) and (2) only D. (2) and (3) only

4. In the diagram below, a torch is shone towards two objects X and Y placed in front of
a screen.

Spelling Corner


Which of the following diagrams correctly shows the shadow formed on the screen?
A. B. C. D.

lunar eclipse  月蝕
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14 Light, Colours and Beyond

D. Questions (6 marks)
1. Vicky is looking at the Clock Tower in Tsim Sha Tsui. In the diagram on the right below, draw
two cones of light rays to the eye to show how she sees the entire Clock Tower. (2 marks)

Clock Tower
Sectional Exercise

2. In the experiment below, a pencil is placed between a light bulb and a screen. The shadow
of the pencil is formed on the screen. Assume that light is emitted from the centre of the bulb.

(a) Draw light rays in the diagram below to show how the shadow of the pencil is formed.
Indicate the position of the shadow clearly. (2 marks)
Integrated Exercise


light bulb
Spelling Corner

(b) If the pencil is placed nearer to the screen, how does the size of the shadow change?
Draw light rays in the diagram below to help explain your answer. (2 marks)

light bulb

13 N

The shadow .

Total Score :   / 16

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Light, Colours and Beyond 14

14.2 Reflection efer to Textbook


A. True or false (3 marks)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. The incident ray, reflected ray and normal all lie on the same plane.
2. The image formed by a plane mirror is of the same size as the object only when the

Sectional Exercise
object is placed near to the mirror.
3. The image formed by a periscope is upright and not laterally inverted.

B. Fill in the blanks (6 marks)

1. The image formed by a plane mirror is (a) , (b) and

(c) . Also, the image has the (d) size as the
object and the image distance is (e) the object distance.

Integrated Exercise
2. A virtual image (can/cannot) be captured on a screen.

C. Multiple-choice (5 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. In the figure below, Scout P signals to scout Q using a plane mirror to reflect the Sun’s
ray. Which of the following diagrams best shows the mirror’s position to reflect the ray to
scout Q?
scout P (holding

Spelling Corner
a plane mirror) Sun’s ray

scout Q

A. B. C. D.

Sun’s ray
Sun’s ray
Sun’s ray Sun’s ray

scout Q

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14 Light, Colours and Beyond

2. A light ray is directed to a plane mirror lying against a wall as shown below. What is the angle
of incidence of the light ray?

Sectional Exercise

A. 30° B. 45°
C. 60° D. Cannot be determined

3. A boy is standing in front of a plane mirror 3 m away. If he moves towards the mirror by 1 m,
the distance between him and his image becomes
A. 2 m.
B. 4 m.
C. 7 m.
Integrated Exercise

D. 8 m.

4. The photo below shows the time shown on a clock as seen in a plane mirror.

plane mirror
Spelling Corner

What is the actual time shown on the clock?

A. 20:50 B. 20:05
C. 05:20 D. 05:02

5. Which of the following is/are made possible by reflection of light?

(1) We see ourselves in mirrors.
(2) A light ray travels in a straight line in air.
(3) You see the words printed on this page.
A. (1) only B. (2) only
C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only

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Light, Colours and Beyond 14

D. Questions (23 marks)

1. A light ray p strikes a plane mirror at an angle of incidence of 40° as shown.


light ray p

Sectional Exercise
(a) In the above diagram, (2 marks)

(i) what is the name of line MN?

(ii) what is the angle of reflection?

(b) The mirror is now rotated by 10° as shown below. The light ray p is kept unchanged.

M 10º

Integrated Exercise

light ray p

(i) Draw the reflected ray in the above diagram. (1 mark)

(ii) What is the angle between the incident and reflected rays? (1 mark)

Spelling Corner
(c) Comparing (a) and (b), when the mirror is rotated by 10°, what is the angle by which the
reflected ray has rotated? (2 marks)

2. In the following cases, draw the images formed by the plane mirrors. (2 marks)

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14 Light, Colours and Beyond

3. Kancy has drawn the ray diagram below to show how an image is formed by a plane mirror.
However, she has made FOUR mistakes in the diagram.

