Logistics System and Function

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Chap3: Logistics
system and function

Question number 1
l In   terms of the purpose of
the logistics system, which
of the following should be
the most important?
l 1. Result 2. Process 3. Sequenc

e 4. Equipment  
number 1- answer & descrip
l The answer
   is 1: The most
important purpose of
logistics is to meet the
needs of customers.
l Other
   instructions: process,
sequence and equipment are
all means  

Question number 2
l In   terms of systems, what is
not system-wide?
l 1. The
   object of the research
can be defined 2. The scope
of the research can be
defined 3. The relationship
between the system and the
subsystem can
be emphasized 4. The time
period of the research can
be defined   

number 2- answer & descrip
l The answer
   is 3 :
Emphasize that the
relationship between
the system and
the subsystem is the
hierarchy of the system and
not the scope;
l Other:
   range comprising all
kinds of people, things,
time, places, etc. which
can be set specific to
belong to the .  

Question number 3
l According to
the concept

of system, what are the

elements of the system ?
l   A: Input

elements, B: Environmental
elements, C: Output
elements, D: Functional
l 1.ABC 2.BCD 3.ACD 4.ABCD

number 3-- Answer & Explana
l The answer
   is 4 : ABCD ;
l Other
   instructions: The four
major elements of the
system are input elements,
environmental elements,
output elements, and
functional elements.

Question number 4
l In   terms of the system
concept, what are the input
elements of the system ?
l   A: Human

element, B: Material
element, C: Fund
element, D: Information
l 1.ABC
   2.BCD 3.ACD 4.ABCD

No. 4-- Answers & Explanati
l The answer
   is 4 : ABCD ;
l Other
   explanations: The
input elements include
human elements, material
elements, capital elements,
and information elements.   

Question number 5
l According to    the concept
of system, what are the
human elements in the input
elements of the system ?
l A: non-system

users, B: system
users ( customers ) , C: emplo
yees, D: shareholders
l 1.ABC
   2.BCD 3.ACD 4.ABCD
Number 5-- Answers & Explan
l The answer
   is 4 : ABCD ;
l Other
   explanations: human
elements include non-system
users, system
users ( customers ) ,
employees, and

Question number 6
l In   terms of the system
concept, the human elements
in the system input
elements can include: non-
system users, system
users ( customers ) ,
employees, and
shareholders. These people
with different attributes
can be collectively
referred to as
l 1.stakeholder 2.shareholder 3.stock

holder 4.systemholder  

No. 6- Answers & Explanati
l The answer
   is 1.stakeholder   

Question number 7
l In   terms of the system
concept, what is the
description of the material
element in the input
elements of the logistics
system is incorrect ?
1. Contains various types of
items such as raw
materials / semi-finished
products / finished
products 2. Contains
equipment 3. Contains tools
and consumables 4. Should
only Contains various types
of goods and does not
equipment / tools / consumabl
es, etc.

No. 7-- Answer & Explanatio
l The answer
   is 4 : Because
the elements of things
include various types of
items such as raw
materials / semi-finished
products / finished
products, etc.

Question number 8
l From a  systematic
perspective, what is the
incorrect description of
the information element
among the input elements of
the logistics system ?
l 1. For
   example, customer
information 2. For example,
product information 3. For
example, budget input 4 For
example, inventory
information .   

No. 8-- Answers & Explanati
l The answer
   is 3 : Budget
investment is a capital
l Other
Information elements
include any information
directly or indirectly
related to the system

Question number 9
l From a   systematic
perspective, we often use
the PEST method for
scans regarding
environmental elements ( or
restrictive elements ) .
Which of the following
descriptions is incorrect ?
l   1.
   P refers to political
factors 2. E refers to
economy 3. S refers to
society 4. T refers to

No. 9-- Answers & Explanati
l The answer
   is 4 : T refers
to technology;
l Other:
   political (history
Political) ,
economic (Economic) ,
social (Societal) ,
technology (Technology) 

Question number 10
l The ECFA issues currently

discussed between the two

sides of the Taiwan
Strait . If the
classification of
the PEST environmental
scanning method is used,
which category is the least
relevant ?
l 1.P 2.E 3.
   S 4.T.  
No. 10-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer

is 4 : T technology;
l Other

explanation: ECFA issues ar
e related to politics,
economy, and
society (Societal)

Question number 11
l With the current
   trend of
population aging, what kind
of classification does
the PEST environmental
scanning method belong to ?
l 1.P 2.E 3.
   S 4.T.  

