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Mata Kuliah : English Paragraph Writing Hari/Tanggal : 17 February 2021
Semester :1 Waktu : 90 menit
Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Dosen : Nurhadianty Rahayu, MA

Name : Siti Himatul Aliah

NPM : 20421032

1. Genre-based Writing approach is operated in English Paragraph Writing Class. Can you describe
what is it briefly?
So the Genre-Based Writing Approach applied in the English Paragraph Writing Class is
to improve the teacher's ability to write English memos.
Through a genre-based approach, to develop an understanding of the meaning of functional text
for memos daily use and provide new learning experiences for teachers which can also be
transferred later motivation for students to learn English, especially in writing lessons. Learn that
carry out several activity procedures, such as modeling, connection construction, and independent
constructs of Cope and Kalantzis's theory. This study is expected provide valuable insights for
teachers to improve their writing skills.
2. Reflect on the cycle of genre-based writing that we did throughout this semester and fill in the
right column of the activities that we do
Knowledge Building e.g. explaining what is language
metafunction, what is the social purpose of
our writing in the lens of SFL
Text Modeling Showing excerpts from a blog (written text)
and video (multimodal text) about mental
Text Deconstructing Method of reading the text very deeply, for
example: displaying articles about idols
Joint Construction Compose text, understand text modeling and
analyze (video) features explicitly
Independent Construction Producing spoken or written text (Showing
excerpts from a blog)

3. Observe the essay below, highlight the introduction with blue highlighter, the body in yellow and
the conclusion in red.
a. What is the main idea of the essay?
 Looking for ways to simplify things, cut corners, be effective, have a purpose,
and accept the path to be taken.
b. Who do you think is the target readers of this essay? (youth/kids/adult?) state your REASON.
 I think the readers of this essay is youth. Because, This essay shows that today's
teenagers are indeed difficult to control and certainly not only that, today's
teenagers only want to enjoy the work of their parents / adults and do not know
how the process is going.
c. Identify the most recurring process types in the text, which process type occurs the most?
e.g. (contoh cara menjawab soal nomor 3 butir c dapat dilihat di bawah ini.
1. material process: … times (do, tried, walk, make, get, took, take, made, said, going, got,
showed, lost, )
2. mental process: … times (feel, thinking, been obsessing, separated, can, sets, compared,
want, need, confused, thought )
3. relational process: … times (is, were, are, am, )
The most recurring process type is
 The process that often appears in this essay is a mental process. Because, the
author / writer has shown what is felt, read by the reader or the target can
immediately find out.
I feel like we as a society have been obsessing on finding ways to simplify things, shortcuts,
effectiveness, there is a destination, and what is the fastest way to get there? And in this
context, we use our lives as a measurement tool that separated the destination, speed, and
how far have we come. For example, I am 26 years old and I do freelance works while living
at my grandfather’s house, it is nothing compared to the work of my former university
classmates who are either from the same age group or slightly younger than me. This can get
us thinking how slow we truly are in the completion of our journey, this long never-ending
road that sets apart merely living or successfully thriving.

Yesterday I took a walk, I tried to make it a habit of mine, not even an ambitious one, I just
want to walk for 2k a day. There were some places I want to go to, that is the convenience
store and obviously my grandpa’s house. As I walk through the housing complex, I decided I
want to take the long road because I need to get to 2k, it does not matter when would I arrive
at the convenience store it mattered if I made it to 2k. And when I came to the convenience
store my pedometer said I’ve only walked for 900 meters, so I took the long route home just
to realize it was only 1,1 km. So I took another lap, a bigger, longer one around the complex
that got the security people confused and asked if I needed a lift home, I showed them my
pedometer app on my phone that I was working out-ish.

Perhaps, me, you, being in this age group, got easily irritated by waves of comparison of how
far are we in life, as if there is only one destination ahead (I mean, there is death, but I ain’t
gonna race towards it). But here, for the betterment of ourselves, maybe we are not
necessarily walking slowly as it is reflected through our seemingly slow life. We are just in
for the long road.

The road that is not tied to the destination but puts more emphasis on the journey itself. There
is this mission, a mission that has to be completed along the road and it does not matter when
would you get into the location, what mattered is if we finished the said mission. And this can
be abstract, absurd, difficult to fathom, in my case by the security guy who thought I was lost
and needed a lift, I did not need a lift, to get there faster is not the answer.

And it got me to my second thought, of how this long road is meant for people with a
mission. I am going to clarify here that the mission is not necessarily about saving the world
or any other heroic depiction that leads to an epic life, no. Maybe, some of us need to heal
along the road. Because wherever the destination is or whether we got there, it won’t matter
if we were not healed. This I can conclude to stuff like starting a family, getting married,
starting a project among all of the things that people often hurry us to get. The world has
gotten too obsessed with the destination and what kind of glory they will find at the end of
the road, forgetting that there are things to consider than just getting there, there are more
intrinsic aspects of our lives that often only us can understand it. Healing sounded notional,
but the mission can vary, as an example me with my 2k exercise-ish mission.

It might seem like we are walking in a circle, confused, or uncertain whether we want to keep
on walking or cut it short and go home. But the long road is there for us, to help us sort out
our lives and the madness it came with. It is not tied to the destination because we can always
end the trip or take a lift to get there, but that is not the point of going through it.

The funny thing is that some people choose the long road, some people take it as a
consequence of their choices, regardless, whatever reason that put us on the long road, the
inevitable gazes of other seeing that we seemed lost and perhaps at times it might feel like it,
this is our road. And we will take it, walk upon it, and live it. For it is the road that is needed
to be taken.

4. State your reflection on learning to write within a genre-based writing framework. (300 words)
Please describe what you have learnt, what have you not understood yet, and what is your
expectation towards next writing courses. (Anda bisa menjelaskan proses yang paling menantang
dan membingungkan, misal, saat harus merevisi berdasarkan written corrective feedback yang
saya tampilkan di lembar draf tulisan Anda).
Write your reflection in the column below:
In my opinion, writing is very easy. Because, what I write and what I want to analyze really
happened to me. I don't really understand about revising the writing, because I think there are
still many mistakes in his writing.

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