Test 1 Intro and AM - Solution

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SKEE/U 3533 (Communication Principles)

Semester 1, 2016/17

TEST 1 (8PM-9PM at P16) Wednesday, 12th Oct. 2016, Time:1 hour

Topics: Introduction and AM

Name: __________________________________________ Matric/IC No:__________________

Lecturer’s Name & Section:________________________________________________________


Answer both questions in this paper. Both questions carry 10 equal marks with the total of 20
marks. You are subject to the UTM examination rules and regulations.

Question 1 (10 marks)

A 1mW signal is received by an antenna in a receiver as shown in Figure Q1. The signal together
with the noise will be fed into 2 amplifiers with the Gain and Noise Figure as shown.

Figure Q1 Block diagram of a receiver

(i) Explain the effect of Signal Power to Noise Power (S/N) ratio in a communication
system. (3 marks)

SNR ratio is a measure of sensitivity performance of a receiver in a communication

system. Since noise will affect the performance of a receiver, it is necessary to have a big
SNR ratio. The greater the SNR ratio (which reflects that there is more power in the
signal compared to that of noise) the better the receiver performance.

(ii) Calculate the output Noise Power, No produced by the receiver. (5 marks)

Ftotal=F1 + (F2-1)/G1 + (F3-1)/G1G2

F1=0dB = 1
F2=7dB=10 0.7 = 5.01
F3=15db =10 1.5 = 31.6

G2=23db =199.5


Ftotal=1+(5.01-1)/1 + (31.6-1)/200x1 = 1 + 4.01 + 0.153 = 5.163

SNRi/SNRo = 5.163 -> 1mW/1uW = 1000/SNRo = 5.163

No x (1000/So)=5.163 No=(5.163x19.95)/1000=0.103W

(iii) What is the significance of having Noise Factor equal to 1? (2 marks)

F=1, noise added to the system is 0.

Question 2 (10 marks)

a) A full AM transmitter produces a power output of 2kW when there is no modulating signal is
present. When a sinusoidal modulating signal with peak amplitude 7V is applied to modulator, it
is found that the spectral component representing each sideband has the amplitude which is 35%
of the carrier amplitude.
(i) Calculate the modulation index for the transmitter. (2 marks)
(mEc)/2 = 0.35Ec (each of the sideband), m=0.7

(ii) Calculate the total power transmitted. (2 marks)

Ptotal=Pc (1+ m2/2) = 2kW (1 + 0.72/2) = 2.49kW

(iii) If the power in the carrier is reduced by 30dB, calculate the new total power transmitted.
(2 marks)

Assume m = 0.7

b) Discuss TWO factors that have to be taken into consideration when dealing with analog and
digital modulation techniques. (4 marks)
Among the factors that influence the modulation techniques are the available BW
provided, the amount of power that is allowed to be transmitted, the influences of noises in
the channels and equipments used, the overlapping or disturbances of the carrier signal
due in the adjacent channels, the bit rate required for better speed and the precision of the
quality of the signal or data at the receiver.

== GOOD LUCK !==

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