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0749-5161/02/1805-0360 Vol. 18, No.

Copyright © 2002 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
DOI: 10.1097/01.pec.0000034335.62465.45

Acute methanol ingestion


Methanol poisoning is an insidious event that can culminate time later and complained of a headache and feeling tired. He was
in severe metabolic disturbances, permanent neurologic dys- noted to have difficulty maintaining his balance. He denied inges-
function, blindness, and death. Although numerous adult cases tion of any medications or other substances. The caretakers denied
have been extensively reviewed, there is a paucity of reports having any alcohol in the home.
about pediatric ingestions. We present a case of acute methanol On arrival at the ED 3 hours after the onset of his symptoms, his
intoxication in a 6-year-old male patient who presented with vital signs were within the normal limits for his age, and his exam-
headache, nausea, altered mental status, and drowsiness. His ination results were remarkable only for drowsiness, decreased
blood methanol level was 350 mg/dL (109.4 mmol/L), despite muscle tone, and an unsteady, wide-based gait. His deep tendon re-
the absence of any history or identifiable source of methanol. flexes were symmetric but depressed at 1/4 in both the upper and
Treatment with ethanol, alkalinization, and hemodialysis re- lower extremities. His pupils were symmetric at 4 mm and re-
sulted in full recovery without residua. Unusual facets of this sponded normally to light.
case are the child’s relatively older age, the extremely high His initial laboratory evaluation included a complete blood count,
methanol blood level, and, most remarkably, the complete lack electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, and serum glucose; rapid
of visual disturbances on routine ophthalmologic evaluation. whole blood glucose was 87 mg/dL. All test results were within the
normal range for the patient’s age, and a urine drug screen was nega-
tive for benzodiazepines, opiates, cocaine, amphetamines, phencycli-
dine, salicylates, and barbiturates. A blood alcohol screen was ob-
Toxic exposures in children are extremely common. The vast ma- tained. In our institution, this screen is performed by headspace gas
jority are ingestions involving a readily identified substance, such as chromatography with flame ionization. It includes ethanol, methanol,
a household chemical, plant, or medication, and do not result in sig- isopropanol, and ethylene glycol. Pending the results of the blood al-
nificant toxicity (1, 2). Methanol poisonings, however, are potentially cohol screen, the child was given activated charcoal via a nasogastric
extremely toxic and can have critical effects on the patient, including tube and 20 cc/kg of intravenous normal saline.
severe metabolic disturbances, permanent neurologic dysfunction, Over the course of 3 hours after his presentation to the ED, the pa-
blindness, and death. Therefore, prompt recognition and treatment are tient developed increasing somnolence, and he was transferred to the
crucial. Yet, aside from two reports involving infants who inadver- pediatric intensive care unit. On arrival in the pediatric intensive care
tently received methanol with their formula (3, 4), there is a paucity unit, the patient “woke up” and became increasingly active and talk-
of medical literature concerning methanol ingestions in the pediatric ative but continued to complain of a headache, dizziness, and diffi-
population. We report a case of methanol toxicity in a 6-year-old child culty holding his head up. However, he did not complain of visual
who did not develop any visual disturbances despite having extremely disturbances. An arterial blood gas analysis revealed metabolic aci-
high blood methanol levels. dosis with a pH of 7.21 and a bicarbonate concentration of 16.4
mEq/L. The anion gap was 23 mEq/L, and the osmol gap was 112
mmol/L. (The measured osmolality was 408 mmol/L, and the calcu-
lated value was 296 mmol/L.) By 9 hours after presentation, the al-
A 6-year-old healthy male child without any prior significant cohol screen obtained in the ED came back and showed a methanol
medical history presented to the pediatric emergency department blood level of 350 mg/dL (109.4 mmol/L). The patient was started
(ED) with a chief complaint of “not feeling well” for the previous on folic acid supplementation and a continuous intravenous ethanol
three hours, noticeably decreased energy, and difficulty walking. drip. A few hours later, he was intubated because of worsening men-
Previously, he was reportedly normal upon awakening. After eat- tal status. By 15 hours after his presentation, the pH was normalized
ing breakfast, he took his grandmother’s handbag to her upstairs with sodium bicarbonate, and hemodialysis was begun. Methanol
bedroom. The pocketbook contained hydrochlorothiazide, insulin, was undetectable in the blood after 8 hours of hemodialysis. Twenty-
metformin, trazodone, and ammonium lactate lotion. Other med- five hours after his presentation, a detailed ophthalmologic examina-
ications in the home included valproic acid, dextroamphetamine, tion was performed. This included pupillary dilatation with fundu-
and oxycodone-acetaminophen. He returned downstairs a short scopic visualization. He did not have hyperemic optic disks or any
other notable abnormality. No visual evoked potentials or elec-
troretinograms were performed at this time. The patient was dis-
From the Departments of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics, Medical charged on the third day with no apparent residua from his ingestion.
