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International Review of Psychiatry

ISSN: 0954-0261 (Print) 1369-1627 (Online) Journal homepage:

Neurobiology of emotions: an update

Vanderson Esperidião-Antonio, Marilia Majeski-Colombo, Diana Toledo-

Monteverde, Glaciele Moraes-Martins, Juliana José Fernandes, Marjorie
Bauchiglioni de Assis, Stefânia Montenegro & Rodrigo Siqueira-Batista

To cite this article: Vanderson Esperidião-Antonio, Marilia Majeski-Colombo, Diana Toledo-

Monteverde, Glaciele Moraes-Martins, Juliana José Fernandes, Marjorie Bauchiglioni de Assis,
Stefânia Montenegro & Rodrigo Siqueira-Batista (2017): Neurobiology of emotions: an update,
International Review of Psychiatry, DOI: 10.1080/09540261.2017.1285983

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Neurobiology of emotions: an update

Vanderson Esperidi~ao-Antonioa, Marilia Majeski-Colombob, Diana Toledo-Monteverdeb,
Glaciele Moraes-Martinsb, Juliana Jose Fernandesb, Marjorie Bauchiglioni de Assisb, Stef^ania Montenegroc
and Rodrigo Siqueira-Batistac,d,e
Departamento de Medicina e Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Viçosa, Brazil; bCurso de Graduaç~ao em Medicina,
 ~aos (UNIFESO), Teresopolis, Brazil; cN
Centro Universitario Serra dos Org ucleo de Estudos em Ci^encias Medicas, Faculdade Din^amica do
Vale do Piranga (FADIP), Ponte Nova, Brazil; dDepartamento de Medicina e Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV),
Viçosa, Brazil; ePostgraduate Program of Bioethics, Ethics and Public Health (PPGBIOS), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ),
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The ‘nature’ of emotions is one of the archaic themes of Western thought, thematized in differ- Limbic system; emotions;
ent cultural manifestations – such as art, science, philosophy, myths and religion –, since Ancient neurosciences; neurobiology
times. In the last decades, the advances in neurosciences have permitted the construction of
hypotheses that explain emotions, especially through the studies involving the limbic system. To
present an updated discussion about the neurobiology of processes relating to emotions –
focusing (1) on the main neural structures that relate to emotions, (2) the paths and circuits of
greater relevance, (3) the implicated neurotransmitters, (4) the connections that possess neurove-
getative control and (5) the discussion about the main emotions – is the objective of this pre-
sent article.

Introduction of a thinking substance (res cogitans) that is com-

pletely separated from the ‘worldly substance’ (res
The study of emotions, in terms of knowledge, is
extensa), empowering, in this manner, a genuine
rather archaic in Western culture (Espiridi~ao Antonio
et al., 2008). As a matter of fact, turning back on schism between body and mind (Descartes, 2016). To
ancient Greece, it is possible to find in the concept of Descartes, the res cogitans belongs to reason and to
pathos (pahos) the idea of passion, understood in the thought, while emotions pertain to the body (res
hellenic philosophical ambit as the root of evil and extensa), characterized as confused and non credible
the unhappiness of man (Reale, 1999), and should in relation to the true contents (Descartes, 2016). On
therefore be moderated and, perhaps, dominated. It is the other hand, the philosopher Baruch of Spinoza
noted in this horizon, for example, the platonic con- conceived that the ‘thinking substance and the exten-
ception of the tripartite soul, being that the portions sive substance are the same substance, sometimes
that correspond to emotions are the mortal ones – understood as one attribute and other times as
lustful and irascible – and the rational soul is the another’ (Spinoza, 1997: Part II, Prop. VII) (Spinoza,
immortal (divine) portion (Plat~ao, 1977; Siqueira- 2010). In these terms, reason and emotion – and the
Batista & Schramm, 2004). organic constitution itself – would belong to the same
From this prospective, the complex emotion/reason nature (Spinoza, 2010).
relation has become a recurrent motto in the thoughts From a genuine philosophical problem, the rela-
of the different philosophers, which formulated con- tions between the body and mind and between reason
ceptions, in the most various manner, to explain the and emotion began being investigated in the theoret-
origins and the role of different emotions in the ical ambit of other sciences – such as psychology, psy-
human condition. This was precisely the case of choanalysis, biology and medicine –, from the second
french thinker Rene Descartes, that, in his half of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX
Metaphysical Meditations, arrives at the conceptions century. What marks this period is the scientific inter-

This is an updated English version of the paper: Esperidiao-Antonio V. et al. (2008). Neurobiologia das emoç~oes. Rev. Psiquiatr. Clín., 35, 55–65.
ß 2017 Institute of Psychiatry and Johns Hopkins University
2 ~

