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Results in Physics 7 (2017) 2950–2957

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Metachronal wave analysis for non-Newtonian fluid under

thermophoresis and Brownian motion effects
A. Shaheen a,⇑, S. Nadeem b
Department of Mathematics, Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
Department of Mathematics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper analyse the mathematical model of ciliary motion in an annulus. The effect of convective heat
Received 11 July 2017 transfer and nanoparticle are taken into account. The governing equations of Jeffrey six-constant fluid
Received in revised form 27 July 2017 along with heat and nanoparticle are modelled and then simplified by using long wavelength and low
Accepted 3 August 2017
Reynolds number assumptions. The reduced equations are solved with the help of homotopy perturba-
Available online 7 August 2017
tion method. The obtained expressions for the velocity, temperature and nanoparticles concentration
profiles are plotted and the impact of various physical parameters are investigated for different peristaltic
waves. Streamlines has also been plotted at the last part of the paper.
Non-Newtonian fluid
Peristaltic flow
Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
Cilia effect
Analytical solution

1. Introduction like slender that projects from free surface of certain cells. Common
in single cell organisms known as eukryotes. These hair like
Peristalsis is an important mechanism for approaching fluid in a structures wave to move cell or to move something around the cell.
channel or tube by means of an implementation contractile ring Certain tissues like the fallopian tubes in women, the trachea, the
over the tube, which drives the material forward. In several proce- ductus efferent of human males reproductive tract also have a dis-
dure of physiology and engineering, peristaltic flow concerns are tinct type of cilia that help in the movement of substances along the
broadly seen in channel/tube. Such flows emerge in swallowing tissues surfaces [17]. There are two types of Cilia, motile and non-
of food during esophagus, urine transportation from kidney to motile cilia. Cilia which lie on the tissues surface are responsible
bladder, assessment chyme in gastrointestinal tract, ovum move- for protecting a person from germs in the lungs are called motile
ment in the female fallopian tube, spermatozoa transfer in the cilia and are found in groups. Whereas, primary cilia are usually
ducts efferent’s of male reproductive tract, vasomotion of narrow found only one at a time on cells. Cilia plays an important role in
blood vessels, water movement from ground to above branches many psychological processes such as locomotion, alimentation,
of grown-up trees cited as [1–5]. circulation, respiration and reproduction. Cilia operate in a periodic
Peristalsis during male reproductive system was examined two-phase movement of effective and recovery stroke. An effective
experimentally and numerically by Srivastava [6], Gupta [7], Guha stroke is executed when a cilium extends itself into the fluid and
[8] and Batra [9] where a peristaltic flow has been modelled in the drags the maximum volume of the fluid forward. Whereas, during
vas deferens by considered it to be a non uniform tube. Unsteady a recovery stroke a cilium bends towards itself. Ciliated surfaces
heat and mass transfer mechanisms in MHD Carreau nanofluid can have different patterns depending upon the direction of propa-
flow has been discussed by Massoed et al. [10]. On unsteady heat gation. When the propagative direction of the metachronal wave is
asnd mass transfer in Carreau nanofluid flow over expanding or the same as the direction of the effective stroke, the beat coordina-
contracting cylinder has been discussed by Azam et al. [11]. A tion is called symplectic. If instead both directions oppose each
few other main studies relating to the sort of heat and mass trans- other than the coordination is termed antiplectic [18] The interac-
fer are cited in Refs. [12–16]. tion of cilia and its propulsion has attained much research efforts
Another important area related to peristalsis is known as Cilia by physicists and engineers [19,20]. Basten and Giles [21] repre-
(Single cilium), A cilium means an eye lash in Latin, is motile hair sented a detailed study on the functionality of primary cilia, their
signaling, cell cycle and also different diseases which developed
⇑ Corresponding author. due to the dysfunctional cilia like tumorigenesis, syndromes etc.
E-mail address: (A. Shaheen). Lardner and Shack [22] developed a model for movement of viscous
2211-3797/Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
A. Shaheen, S. Nadeem / Results in Physics 7 (2017) 2950–2957 2951

