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Final Project Phase 2

Final Project Phase 2

Justin Morris

Department Of Recreation, Park, And Tourism Management

RPTM 120

Dr. Danielle Lawson

December 5, 2022
So today, I will be speaking about an interview I did with a Nurse practitioner, going over

what leisure means to her and her favorite leisure activities that don't revolve around her work.

Some of the major takeaways I've learned from this assignment was how to interview someone

in such a manner that I got to ask personal questions, yet I professionally received them. I've

never had a conversation about my personal life in a professional way, so it was rather

interesting. Then my last major takeaway from this assignment is that it opened my eyes to what

nurses like to do for leisure since they have one of my time demanding jobs in the country.

The person I interviewed was a nurse practitioner named Jackie Steiner. I asked to

interview this person mainly because she was not a direct family member, and I only talked to

her a little over the years. Still, I know that she is a full-time student taking medical courses that I

know personally are somewhat challenging, and she is a mother of 3 daughters and a wife. Then

she works a full-time job as a nurse practitioner. So with all that information put into account,

she has a very chaotic life that I don't think I would have time for leisure time, but I wanted to

interview her because I wanted to know how she does it and makes it work.

So summarizing the necessary answers to the questions that Jackie answered

starts directly with the first question I asked: "What does the word leisure mean to you." She

replied, "Having the time and energy to enjoy things outside work and school." It means having

time to spend with her kids, husband, relatives, and friends, which is very important for one's

mental health. Then the second I asked was how she experiences leisure. It's an essential

question because it opens the person up and helps her understand what they like to do in their

spare time. She responded leisure is activity-based, people-based, and a state-of-mind since she

"as a mother, wife, registered nurse, and student nurse practitioner. Sometimes leisure is sitting

down and doing homework with my children, seeing my friends at work and having an adult
conversation, or staying up late to relax and wind down for the day." Breaking this down is a

rather great answer because experiencing all three types of leisure is something that most people

don't realize happens in their day-to-day life, which can affect how you live your life. So it is

essential to understand what kind of leisure people experience. Then the next more important

question I would like to go over from her responses was what leisure activity she spends the

most time on. So the reason this is a critical question to know because it shows us how she

spends her time the most when she has leisure time outside of work and school.

To summarize what she said, her favorite leisure activity is spending time with her kids

and husband. It shows that she is a family person instead of a self-centered person. The next

question I want is, "what role does leisure play in your life." She answered, "As a working

mother and a student nurse practitioner, my leisure time is limited, so when I have it, I use it

wisely." So why this is important because to understand what leisure means to someone, you

need to know how much a role it plays in their life because it differs for each person and can be

very different. So she understands that her leisure time is limited due to school, work, etc. But

she knows to use wisely the things most important to her. Then the last question I want to bring

up that I asked her is, "What role does leisure play in your relationships with other people" she

answered, "Leisure time is only reserved for the family at this time due to the limited amount."

So comparing the answers to the questions from Jackie to my definitions and perceptions

of leisure starts from the first question what does the word leisure mean to you? Is that to me, it

means how much time I have to myself and how much time I have for activities that I enjoy

instead of work and school. So her definition of the word leisure is practically the same as mine.

So something that shocked me during this interview is the fact that she experiences

activity-based, People-based, and state-of-mind leisure because I barely experience 2 of these

types of leisure, and to say that she experiences all three types of leisures is something quite

interesting considering most people now of days barely experience any leisure in my opinion and

from what I've seen—so summarizing what the same and different is that she is more family

oriented and that all her leisure time goes to her kids, husband, friends, and family members.

Then my leisure time goes into things like going out with friends, working out, and playing

chess. So she has more serious leisure time. She says, "sometimes leisure is sitting down doing

homework with her kids," so she mixes serious leisure with casual leisure activities. Compared

to me, I do more casual leisure since I go out with my friends and go on runs/workouts, which

are physical activities. It does surprise me that she would consider doing homework with her kids

as a leisure activity because I wouldn't consider doing homework as something I enjoy. I do

understand that spending time with her kids is something that she loves, but it just surprises me

that she can mix the two so well and be able to be a mother of 3 still and still be able to come to

visit my family and me here and there. Such as she took her kids and husband to Hershey park a

couple of months ago with my parents. Also, my view on the role leisure plays in my life is very

different than Jackie's since she has a lot more on her plate, and her leisure time is limited to the

point where she barely gets it. So when she does get time, as she mentioned, she uses it wisely

compared to me. I get a bunch of leisure time, so I don't have to use it as wisely as compared to

her. So I feel our perspective is very different since she's almost 40 and, as I mentioned, has three

kids and does all this crazy time-consuming stuff. At the same time, I only go to classes and

work a part-time job, and I'm 19, So I feel like I'm going to be doing stuff that teenagers do

compare to stuff that full-grown adults do, such as Jackie. Even though we have a lot of

similarities in our views and perspectives on leisure, it comes down to the age gap and what the

normal is for that age group. So I'm not shocked that there are massive3 differences in some of
our answers since there is that age gap, but there are many similarities, such as we like to sit

down and watch a movie and relax for leisure time.

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