Sectional Exercise


Point out the FOUR mistakes. (4 marks)

Integrated Exercise

4. As shown below, Jenny is standing in front of a plane mirror fixed on a wall.

plane mirror

light ray p
Spelling Corner

(a) In the diagram above, sketch Jenny’s image formed by the mirror by drawing an arrow.
(2 marks)

(b) Light ray p is a reflected ray travelling to Jenny’s eye from the bottom edge of the mirror.
It comes from Jenny’s body. Complete this light ray. (1 mark)

(c) Jenny cannot see the lower part of her body in the mirror. In the above diagram, indicate
the position of this part. (1 mark)

(d) If Jenny moves away from the mirror, what happens to the size of her image? (1 mark)

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Light, Colours and Beyond 14

5. In the ray diagram below, a letter ‘L’ is placed in front of a plane mirror.

light ray m

Sectional Exercise
Q light ray n

Integrated Exercise
(a) In the ray diagram, mark the images of points P, Q and R, and name them as P’, Q’ and
R’ respectively. (3 marks)

(b) Hence, draw the image of the letter ‘L’. (1 mark)

(c) In the ray diagram, draw the reflected rays of the light rays m and n emitted from points
P and Q. (2 marks)

Total Score :   / 37

14.3 Refraction Spelling Corner

efer to Textbook

A. True or false (4 marks)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. When a light rays travels from air into another medium, both reflection and refraction
of light occur.
2. In general, a light ray bends away from the normal when travelling from air into water.
3. Glass has a larger refractive index than air.
4. To an observer above water, objects under water appear deeper in the water.

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14 Light, Colours and Beyond

B. Fill in the blanks (3 marks)

1. When a light ray travels from a medium to another, it (a) at the boundary
between the media. This is called (b) of light.

2. When a light ray travels from air into a medium, the degree of bending of the light ray
depends on the of the medium.
Sectional Exercise

C. Multiple-choice (3 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. In the diagram below, a light ray is striking a rectangular glass block in air. Which of the
following best represents the emergent ray from the glass block?

glass block
Integrated Exercise



2. In the following diagrams, the light rays travel from air into other media (I, II, III or IV).
In which diagram is the refractive index of the medium the largest?

A. B.
Spelling Corner

air 20º air 30º

medium I medium II
70º 70º

C. D.

40º 50º
air air
medium III medium IV
70º 70º

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Light, Colours and Beyond 14

3. As shown below, a man is looking at a fish in a lake. He sees that the fish is at
position I. Which of the following positions is the fish actually at?

Sectional Exercise


D. Questions (4 marks)
1. In an experiment, Winnie places a glass block on a book and looks at the picture printed on

Integrated Exercise
the book through the block. The diagram below shows two light rays from the picture.

glass block

Spelling Corner
(a) Complete the ray diagram above and find the position of the image of the picture.
Mark the image with I. (2 marks)

(b) Does Winnie see the picture higher or lower than its actual position? (1 mark)

(c) If the glass block is replaced with another transparent block with a smaller refractive
index, will the image of the picture be higher or lower than the image in (a)? (1 mark)

Total Score :   / 14

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14 Light, Colours and Beyond

E x te n s
14.4 Total internal reflection ion efer to Textbook

A. True or false (3 marks)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. Total internal reflection will not occur when light travels from air to glass.
2. A transparent material with a larger refractive index has a larger critical angle.
3. In a curved optical fibre, a light ray travels in a curved line.
Sectional Exercise

B. Fill in the blanks (5 marks)

1. Conditions for total internal reflection to occur:

• Light travels from a (a) towards (b) ,
but not the other way round.
• The angle of incidence is (c) than the (d) angle.
Integrated Exercise

2. In periscopes, prisms instead of plane mirrors are used to reflect light.

C. Multiple-choice (4 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. The critical angle of glass is 40°. Which of the following is/are possible?
(1) (2) (3)
Spelling Corner

30º glass glass glass
air 30º air air

A. (1) only B. (1) and (3) only

C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

2. Total internal reflection of light can explain

(1) why a ruler appears bent when dipped in water.
(2) how an optical fibre works.
(3) why a diamond sparkles.
A. (1) only B. (3) only
C. (1) and (2) only D. (2) and (3) only

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Light, Colours and Beyond 14

3. Which of the following is/are applications of prisms?

(1) Safety reflector (2) Endoscope (3) Binoculars

Sectional Exercise
A. (1) only B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

4. Which of the following is/are the advantage(s) of using prisms over plane mirrors in periscopes?
(1) The image is erect.
(2) Clearer images can be formed.
(3) The image formed is of the same size as the object.
A. (2) only

B. (3) only

Integrated Exercise
C. (1) and (2) only
D. (2) and (3) only

D. Questions (12 marks)

1. In an experiment, Oscar directs a light ray towards a semi-circular glass block in different
angles, as shown below. The critical angle of glass is 40.5°.

