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Business Communication

Ans 1.


Rejection letters are an important part of the process for hiring. An official rejection letter or
email that informs a candidate that their application was not accepted. The letter might contain
reasons behind the rejection along with suggestions on how you can improve the chances of
getting future jobs. The letters form an essential part of the hiring process as they enable
unsuitable individuals to look for work elsewhere.

A good CV, cover letter, and portfolio are necessary to an interview. It's used to determine the
capability of the applicant to meet the demands of the job. It is organized, as the venue, time and
duration, as well as the number of participants, and the topics to be addressed are all
predetermined beforehand. It is generally performed in a formal manner and the interviewer
follows the predetermined schedule, such as a list of questions that will be asked. Before
appearing in any interview, you need prepare your resume. Your resume should appeal to
employers and prompt them to invite you to an interview.

Your resume should be detailed and include professional and academic data. Recruiting and
selection are essential human resource responsibilities that employers have to fulfill. To identify
the top candidates, HR specialists will conduct interviews with multiple applicants. If one
candidate is chosen the rest of the candidates are rejected and a letter issued.

Concept and Application

If your message is communicated in writing, it's possible that your reader might not understand
exactly the message you intend. Writing does not express emotion on the face. It does not have
the body language and speech intonation. Writing can only contain words. Business writing is
the easiest kind of writing. Business writing is utilized to outline or provide direction processes,
to confirm decisions or update coworkers, employees or colleagues, and seek data.
Understanding our target audience is the key in writing clearly. Clear writing adapts to the needs
of readers. The term "adaptation" refers to tailoring a message to the reader.

Due to differences in cultures that readers may not have the same knowledge about vocabulary,
terminology, or approaches even though they reside in the same country. This is especially true
in interaction between different cultures. To be able to communicate clearly one must first
understand who you are talking with. The most crucial aspect of adapting is using the appropriate
words. They are words that communicate the best, which have precise and accurate meanings in
the reader's mind. The ability to convey clearly and accurately is dependent on your
understanding of the reader, your ability to use the language correctly, your judgement and your
understanding. Because the target audience must be willing to hear the message that is why
positive messages are most simple to convey. So, they follow the same pattern of beginning with
the message at the beginning and explaining it afterward. Negative messages can be difficult to
write, as the reader is being told what they don't want. Negative messages can include denial of
requests and negative news for customers as well as those who work for an organization.

When writing a letter of refusal there are some things to keep in mind:

Begin with a positive attitude: When you write a refusal letter it is important to communicate
the negative news, but it is important to begin your letter with a positive message, like greeting
the candidate. It is also important to thank your candidate that had applied for the position at
your firm. The recipient should feel happy when he or she receives your letter, even if it was a
rejection letter.

Mention the job for the job for which you applied: Then, you should mention the position that
the candidate has applied for. It should contain specifics like the name of the job and date of the
interview. These information should be included when you call candidates with regards to the
most recent interview.

Tell us about your experience during the interview: The denial by HR department does not
necessarily mean that they are not suitable for the position. However it is not a sign that they are
incompetent or unqualified. It is essential to share all interview experiences with a positive
outlook to ensure that the candidate feels confident and are able to continue applying even if they
have been rejected.

Inspire and motivate them: Even if you do not choose to reject any candidate, it is crucial to
inspire them giving them positive remarks and phrases. It will build a good image for your
business and candidates won't feel ashamed.

Provide feedback: Now the main part of refusal letter comes, here you will need to include the
specific reasons as to the reason why the candidate wasn't selected. Any HR manager who is a
senior one or any other official needs to provide an evaluation of the interview and candidate. Be
careful when giving feedback. Don't criticize them too often and concentrate on the key points. It
is important to give feedback in a positive manner so that the candidates are able to comprehend
it and prepare for future interviews.

Instruct them to apply again in future: The HR manager must also thank the candidates for
attending the interview. He or she should urge them to submit their resumes in the future for
opportunities. The candidates should be acknowledged and commended for their qualifications
as well as their dedication to time and qualities.


It's perfectly normal to turn down applicants for interview opportunities. However, it is crucial to
inform them promptly. Incorrectly writing a refusal letter could cause negative perceptions of
your business and make it difficult for applicants to apply. In the past the application was
determined by the company or HR supervisor. Today, social media have changed the game. If a
candidate is disappointed with rejection, they may harm the reputation of your company. In order
for communication to be successful, applicants should not feel down about being rejected.
Rejection letters should be personalised because candidates who were rejected may end up being
the ideal candidate for your next job open. Rejection letters are significant because they reflect
the hiring firm's dedication and professionalism. It is best practice to give constructive feedback
to candidates to ensure that they will be hired.
Ans 2.


