Unit 2 Sample Work 1

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Unit 2 Lesson 1: Simplifying Radicals

First we will look at some vocabulary:

A ​Radical Expression​ is an expression with a
__________ sign.
The ​radicand​ is the term _________ the radical (square
root sign).
To ​rationalize the denominator​ is to remove all radicals
from the denominator of a fraction by multiplying the
fraction by the conjugate of the denominator.
A ​prime number​ is a number divisible by only _____ and the ______________.

Some good Square Roots to know:

Some good algebraic square roots to know:

Steps to simplify a radical:

1) Break the radicand down into its prime factors (or perfect square factors if you notice them!)
2) Pull out any pairs of factors (or find the square root of any perfect squares)
3) (if needed): Multiply any numbers outside the radical & multiply any numbers inside the radical.
ALWAYS REMEMBER:​ Numbers or variables outside a radical can only multiply with OTHER
numbers/variables outside a radical. Same goes for numbers/variables inside a radical (radicands)

Example 1​: “Simplify” the radical by removing Example 2​: “Simplify” the radical by removing
any perfect squares from the radicand. any perfect squares from the radicand.

Example 3​: Multiply the radicals then “simplify” Example 4​: Rationalize the denominator.
as we did in Example 1 and 2.

Multiply the outside and insides of the radical

Find the conjugate of the denominator which is
_______. Multiply numerator and denominator.
Factor what we can

Remember: ,

The final answer can’t have square roots in the

Multiply what we can to get the answer:

Unit 2 Lesson 2: Operations with Radicals

We can also add and subtract, multiply and divide radical expressions. First, your quiz will cover
finding the diagonal of a triangle. You need Pythagorean Theorem.
Examples: What is the missing length of the right
triangles shown:
1) 2)

Adding and Subtracting Radical Expressions

We can only add or subtract​ like radicals​ which are similar to like terms. ​Like radicals​ are radicals
with the same ____________. A ​conjugate​ is formed by changing the sign between two terms in a

binomial. For example: conjugate is _____________________________.

Example 1: Combine if possible to “simplify”. Example 2: Combine if possible to “simplify”.
Multiplying and Dividing Radical Expressions
We can multiply and divide radical expressions as well. Dividing involves rationalizing the
denominator but it could be a binomial. Let’s try some examples.
Example 1:​ Multiply and combine as much as possible to simplify:

We can do this the same way we multiplied polynomials!

Example 2:​ Rationalize the Denominator.

Unit 2 Lesson 3: Graphing Square Root Functions

Let’s look at my Desmos tutorial to discover a new family of functions:
Notice ​h​ moves the graph _____________________
Notice ​k​ moves the graph _____________________
Notice ​a​____________________________________

Match these graphs:


______ ______ ______ _______

Restricted Domain
Square root functions often have restricted domains. To find the domain, we figure out when the

radical will be negative (or when it is greater than or equal to 0. Find the domain:

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