College of Virginia at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, He failed to return for a follow-up ophthalmology examination.
Address for reprints: Thomas L. Sutton, MD, 2-501st AV BN; 1st AD,
A home inspection was performed to locate the possible expo-
CMR 477; Box 1179, APO AE 09165; e-mail: sure. However, a bottle of deicer fluid in the neighbor’s car was the
Key Words: Methanol, acidosis, anion gap, formic acid, osmol gap only potential exposure source located.

DISCUSSION of ingestion versus the reported time, the coingestion of ethanol,
pre-existing liver disease, the age of the patient, and individual
Poisonings are one of the most common medical emergencies in variability in metabolism (21). Our patient had a level of 350
children. In 1999, the American Association of Poison Centers re- mg/dL (109 mmol/L), which is the highest level in a child that we
ported 2.2 million human poison exposures in the United States. were able to find in the literature, as well as among the highest re-
Children under the age of 6 years made up 52.5% of those inci- ported levels in adults (4, 22, 23). Similar to the blood methanol
dents, but only 7% involved children between the ages of 6 and 12 level, the toxic dose of methanol has considerable variability. The
years (5). In 1999, alcohols and glycols were involved in 95,913 lowest reported lethal dose was 4 mL of 100% methanol (1.25
exposures, and 129 of these exposures were fatal (5). Of the com- mol), but other patients have survived the consumption of 500 to
mon alcohols (ie, methanol, ethanol, isopropanol) and ethylene 600 mL of 40% methanol (7.5 mol) (14). Generally accepted lethal
glycol, ethanol is considerably less toxic but accounts for the ma- doses range from 30 to 100 mL (1–3 mol) (21).
jority of deaths. There were 2517 exposures to methanol (602 un- The clinical symptoms of methanol toxicity are nonspecific. Mis-
der age 19) in that year. Eleven deaths were attributed to methanol; diagnoses have included diabetic ketoacidosis, pancreatitis, menin-
none involved children (5). gitis, botulism, and congestive heart failure (6). The acute presenta-
Possessing a single carbon atom, methanol is the simplest of the tion resembles ethanol inebriation with cognitive slowing, cloudy
alcohols. It is a clear, colorless, volatile liquid that is readily solu- sensorium, dizziness, and gastric discomfort (6, 11, 21). As the meth-
ble in water. The faint, sweet odor is distinct from ethanol. How- anol is metabolized, these symptoms resolve, and the patient enters a
ever, pure methanol and ethanol taste very similar. There are sev- latency period that can extend from 1 hour to as many as 72 hours;
eral other names for methanol, including methyl hydrate, methyl the typical duration is 12 to 24 hours. If ethanol is also ingested, as is
alcohol, methylated spirit, wood alcohol, wood spirit, carbinol, and often the case with bootleg whisky, the latency period can be further
wood naphtha. Methanol is mostly used in the manufacture and extended, because the ethanol competes with alcohol dehydrogenase
synthesis of other chemicals. Commercial uses include windshield (24). A delay in diagnosis can occur in patients presenting during the
washing and deicing fluids, duplicating machine fluids, carburetor latency phase. The outcome may be compromised as formic acid is
cleaner, solid canned fuels, shellac, paint thinners and removers, allowed to accumulate. Following the latency period, symptoms re-
and model airplane fuel. It is also used as a gasoline additive and to turn with increased severity along with additional problems. These
denature alcohol. Finally, methanol has been used in bootleg include central nervous system dysfunction such as headache, gener-
whisky and, as such, has been involved in clusters of methanol in- alized weakness, convulsions, and coma. Gastrointestinal symptoms
toxications (6). include abdominal tenderness, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and ele-
Methanol is readily absorbed through the skin, the gastroin- vation of the pancreatic enzymes, thereby leading to the misdiagno-
testinal tract, and the pulmonary viscera (7–10). Absorption sis of pancreatitis. Even with metabolic acidosis, Kussmaul breath-
through the gastrointestinal tract is essentially complete, whereas ing is uncommon (6).
the inhalation of methanol results in approximately 60% absorp- Disturbance of vision is a presenting complaint in the majority of
tion (11). Once it is absorbed, methanol is redistributed through- methanol intoxications and is one of the most specific clinical find-
out the total body water. Areas of increased concentration include ings (6, 17–19, 25, 26). In an episode involving multiple cases in
the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and the cerebrospinal fluid Atlanta, Georgia, visual disturbance was a universal complaint in
(12). The highest concentrations are found in the vitreous humor all 115 patients with acidosis and in half of the patients without aci-
and the optic nerve (13). dosis. Onset was usually within 6 hours of ingestion (6). Formate
The toxicity related to methanol is a result of its metabolites (ie, affects the retinal Muller cells (27) and possibly the oligoden-
formaldehyde and formic acid) rather than the parent compound. Be- droglia of the optic nerve (28). By inhibiting cytochrome oxidase,
cause of the prerequisite metabolism to produce the toxic products, it may affect neuronal and glial cell membrane polarity (19, 29).