Morality is the set of moral principles and guidelines that guide the behavior of individuals and
organizations and take decisions. The situation in which decision-making demands that certain
norms and values are in harmony could create an ethical dilemma. In order to decide any option
that could require the agent not to comply with or violate ethical norms is an ethical problem.
Because ethics are intrinsically interdependent, ethical questions do come up. Sometimes,
employees will encounter situations where they are in violation of the law or lying. is essential to
reach various other objectives like increasing their earnings or stopping layoffs. When working,
employees make decisions that impact the efficiency and profitability of companies, ethical
issues are often encountered. An error or a poor choice that causes a negative impact can be a
violation of the law. It is not always an indication of moral lapses. They could also be indicative
of ethics-related blind spots or oversight. They are not an actual "lapse" or "mistake," but the
immorality to continuously produce negative results is thought to be moral. There are a variety of
ethical flaws, large and small, secretive or public, criminal or legal however moral. These errors
are often due to academic errors.

Concept and Application

The differences in ethical lapses and ethical dilemma

Ethical breach: The ethical mistakes that are made are different from ethical problems. They
could be erroneously or erroneously make a judgment regarding something, which can result in a
risky result. Moral lapses can result from communication problems between employees and
managers. It is easy to fall for unethical behavior when there is pressure to deliver results and
justify decisions. Telling a potential customer; you can finish a project within an agreed-upon
date. You realize that you cannot be honest even if you require the contract to safeguard your
career or your company. There's no ethical issue.

 If an employee is involved in fraud or bribery at the workplace, then an ethical breach could be
the cause.

 If any misconduct of any kind is discovered at work this could result in an ethical lapse.

Ethical problem: Ethical dilemmas can be defined as complex issues that involve conflict of
moral interests while choosing from available alternatives. An individual who is faced with an
ethical dilemma may have a lot of questions. Here are a few examples:

 What can I do?

 What is moral and what is ethical?
 Which strategy will cause the most harm or greatest profit?
 Should I be held personally held accountable for something that was wrong?
 Who will take care of me in case of any legal complications?
 What are the potential consequences of my actions and decisions?

In the instance of an ethical dilemma, several options are considered to take a certain decision.
There is often confusion regarding what is the most appropriate way to decide who to blame. The
parties involved can offer suggestions to overcome this confusion. Alternatives

A majority of the population accepts the decision. An ethical question can be addressed by a
business professional.

 Negotiating skills to articulate with others who claim to have unethical interests
 Recognition of self-moral values to establish the standards for moral and unjust conduct
 A fundamental understanding leads to ethical reasoning
 Engage in debate using moral prudence with the stakeholders

There is a possibility that two opposing options are ethically valid and valid. There is also the
possibility that the options lie somewhere between proper and wrong. Every company is
accountable to various groups of people within and outside the firm. These groups typically have
competing interest. Employees might be looking for more benefits and higher salaries as
investors who placed their money in risk within the company will prefer management to keep
costs at a low level, which means profits are high enough to propel the stock price up. Both sides
are able to be trusted to have an ethical position.


 This is known as an ethical dilemma.

 If you have incorrect information on your resume when applying for a job it is considered to be
an ethical dilemma.

Ethical Communication

There are a few things that trainees must keep in mind when making ethical communication

Transparency: To prevent any problems lateron, honesty isn't enough. Transparency should
also be maintained throughout the day. Transparency can ensure that employees are aware of
current communication within the company. To ensure that you are transparent it is vital to
clearly state your goal and message to be sent. You must also follow all regulations and rules that
govern messages to others.

Respect: Respect is an essential component of an ethical and professional workplace

communication. While this principle should be apparent, there are numerous circumstances
where workplace communications do not always meet with the highest standards. Think about,
for example, whether there are any gender or cultural differences and dynamics in your
workplace; if there are, fashion a communication plan that creates equitable bridges across these
gaps instead of relying upon outdated hierarchy systems that hinder communication.

Honesty: Communication is vital for workplace communication. This is the case for both verbal
and non-verbal communication between employees of senior levels. Honesty is essential in all
interactions with people. Honesty helps build trust, and also helps others to identify and resolve
any problems that be arising between authority, power and teamwork. If communication is not
honest, it fails in its primary purpose.

The most fundamental aspect of life and business is ethics. They are a guide for the process of
making decisions. Ethical choices have a profound influence on all parties. They also impact
legal obligations and the company's public image. Ethics requirements must also be considered
when making business decisions.

So, we can conclude that ethics-based perception is proven to increase the behaviour of
organisational citizenship, loyalty to the organisation along with job satisfaction, as well as the
performance of employees. Conscientiousness, altruism, civic virtue as well as sportsmanship
and civility are examples of organisational civic behavior.

Ans 3a.


The paragraphs of an essay form the basis of argumentation. The paragraph must be composed in
order to avoid leaving readers with unanswered questions. Fully developed paragraphs offer
proof and provide details to back it up as well as follow a precise design pattern. Effective
paragraphs may be developed in many ways. A paragraph is an elongated paragraph of text that
contains some or all of the sentences that deal with an issue that is introduced with a fresh line.