Spelling Corner

semi-circular glass block semi-circular glass block

(a) Draw light rays in the above diagram to show what Oscar can observe. (3 marks)

(b) Name the phenomenon that occurs in the case on the right above. (1 mark)

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14 Light, Colours and Beyond

2. A cat’s eye works by making use of prisms. The ray diagram below shows the prism in a cat’s
eye. A light ray from a car’s headlamp travels to the prism.


cat’s eye
Sectional Exercise

(a) Complete the light ray in the above diagram until it leaves the prism. (Given: critical
angle of the prism is 41.8°) (3 marks)

(b) Hence, compare the paths of the light rays travelling to and the one emerging from the
prism in the cat’s eye. (1 mark)
The paths of the two light rays are (parallel/not parallel).
Integrated Exercise

3. An ornament ‘fibre flower’ consists of transparent plastic fibres at the top and a light source
at the bottom. The fibres can ‘guide’ light from the light source to the top of the ‘flower’ in a
similar way as optical fibres. Assume that the fibres work ideally.

plastic fibre
plastic fibre
Spelling Corner

light source

(a) In the ray diagram above, a light ray from the light source is entering a plastic fibre.
Complete the ray diagram. (2 marks)

(b) Tiffany suggests that the fibres should be coated with a non-transparent silvery material.
Otherwise, light will ‘leak’ out of the fibres as they are transparent. Briefly comment
on this. (2 marks)
Tiffany’s suggestion is (i) (necessary/unnecessary) as light

Total Score :   / 24

All answers
Light, Colours and Beyond 14

14.5 Lenses efer to Textbook


A. True or false (5 marks)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. If the distance between the two principal foci of a lens is 20 cm, the focal length is 10 cm.
E 2. All light rays passing through a convex lens will pass through the principal focus.

Sectional Exercise
E 3. The image formed by a convex lens is always magnified.
E 4. The magnification of a diminished image is smaller than 1.
5. Convex lenses can be used in the glasses for correcting long sight.

B. Fill in the blanks (8 marks)

1. A convex lens can be used to (a) (converge/diverge) light while a concave

lens can be used to (b) light.

Integrated Exercise
E 2. A (a) image can be captured on a screen while a (b)
image cannot.

E 3. We can use (a) to show the size of an image compared to the size of the
object. Its value is
• larger than 1 for a (b) image.
• equal to 1 for an image of the (c) as the object.
• smaller than 1 for a (d) image.

Spelling Corner
C. Multiple-choice (5 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.

E 1. Which of the following diagrams correctly show(s) the construction rule(s) of a concave lens?
(1) (2) (3)

F' F F' F F' F

A. (2) only B. (1) and (2) only

C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only

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14 Light, Colours and Beyond

E 2. In the following ray diagram, a light ray from the object O passes through a convex lens.
What is the position of the image formed?

Sectional Exercise

5 cm

A. 7.5 cm on the left of the lens

B. 15 cm on the right of the lens
Integrated Exercise

C. 30 cm on the left of the lens

D. No image is formed because the light rays from object O will not converge after passing
through the lens

E 3. Which of the following about the nature of the images formed by concave lenses must be
A. Virtual, erect and diminished
B. Virtual, inverted and magnified
C. Real, erect and magnified
D. Cannot be determined as the nature varies with the position of the object
Spelling Corner

E 4. As shown below, a lens is used to view the word ‘LIGHT’. What is the magnification of the
image formed?

A. 0.5
B. 1
C. 2
D. 4

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Light, Colours and Beyond 14

5. Which of the following is NOT an application of convex lenses?

A. Cameras B. Microscopes
C. Glasses for correcting long sight D. Peepholes

D. Questions (29 marks)

E 1. Valerie wants to measure the focal length of a convex lens (cylindrical) by directing a light ray

Sectional Exercise
to the lens. Briefly describe the procedure. Also, draw a ray diagram in the box provided to
help you describe. (5 marks)
Direct the light ray to the lens in the direction
of the lens. Then, mark the point where the light ray
(b) on the right of
the lens. Measure the distance between (c)
. This is the focal length.