there is a latent period following exposure (6). Visual complaints include blurred, dimmed, or cloudy vision; cen-
A small fraction of methanol is excreted unchanged by the lungs tral and peripheral scotomata; altered color perception; photopho-
and kidneys, but the liver is the primary site of metabolism. Alcohol bia; visual field defects; and blindness. Mydriatic pupils with a
dehydrogenase oxidizes methanol to formaldehyde. This is the rate- sluggish light response are commonly observed, even in patients
limiting step in methanol metabolism and is a saturable process (12). who do not have visual complaints (6, 11, 17). The lack of ocular
Although formaldehyde is 30 times more toxic than methanol, it does findings on initial presentation is a positive prognostic sign. Per-
not contribute to the toxicity of methanol (6, 14). This is due to its very manent visual loss has not occurred in any patient with an initial
rapid oxidation to formic acid by aldehyde dehydrogenase. Formic normal examination (25). The classic examination findings include
acid is approximately six times more toxic than methanol and is re- optic disc hyperemia and peripapillary edema (19). Optic disc hy-
sponsible for the toxicity seen with methanol exposures (16, 12, 14). peremia is one of the earliest funduscopic findings. Onset is be-
A folate-dependent step completes the final oxidation of methanol to tween 18 and 48 hours after ingestion, and it persists up to 3 days.
carbon dioxide and water (15, 16). This is a relatively slow step, and, Peripapillary edema, which spreads radially, has a slower onset and
thus, there is accumulation of formic acid leading to the clinical toxic- can persist for 2 weeks. Adults with chronic methanol poisoning
ity of methanol, including ocular injury and metabolic acidosis (17, have exhibited abnormalities on electroretinogram (30). However,
18, 19). In addition, formic acid inhibits the cytochrome P450 chain, case reports and studies involving adults with visual symptoms and
causing a decrease in the oxidized nicotinamide adenine dinu- signs vary concerning these findings, particularly in the acute set-
cleotide/reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ratio and forma- ting (19, 31). Ocular findings can be transient or permanent. Re-
tion of lactic acid (12, 20). covery, if it does occur, is usually within 1 week (25).
Methanol blood levels peak at approximately 30 to 60 minutes The laboratory evaluation of a patient who is suspected of hav-
after ingestion (6). Because the toxicity is due to formate and not ing methanol exposure should include determination of all com-
directly to methanol, methanol blood levels may not correlate with mon alcohols (ie, ethanol, methanol, isopropanol) and ethylene gly-
toxicity. Factors to consider include the following: the actual time col. A low methanol level does not exclude methanol intoxication,
because the level may have been measured prior to achievement of compared with methanol (40). A serum concentration of 100 mg/dL
peak serum levels or after significant metabolism had already oc- of ethanol has been shown to protect against the toxic sequelae of a
curred. Low levels (30 mg/dL) have also been seen as a result of methanol level as high as 282 mg/dL (23). Consequently, the goal of
natural fermentation after ingestion of wines and fruit spirits (32). therapy is to maintain an ethanol level of 100 to 150 mg/dL. Because
Levels within the toxic range, however, do confirm the diagnosis, the metabolism and elimination of ethanol show individual variation,
as does the coexistence of metabolic acidosis. Metabolic acidosis levels need to be monitored frequently (32). Ethanol is not without
with accompanying anion and osmol gaps is an important asso- its problems, including central nervous system depression, hypo-
ciated finding. Elevations of amylase, creatinine, and the mean glycemia, dehydration, and fluctuating serum concentrations (2, 32).
