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Savannah Rothnie

Teachers Leaving the

Since the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic, teachers
across the nation have been leaving the profession
due to teachers feeling overwhelmed and

South Carolina Specifically

South Carolina teachers
leaving the classroom have
increased by more than
36% in 5 years.

How Students see it

In the South Carolina area,
2 out of 3 students
responded to having a
teacher shortage

Why do Teachers Leave?

15% of teachers leave for
retirement, 17% of teachers
leave for school staffing issues,
34% leave to pursue other
jobs, another 34% for family
issues, 48% left for

Other Statics
In South Carolina,
there have been
5,987 Teacher
Departures and 680
Vacant Teacher

What are we doing to stop it?

Out of 2,109 Responses,
55.7% plan to continue
working in their current
positions out of thier
employment status.

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