fluid due to ciliary activity in the ductus efferent of male reproduc- Concentration Equation:
tive tract. Velez-Cordero and Lauga [23] explained the envelop   !
model of cilia in a generalized Newtonian fluid by employing a @ @ @ 2 C 1 @C @ 2 C
U þW C ¼ DB þ þ
domain perturbation expansion. Ciliary motion its modeling and @R @Z @R2 R @R @Z 2
the dynamics of multi cilia interactions were discussed by Gueron !
and Liron. Rydholm, et al. [24] represented the mechanical charac- DT @ 2 T 1 @T @ 2 T
þ þ þ ; ð5Þ
teristics of primary cilia. They analyzed that a primary cilia in T0 @R2 R @R @Z 2
kidney epithelial cells have been observed to generate intercellular
calcium in response to fluid flow. They also investigated the cilia where T is the temperature, C is the nanoparticle concentration of
bending and the resulting calcium signal. Movement and locomo- the fluids DB is the Brownian diffusion cofficient, DT is the thermo-
tion of microorganisms by considering a ciliary motion was spheric diffusion coefficient, s ¼
is the ratio among the efficient
explained by John et al. [25] studied the relationship of the power
recovery stroke of respiratory cilia using digital hi speed video heat Capacity of the nanoparticle material and the heat capacity of
imaging and then compared the obtained frequency measurement the nanofluid and qp is the density of the particle.
with those attained by photo multiplier and modified photo diode. The constitutional equation for a Jeffrey six-constant fluid form
Three dimensional flow of Maxwell fluid with suspended nanopar- is defined as
ticle past a bidirectional porous stretching surface with thermal  
radiation are cited in Refs. [26–29]. s þ 1  W:s þ s:W þ dðs:D þ D:sÞ þ bs : DI þ cDtr s
Motivated by the above work the aim of present endings is to   
treatise the fluid movement through the ductus different of the ¼ 2l D þ  2  W:D þ D:W þ 2dD:D þ bD : DI ; ð6Þ
human male reproductive tract. The problem of the two- dt
dimensional motion of non-Newtonian fluid inside a symmetric in which
metachronal wave channel with ciliated walls is discussed. The cil- t
iary system properties are consequent below the impact of low rV þ ðrVÞ 1
Dðsymmetric measurement of velocity gradientÞ ¼ ;
Reynolds number and long wave-length approximation. The mod- 2
eled equations are solved analytically by homotopy perturbation rV  ðrVÞ 1
Wðantisymmetric measurement of velocity gradientÞ ¼ ;
method. First step is that the problem is modelled HPM [30] solu- 2
tion is considered for the resulting equation. The results for veloc-
ity profile, pressure gradient, pressure rise and stream function where d; b; c are material constant of a Jeffrey six-constant fluid
have been considered for different values of the parameters. The model, t 1 represents the transpose of a vector, relaxation time is
physical features of pertinent parameters are discussed through 1 and delay time is 2 .
graphs. The streamlines are sketched for some physical quantity Let us examine that the envelops of the cilia tips can be denoted
to examine the trapping phenomenon. mathematically as [31]
This paper is organized as follows: we discuss the details of the 2p  
formulation of the problem. Sections 3, describes the proposed R ¼ H ¼ f ðZ; tÞ ¼ a þ a cos Z  ct ; ð7Þ
solution methodology for the governing systems of partial differ-
ential equations. Section 4 presents the numerical results and dis-  
cussions. In Section 5, the paper is concluded with a discussion of Z ¼ gðZ; Z 0 ; tÞ ¼ Z 0 þ aa sin Z  ct ; ð8Þ
the results.
where a represents the radius of the ciliated tube,  is the mean
2. Model of the problem non-dimensional measure with respect to the cilia length, k pre-
sented by wavelength and c denotes the wave speed. a is the mea-
We have considered the ciliary motion phenomenon for the two sure of the eccentricity of the elliptical motion of the cilia tips. The
dimensional flow of an incompressible in an annulus. velocities of the transporting fluid are just those caused by the cilia
Equation of continuity: tips, which can be expressed as:

