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e GE Energy Services

GE’s Liquid Insulation Laboratory

“The Denver LIL”
e GE Energy Services

“The Denver LIL”

Dielectric Fluids “Liquid Insulation” Laboratory

•Fluid Quality Testing

•Internal Fault Detection

•Cellulose Insulation Aging

•Inhibitor (Type II Oil) analysis

•Expert Diagnostic Interpretation

e GE Energy Services

Dielectric Fluid Testing

• Fluid Type Identification
• Critical Tests
• Aging / Oxidation
• Refining Parameters
• Dissolved Gases (Faults)
• Inhibitors, dissolved metals, Furans
e GE Energy Services

Fluid Types
• Askarels (Pyranol, Inerteen, etc.)
– PCB based fluids
– 500,000 ppm (50%) to Pure (100%) PCB
– Tri & Tetrachlorobenzene solvent
• WECOSOL (Westinghouse Trade Name)
– Perchloroethylene / Tetrachlorethylene
• Silicone
• RTemp (Less Flammable Hydrocarbon Fluid)
• EnviroTemp, Others (Ester-based)
• Mineral Oils
e GE Energy Services

Critical Tests
• Dielectric Strength
• Water Content
• Viscosity (Askerals)
• Visual
– particles
– carbon
– fibers
e GE Energy Services

Aging, Oxidation
• Color
• Acidity (Neutralization)
• IFT (Interfacial Tension)
e GE Energy Services

Refining Parameters
• Pour point
• Flash point
• Coefficient of Expansion
• Specific Gravity
• Viscosity
e GE Energy Services

Viscosity of Dielectric Fluids

Secondary purpose of Fluids is to DISSIPATE HEAT.
Viscosity of the fluid affects the ability of the fluid to flow around and
through the windings. The design of the cooling ducts must be
matched to the fluid based on its viscosity.

Viscosity & Pour Point of common Dielectric Fluids

Mineral Oil: 8 - 12 @ 40C - 40C ( - 40F)
R-Temp * (HFHC): 120-140 @ 40C - 15C ( 5F)
Silicone: 35 - 40 @ 40 C - 50C ( - 58F)
EnviroTemp FR3 * 35 Max @ 40C - 18C ( - 0.4F)

* R-Temp & EnviroTemp are trademarks of Cooper Industries

e GE Energy Services

• Cellulose Breakdown (paper insulation)

• Five (5) different Furanic breakdown compounds; 2-

furaldehyde diagnostic

• DP = Degree of Polymerization (amount of cross

linking of cellulose molecules

• Level of 2-furaldehyde used to calculate DP and thus

APPARENT age of paper

• Compare Apparent Age to Actual on-Line Age to

determine damage. (+- 10 %)
e GE Energy Services

INHIBITORS in Mineral Oil

• TYPE I verse TYPE II Mineral Oil
– Type I: Un- inhibitor ( < 0.08% a.k.a. < 800 ppm)
– Type II: Inhibited. ( 0.1% to 0.3% a.k.a. 1000 to 3000 ppm)

• Inhibitor Compound:
– DBCP 2,6-Ditertiary-Butyl Para Cresol (used in oils)

• Inhibitors of value in Free Breathing Transformers

• Inhibitors not required in Transformers with Oil Preservation Systems:

– N2 blanket
– Conservator Tanks
– Sealed Tanks
e GE Energy Services

METALS; Dissolved in Oil

• Recommended only for a limited number of circumstances.

• Directed Flow (FOA) units: wearing of oil immersed components

• Suspect Dirt Contamination (Silica)

• Tribology:
– study of wear, frictional
– Engine Oil Analysis: thousands of RPMs in a few gallons
– Particle size must be small to either dissolved or remain suspended
e GE Energy Services

Dissolved Gas-in-Oil Analysis

e GE Energy Services

Dissolved Gas-in-Oil Analysis:

(DGA, Fault Gas Detection)

• INTERNAL faults
Secondary Effects

• External Faults
Secondary Effects

• Operator /
Operational Error
e GE Energy Services

Dissolved Gases & Fault gases in Oil

• Atmospheric gases
(N2, O2, CO2)

• Cellulose material
breakdown (CO, CO2)

• Oil (Hydrocarbon)
break down (H2,
C2H6, C2H4, C2H2)
e GE Energy Services

Atmospheric Gases
• Nitrogen Blanket Transformer

– Normal O2:N2 > 2:30 (15)

– Minimum Ratio > 2:15 (7)
• Open Breather, Vented or
Compromised Head space:

– Ratio of O2:N2 =
Atmospheric ratio = 2:8 (4)
• Bad sample affects this ratio
e GE Energy Services

Cellulose Breakdown Gases (CO & CO2)

• CO suggested ????? limits

– Oil: <500 ppm

– Silicone (NON-Degassed ) 900 - 1200 ppm

– Silicone (Degassed) < 100 ppm

• Confirm with Hydrocarbon gases

• Compare rate of change (History)