Integrated Exercise
E 2. As shown below, an object O is placed at 6 cm from a concave lens of focal length 4 cm.

ray h

Spelling Corner
1 cm

(a) Draw light rays to construct the image formed by the lens. (Ignore ray h here.) (3 marks)

(b) State the nature of the image formed. (3 marks)

(c) Find the magnification of the image. (2 marks)

(d) In the above diagram, complete the light ray h. (1 mark)

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14 Light, Colours and Beyond

E 3. As shown in the photo, a lens is used to view a number ‘5’.

(a) From the photo, state TWO nature of the image

formed. (2 marks)

(b) Briefly explain what type of lens is used. (2 marks)

Sectional Exercise

E 4. James has made the DIY smartphone projector shown below. He can use it to project the
image on his smartphone screen (playing movies) onto the wall of his own bedroom.

Integrated Exercise

lens box

towards the wall

(a) (i) Is the image on the wall a real or virtual image? (1 mark)

(ii) Hence, explain which type of lens should be used in the projector. (2 marks)
Spelling Corner

(b) In the ray diagram below, draw light rays to construct the image formed by the lens of
the projector. (3 marks)

lens (type of lens is not shown)

(smartphone screen) principal axis

F' F

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Light, Colours and Beyond 14

(c) From the result in (b), state the nature of the image formed. (3 marks)

(d) The smartphone should be placed inverted in the projector. Why? (2 marks)

Sectional Exercise
Total Score :   / 47

14.6 Electromagnetic spectrum and visible light efer to Textbook


A. True or false (6 marks)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

Integrated Exercise
1. Visible light occupies a narrow part in the electromagnetic spectrum.
2. There are only seven coloured lights in sunlight.
3. When passing through a prism, violet light bends more than red light.
4. The wavelength of green light is shorter than that of red light.
E 5. Blue shirts appear blue since they absorb blue light.
E 6. Primary coloured lights are red, yellow and blue lights.

Spelling Corner
B. Fill in the blanks (8 marks)

1. Different types of (a) are arranged in the

electromagnetic spectrum according to their (b) .

2. When white light passes through a prism, it is separated into different coloured lights.
This phenomenon is called (a) . The range of coloured lights produced is
called the (b) or (c) .

E 3. When an object is shone with light, it (a) some of the coloured lights and
(b) the rest. The colour of the object is determined by the colour of the
(c) light.

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14 Light, Colours and Beyond

C. Multiple-choice (2 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. When a green light ray with single wavelength passes through a prism,


green light ray

Sectional Exercise

A. a complete colour spectrum is produced.

B. a colour spectrum with missing green colour is produced.
C. a spectrum of different tones of green colour is produced.
D. a green light ray emerges from the prism.

E 2. Black ink appears black because

A. it absorbs black light.
Integrated Exercise

B. it reflects black light.

C. it absorbs all coloured lights shone on it.
D. it reflects all coloured lights shone on it.

D. Questions (26 marks)

E 1. Three beams of primary coloured lights are mixed together as shown in the following diagram.
Label the unknown colours. (4 marks)
Spelling Corner


(b) (c)

(d) cyan green

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

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Light, Colours and Beyond 14

E 2. (a) Each object below is shone with red, green and blue lights. Complete the table below to
show the coloured lights absorbed or reflected by the object. One has been done for you
as an example. (8 marks)

Coloured light(s) absorbed Coloured light(s) reflected

Red apple R  G  B  Nil R  G  B  Nil

Green leaf R  G  B  Nil R  G  B  Nil

Sectional Exercise
Blue shirt R  G  B  Nil R  G  B  Nil

White plate R  G  B  Nil R  G  B  Nil

Black charcoal R  G  B  Nil R  G  B  Nil

(R = red, G = green, B = blue; Nil = no light)

(b) If the objects in (a) are replaced by the objects below, how would the answer change?
Complete the table. (4 marks)

Coloured light(s) absorbed Coloured light(s) reflected

Integrated Exercise
Yellow banana R  G  B  Nil R  G  B  Nil
Cyan balloon R  G  B  Nil R  G  B  Nil
Magenta flower R  G  B  Nil R  G  B  Nil
(R = red, G = green, B = blue; Nil = no light)

E 3. The diagram below shows the colours of different parts of a shirt in white light.

