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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: How Hamilton Shaped History

Students will be able to… recognize how the US national bank was created.

Students will be able to… recognize what the purpose of the constitution is.
State Standards:

Evaluate different sources of evidence used in historical inquiry, such as art, artifacts,
digital sources, graphs, maps, oral histories, photographs/images, and texts.

Context: Why are you teaching this particular lesson? I am teaching this lesson to educate my
students about the origination of the US national Bank, and how Hamilton was a close ally of
the US’s first president, George Washington. What comes before this lesson in the larger unit?
The introduction of George Washington and his importance on the history of the US. What
previous knowledge will students be bringing into the lesson? The knowledge that students will
be bringing into the lesson is about the origination of government in the United States and the
leaders who played a role in it. What comes after this lesson in the larger unit? After this lesson
will come the lessons about Abraham Lincoln and the impact he left, as well as the branches of
the US government and the different things they do. What are you teaching in order to prepare
students for the next lesson topic? I am teaching students the origination of the United states and
how the government was formed.
Data: How will students be grouped in this lesson? Students will be grouped in groups of three,
about 5-7 people per group. What hypothetical data will these groupings be based on? This data
will come from the textbook and online resources explaining the impact Hamilton left. (Like a
YouTube video) How will data be collected in this lesson for future groupings and teaching?
Data will be collected from a post-quiz at the end of the day after they have gone through all the
Materials: List all materials used (i.e. websites, apps, pencils, iPads, computers, worksheets,
diagrams, textbooks, etc.)
Computer, Whiteboard, Pencils, Notebooks

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Introduction (-- minutes): 5

Teacher Directed (-- minutes): 10

Collaborative (-- minutes): 10

Independent Digital (--minutes): 10

Closure (--minutes): 10

Rationale: You must have at least two paragraphs (one for each mandatory piece of
(Multimedia 1= App or website):
Alexander Hamilton Explained Why this piece of multimedia? This piece of multimedia
tells the story of Alexander Hamilton’s history and what made him an important figure in
America. How does it support student learning and your standards and objectives? This
supports students learning from state standards and objectives because Hamilton helped
create the Constitution and also formed the National Bank. How do you know it is of
high-quality? This is a high-quality video because Brain-Pop is a widely known, very
trusted website that teachers use to educate their kids through videos. Evaluate this
multimedia against the LORI criteria in the 406: Evaluating Multimedia module to
support your rationale. How does this multimedia choice differentiate instruction for all
learners (consider differentiation and assistive technologies)? This type of multimedia is
meant for visual learners and students who prefer to listen to somebody explain it in

(Multimedia 2= App, website, video, educational game, song, podcast, etc.):
Interactive Game About Constitutional Rights
Why this piece of multimedia? This piece of multimedia can be used to allow students to
learn about the different rights in the constitution and what they mean for them. How
does it support student learning and your standards and objectives? This supports
student standards and learning objectives by introducing and explaining a document that
is a big piece of American history. How do you know it is of high-quality?This is high
quality because it was made by PBS, a government approved station for learning.
Evaluate this multimedia against the LORI criteria in the 406: Evaluating Multimedia
module to support your rationale. How does this multimedia choice differentiate
instruction for all learners (consider differentiation and assistive technologies)? This
piece of multimedia appeals to hands on students who would like to play games and get
their wheels turning in order to retain information.

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