corpuscular volume and decreases in serum phosphate are com- The Food and Drug Administration recently approved fomepizole
mon. (4-methylpyrazole) for ethylene glycol toxicity, and it is replacing
Although the anion gap is neither specific nor sensitive, a level ethanol as the primary treatment. Several case reports have shown its
above 30 mEq/L strongly suggests the presence of organic acidosis effectiveness in treating methanol toxicity as well (41–44). Fomepi-
(33). The measured formate level will correspond with the severity zole is a synthetic competitive inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenase. In
of symptoms and the prognosis (19, 20, 34). Osterloh et al. (22) has the presence of methanol, it prevents the production of toxic metabo-
demonstrated a correlation between the formate level and both the lites. No formal studies have been performed to compare the efficacy
anion gap and the bicarbonate concentration. His studies suggest of ethanol versus fomepizole. However, fomepizole has several no-
that most of the acidosis seen is due to the formate, but some aci- table benefits. Because it has a longer and more reliable half-life, it is
dosis is a result of lactic acid. given every 12 hours and not as a continuous infusion. This also
The osmol gap (the difference between the measured osmolality eliminates the need to monitor drug levels. It is metabolized by the
and the calculated osmolality of the serum) assumes the presence cytochrome P450 mixed function oxidase system to 4-carboxypyra-
of an osmotically active substance such as methanol. Osmolality is zole, which is then excreted through the kidney (45). Most impor-
the number of moles of solute dissolved in 1 kilogram of solvent, tantly, fomepizole does not alter mental status nor does it cause cen-
whereas osmolarity is the number of moles of solute in 1 liter of tral nervous system depression (6, 37, 46). Side effects include
solvent. For medical purposes, the two are interchangeable. Both severe headache, nausea, dizziness, and rash (6, 37, 45). The primary
are colligative properties of a solution—they are dependent only on deterrent for its use is the cost (46). Because it induces its own me-
the number of dissolved particles and not on the nature of the tabolism, the dose is increased during the treatment course. Initially,
solute. Because most toxins are present in relatively small amounts a loading dose of 15 mg/kg is given, followed by a dose of 10 mg/kg
and have a high molecular weight, they do not exert an osmotic ef- every 12 hours for four doses. The dose is then increased to 15 mg/kg
fect. However, methanol has a low molecular weight (32 D), and and continued every 12 hours until the methanol level is lower than
ingestions may involve gram amounts leading to a significant rise 20 mg/dL (46). Fomepizole has not yet been studied in the pediatric
in the serum osmolality (35). Although the osmotic gap is fre- population.
quently used to assess methanol intoxication, its reliability and ac- Folic acid and its metabolites are reduced in the liver in patients
curacy are questionable (35, 36). Current methods in the determi- with methanol poisoning. Humans and monkeys are unique in the
nation of serum osmolality appear to be inadequate, and there is animal world in that the metabolism of formate to carbon dioxide
also debate as to what constitutes the normal range (35, 36). A nor- is a slow process. Although they use the same pathway, rats rapidly
mal osmol gap does not exclude the presence of an osmotically ac- convert formate and are not subject to its toxic effects (16, 34).
tive substance (35). Primates who are folate deficient demonstrate methanol toxicity
Prompt recognition and treatment of methanol ingestion is re- at lower levels of methanol ingestion (34). Conversely, administra-
quired to prevent permanent sequelae and death. Because sudden tion of folate has been shown to speed the metabolism of formic
deterioration can occur in a seemingly stable patient, it is important acid in primates that have been made folate deficient. The concen-
not to delay treatment. The establishment of a secure airway is rec- trations of folate are reduced in a human with methanol toxicity.
ommended. Activated charcoal adsorbs 59% of methanol in vitro if Thus, it is recommended that folate be given intravenously at 50 to
given at a 5:1 ratio (activated charcoal:methanol) (37). However, 75 mg every 24 hours for at least 24 hours (22).
because the absorption of methanol from the gastrointestinal tract Hemodialysis will remove both the parent compound and the
is so rapid, it is unlikely that gastric decontamination with charcoal, toxic metabolite (47). Hemodialysis is recommended if the patient
or by any other means such as syrup of ipecac or gavage, will be is symptomatic, has methanol levels greater than 25 mg/dL, or has
beneficial (2, 32, 34). metabolic acidosis (32).
The main goals of treatment involve treating the acidosis, pre-
venting further oxidation of methanol to its toxic metabolites, and
removing methanol and formic acid. Current therapy includes al-
kalinization, the use of ethanol to competitively inhibit the conver- This case of methanol ingestion in a 6-year-old child had several
sion of methanol to formaldehyde by alcohol dehydrogenase, folic unique aspects. First, the child was older than the usual age for self-
acid supplementation, and hemodialysis. Fomepizole is a new administration of an unknowingly toxic substance. In addition,
treatment that also inhibits alcohol dehydrogenase and may be an there is usually a clear history of exposure and the substance taken
alternative to ethanol. in pediatric intoxications (1). In this case, identification of the toxin
Alkalinization increases the dissociation of formic acid and de- was accomplished only by laboratory investigation. Finally, de-
creases penetration of formic acid into the central nervous system spite having the highest blood level of methanol reported in the pe-
(6, 32, 38, 39). However, it may or may not alter the clinical course. diatric population, this child had no ocular complaints or demon-
The pH should be frequently assessed to maintain a value within strable ocular findings. Because of the variable presentation of
the normal range. Large quantities may be required to achieve this methanol intoxication and the well-described latency period, we
result. suggest that the physician maintain a high index of suspicion for
Alcohol dehydrogenase has a ninefold greater affinity for ethanol methanol exposure.

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