Therapeutic Communication (Mustapha)

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Situation: A 40year old male client is discussing his family situation with a nurse. State whether the
nurse’s responses are therapeutic or nontherapeutic and give your rationale

1. Client: “I don’t know what to do anymore. My wife has left me and she took the children.”

Nurse: “Go on.”


Rationale: The nurse is trying to show empathy for the client and to listen well for the other concerns of
the client. The nurse tries to let the client continue to talk to understand his problem and express his
feelings regarding the situation and this presents an effective communication.

2. Client: “Our 15-yearl-old son has been smoking dope and he says it’s because I don’t spend enough
time with him.”

Nurse:: “Smoking marijuana leads to the use of other drugs. That is terrible for a 15-year-old. Why don’t
you put him into sports?”


Rationale: The nurse is trying to educate the client and suggesting/ encourage them to try some
solutions to divert their son’s attention to fix the problem.

3. Client: “What will I do without her?”

Nurse: (Sits silently with the client)


Rationale: The nurse should response and provide an answer to the client so that the nurse can show
support and listen well to the problems of the client. It is somewhat not helpful.

4. Client: “I feel sad and empty without her and the kids. The house is empty and there’s nothing left of
Nurse: “You feel sad and empty without your wife and children.”


Rationale: The nurse is simply showing careful thoughts towards the client, enabling to understand him
and listen to his problems with an assurance of help.

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