Part P - blue

Spelling Corner
The number ‘2’ - red
2 Part Q - green

Complete the table below to answer the following questions:

(a) What colours do the parts of the shirt appear in red light? (3 marks)

(b) What colours do the parts of the shirt appear in yellow light? (3 marks)

Part P Part Q Number ‘2’

Colour in red light

Colour in yellow light

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14 Light, Colours and Beyond

E 4. The LED strips in daily life are sets of LED components. The LED components are composed
of three small light sources, each emitting a particular coloured light. When the light sources
are switched on under different combinations, the coloured lights they emit are ‘mixed’ and
light of any colour will be produced.

small light source

Sectional Exercise

LED component

LED component

(a) What coloured lights should the small light sources produce? (3 marks)

Integrated Exercise

(b) In a test, the LED components are set to produce white light. Yet, one of them produces
yellow light. Which light source(s) on this LED component cannot function normally?
(1 mark)

Total Score :   / 42

Spelling Corner

14.7 Electromagnetic waves that we cannot see efer to Textbook


A. True or false (3 marks)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. Only hot objects can emit infrared radiation.

2. The red light emitted by a red laser pointer is infrared radiation.
3. There is no evidence to conclude that exposure to radio waves for telecommunications
in daily life is harmful to our bodies.

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Light, Colours and Beyond 14

B. Multiple-choice (4 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. In the following experiment, three thermometers are placed at positions X, Y and Z on the
screen to measure the temperatures at these positions.

white light

Sectional Exercise


At which position(s) is/are the measured temperature(s) the highest?

A. Position X
B. Position Y
C. Position Z

Integrated Exercise
D. Positions Y and Z (Both have the same temperature)

2. A burglar alarm sensor can detect a person nearby as the human body has a higher
temperature than the surroundings. The sensor works by detecting

burglar alarm

Spelling Corner
A. microwaves.
B. infrared radiation.
C. visible light.
D. ultraviolet radiation.

3. Which of the following electromagnetic waves are harmful to our bodies if we are overexposed
to them?
(1) Gamma rays
(2) X-rays
(3) Ultraviolet radiation
A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

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14 Light, Colours and Beyond

4. Which of the following statements about gamma rays is INCORRECT?

A. Gamma rays are the electromagnetic waves with the shortest wavelengths.
B. Gamma rays can be used for cancer treatment.
C. Gamma rays can kill our body cells.
D. Gamma rays can be used to check luggage in airports.

C. Questions (23 marks)

Sectional Exercise

1. There is ONE mistake in each of the following statements. Circle the mistake and write down
how the mistake should be corrected. One has been done for you as an example. (3 marks)

Statement Correction

(a) Infrared radiations are the most harmful to the human body. Gamma rays

(b) Gamma rays can be used for heating food.

(c) Radio waves have the shortest wavelengths among all

electromagnetic waves.
Integrated Exercise

(d) Radar works by making use of infrared radiation.

2. Write the name of the electromagnetic wave used for each of the following applications.
(6 marks)
(a) Smartphone (b) Preserving food (c) Remote controls
Spelling Corner

(d) Bluetooth (e) Fluorescent tubes (f) Luggage check

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Light, Colours and Beyond 14

3. Different electromagnetic waves can be used in medicine for both diagnosis and treatment of
illnesses. Some examples are shown in the table below.

Electromagnetic wave Use in medicine

(a) Measuring body temperature

(b) Detecting broken bones

Gamma rays (c)

Sectional Exercise
What are (a), (b) and (c) in the table? (3 marks)




4. The figure below shows the electromagnetic spectrum.

Integrated Exercise
Gamma Ultraviolet Infrared Radio
rays radiation radiation waves

(a) How does the wavelength change when it goes towards the right of the spectrum?
(1 mark)

(b) Name the electromagnetic waves Q and R. (2 marks)

(c) State TWO applications of electromagnetic wave R. (2 marks)

Spelling Corner

(d) Name THREE electromagnetic waves that the Sun emits sand suggest the ways to detect
these waves. (6 marks)

Electromagnetic wave that the Sun emits Way to detect

(i) (ii)

(iii) (iv)

(v) (vi)

Total Score :   / 30

All answers
14 Light, Colours and Beyond

A. True or false (7 marks)
Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. The Moon is a non-luminous object.

2. Plane mirrors can be used to extend the field of view.
3. When a light ray enters a glass block from air along the normal, it will bend away from
Sectional Exercise

the normal.
4. The refractive index of vacuum is 1.
E 5. Optical fibres work by total internal reflection of light.
E 6. Orange light cannot be produced by mixing the primary coloured lights.
7. An ice cube at 0 °C does not emit infrared radiation.