No. 11-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 3 :
Population ageing belongs
to the category of society;
Question number 12
l The
   trend of Taiwan’s
domestic gross production
is developing. If the
classification of
the PEST environmental
scanning method is used,
which category does it belong
to ?
l   1.P 2.E 3.
   S 4.T.

No. 12-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 2 :
The GDP trend belongs to
the category of economy;

Question number 13
l Taiwan’s 2012 presidential

election issues, if
the PEST environmental
scanning method is used to
classify them, which
category does it belong to ?
l 1.P 2.E 3.
   S 4.T.  

No. 13-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 1 : The
presidential election
belongs to the category of

Question number 14
l The
   development trend of
cold storage and fresh-
keeping equipment, if it is
classified according to
the PEST environmental
scanning method, which
category does it belong to ?
l 1.P 2.E 3.
   S 4.T . 

No. 14-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 4 : The
development trend of cold
storage and fresh-keeping
equipment belongs to the
category of technology;

Question number 15
l From a systematic

perspective, which of the

following descriptions of
output elements is
incorrect ? 1. The external
goal is benefit-oriented 2.
The internal goal is cost-
oriented 3. The output that
is not required by the
system is not included in
the output element, so the
system is designed No need
to consider 4. The overall
evaluation is based on a
comprehensive consideration
of benefits and costs

No. 15-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 3 : Outputs
that are not required by
the system are also
included in the output
elements, and need to be
considered during design;  

Question number 16
l In   terms of logistics
system, which of the
following descriptions
about output elements is
correct ?
l 1. The
   control of direct
costs is an external
goal 2. Customer
satisfaction is an internal
goal 3. Carbon dioxide
emissions are an output
that is not required by the
system 4. The overall
evaluation is an output
that is not required by the

No. 16-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 3 : CO2
emissions are non-system
requirements output;
l Other
   explanations: the
control of direct costs is
an internal goal, customer
satisfaction is an external
goal, and the overall
evaluation is not an output
that is not required by the

Question number 17
l What
   are the characteristics
of modern logistics
systems ?
l   A: Large
span, B: High
profitability, C: Strong
dynamics, D: High complexity
l 1.ABC
   2.BCD 3.ACD 4.ABCD

No. 17-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 3 : ACD ;
l Other
   explanation: In
contrast, high
profitability is not a
characteristic that can be
generally recognized in
modern logistics systems
Question number 18

l Regarding
   the packaging function
in the functional elements of
the logistics system, which of
the following descriptions is
correct ?
l A: If
   the management of packaging
activities is for commercial
packaging, it is mainly based on
the promotion of sales. B: If it
is for circulation packaging,
only the protective effect of
the packaging on the product
should be considered
l 1.   A and B are both correct 2. A
is correct and B is incorrect 3.
A is incorrect and B is correct 4.
A and B are both incorrect   

No. 18-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 2 : A
is correct and B is
l Other
   instructions: If it is
a circulation packaging
language, it is necessary
to fully consider the
protective effect of the
packaging on the product,
increase the shipping
rate, the convenience
of package disassembly ,
and the recycling
management of waste
packaging, etc.

Question number 19
l Regarding
   the packaging function
in the functional elements of
the logistics system, if it is
in terms of circulation
packaging, what aspects should be
considered ?
l A. Protect
   the product B. Improve
the rate of
shipment C. Convenience of
package disassembly D. Recycling
management of waste packaging
l 1.   AB 2.ABC 3.ABCD 4. Contains
only A

No. 19-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 3 : ABCD ;
l Other
   instructions: If it is
a circulation packaging
language, it is necessary
to fully consider the
protective effect of the
packaging on the product,
increase the shipping
rate, the convenience
of package disassembly ,
and the recycling
management of waste
packaging, etc.

