167 T 3 Assignment Answer Form

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Topic 3 Assignment Answer Form

Human Genetics (BIOL 167)

Directions: Complete each of parts below as directed in the activity handout. Don’t bold your answers, as
doing so it makes grading more difficult. Submit this completed form via Canvas for grading by the deadline
specified in the course calendar. If you have any questions, please let me know.

C. Simulation 1: Building DNA

5. Insert a screen shot of just the double stranded DNA molecule, which includes the Gizmos bar
at the top with your name in the upper, right-hand corner. If your name is missing, no credit will
be given.

6a. What is the specific function of DNA helicase?

6b. What type of chemical bond is affected by its action?

6c. What is the term (one word) used to describe the effect on a molecule that results from
breaking this bond?

7a. What is the specific function of DNA polymerase? Your response must include the phrase
“complementary base pairs” and an explanation of how the phrase is directly relevant to DNA
polymerase’s function.

7b. Remember, a chromosome contains one DNA double helix. When a chromosome replicates, it
produces a second, identical DNA double helix. In a picture of a duplicated chromosome, what are
these two parts (each composed of a DNA double helix) called? Hint: The answer is two words.
7c. What is true of the base sequences of the two DNA double helices produced via DNA

D. Simulation 2: RNA and Protein Synthesis

1a. What one-word term have we used to describe the “unzipping” of the DNA?

1b. What is the name of the type of chemical bond that is broken during “unzipping”?

1c. Why is it necessary to unzip the DNA?

2a. What is the one-word term that describes the process by which RNA polymerase uses a DNA
template strand to produce a complementary RNA strand?

2b. Assume the sequence of bases on a template DNA strand is *ATTGCA. Beginning at the * end,
state the sequence of the complementary RNA.

3. Insert a screenshot of the completed RNA strand synthesis that shows the two strands of DNA,
the strand of complementary RNA, and your name in the upper, right-hand corner. If your name is
missing, no credit will be given.

4. What is the name of the large, gray structure?

6a. Insert a screen shot of the completed picture after adding the third tRNA, which includes your
name in the upper, right-hand corner. If your name is missing, no credit will be given.

6b. What does each one of the three attached colored spheres represent?

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