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Patricia Cortes

ENGL 1302



My E-Portfolio consists of genre assignments correlating to specific audiences and to whom I

would present business information. The focus of our class was to present information “out of the box.”

I was able to create documents and gather information for more than just myself and my peers.

In my group, we peer-reviewed each type of our own chosen genre from each member. My

three genres were chosen from North Dakota State University’s Center for Writing. These genres

included a business email (Connor 2009), a business brochure, and a resume.

I felt that the genres that I chose to meet the criteria of “in your discipline,” “out of discipline,”

and “general public,” are simple to understand and access. As a group, we discussed what genres we

were doing and why they would be effective in each other’s respective disciplines.

Having read the essential information needed for a business email, like a business memo, you

learn to write just the main point. In a brochure, you want to elaborate and describe what it is you are

trying to advertise, in my case the discipline itself, it appeals to the business community. Finally, in my

public genre, I provided a summary that not only the business community would read but anyone

looking to hire a new employee.

Overall, I am satisfied with my choices and the constructive criticism received from my peers. I

learned that there are easier sources on how to provide information to others.

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