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The first one Solar car

The aim of project

The solar car is a car with solar panels on its surface that receives sunlight and converts it into electrical energy. This
energy passes through the circuits of control and regulation of the electric current to suit the engines that manage the
wheels of this vehicle.

This car relies on the sun only to manage its engine so it's called the solar car. Solar cars depend on photovoltaic cells (PV
cells) to convert sunlight into electricity. They excite electrons and allow them to flow, creating an electric current.

although some models will supplement that power using a battery, or use solar panels to recharge batteries or run
auxiliary systems for a car that mainly uses battery power.
Parts of solar car:
1- Frame

2- Solar panel

3- Body

4- steering

5- cockpit

6- peak power tracker

7- battery pack

8- motor controller

9- motor

10- wheels and Brakes

Operation of solar car:

Solar cars are powered by the sun's energy. The main component of a solar car is its solar array, which collect the energy
from the sun and converts it into usable electrical energy. The solar cells collect a portion of the sun's energy and stores it
into the batteries of the solar car.

Before that happens, power trackers convert the energy collected from the solar array to the proper system voltage, so
that the batteries and the motor can use it.

After the energy is stored in the batteries, it is available for use by the motor & motor controller to drive the car. The
motor controller adjusts the amount of energy that flows to the motor to correspond to the throttle. The motor uses that
energy to drive the wheels.
There are several disadvantages and advantages of solar cars.
1- No Emission of Gases to the Atmosphere: Solar-powered cars do have electric motors. The solar-powered cars operate
by converting sunlight into electrical energy using photovoltaic cells. Therefore, these cars burn no fuel, and they do not
produce emissions.

2- Energy Availability:  Solar cars derive their power from the sun, indirectly, that always shines and provides endless
energy. The efficient solar panels can produce and store more horsepower for the vehicle.

3- Preservation of Natural Resources: solar-powered cars do not need any kind of fuel or oil changes, and therefore their
dependence on petroleum products is small. Therefore, through using solar-powered cars, you will be able to save on
natural resources with a significant percentage.

4- Comfortable While Driving: The solar-powered cars are powered by electric motors, which are relatively smaller than
that of the gas engine, and usually, they do operate without causing any noise or vibrations.

5- There Are No Energy Costs: when you look at the solar-powered cars, they use solar energy directly from the sunlight,
and here, there are no direct costs that are associated with it since the sun is a natural resource that will provide energy
every day whether you use it or you do not.

1- High Initial Costs: The initial costs of purchasing solar systems are relatively high. Before you set up a solar system, you
will need other things such as solar panels, inverter, batteries, and wires for installation. Therefore, purchasing all these
materials requires a high amount of money and hence, a disadvantage for an ordinary person to do it.

2- Solar energy storage is relatively expensive: Since solar energy cannot be collected during the night, these batteries are
charged during the day so they can be used during the night when the sun is not available. This process is the best solution
for using solar energy even if it is somewhat expensive because you need batteries.

3- Weather Dependent: The solar energy is directly dependent on the weather condition, and therefore, when there is
good weather, the amount of solar energy to be collected is high that the vice versa is true.

4-Expensive Batteries: Expensive batteries are needed to store solar energy for car to be able to run at night.

The Price will range from 30.000 L. E To 55.000 L. E

The second one Electric car
The aim of project

An electric car is an alternative fuel automobile that uses electric motors and motor controllers for propulsion, in place of
more common propulsion methods such as the internal combustion engine (ICE). Electricity can be used as a
transportation fuel to power battery electric vehicles (EVs).

electric car stores electricity in an energy storage device, such as a battery. The electricity powers the vehicle's wheels via
an electric motor. EVs have limited energy storage capacity, which must be replenished by plugging into an electrical

Electric cars have the potential of significantly reducing city pollution by having zero tail pipe emissions. Vehicle
greenhouse gas savings depend on how the electricity is generated. using an electric car would result in a 30% reduction in
carbon dioxide emissions.
Parts of electric car:
1- Traction battery pack

2- DC-DC Converter

3- Electric motor

4- Power inverter

5- Charge Port

6- Onboard charger

7- Controller

8- Auxiliary batteries

9- Thermal system (cooling)

10- Transmission

There are several disadvantages and advantages of electric car.