Question number 20
l Regarding
   the loading,
unloading and handling
functions in the functional
elements of the logistics
system, which of the
following descriptions is
correct ?
l A: Loading and unloading

refers to the logistics

activities in which goods
are loaded or unloaded at
locations. B: Handling
refers to the logistics
activities in which goods
are moved vertically
between different
l 1.   A and B are both correct 2.
A is correct and B is
incorrect 3. A is incorrect
and B is correct 4. A and B are
both incorrect   

No. 20-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 2 : A
is correct and B is
l Other
   instructions: Handling
refers to the logistics
activities of moving items
horizontally or vertically
at a certain distance in
the same place

Question number 21

l Which
   of the following descriptions
is correct among the functional
elements of the logistics
system ?
l   A: Transportation
   refers to the
logistics activities that
transport items from one place
to another . B: Transportation
refers to the logistics
activities that move items
horizontally or vertically
within the same venue
l 1.   A and B are both correct 2. A
is correct and B is incorrect 3.
A is incorrect and B is correct 4.
A and B are both incorrect   

Question 21-- answer & expl
l The answer
   is 1 : A
is correct and B is correct;
Question number 22
l Regarding
   the storage and custody
function in the functional
elements of the logistics
system, which of the following
descriptions is correct ?
l A: 儲存保管乃指保護、管理、儲藏物

品,此過程中需維持物品的品質 B: 
l 1.A, B 均正確 2. A 正確 B 不正確 3. A 不

正確 B 正確 4. A, B 均不正確  

題號 22--答案&說明
l 答案為 2:A 正確 B 不正確;

l 其它說明:儲存是物流的重要環


題號 23
l 儲存時可針對不同的物品採取不

l 1.差異化管理 2.ABC 分類管理 3.T

QM 管理 4.80/20 原則

No. 23-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer

is 3 : TQM management
belongs to quality
l Other
management, ABC management,
and 80/20 principles are all
key management.   
Question number 24
l Which
   of the following
operations does not belong
to circulation processing ?
l 1. Combination

packaging 2. Chinese label
affixed 3. Storage position
adjustment 4. Hanging tag

No. 24-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 3 : Reserve
l Other
packaging, division,
combined packaging,
labeling, hanging tags,
changing Chinese signs and
simple assembly all belong
to circulation processing.   

Question number 25
l Which
   of the following
operations does not belong
to circulation processing ?
l 1. Combination

packaging 2. Chinese
labeling 3. Simple
assembly 4. Return

No. 25-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 4 : Return
l Other
packaging, division,
combined packaging,
labeling, hanging tags,
changing Chinese signs and
simple assembly all belong
to circulation processing.   

Question number 26
l Which
   of the following
management strategies is
directly related to
distribution processing ?
l 1. Business
Reengineering (BRP)
2. Postponement 3. Six
standard deviations (6 sigma)
4. Long tail theory

No. 26-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 2 :
postponement (postponement) ;  
Question number 27
l Regarding
   the distribution
function in the functional
elements of the logistics
system, which of the
following descriptions is
correct ?
l   A: Distribution is an

activity directly connected

customers B: Distribution
refers to the distribution
of items in quantity and
delivery to designated
locations according to
l 1.   A, B 均正確 2. A 正確 B 不正
確 3. A 不正確 B 正確 4. A, B 均

題號 27--答案&說明
l 答案為 1:A 正確 B 正確;

題號 28
l 對物流系統功能要素中的配送功

l A: 配送是直接與客戶相連接的

程度 B: 配送乃指對物品進行數

l 1.A, B 均正確 2. A 正確 B 不正

確 3. A 不正確 B 正確 4. A, B 均

題號 28--答案&說明
l 答案為 1:A 正確 B 正確;

題號 29
l Which
   of the following
descriptions is correct in
the function of the
logistics system ?
L A: Transport - point

to point transport, like a

large number of small,
service B: Distribution - a
single point -to-multipoint
transport, diverse small
amount , efficiency
l 1. A and B are both correct 2.

