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Note: Find the correct option and write the MCQs in your AI notebook.

1. Which of the following is not a self-management skill?

a. Observing self b.Time management

b. Self confidence d.Assembling a computer

2. “ Knowing and understanding oneself , own emotions, feeling etc’ refers to ______________
self-management skill.

a) Self-motivation b) Self-management

c). Self regulation d)Self awareness

3. Dreaming and striving to achieve the dream refer to ______________ self management skill.

a) Self motivation b). Stress management

c) Self regulation d). Self awareness

4. Organising self, prioritizing tasks and dividing time accordingly’ refers to______________ self
management skill

a). Self motivation b). Self control

c). Time management d).Goal Setting

5. Having an attitude on focusing on good in all types of situations’ refer to _____________ self
management skill.

a).Self motivation b). Self control

c). Time management d). Positive thinking

6. Trusting own abilities, judgments and taking actions’ refer to _________ self management

a). Self confidence b). Self Control

c).Positive thinking d). Goal setting

7.________________________ is defined as the driving force responsible to do something.

a). Self confidence b). Self motivation

c) Stress management d). Self- Reliance

8.An ability to control your behavior and discipline is called as ____________________

a) Self awareness b). Self confidence

c). Self control d). Self care

9. Grooming is a term associated with

a). Time management b). Problem solving

c). Neat and clean appearance d) Self management

10.________________________ are the activities that we enjoy doing.

a) strengths b) Weakness

c) Interests d) Abilities

11.______________ are the normally gifted traits that come easily to us without making special

a) Strengths b) Weakness c) interests d) Abilities

12. Positive thinking means ___________________

a) Finding positive in all situations b) Shutting up negative voices in head

c)Treating failures as lessons d) All of these

13. Which of the following is not considered to be the quality of self –confident people?

a) self –belief b) Hard work c) commitment d) Negative attitude

14.____________________ brings brain to peaceful stance and increases performance.

a) positive thinking b) Self-motivation

c) staying happy d) Confidence

15.Which of the following will help you change your self-image?

a) Physical exercise b) Watching movies c) Vacationing d) Dressing right

16.Dressing and grooming are important because they help us to look _______________
a) Smart b) untidy c) shabby d) All of these

17.Which of the following does not represent a positive self-talk

a) My challenges will help me grow b) If I fall, I will get up again

c) I have very less resources than required. d) I get better with every passing day

18. From the tips given below, pick the one that will help you build self-confidence:

a) keep in touch with friends and family b) Accept failure graceful

c) see larger perspective d) Take time for exercise

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