Advantage of electric car:
1- Environmental benefits of electric cars: One of the biggest advantages of driving electric is the improvement it can
make to the environment we live in. Pure electric vehicles have no tailpipe, so they don’t emit any exhaust gases, which
reduces local air pollution particularly in congested cities.

2- Reduce noise pollution: It's not just air pollution that’s improved. An advantage of electric cars is they're much quieter
than petrol and diesel vehicles, so noise pollution can be greatly reduced benefiting both residential and city center areas.

3- Convenient charging: Imagine a world where you no longer need to go to the petrol station. Unlike ICE's, the benefit of
electric vehicles is they can charge wherever there's an appropriate electrical socket or plug. That means you could charge
at home, at work or in public places using charge points.

4- Improved driving experience: The first is instant torque from the electric motor which gives high and responsive
acceleration. The second is regenerative braking when easing off the accelerator, which feeds energy back into the battery
adding to their efficiency.

Disadvantage of electric car:

1- Charging Can Take a Lot of Time: When you pull into a gas station and fill up the tank, it takes only a few minutes
before you pay and drive off. Many electric cars can be full in around four hours, but some can take nearly a day to fully

2- Charging Stations Aren’t Available Everywhere: If you happen to live in a large city where many people use electric
vehicles, you may find that there are charging stations all over the place. However, when you take off on a road trip or
decide to visit a rural or suburban area, it may be harder to find a charging station.

3- They Are Usually More Expensive Than Gas-Powered Cars: The fully electric models of specific cars are always more
expensive than their gas-powered equivalents.

4- Electric Cars Have a Shorter Range than Gas-Powered Cars: Although auto companies are finding more and more ways
to make electric cars go further, they still have a shorter range than traditional cars. Usually, an electric car can get
between 60 and 100 miles on a full charge.
The Price will range from 25.000 L. E To 35.000
Evaluation Matrix

Parameters Solar Car Electric Car

Performance 7 10

Environment 9 9

Maintenance 8 9

Cost 5 8

Aesthetics 9 10

Ergonomics 7 9

Size and weight 8 8

Health and Safety 9 9

Manufacture 8 10

Available 8 10

Quality 7 9

Score 85 101

I will choose the second project (electric car) because the solar car relies on the electrical system of the vehicle which
controls the electricity that flows from photovoltaic cells to the batteries, to the wheels, and to the controls. The electric
motor is purely powered by the electric energy produced by the solar cells which in turn moves the vehicle. However, solar
cars are not commercially sold because it is difficult for the solar panels in cars to gather enough power to move the
vehicle. Electric cars (or EVs), on the other hand, are modern road vehicles based on the modern electric propulsion which
consists of an electric motor, power converter, and energy source.
Electric Car

Parts Price Location

Battery 4.712 L.E M.IN CHINA

DC-DC Converter 219 L.E


Electric motor 11.500 L.E


Power inverter 890 L.E


Charger 2.400 L.E


Onboard charger 1.254 L.E


1.178 L.E
Controller M.IN CHINA

Transmission 3.560 L.E M.IN CHINA

Drivetrains 7.950 L.E M.IN CHINA

- 33.663 L.E -

Time Scale:
Tasks Duration
First, we will make a brainstorm until we get the best idea for the project From 1 To 2 (week)

Collect as much information as possible about the idea that we have previously From 1 To 3 (week)

Project design From 2To 3 (week)

Make a list of the parts and materials that we will need in the manufacture of the From 3 To 4 (week)

Purchasing the necessary parts and materials after we have identified them From 2 To 3 (week)

Assembly the parts and materials of project From 4 To 6 (week)

Make tests for the project after assembly to verify its success and work properly From 1 To 2 (week)

Writing the project book From 2 To 3 (week)

Final evaluation:

Total cost 33.663 L.E

Time scale About 26 weeks

Availability All the parts we will need are on the online market, we will buy them and then
assemble them here

The electric car is considered one of the environmentally friendly cars because
it does not produce any harmful emissions to the environment through the
Environmentally friendly combustion of fuel. They are powered by green energy.

It also does not produce any noise while driving. It also has many advantages
that help the driver to drive easily and maintain his safety and comfort.

Simple design The design of this project is uncomplicated. We will buy the required parts and
then assemble them, and if necessary, to make some parts, we will
manufacture them. But in general, the electric car is characterized by its light
weight and aesthetic shape and easy of assembly and operation of parts

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