A is correct and B is
incorrect 3. A is incorrect
and B is correct 4. A and B are
both incorrect   

number 29-- Answers & Expla
l The answer
   is 4 : A is
incorrect and B is
l Other: Transport
   - point
to point transport, like a
large number of small,
efficiency; Distribution -
a single point -to-
multipoint transport,
diverse small
amount, stress service.
Question number 30
l Logistics
   network is one of
the ways to discuss
logistics system. Which of
the following descriptions
is correct ?
l A: The network is composed of

nodes and connections. B:

The transfer problem
considers the logistics
network formed
between supply nodes and
demand nodes
l 1. A and B are both correct 2.

A is correct and B is
incorrect 3. A is incorrect
and B is correct 4. A and B are
both incorrect   

No. 30-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 2 : A
is correct and B is
l Other
   explanation: The
problem of transshipment
considers the logistics
network formed by
the supply node, the
logistics center and the
demand node.  

Question number 31
l Logistics
   network is one of the
ways to discuss logistics
system. Which of the following
descriptions is correct ?
l A: The transportation problem

considers the logistics
network formed between supply
nodes and demand nodes
l B: The transshipment problem

considers the logistics
network formed by supply nodes,
logistics centers and
demand nodes
l 1. Both A and B are correct 2. A

is correct and B is incorrect 3.

A is incorrect and B is correct 4.
A and B are both incorrect   

No. 31-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 1 : A
is correct and B is correct;

Question number 32
l Which
   one of the following
is the node in the
logistics network ?
l   A: Factory
   raw material
warehouse B: Factory
finished product
warehouse C: Logistics
center D: Store E: Repair
l 1.C
   2. ABC 3.ABCD 4.ABCDE

No. 32-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 4 : ABCDE ;
l Other
   instructions: A node
is a location used to
store, process, and sell
goods. For example:
factory's raw material
warehouse, finished product
warehouse, logistics
center, maintenance center,
store, etc.

Question number 33
l The
   connection in the
logistics network can
indicate which of the
following ?
l A: Transportation

method B: Location C: Time D
: Distance E: Cost


No. 33-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 4 : ACDE ; the
place belongs to the node
l Other
   instructions: Connection is
a method used to indicate
transportation and physical
movement. This expression is
used as a logistics system has
activities between all kinds of
information about the order and
its processes. For example, it
can express information such as
the mode of transportation ,
time, distance, and cost between
points .
Question number 34
l in  dealing with logistical
issues, by four major
project to analyze what is
What are the four Ge D?
l A: Demand (Demand)

B: Duration (Duration)
C: Distance (Distance)
D: Discount (Discount)
E: Destination (Destination) .


No. 34-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 4 : ABCE
l Other
   explanation: This
question is mainly
the 4D analysis proposed by
the test materials .  

Question number 35
l What is the main purpose

of the logistics solution ?

l 1. Pursue
   the maximization of
efficiency 2. Pursue the
maximum warehousing
utilization rate 3. Weigh
various factors to find the
best balance plan 4. Pursue
the maximization of

No. 35-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 3 : Weigh
various factors to find the
best balance plan
l Other
   instructions: All
other options are a
single goal.   

Question number 36

l If   the analysis is based on

the outflow and inflow of
the logistics system, which
of the following
descriptions is correct ?
l A: Symmetrical
   system means
that the importance of the
company's incoming goods
flow and outgoing logistics
is equal
l B: Partial purchase-oriented

system means that the

company's inbound goods
flow is very complicated
but the outbound logistics
is relatively simple
l 1. Both A and B are correct 2.