B. Multiple-choice (11 marks)

Integrated Exercise

Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. In an eye test, Silvia is asked to view a slide O via a plane mirror, as shown below. What is
the distance between Silvia and the image of the slide?

slide O


2m 3m
Spelling Corner

A. 3 m
B. 5m
C. 6 m
D. 8 m

2. A light ray is reflected by two perpendicular plane mirrors,

as shown on the right. What is the angle of incidence at M?
A. 15° M

B. 25°
C. 50°
D. 65°


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Light, Colours and Beyond 14

3. The ray diagrams below show how a plane mirror forms an image. Light rays p and q come
from the object. Which ray diagram is correct?

A. B.
object and image
p (both at the same p
object image
q position) q

Sectional Exercise
C. D.

p p
object object q

image image

4. In the following diagram, a light ray in glass is passing through a rectangular air space. Which
of the following best shows the light ray that re-enters the glass?

Integrated Exercise

glass air C

Spelling Corner
E 5. As shown below, some light rays in a liquid are directed towards the liquid surface at different

liquid 75° 55° 35° 15°

Which of the following could be the critical angle of the liquid?

A. 24°
B. 35°
C. 46°
D. 57°

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14 Light, Colours and Beyond

E 6. The diagram below shows the light rays entering and leaving a prismatic periscope.

prismatic periscope

Which of the following best shows the arrangement of the prisms in the prismatic periscope?
Sectional Exercise

A. B. C. D.

E 7. Which of the following statements about virtual images is/are correct?

Integrated Exercise

(1) Virtual images can be photographed using a camera.

(2) Virtual images cannot be seen with the human eye.
(3) Virtual images are formed by concave lens only.
A. (1) only B. (2) only
C. (1) and (2) only D. (2) and (3) only

E 8. Three light rays p, q and r are drawn in the following ray diagram for a concave lens. Which
of the light rays is/are correct?
Spelling Corner

F' F

A. Light ray p
B. Light rays p and q
C. Light rays q and r
D. Light rays p, q and r

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Light, Colours and Beyond 14

9. To examine a watch, a watchmaker needs to use instrument X so that he can see the tiny parts
inside the watch clearly. Instrument X probably consists of a

instrument X

Sectional Exercise

A. convex lens because it can form a magnified image.

B. convex lens because it can form a real image.
C. concave lens because it can form a magnified image.
D. concave lens because it can form a real image.

Integrated Exercise
E 10. The following shows a screen in a shopping mall. The screen is composed of many clusters of
LEDs and they work together to produce colour images.

cluster of LEDs

Spelling Corner
Some clusters of LEDs are producing a white image. If the blue LEDs of these clusters are now
switched off, what will the colour of the image become?
A. Cyan
B. Magenta
C. Yellow
D. Orange

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14 Light, Colours and Beyond

11. Which of the following electromagnetic waves can be used for telecommunications?
(1) Radio waves
(2) Microwaves
(3) Ultraviolet radiation
A. (1) only B. (1) and (2) only
C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3)
Sectional Exercise

C. Questions (32 marks)

1. Terry is studying the formation of images by a plane mirror using the set-up below. He places
the object pin O in front of the mirror. Then, he looks at the image I and places pins p and q
in a way that they lie on the same straight line with the image I.

plane mirror
image I

pin p
Integrated Exercise

object pin O
pin q


(a) The diagram below is drawn according to the positions of the pins above. Add TWO
suitable lines in the diagram to find the position of the image I and mark it as I.
(2 marks)
Spelling Corner

object pin O

pin p

pin q

(b) State ONE nature of the image that Terry can find from his set-up. (1 mark)

All answers
Light, Colours and Beyond 14

2. Refractometers are used to measure the sugar contents of drinks in the manufacturing process.
It works since a liquid’s refractive index depends on its sugar content. The diagram below
shows the structure of a simple refractometer. A light ray is directed to a triangular cavity
containing the liquid.
cavity containing
a liquid


Sectional Exercise
screen (installed with detectors)

(a) Complete the light ray above until it hits the screen at a point. Mark this point with X.
(2 marks)

(b) How does the position of X change if the liquid has a larger refractive index? (1 mark)

Integrated Exercise
(c) The graph below shows how the height of X on the screen changes with the sugar
content in the liquid.




