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Content Standard

-Oral language in English

Performance Standard

-Have sufficient facility in English to

understand spoken discourse and to talk and interact with others about personal

experiences and text listened to or read.

Learning, Conpetenies

-Reading to short stories/poems and

infer the character's feelings and traits.

EN1OL-Ila-j-1.1 p.18

Subject Matter
A. Topic

-Reading a short stories /poems and infer the character's feeling and traits.

EN10L-IIIa-j-1.1 p.18

B. References

-1. CG -p.18

2. TG - p. 62- 64

3. LM - p. 12

C. Materials used

-Flashcards, books, charts

A. Preparatory /Prelim Activities

-Teacher shows the cover of the book. Pupils

say the title of the book in English.

Refer to TG p.62

B. Drill

-Reading of words in flashcards


C. Review

-Recap of the last topic that the teacher discussed

D. Motivation/ Priming

Showcasing the actual materials that will be

used in a lesson or before lesson proper


E. Lesson Proper

a Activity

-Teacher reads the story in class. Pupils then listen and answer a few questions about the story.

. Refer to TG pp. 63-64

*Comprehension check-up

b. Analysls
-Inferring the feelings and emotion of the characters in the picture

c. Abstraction

- depends on what learn by the learners

*Ask: what have they learned from the lesson today?

d Application

-Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living

*Class sharing insights about the stories wich are common in their community


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