A is correct and B is
incorrect 3. A is incorrect
and B is correct 4. A and B are
both incorrect   
number 36-- Answers & Expla
l The answer
   is 1 : A and
B are both correct

Question number 37
l If   the analysis is based on
the outflow and inflow of
the logistics system, which
of the following
descriptions is correct ?
L 1. Automotive symmetrical

factory type 2 automotive ma
nufacturers genus
partial shipment
type 3. Glass Products plant
is partial shipment
type 4. Glass Products plant
is partial purchase type  

No. 37-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 3 : The
glassware factory is a
partial shipment type
l Other
   explanation: The
auto manufacturer is a
partial purchase type.

Question number 38
l When
   dealing with logistics
issues, which of the
following descriptions of
the duration factor is
incorrect ?
l 1. Moving
   is a one-time
activity 2. Computer
exhibition is a short-term
activity 3. Housing
construction is a long-term
activity 4. Election is a
fixed activity

No. 38-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 4 : The
election is a short-term
event that is abnormal and
has a specific period  

Question number 39
l Which description
   of the
manufacturer's logistics is
incorrect ?
l 1.   The logistics site is
mainly divided into raw
material warehouse and
finished product
warehouse 2. Raw material
warehouse is the logistics
receiving point 3. Finished
product warehouse is the
starting point of
logistics 4. The number of
types of raw materials and
the number of customers in
the manufacturing industry
does not directly affect
the logistics system

No. 39-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 4 : The
number of types of raw
materials and the number of
customers in the
manufacturing industry will
directly affect the
operation of the logistics

Question number 40
l Which description
   of the
manufacturer's logistics is
correct ?
l A. The logistics site is

mainly divided into raw

material warehouse and
finished product
warehouse B. Raw material
warehouse is the logistics
receiving point C. Finished
product warehouse is the
logistics receiving
point D. The number of types
of raw materials and the
number of customers in the
manufacturing industry
directly affect the
operation of the logistics
system E. For companies with
a large number of raw
materials, they generally
collect suppliers or
increase shared parts to
l 1.ABDE 2.AB 3.ABD 4.ACDE

No. 40-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 1 : ABDE
l Other
   instructions: The
finished product warehouse
is the starting point
of logistics .  

Question number 41
l Which is
   the correct
description of the
development of wholesaler
logistics ?
l A. With
   the increasing
strength of factories and
retailers, the development
space of the wholesale
industry is
compressed B. The value-
added function of
circulation processing has
become an important key for
wholesalers to develop
logistics 1. A and B are both
correct 2. A is correct and B
is not Correct 3. A is
incorrect B is correct 4. A, B
are both incorrect   
No. 41-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 1 : A and
B are both correct  

Question number 42
l Which description
   is correct
for the development of
retailer logistics ?
l A. The
   dominance of the
supply of goods has been
gradually transferred from
the supplier to the
retailer . B. Due to the
homogeneity of the product,
the retailer’s power
continues to increase,
indicating that it has
entered the seller’s
market 1. A and B are
correct 2. A
is correct B Incorrect 3. A is
incorrect and B is correct 4.
A and B are both incorrect   

No. 42-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 2 : A
is correct and B is incorrect
l Other
   explanation: The
increasing power of
retailers due to the
homogeneity of products
indicates that they have
entered the buyer's

Question number 43
l Which description
   is correct
for the development of
retailer logistics ?
l A. The
   dominance of the
supply of goods has been
gradually transferred from
the supplier to the retail
store B. In the buyer's
market, the retailer’s
power will continue to
increase due to the
homogenization of the
product 1. A and B are both
correct 2.
A correct B Incorrect 3. A is
incorrect and B is correct 4.
A and B are both incorrect   
No. 43-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 1 : A
is correct and B is correct

Question number 44
l Which description
   of the
manufacturer's logistics is
correct ?
l A.   The number of logistics
centers has been
streamlined and simplified,
and manufacturers have
adopted the method of
factory direct
delivery. B. Factory direct
delivery is suitable for
all types of products 1. A
and B are correct 2. A
is correct B is incorrect 3.
A is incorrect B is correct 4
. Both A and B are incorrect

number 44-- Answers & Expla
l The answer
   is 2 : A
is correct and B is incorrect
l Other
   instructions: Not all
products are suitable for
direct delivery from the
factory, such as household

