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Bogor-Cijurey -6.552 107.

Location name Latitude [°N] Longitude [°E]

253 V, 1
Altitude [m a.s.l.] Climate region

Standard Standard Perez

Radiation model Temperature model Tilt radiation model

2020 2020
Temperature period Radiation period

Additional information
Uncertainty of yearly values: Gh = 6%, Bn = 12%, Ta = 2,4 °C
Trend of Gh / decade: -
Variability of Gh / year: 5,6%
Radiation interpolation locations: Imported monthly data (2020)
Temperature interpolation locations: Imported monthly data (2020)
P90 and P10 of yearly Gh, referenced to average: 94,5%, 106,7%

Month N Ta Ts Td Tp FF DD RH

[octas] [°C] [°C] [°C] [°C] [m/s] [deg] [%]

January 5 21,1 21,3 21,1 21,1 1,2 270 100

February 6 20,9 20,7 20,7 20,7 1,1 270 99

March 5 21,8 22,0 21,8 21,9 1,1 270 100

April 4 22,0 21,8 21,7 21,8 1,0 0 98

May 5 22,3 22,3 22,4 22,4 1,0 90 100

June 3 22,2 22,1 22,0 22,0 1,0 90 99

July 4 21,6 21,7 21,1 21,2 1,2 90 97

August 2 22,0 22,6 20,9 21,3 1,3 68 93

September 3 22,0 22,6 21,0 21,2 1,3 0 94

October 4 21,5 22,0 21,5 21,5 1,0 180 100

November 5 21,9 22,0 21,6 21,7 1,1 180 98

December 6 21,0 21,1 21,0 21,1 1,6 270 100

Year 4 21,7 21,8 21,4 21,5 1,2 -1 98

Meteonorm V8.0.3.15910 1/4

Month p Mx RR PrecW G_Gh Sd

[hPa] [g/kg] [mm] [mm] [W/m2] [h]

January 985 16.5 467.0 41.3 174 157

February 985 16.0 434.0 40.1 169 146

March 985 17.2 427.0 43.4 188 168

April 985 17.1 305.0 43.2 193 208

May 985 17.8 242.0 45.2 176 201

June 985 17.4 72.0 44.0 204 257

July 985 16.5 46.0 41.3 210 275

August 985 16.2 67.0 40.5 231 282

September 985 16.3 111.0 40.9 251 285

October 985 16.9 360.0 42.6 219 219

November 985 17.0 257.0 42.9 208 202

December 985 16.4 346.0 41.1 163 129

Year 985 16.8 3134.0 45.9 199 2529

N: Cloud cover fraction

Ta: Air temperature
Ts: Surface temperature
Td: Dewpoint temperature
Tp: Wet bulb temperature
FF: Wind speed
DD: Wind direction
RH: Relative humidity
p: Air pressure
Mx: Mixing ratio
RR: Precipitation
PrecW: Precipitable water
G_Gh: Mean irradiance of global radiation horizontal
Sd: Sunshine duration

Meteonorm V8.0.3.15910 2/4

Monthly radiation

Daily global radiation

Monthly temperature

Meteonorm V8.0.3.15910 3/4

Daily temperature


Sunshine duration

Meteonorm V8.0.3.15910 4/4

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