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The first step is to say it as it is so we can all see it as it is.

So that we are clear where we are and how we got there.

Firstly, the decision to invest in Wonderland Dao was a mistake,

In relation to investment by Ismail and firdaus we took too big a risk,
because the amount for them is equivalent to at least a few months savings.
I do see that I had not given enough warning and putting too much hope in the investment.
I must say now I see it was an unbalanced perspective.
Which then Ismail and Firdaus agreed to invest in.

Secondly, moving of investment from wonderland to galaxy Dao was also a mistake.
Now the fund has lost value significantly in galaxy Dao and not worth recovering at the moment.

Thirdly, if we had invested in Node from the beginning, our node nett value has dropped significantly ,
and more strong rewards are needed to buy new node. At current Strong value of $49 it will take about
14 months to break even. In short, it is longer than 4 months initially planned to start earning profit.

It must be mentioned the initial investment by Ismail RM10k and Firdaus RM3.5k is at the moment
as good as burnt. Unless the value of Galaxy Dao recovers from 50 cent to $6000 at current pricing.

On Erman’s investment when we first bought wonderland DAO I’m not clear (Hopefully Erman can
help me out) since STRONG price had dropped (to $49) since I first bought 4 STRONGs (at
$750/Strong) on behalf of Ismail and Firdaus.

This is how I see it. Do correct me. We need to get our perspective correct first.

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