Question number 45
l When
   dealing with logistics
problems, 4D factors can
be used to analyze, among
which the description of
demand (Demand) is
incorrect ?
l 1, refers
   to the total
demand 2 refers to the
frequency of the
demand 3. refers to the
length of time from the
occurrence to the end of
each demand 4. The time
period during which the
demand occurs   

No. 45-- Answers & Explanat
l The answer
   is 3 : The
length of time from the
occurrence to the end of
each demand is the
duration (Duration)

Short answer
l 1.   What is the definition of
the system? Try drawing
number 1- answer & descrip
l Answer: The
of "system " refers to " an
organic combination formed
by a number of interacting
and interdependent elements
with specific functions "

Short answer
l 2. Which
   elements are the
input elements of the
logistics system?

Number 2-- Answer & Explana
tion (1/2)
l Answer:

l 1.   The human element-human
is the core element of
the system. Take the
logistics system as an
example, including
customers, suppliers,
employees, and so on.
l 2. Elements
   of objects-
including various forms of
"articles" ( raw materials,
semi-finished products and
finished products ) to be
processed by the
system , as well as
equipment, tools,
consumables, etc. required
by the system.

Number 2-- Answer & Explana
tion (2/2)
L 3. Elements
   of funds - about
the system build,
operation, maintenance, and
eliminating the change of
each stage are required to
have a capital
investment. Take the
logistics system as an
example, including the
construction funds of the
station, the construction
funds of the software and
hardware, the advance
payment for services, and
so on.
l 4. Information
communication links between
functions in all systems
are called information
elements. Take the
logistics system as an
example, including customer
information, product
information, order
information, inventory
information, and so on.

Short answer
l 3. The
   output element of the
logistics system is the
goal to be achieved. Which
four types of goals can the
goal be divided into?
number 3-- Answer & Explana
l Answer:

l 1. System
   external goals ( benefit-
oriented ) : that is, to achieve
customer satisfaction, such as
delivery punctuality and picking
l 2. The internal goals of the

system ( cost-oriented ) : such
as direct costs, indirect costs,
l 3. The overall evaluation of the

system ( benefits played by each

unit ) : as a combination of
external and internal goals, for
example, the floor efficiency
of a business site is a
comprehensive evaluation;
l 4. Output not required by the

system: such as CO2 emissions,


Short answer
l 4. What
   are the seven
functions of the logistics
system? Try to name four.

No. 4-- Answers & Explanati
l A : General
   stream functions
include package (Package) ,
Handling (Material's Handling) ,
transport (Transportation) ,
storage storage (Storage) ,
processing (value added
Processing) ,
delivery (Delivery /
Distribution) , stream
information (Information) And
other functions. ( Any list
of four )
Short answer
l 5. Please
   briefly describe
what the packaging
activities in the logistics
system refer to?

Number 5-- Answers & Explan
l Answer:
   The "packaging"
referred to in the
logistics system mainly
refers to "industrial
packaging" and not
"commercial packaging",
which refers to the
materials and containers
used to protect goods,
facilitate handling and
storage, and promote sales
during the circulation
process The general term
for and auxiliary products.

Short answer
l 6. How
   can the logistics
system be managed to reduce
damage to items during
loading and unloading?

No. 6- Answers & Explanati
l Answer:
   Mainly (1). Determine
the appropriate way of
loading and
unloading; (2). Strive to
reduce the number of
loading and
unloading; (3). Reasonably
configure and use
equipment, which can save
energy, save effort, reduce
losses, and speed up

Short answer
l 7. Please
   briefly describe
what is circulation

No. 7-- Answer & Explanatio
l Answer:
processing refers to
the general term for
packaging, dividing,
combining packaging,
labeling, tagging, changing
Chinese labels, and simple
assembly during the
process from the production
supplier to the consumer .

