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Rosent G.


Jinky B. Marcelo


The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization that was founded on October

24, 1945 to promote international cooperation. It was established to succeed the

League of Nations after World War II and to prevent future conflict. The United Nations

is a place where international leaders can meet and exchange their ideas. Peace,

security, human rights, and sustainable development are the most important topics of

discussion in this organization.

As the international organization dedicated for global safety, the United Nations has

mobilized $5 billion USD in collaboration with its country team to assist government and

partners in developing a decisive and coordinated response to the COVID-19 pandemic,

concentrating on national priority areas such as health and socio-economic protection in

order to save lives and lift economies.

As a result, 240 million people receive essential health services, and 36 million people

receive critical water and sanitation supplies. In addition, one out of every ten children in

the world received UN-sponsored distance learning assistance. A total of 54 million

Covid 19 test kits and 14.4 million supply collection kits were sent throughout the region.

Over 138 nations and territories received 218 million Covid 19 vaccines. As no country

has been spared by the covid 19 pandemic, the United Nations has stated that no

country has been left out.

Although, United nation doesn't guarantee that the distribution of vaccines are fast and

quick yet it is proven that this organization really provides and sustained its country

members. And as our country is a member of this organization we can say that their

activities are effective because as we observe, our country is now in the process of

healing and our socio- economic status is now lifting. In general, the world is now

healing itself.

To conclude, having an international organization is crucial since it leads to a better

world for its country members. It is also crucial for members to participate since even if

this organization has a better plan, it will be meaningless if its members do not

collaborate. Just like in one country, even if the government has a better strategy, it will

be pointless if its citizens will not participate.

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