• CO2 is of Little Diagnostic value

e GE Energy Services

Hydrocarbon (fault) Gases

• CH4 -> Low temp. heating (normal)

unless high level = poor cooling

• C2H6 -> Moderate temp. (200C) hot spot

• C2H4 -> High temp. (400C) Hot Spot

• C2H2 -> ARCING!!!!!!!

e GE Energy Services

Hydrogen (H2)
• Hydrolysis of Water ( H2O -> H2 + O2)

• Rusting (Fe + H2O -> FeO2 + H2)

• Coronal Discharge (Hydrocarbons -> H2)

e GE Energy Services

Methane CH4
• Low rate of formation is Normal in operating Transformers


– Over loading
– Low Fluid Level
– Blocked radiators
– No or insufficient number of cooling fans
– Fan themo-switch not set correctly
– Transformer enclosed by 3 walls thus reducing air flow
– Xfmr located on roof or against South (sunny) side of bldg..
– Blocked cooling ducts in winding or insufficient size
– Wrong fluid type for winding cooling ducts (viscosity)
e GE Energy Services

Ethane C2H6
• Low to moderate temperature Hot Spot: (200 - 300 C)
– Undersized Conductor
– Conductor made of 5 to 8 units creating flux
between separated strands.
– By-product of higher temp hot spots
– Hot metal at surface of oil (bushing connection)
e GE Energy Services

Ethylene C2H4
• High Temperature Hot Spot (approx.. 400 C)
– Circulating Currents between Core & Tank
• second ground
– Circulating current in windings
• shorted turns. CO usually produced
– Bad Joint or Connection
• Tap connection, bolted connections, etc
e GE Energy Services

Acetylene C2H2
• ARCING !!!!!!!
• Always taken seriously!
–External power surge
–Sparking / sputtering
–Arc with Power Follow Through
–Catastrophic winding failure
e GE Energy Services

Acetylene ( C2H2 ) = Arcing

e GE Energy Services

Fault Identification & Significance

• Concentration of gases (ppm)

• Ratios of individual gases

• “Rate of Formation” of TCG’s

e GE Energy Services

• Hydrocarbon Gas Ratios

– CH4 / H2; C2H6 / CH4; C2H4 / C2H6

– C2H2 / C2H4; C2H6 / C2H2

• Indicates Temperature of Fault & Energy

• Faults have Specific Ratio Patterns

e GE Energy Services

Ratio Patterns
(beginners tools)
• Roger’s
• Roger’s Binary 3
• Roger’s Binary 4
• Dorenberg’s
• Duvall's Triangle
e GE Energy Services

Rate of Formation (of TCG’s)

• TCG’s = Total Combustable Gases =

(H2 + CO + CH4 + C2H6 + C2H4 + C2H2)

• Rate = [( TCG2 - TCG1 ) x V x 10E-6 ]

– __________________________________________
– (7.5 x # days)

–(Units = cubic Ft. of TCG’s /day)

e GE Energy Services

Rate of Formation Guides

• R = > 0.1 ------------------ Active fault

• 0.1 > R > 0.01 ------- High

monitor closely, perform electrical tests

• 0.01 > R > 0.0001 ------- Moderate to Low,

Overloading, Poor Cooling

• R < 0.00005 ----------------- Normal

e GE Energy Services

ppm verse Volume of Fluid

• Critical in determining the significance of gas levels

– 100 ppm in a 1,000 gallon unit is less significant than

100 ppm in a 10,000 gallon unit

– identical faults produce the same amount of gases but

dissolved in different volumes of oil = different ppm’s

• Rate of Formation formula corrects for fluid volume

e GE Energy Services

ppm verse under load Age of Oil

• Critical in determining the significance of gas

• levels100 ppm in a unit 1 month old IS significant

–100 ppm in a unit 5 years old MAY NOT be


• Rate of Formation formula corrects for time (days)

e GE Energy Services

Actual Case History

e GE Energy Services

Job #33253-96 S/N 508931 C2H2 = 20 ppm

e GE Energy Services
e GE Energy Services

Job #31859-94 S/N XHS70841

e GE Energy Services


• Knowledge of fluid breakdown characteristics

• Accuracy & Reproducibility of Laboratory

• Data base for determining trends

• Subjective & Objective ability to use data

• Laboratory is part of repair & testing facility

• Chemist - Engineer - Technician Team

e GE Energy Services

Thank You


Example Lab Reports?

Mel Wright
e GE Energy Services

Hand outs / DGA reports & Photos

• #1) XHS70841 (previous) (PSC); Tap connection C2H2

• #2) 508931 (previous) (Yellowstone); Turn to Turn C2H2

• #3) SHV005502 (Cordero); Corona & Connectors H2 & C2H6

• #4) 018226527701 (PSC); Non Transposed conductor C2H6

• #5) M122448 (Simpson Paper); Washer with Wire left in unit C2H2 & C2H6

• #6) F962650 (NASS); Core Ground “Kidney plates” C2H4

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