@U U @W @Z @g @g @Z @g @g
þ þ ¼ 0: ð1Þ W¼ j ¼ þ  ¼ þ W ð9Þ
@R R @Z @t Z0 @t @Z @t @t @X
Momentum Equation:
  @R @f @f @Z @f @f
@ @ @ @P 1 @ @ s U¼ j ¼ þ  ¼ þ W ð10Þ
q þU þW U¼ þ ðRsRR Þ þ ðs Þ þ hh ; @t Z0 @t @Z @t @t @X
@t @R @Z @R R @R @Z RZ R
ð2Þ Using Eqs. (7) and (8) into the Eqs. (9) and (10), we obtain it as
  ðaac cosð2kpÞðZ  ctÞÞ
@ @ @ @P 1 @ @ W ¼ 2p
¼ vðZ; tÞ;
q þU þW W ¼ þ ðRsR Z Þ þ ðs Þ 1  k ðaa cosð2kpÞðZ  ctÞÞ
@t @R @Z @Z R @R @Z Z Z
þ qg aðT  T 0 Þ þ qg aðC  C 0 Þ  rB20 W: 2p
ð3Þ ðaac sinð2kpÞðZ  ctÞÞ
U¼ k
2p at r ¼ h;
1  k ðaa cosð2kpÞðZ  ctÞÞ
Energy Equation:
  ! The transformations between the two frames are
@ @ @ 2 T 1 @T @ 2 T
U þW T ¼a þ þ
@R @Z @R2 R @R @Z 2 r ¼ R; z ¼ Z  ct;
2 ! 0 !2 ! 2 13
@C @T @C @T D @T @T u ¼ U; w ¼ W  c1 ;
þ s4 DB þ þ @T
þ A5 : ð4Þ
@R @R @Z @Z T0 @R @Z
The coresponding boundary conditions are defined as [23]
2952 A. Shaheen, S. Nadeem / Results in Physics 7 (2017) 2950–2957

@W @T @C
¼ 0; ¼ 0; ¼ 0; at r ¼ 0 ð11Þ
@r @r @r  
W ¼ vðZ; tÞ; T ¼ T 0 ; C ¼ C 0 ; at r ¼ h ¼ a þ a cos ðZ  ct : ð12Þ

Introducing the following non-dimensional variables,

R r Z z W w kU
R¼ ; r¼ ; Z¼ ; z¼ ; W ¼ ; w¼ ; U¼
a a k k c c ac
ku c1 t 1 c 1 2 c 1 ac1 q a
u¼ ; t¼ ; k1 ¼ ; k2 ¼ ; Re ¼ ; d¼
ac k a a l0 k
h l0 cp g aa32 T 0 ðT  T 0 Þ
h ¼ ¼ 1 þ  cosð2pzÞ; Pr ¼ ; Gr ¼ ; h¼ ;
a k t2 T0
ðqcÞp DB ðC 0 Þ g aa32 C 0 ðqcÞp DT ðC 0 Þ ðC  C 0 Þ
Nb ¼ ; Br ¼ ; Nt ¼ ; r¼
ðqcÞf t2 ðqcÞf a C0
M¼ B0 a:
We suppose for small Reynolds number Re  1 and by the
Fig. 1. Influence of a1 on W.
Long-wavelength approximation d  1 the flow inside the passage
is very slow. Therefore, neglecting the non-inertial terms we get
0¼ ; ð13Þ
@p 1 @
0¼ þ ðr srz Þ þ Gr h þ Br r  M 2 ðw þ 1Þ; ð14Þ
@z r @r
1 @ @h @h @ r @h
0¼ r þ Nb þ Nt ; ð15Þ
r @r @r @r @r @r
1 @ @r Nt 1 @ @h
0¼ r þ r : ð16Þ
r @r @r Nb r @r @r

