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Title : The importance of life skills for the future

Introduction :

- Thesis Statement : The explanation below shows the reader that skills have a big role in living
the future effectively.
Body :

- Argument 1 : Life skills are what set you apart from them and take you to a higher level.

- Argument 2 : With life skills we will be able to do meaningful things for ourselves and
for others.
Conclusion : Life skills are needed so that life goals can be realized

As a young generation, especially for students, it is we who will determine what we will
become, what we can do for the people around us, and even what kind of world will be like in the
future. So that we can live a good future we need efforts to develop our life skills. If not then we
will have difficulty living in competition in the future. Then the explanation below shows the
reader that skills have a big role in living the future effectively. (thesis statement)
First you have to know that life skills are what set you apart from them and take you to a
higher level(argument 1). According to the World Health Organization (1997) life skills are the
ability to adapt and exhibit positive behaviors that ultimately enable individuals to deal effectively
with the demands and challenges of everyday life. As students, we are required to be independent
individuals in the process of becoming an adult. Live skills that we can have include time
management, critical thinking, study skills, communication skills, and information seeking skills.
Secondly, with life skills we will be able to do meaningful things for ourselves and for
others(argument 2). In other words we can realize our life goals by utilizing the skills we have.
To summarize, having life skills is very important to life in the future(restatement).
Students must be able to master the skills that determine what will they become in the
future(recommendation). The more you try, the more you can compete for future profits.

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