Height of X
(arbitrary unit) 70

Spelling Corner


40 Sugar content
0 20 40 60 80 100 volume (%)

(i) Describe the relationship between the height of X and the sugar content. (1 mark)

(ii) If the height of X is 74, what is the sugar content? (1 mark)

(d) From the above information, how does the refractive index of a liquid varies with its
sugar content? (1 mark)

refractometer  折射計
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14 Light, Colours and Beyond

E 3. The figure below shows an experiment to study the image of an illuminated letter ‘F’ formed
by a lens. The letter ‘F’ is 60 cm from the lens. The image is caught using a translucent screen.

illuminated lens
letter ‘F’
translucent screen
ray box
60 cm
Sectional Exercise


(a) Is the lens a convex lens or a concave lens? Explain your answer. (2 marks)

(b) How can the position of the image be found in the experiment? (1 mark)
Integrated Exercise

(c) The image is found to be 30 cm from the lens. Find the magnification of the image.
(2 marks)

(d) The ray diagram below shows how the image is formed. Draw a light ray in the diagram
to find the focal length of the lens. (2 marks)

lens (type of lens is not shown)

Spelling Corner

principal axis

10 cm

Focal length =

All answers
Light, Colours and Beyond 14

(e) The illuminated letter ‘F’ is printed below. In the box on the right, draw the image that
the observer sees on the screen. (Hint: You may find the ray diagram in (d) useful.)
(2 marks)

Sectional Exercise
illuminated letter ‘F’ translucent screen

4. In the diagram below, a ray of sunlight passes through a prism and the colour spectrum
produced is projected on a screen.

Integrated Exercise
ray of sunlight

colour spectrum


(a) Name the phenomenon occurring above. (1 mark)

Spelling Corner
(b) X and Y are two ends of the colour spectrum. What are the colours at X and Y? (1 mark)

(c) The surface of the screen has a fluorescent coating and part of the coating glows in the

(i) Which part of the fluorescent coating glows? (1 mark)

(ii) Which electromagnetic wave is detected at this part? (1 mark)

(d) Give ONE example of electromagnetic wave that has shorter wavelength than the one in
(c)(ii) and give ONE application of this electromagnetic wave. (2 marks)

All answers
14 Light, Colours and Beyond

E 5. Read the article below about prism glasses and answer the questions that follow.

Prism glasses are specially designed glasses that allow people to read books
while lying down. They are mainly composed of prisms, each has a reflective
coating on one surface. When the glasses are used, the light from the book is
reflected inside the prisms by two times and finally reaches the user’s eyes. The
Sectional Exercise

user then can read the book.

rism glasses were originally designed for patients who had neck injuries and
could not sit straight properly to read books. The glasses are now also used by
people who want to read books or use smartphones while lying down on bed
leisurely, earning the glasses the nickname ‘lazy glasses’.
reflective M
prism coating X
Integrated Exercise

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

(a) Fig. 2 is the ray diagram showing how prism glasses work. What phenomena of light
occur at X and Y of the prism? (2 marks)
Spelling Corner

(b) In Fig. 2, the light ray at M can pass through the boundary between the prism and air,
unlike the light ray at Y. Explain briefly. (1 mark)

(c) The image formed due to reflection by a smooth flat surface (e.g. a plane mirror) is
laterally inverted. Is the image seen by the user in Fig. 2 also laterally inverted? Briefly
explain your answer. (2 marks)

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Light, Colours and Beyond 14

E 6. Julie and Kenny have learned that plants need to absorb some coloured lights for
photosynthesis. They are now discussing if plants can grow well in green light.

I think that plants absorb green light for I think that plants absorb coloured lights
photosynthesis because the green colour other than green light for photosynthesis
of plants comes from the green light they because plants’ green colour is due to the fact
absorb. Therefore, a plant can grow well in that they do not absorb green light. Therefore,
green light. a plant cannot grow well in green light.

Sectional Exercise
Julie Kenny

Integrated Exercise
Which student is correct? Explain your answer. (3 marks)

Total Score :   / 50

Spelling Corner

All answers
14 Light, Colours and Beyond

Look at each group of figures below. Use one key term in science to describe the figures. The
letters forming the missing part of the key term can be found on the right.
Sectional Exercise


Key term:

Integrated Exercise

Key term:

Spelling Corner

Key term:  


Key term:  WAVE


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