Concept and Application

A paragraph is a small piece of text that begins with the next line. It must contain at most one
sentence. It usually focuses only on one specific instance of a description or an idea. Five
methods to structure an article are offered:


Narrative paragraphs, similar to telling stories provide information about events in the manner
they happen to the readers. The narrative method of paragraph writing allows the writer to play
the role of a main protagonist, and puts the reader in the center of the action. Narrative voice
serves as the vehicle for the story. It engages the reader with spatial and temporal shifts, and
frequently uses the past or present the tense.


A definition paragraph has with the aim of providing readers with a complete definition of a
concept, word or idea, by laying out the idea, concept or idea's features as well as its limitations.
In the case of clarifying an idea in a thesis in introducing readers to an unfamiliar or specific
phrase, this style of paragraph could be useful.


A writer might provide the reader with a powerful sensory experience through descriptive
paragraphs. These sentences have active verbs that are strong, like "rip" or"rip", strong sensory
adjectives such as "loud", "pungent," or "there," and spatial transition words like "up" or "there."
Writers assist readers in understanding the setting by creating a mental picture of the scenario
they can imagine.


Through persuasive paragraphs, readers are compelled to do something about an issue or alter
their opinion. Making persuasive paragraphs is a smart idea. Readers must be armed with all
relevant information, including an analysis. This will allow them to make their own choices and
inspire readers to take action. Columns and editorials can benefit by persuasive paragraphs.


The writer's topic is clarified and clarified, informed, and explained to the reader in an expository
paragraph. The expository paragraph can be used as the main point of the piece or as a narrator
or summary. Expository paragraphs, when utilized after an indirect introduction, also helps to
clarify the subject, the reason why the topic is important and what's to be covered in the
remaining portions of the article. The expository writer should be reliable and easy to
comprehend by readers.

We can therefore conclude that writing paragraphs is important because they provide you an
arrangement for structuring the ideas logically. The arrangement of paragraphs aids to help the
reader navigate through the written work. Similar ideas are arranged in paragraphs. They also
bring out the most important concepts and help the reader think through complicated concepts
and theories.

Ans 3b.


Resolution of complaints from customers is among the most vital aspects for many companies as
they interact with their customers and try to solve their problems. Your goal is to enhance
customer satisfaction and help those who are struggling with issues. This will allow you to grow
your business by learning about the benefits of maintaining customers, and also finding solutions
to any other customer's issues.

Concept and Application

Effective communication requires you to establish a common understanding and common

ground with your audience. You should only include the pertinent information to the audience
you are trying to reach. Encode your message using words and symbols. Channels that are most
popular for your audience are the best. Choosing audience-appropriate symbols (words, gestures,
pictures) facilitates proper message transmission. Confusion is unethical. The guideline for
ethical advertising is consistent: Tell the truth, don't alter and don't use words to create false
impressions. False information can ruin a business's reputation or customers' trust. Advertisers
also need to evaluate the moral consequences of their advertising.

It is crucial to compose an organized paragraph to solve customer issues using an approach to

problem solving. It is vital to find a solution to problems with customer service since customers
need to be satisfied and satisfied. It allows the company to identify service gaps and plan the best
way to fix the quality of service. Ethics and the values of the business are evident when they are
able to quickly resolve problems. If business owners are slow to respond to problems, they will
make poor decisions. Paragraphs are "a paragraph of sentences, or a single sentence" Length or
appearance don't define the definition of a paragraph. A paragraph could be as short or long as a
sentence in various writing styles and styles, including journalistic. A portion of a literary work
that begins on the basis of a fresh, usually indented line, deals with one concept or provides the
words of one person, and consists of several phrases.

Paragraph that helps customers solve issues through problem-solving techniques

It is not unusual to receive some questions from customers when running a business but if the
same question is repeated businesses should provide the solution to the query under FAQ page
and for that proper paragraph must be composed with all the details. If a lot of customers ask a
question about return policy it is crucial that they're addressed in a concise paragraph. Everybody
can refer to the policy and understand it after ordering.

We are pleased that you have chosen to shop with us. If you want to return your purchase it is
recommended to contact us within 30 days of the delivery date and your product is not in use.
You can get help by calling us or sending us an email. After your return has been completed, we
will reimburse the amount that you have paid. We will send you a confirmation of refund with all
the details.


It is therefore possible to say that customer service that is of the highest quality is distinguished
by rapid and courteous responses. Customers can resume their normal activities once they are
assured that they are taking care of their problems. In silence, there is the biggest obstacle to
solving problems. In the long run, it could harm both the brand and the business as a whole. In
the initial 2-5 minutes after the complaint has been submitted, try to send a note of apologies.

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