Short answer
l 8.   What is the function of
delivery? What is the
difference between
transportation and
No. 8-- Answers & Explanati
l Answer:
   Distribution refers
to the distribution of
items in quantity and
delivery to designated
locations according to
demand. It is also the
final stage of logistics.
l  Transport - point to point

delivery, less like a lot,

l  distribution - a single

point -to-multipoint
transport, diverse small
amount of emphasis on

Short answer
l 9. Please
   briefly describe
the difference between
handling, transportation
and distribution?

No. 9-- Answers & Explanati
l Answer:
l  Handling-refers
   to the
logistics activities of
moving goods horizontally
or vertically at a certain
distance in the same place.
l Transportation-a logistics

activity that transports

items from one place to
l  distribution - a single

point -to-multipoint

Short answer
l 10. What
   are the two elements
of network routing? And
take the logistics network
as an example to illustrate
the meaning of these two

No. 10-- Answers & Explanat
l A: is a so-called network

node (Node) ,
connections (Link) [ also
directional ] constituted.
l Node: It is a location for

storing, processing, and

selling commodities. For
example: the factory's raw
material warehouse,
finished product warehouse,
logistics center,
maintenance center, store,
l Connection: It is a method

used to express
transportation and physical
flow. This expression is
used as a logistics
system has activities
between all kinds of
information about the order
and its processes. For
example, it can
express information such as
the mode of
transportation , time,
distance, and cost between
points .
Short answer
l 11. What are
   the 4Ds
in logistics 4D analysis ? A
nd briefly describe it.

No. 11-- Answers & Explanat
l Answer: Demand , Duration , Distanc

e and Destination .
l (1) Demand: refers to the total

demand, the frequency of demand,

and the time of demand.
l (2) Duration:
   This is about a
period of demand.
l (3) Distance: refers to the

distance between points in the

logistics system ; time can also
be used to represent the concept
of distance.
l (4) Destination: Destination does

not necessarily refer to the

real destination of the product
or service, but refers to the
place where the product is
sent ( including the place
of stopover ) .

Short answer
l 12. Analyze
   the logistics
system in terms of outflow
and inflow. Which four
kinds of logistics systems
can be divided into?

No. 12-- Answers & Explanat
l Answer:

l  (1) Symmetrical
   system: This type
of enterprise has the same
importance in the flow of
incoming goods and outgoing
logistics, that is, the incoming
goods and outgoing goods are a
reasonable and balanced flow.
l  (2) Partial purchase type: It

refers to some enterprises whose

inbound goods flow system is
very complicated but the
outbound logistics system is
relatively simple, for example,
automobile manufacturers.
l  (3) Partial shipment type: It

refers to some companies whose

incoming goods flow system is
very simple but the outgoing
logistics system is more
complicated. For example, glass
goods factories have relatively
simple incoming raw materials
but many types and sizes of
finished products.
l  (4) Reverse
   system: refers to
enterprises engaged in reverse
logistics that operate logistics
in the opposite direction. With
the rising awareness of
environmental protection, the
design of reverse logistics
systems will become more and
more important.

Questions and Answers

l 1. Please
   give an example
related to logistics
activities and describe
it with
logistics 4D analysis.

number 1- answer & descrip
l Answer:
   Take Taipei Flower
Expo as an example
l (1) Demand: There are logistics

requirements for the

construction of various
facilities and flowers during
the preparation period before
the opening, the logistics
requirements for various
operating raw materials during
the opening period, and the
logistics requirements
for after-sales materials after
the closing.
l (2) Duration: preparation period,

opening period ( half a year ) ,
and post-closing period.
l (3) Distance: The location and

distance between the source of

supply of different raw
materials and the venue.
l (4) Destination: the demand

location of different raw

materials at different stages.