@w @h @r
¼ 0; ¼ 0; ¼ 0; at r ¼ 0;
@r @r @r
w ¼ 1  2pda cosð2pzÞ; h ¼ 0;
r ¼ 0 at r ¼ h ¼ 1 þ  cosð2pzÞ;
h  2 i
1 þ k1 k2 ð1  dðd þ bÞ  2c ð2d þ 3bÞÞ @w
srz ¼ ; Fig. 2. Influence of  on W.
½1 þ k21 ð1  dðd þ bÞ  2c ð2d þ 3bÞÞð@w
@w @w
srr ¼k2 ð1 þ d þ bÞ  k1 ð1 þ d þ bÞ srz ;
@r @r
@w @w
szz ¼k2 ð1 þ d þ bÞ  k1 ð1 þ d þ bÞ srz ;
@r @r
@w @w
shh ¼k2 b  k1 bsrz :
@r @r
a1 ¼ 1  dðd þ bÞ  ð2d þ 3bÞ; a2 ¼ k1 k2  k1 ; a3 ¼ k31 k2 :
Finally, in simplified form above equation can be written as

¼0 ð17Þ
   3 !
@p 1 @ @w 1 @ @w
¼ r þ a1 a2 r
@z r @r @r r @r @r
Fig. 3. Influence of M on W.
 5 !
1 @ @w
þ a21 a3 r  M2 ðw þ 1Þ ð18Þ
r @r @r
The corresponding boundary conditions are defined as
1 @ @h @h @ r @h @w @h @r
0¼ r þ Nb þ Nt ; ð19Þ ¼ 0; ¼ 0; ¼ 0; at r ¼ 0;
r @r @r @r @r @r @r @r @r
1 @ @r Nt 1 @ @h w ¼ 1  2pda cosð2pzÞ; h ¼ 0;
0¼ r þ r : ð20Þ
r @r @r N b r @r @r r ¼ 0 at r ¼ h ¼ 1 þ  cosð2pzÞ;
A. Shaheen, S. Nadeem / Results in Physics 7 (2017) 2950–2957 2953

Fig. 4. Influence of N t on h.
Fig. 7. Influence of a1 on Dp.

"  2 #
@h @ r @h
Hðq; hÞ ¼ LðhÞ  Lðh10 Þ þ qLðh10 Þ þ q Nb þ Nt : ð21Þ
@r @r @r

Nt 1 @ @h
Hðq; rÞ ¼ LðrÞ  Lðr10 Þ þ qLðr10 Þ þ q r : ð22Þ
Nb r @r @r
"  3 !
1 @ @w
Hðq; wÞ ¼ LðwÞ  Lðw10 Þ þ qLðw10 Þ þ q a1 a2 r
r @r @r
 5 ! #
1 @ @w @p
þ a21 a3 r þ Gr h þ Br r  M 2 ðw þ 1Þ  :
r @r @r @z
1 @ @
We have taken linear operator L ¼ ðr @r
and initial guesses
r @r
Fig. 5. Influence of N b on r. are discussed which gives satisfy boundary conditions cited as [32]
r2  h
h10 ðr; zÞ ¼ :
r2  h Nt
r10 ðr; zÞ ¼
4 Nb
r2  h @p0
W 10 ðr; zÞ ¼  1  2pda cosð2pzÞ þ :
4 @z

Fig. 6. Influence of N t on r.

