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Could you go 7 Days Without Student# ____ Name: ___________ Class# _____

Internet, Phone, and Email and were crystal clear. I could think something
Survive? through, at a high level, from start to finish and
make very clear decisions.
I did and there were some very interesting Another interesting observation was that I started
side effects. sleeping really well, in fact, 10 hours per night
plus. Yes, some of this was because they made us
do exercise, but nothing excessive. I do not doubt
that I was sleeping well because I was more
relaxed as a result of not checking some device
every five minutes, especially at night.

Towards the end of the week, I had totally lost the

need to have my phone attached to my hip. I had a
sense of going with the flow and if anyone needed
to get in touch with me, they would be happy to
wait till I was back in the office (which as it
turned out was true).
I just arrived home after spending a week at a
health retreat and what an interesting week it was. At the end of the week, I turned on my phone to
Part of the overall detox philosophy at the camp about 1,500 emails—95% were a waste of time,
was the need to detox from the modern connected junk, or just plain unnecessary. The rest I
world we live in and I have to say, it was responded to and cleaned up in about an hour and
challenging. a half. Yet I seem to spend hours each day on
email. So, from now on I am definitely blocking
Day one and I was like a junkie, pacing the room, email time--twice per day then switch it off.
looking for an Internet connection or a single bar
on my phone. Slowly a sense of dread started to Another interesting thing happened when I started
settle in. How on earth was I going to cope with to watch the evening news. The first three stories
seven whole days with no contact with the outside were particularly graphic, brutal, violent, cruel,
world? and sad, and I felt myself becoming physically
sick, to the point where I had to turn the television
Interestingly I'm not sure what concerns me off. These terrible stories had a physical effect on
more--the fear of missing an opportunity of some me. Wow, how desensitized had I become in the
sort, the fear of letting a client down or the fear of past, being bombarded with stories like this all
something happening and I wouldn't be aware of day? From now on I am going to be very selective
it. Rest assured, the only common theme here is about what I watch and what I listen to.
Overall, was it a good exercise? Absolutely. Can I
What I really noticed was how much time I had on keep a hold of what I have learned and realized? I
my hands when they weren't constantly connected hope so. I'm also a realist (who gets the irony of
to a device of some sort. All of this time let me do writing about disconnecting on an online
things that were far more constructive in many platform), and whilst I can't ever see myself living
ways. I read seven books in seven days. off the grid, I do think I can manage it better to
live a more sane and serene life.
The fog started to lift at about day three. Part of
this was due to the end of my caffeine cravings
but I certainly felt like my brain was working
much better.

Now that I wasn't spending the day doing a

million things, multitasking like a mad man,
bouncing around all over the place, my thoughts
~ Comprehension Questions ~ 4. What were some of the physical and/or
mental changes that the author went
1. Where did the author of the article go for a through during those seven days?
week? __________________________________
________________________________ __________________________________

2. How would you best describe the term

__________________________________ 5. What are some of the things the author
__________________________________ discovered after he turned his phone on?
3. What are some of the things the author did
while he was disconnected from the

6. What is the difference in the author’s
__________________________________ attitude at the end of the article compared
__________________________________ to the beginning of the article?

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