Virtuous Act

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Discuss what is the
Today's Virtuous Act.

Agenda Apply Aristotle's

ethics in
understanding the
Filipino character.
the ethical framework that is concerned with
understanding the goods as a matter of
developing the virtuous character of a
on the other hand, focuses on the formation
of one's character brought about by
determining and doing virtuous acts.
The two major thinkers of Ancient Greece,
Plato and Aristotle, had discourses
concerning virtue.
But Aristotle's book entitled Nicomachean
Ethics is the first comprehensive and
programmatic study of virtue ethics.
aristotle(384-322 bce)
Born in Macedonia.
Studied philosophy under Plato in
He was considered to be the
brightest among Plato's students in
the former's school, the Academy.
He later founded his own school,
He was also known to be the tutor of
Alexander the great who tried to
conquer the world.
Aristotle begins his discussion of
ethics by showing that every act that a
person does is directed toward a
particular purpose, aim, or what the
Greeks called telos.
Every porsuit of a person hopes to
achive a good.
Therefore, for Aristotle, the good is
considered to be the telos or purpose
for which all acts seek to achieve.
Happiness for Aristotle is the only self-
sufficient aim that one can aspire for.
The local saying " Madaling maging tao,
mahirap ang magpakatao" can be
understood in the light of Aristotle's
thoughts on the function of a good person.
Any human being can perform the activity
of reason; thus, being human is achievable.
However, a good human being strives hard
in doing an activity in an excellent way.
Therefore, the task of being human
becomes more difficult because doing such
activity well takes more effort on the part of
the person.
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