3. Solution methodology

The grouping of the perturbation method and homotopy analy-

sis is called homotopy perturbation method (HPM) (an analytical
technique), which eliminates fixed perturbation method while
maintaining all their advantages.
We use homotopy perturbation method to solve the above
Eqs. (18)–(20) Fig. 8. Influence of a1 on F.
2954 A. Shaheen, S. Nadeem / Results in Physics 7 (2017) 2950–2957

Fig. 9. Influence of  on Dp. Fig. 12. Influence of a3 on F.

Fig. 13. Influence of  on dp=dz.

Fig. 10. Influence of  on F.

Fig. 11. Influence of a3 on Dp.

Fig. 14. Influence of Gr on dp=dz.
According to HPM, we define

hðr; qÞ ¼h0 þ qh1 þ q2 h2 þ . . .

Adopting the same procedure as done by ð21  23Þ the solution
rðr; qÞ ¼r0 þ qr1 þ q2 r2 þ . . . for velocity, temperature and nanoparticle phenomena can be
wðr; qÞ ¼w0 þ qw1 þ q2 w2 þ . . . written as for q ! 1
A. Shaheen, S. Nadeem / Results in Physics 7 (2017) 2950–2957 2955

Fig. 15. Influence of N b on dp=dz.

Fig. 18. Influence of a1 ¼ 0:3 on Z.

Fig. 16. Influence of N t on dp=dz.

Fig. 19. Influence of a1 ¼ 0:5 on Z.

Fig. 17. Influence of a1 ¼ 0:1 on Z. Fig. 20. Influence of a1 ¼ 0:7 on Z.

2956 A. Shaheen, S. Nadeem / Results in Physics 7 (2017) 2950–2957

Fig. 21. Influence of  ¼ 0:08 on Z. Fig. 24. Influence of  ¼ 0:14 on Z.

4    3
r4  h dp 1 @p0
w ¼  1  2pda cosð2pzÞ þ
 a2 ðr 4  h Þ
4 dz 32 @z
1 2 @p0 6 1 2 2 1 4
 a1 a3 ðr 6  h Þ þ Gr h ðr 2  h Þ  Gr ðr 4  h Þ
192 @z 16 64
1 2 2 Nt 1 4 Nt 1 2 2 2 2 @p0
þ Br h ðr 2  h Þ  Br ðr 4  h Þ  h M ðr  h Þ
16 N b 64 N b 16 @z
1 2 4 @p0 1 2 2
 M ðr  h Þpda cosð2pzÞ:
4 2
þ M ðr  h Þ ð24Þ
64 @z 2

! 4
! 4
! 2
r2  h r4  h r4  h h  r2
h¼  Nt þ Nt þ
4 32 64 4
! 4
! 6
r6  h r4  h r6  h
þ ðNt Þ2 þ Nt þ ðNt Þ2 : ð25Þ
576 16 288

! 2
! 2
r2  h Nt h  r2 Nt h  r2 Nt
r¼ þ 
4 Nb 2 Nb 4 Nb
r2  h
þ ðNt Þ2 : ð26Þ
Fig. 22. Influence of  ¼ 0:1 on Z.
dp 16
¼ ½F þ A1: ð27Þ
dz h4
h 1 6 1 4 @p0
þ h pda cosð2pzÞ 
A1 ¼ h Gr  h
2 96 16 @z
1 6 2 @p0 1 4 2 1 6 Nt
 h M  h M pda cosð2pzÞ þ Br h
96 @z 8 96 Nb
 3  5
1 6 @p0 1 8 2 @p0
 h a1 a2  h a1 a3 : ð28Þ
96 @z 512 @z
Flow rate in the dimensionless form can be written as
1 2
F¼Q 1þ : ð29Þ
2 2
The pressure rise Dp can be written as
Z 1  
Dp ¼ dz: ð30Þ
0 dz
Velocities in terms of stream functions are defined as
1 @w 1 @w
u¼ ; w¼ :
Fig. 23. Influence of  ¼ 0:12 on Z. r @z r @r
A. Shaheen, S. Nadeem / Results in Physics 7 (2017) 2950–2957 2957

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