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WAP to read radius of circle & calculate Area & Circumference

* WAP to read 3 nos & find their mean

* WAP to read 2 nos & find Sum of their last digit.

* WAP to read 4 digit no & sum of its Digits.

* WAP to read radius of Sphere & find its Volume

* WAP to read 3 digit no & sum of its Digits.

* WAP to read 4 digit no & find Reverse of that no.

* WAP to read temp in degree Celsius & convert it into Fehernite.

* WAP to read value in inches & print it in Feet & Inches.

* WAP to marks for 5 subject & print Total & percentage.

* WAP to read 2 nos & Exchange their Values.

* WAP to read 2 nos & Exchange their Values without using third variable.

* WAP to read radius of sphere & find its volume.

* WAP to read L,B,H of a Box & find its Volume & SurfaceArea.

If Statement

* WAP to read a no & check if it is Even/Odd

* WAP to read 2 nos & check if their last digit is same or not.

* WAP to read 3 angles & check if triangle can be formed or not.

* WAP to read 3 angles & check if it is an equilateral triangle or not.

* WAP to read marks for 5 subject & check if student is passed or not. (passing marks

40 per subject).
* WAP to read 2 nos & find greatest of Them

* WAP to read 3 nos & find greatest of Them

* WAP to a 3 digit no & check if sum of cube of its digits is equal to that no or not

*WAP to read 3nos & check their last digit is same or not.

* WAP to read marks for 5 subject & print Total . Also print percentage if student is

passed. (passing marks 40 per subject).

* WAP to read 3 angles & check if triangle can be formed or not. If triangle can be

formed then check if it is Equilateral, Isosilies, Right-Angled Triangle.

*WAP to read age & gender of person & check if person is Eligible for marriage or not.

* WAP to read Year & check if it is Leap Year or Not.

* WAP to read Salary of Employee & print Commission according to following Criteria

Sal Commission

<10000 10%

10000- 20000 12%

>20000 15%

* WAP to read percentage of student & print Div (>=75 DT , 60-75 1st class , 50-60 2nd

class , 40-50 3rd class, <40 fail )

Loops Programs

* WAP to read a no & print all nos from 1 to that no

* WAP to read a no & print all even nos form 1 to that no.

* WAP to print all nos from 1 to 10 by using while, for & do-while loop.

* WAP to read a no & find sum of all nos from 1 to that no.

* WAP to read a no & find factorial of that no.

* WAP to read a no & find Reverse of that no.

* WAP to read a no & check if it is prime no or not.

* WAP to print all prime no in range 1 to 100

* WAP to print first 10 Fibonacci nos.

* WAP to read a no & find SUM of its Digits.

* WAP to find a 3 digit Armstrong no. (sum of cube of its digit is equal to that no).

* WAP to print all Armstrong nos. from 1 to 999

* WAP to print ASCII chars & values from 1 to 255

* WAP to print alphabets from A to Z

* WAP to read a no & count all nos which divides the given no perfectly.

* WAP to read 2 nos & print their common factors.

* WAP to read 2 nos & print HCF.

* WAP to print factorial of all nos from 1 to 10 .

* WAP to read 2 nos a and b & print all nos from a to b.

* WAP to repeatdly read a no until it is in range 10 to 20

* WAP to read a no & print all nos which divides the given no perfectly.

* WAP to print table of 1 to 10

*WAP to print following Output









































Switch Programs

* WAP to read a single digit no & print that no in words.

* WAP to read month in digits & print it in words.

* WAP to read a single no & print all nos from 1to that no in words.

* WAP to read a color code (char value) & print appropriate color.(R- Red, GGreen,

B-Blue , any other char – Black)

* WAP to read 2 nos & a Operator sign & perform the operation according to


Functions / PASS BY VALUE

* WAF Intrest to calculate simple intrest

* WAF to return Volume of Sphere

* WAF to return mean of 3 nos

* WAF to return greatest of 2 nos.

* WAF to return Factorial of given No

* WAF to return Sum of Given No.

* WAF to return Greatest of 3 nos

* WAF to print All nos form 1 to given No

* WAF to repeat a given char given no of times. [ eg. repeat(‘#’,25); ]

WAP to calculate square of a,b,c,d,e passed as an argument to a function and print it in main function

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