Questions and Answers

l 2. Please
   give an example
related to logistics
activities and describe it
in the way of logistics
network analysis.

number 2- answer & descrip
l Answer:
   Take a home delivery
package from Linkou to
Kaohsiung as an
example: Please indicate
the delivery location,
the delivery
station responsible for
receiving the delivery ,
the transfer center to
which the delivery belongs,
the transfer center to
which the delivery location
belongs, and the
delivery home
delivery under the
jurisdiction of the
transfer center Station ,
the node of the delivery
place, and draw out the
flow direction.

Questions and Answers

l 3. What
   are the
characteristics of the
development of the
wholesale logistics system?

number 3-- Answer & Explana
tion (1/2)
l Answer:

l  (1) The
   development space of the
wholesale industry is limited 
l With
   the growing practice of
factory direct delivery and the
increasing power of retailers,
the development space of the
wholesale industry is slowly
being compressed. Over the past
wholesale trade logistics system
is like a valve, on the one hand
through the ordering large
quantities of goods from the
manufacturing sector, on the
other hand is of much small,
small quantities of goods to
store retailer, to meet
retailers However, these
functions are gradually being
replaced by factories and
retailers. The trend of reducing
intermediate links is the
biggest challenge the wholesale
industry encounters.

number 3-- Answer & Explana
tion (2/2)
l  (2) Value-added
   function is
the key to development
l Because retailers generally

lack storage space and want

to reduce the distribution
and processing functions of
goods, they often require
wholesalers to label the
goods they order, classify
the goods for commercial
packaging, and deliver them
to the retailer’s
designated location.
Sometimes Even the work of
putting on the shelves has
to be done by
wholesalers. These tasks
often take a lot of time,
space and manpower.
Therefore, the value-added
function of circulation
processing has become an
important key for
wholesalers to develop

Questions and Answers

l 4. What
   are the
characteristics of the
development of retail
logistics systems? Try to
cite two items to

Number 4-- Answer & Explana
tion (1/4)
l Answer:
   Please write the
following two items
l  (1). The construction

of retail logistics center
is the key
l Today's leading power of

commodity supply has

gradually shifted from
suppliers to
retailers. Therefore, the
establishment of a retail
logistics system oriented
by retail outlets has
become an important issue
in today's retail industry.

No. 4-- Answers & Explanati
ons (2/4)
l  (2). Out-of-stock
   loss has a
great impact on retailers
l In the past, in the seller's

market, due to limited supply of

goods, the supply power of goods
was mainly in the
supplier. Today, the homogeneity
of supplier products has led to
the increasing power of
retailers, indicating that they
have entered the buyer's
market. As the supplier of
logistics management level
uneven, totally dependent on
suppliers to handle the
logistics business retailers,
there may be a shortage of
commodity supply. For example,
within the agreed time, the
goods cannot be delivered in
time, or there are problems with
defective products in the
ordered goods, etc., will
directly cause the retailer to
be out of stock and cause sales
losses, or other losses due to
returns. In order to avoid the
above problems, retailers are
paying more and more attention
to the logistics management of
commodity procurement and

No. 4-- Answers & Explanati
ons (3/4)
l  ( 3) Timely
   delivery is the
prerequisite of the
logistics system
l In the process of evaluating

the logistics system, in

order to prevent product
shortages, retailers often
use the " delivery
rate " indicator to
suppliers. Delivery rate
refers to the ratio of the
actual delivery amount
to the total order
amount. The retailer uses
the actual delivery rate of
each supplier to warn or
cancel the supply contract
to the supplier who is not
in time.

No. 45-- Answers & Explanat
ions (4/4)
l (4).
   The common logistics will
bring new opportunities to
the retail industry
l In the retail logistics

system, the management of

commodity supply is the
most concerned issue for
retailers. Among them,
centralized supply ( co-
sorting and
co- matching ) constitutes
the basis of the logistics
system, especially in the
retail industry chain and
network market development
trend. If
every one retailer each
order with different
suppliers, the supplier
will need to send a large
number of truck shipments
of goods were supplied to
various retail stores, each
retail store also takes the
same effort to complete
receipt, inspection Goods

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