est appointed to the cognitive processes, which punctuating the important relation between the emo-
includes the mental activities related to the acquisition tional processes and the autonomic nervous system,
of knowledge and connected to reasoning and mem- emphasizing its interference in the neurovegetative
ory. This elucidation is explained by the greater com- control.
mensurability of cognition, leading to the
development of the so called ‘cognitive revolution’. Historical background: from the limbic system
From then on, numerous investigations that culmi- to the system of emotions
nated in the proposition of the mechanisms involved
in perception, in attention and in memory were real- Since the Renaissance, period marked, among other
ized. The few authors that focused on emotions, con- aspect, by a substantive progress of human anatomical
ceived them in a ‘segmented’ manner, treating the studies – morphological investigations, typified by a
‘emotional circuits’ as separate events that are inde- fruitful composition between science and art (Barreto
pendent from other neural activities. & Oliveira, 2004), have been developed, which permit
More recently – since the development of new spe- a description of different organic structures, including
cialized research techniques in neurophysiologiy and those of the brain and the other constituents of the
neuroimaging (Billot et al., 2017; Brooks et al., 2016; central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous
Esperidi~ao Antonio & Majeski-Colombo, 2012; system (PNS). This context was one of the factors
George, 2016) –, there has been a broadening of inter- responsible for the subsequent interest in compre-
est in the study of neural bases of the processes hending the cerebral processes related to cognition
involved in emotions, as of the characterization and and emotions, theme that has won special impulse
since the XVIII and XIX century (Esperidi~ao Antonio
the investigation of the limbic system (LS). It is
& Majeski-Colombo, 2012; Gazzaniga, Ivry, &
known, based on different results, that there is a deep
Mangun, 2013), especially after the works of Gall,
integration between the emotional, cognitive and
Broca and Papez.
homeostatic processes, in a manner in which its iden-
Franz Joseph Gall described the morphology of the
tification would be of great value for the better under-
brain and the main nervous structures, which facili-
standing of the physiological response of the organism
tated a significant advance in differentiating the
when the individual is faced with various situations.
important cerebral portions, characterizing some of its
Therefore, connections with diverse nervous circuits,
specific functions, becoming known as ‘the author of
which, through their neurotransmitters promote
the true anatomy of the brain’. The first ‘mapping’ of
physiological responses that relate the organism to the
cerebral functions was proposed by Pierre Paul Broca,
environment (somatic nervous system) as well as to fulfilled through the observation of patients with cere-
the innervation of visceral structures (visceral nervous bral damaged. Broca identified the limbic lobe
system), that are important for the maintenance of (limb ¼ margin), which comprises a ring composed by
the internal environment’s stability (homeostasis) continued cortical structures situated in the medial
(Yang et al., 2007). and inferior face of the brain (Damasio, Grabowski,
Despite these advances, the possibility of treating Frank, Galaburda, & Damasio, 1994).
issues regarding emotions scientifically has been A large impulse for the establishment of hypotheses
greatly discussed. With the development of the neuro- about the neural bases of emotions took place from
sciences, it is postulated that, like the perception and the description of the Phineas Gage case, a worker
the action, emotion is related to distinct cerebral cir- who survived an incident that provoked severe cere-
cuits. Furthermore, emotions are generally accompa- bral damage consequent of a serious work related
nied by autonomic, endocrine and skeletal motor injury (Damasio et al., 1994; Harlow, 1868). After an
responses – that depend on the subcortical areas of accidental explosion, Gage had his head pierced by a
the nervous system –, which prepare the body for metal bar, which penetrated through the left maxillary
action (Felger & Miller, 2014; Kandel, 2000; Lanotte region, deeply reaching his frontal lobe ipsilaterally.
et al., 2005). In fact, it is believed that science will be Gage did not lose conscience, despite his frontal lobe
capable of explaining biological aspects related to being injured. After a few weeks, the worker wished
emotions, but not what emotion is: this remains a to return to work but did not receive permission from
predominantly philosophical issue. Based on these his employer due to great behavioral changes. Before
premisses, the objective of the present article is to dis- the incident, Gage was a capable and efficient worker
cuss the current aspects of the neurobiology of emo- with a well balanced mind, seen as an astute, intelli-
tions – with the LS as a starting point –, therefore gent and talented man. After the morbid event, he

became indecisive demonstrating indifference, falsity, related – although not pertinent – to the LS)
disloyalty and sloppiness. He also showed impatience (Cannon, 1927; Dror, 2001). In a similar manner, the
and was unable to establis any plan for the future group of anterior nuclei of the thalamus is not con-
(Lent, 2010). firmed as a substantive element in the neurobiology
The interest of the comprehension of the mental of emotions. In point of fact, there still does not exist
and cerebral processes can also be identified in the a perfect accord on the components of the LS.
pioneer investigations developed, in the last century – Although the denomination ‘limbic system’ is still
by the viennese physiologist and the psychologist used to designate components involved in the cerebral
Sigmund Exer, by the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud circuits of emotions, this categorization has been
and by the french doctor Israel Waynbaum –, in receiving critiques in many degrees. For example, the
which knowledge about the neural networks and pos- inclusion of diverse anatomical structures in its
sible structures that would compose the emotional cir- design, without clear agreement between authors; in
cuits was being illustrated (Harlow, 1868). In this fact, the majority of the investigators include, in the
movement, temporarily situated in the transition of LS, the cingulate gyrus, the parahippocampal gyrus,
the XIX century to the XX century, the first neuro- the amygdala, the hypothalamus and the area of the
psychological theories of emotions were proposed, septum. Other structures such as the cerebellum, thal-
highlighting the conceptions of William James and amus, prefrontal area and hippocampus are not
Carl Lange – to whom the subjective emotional always said to be pertinent to the LS, although these
experience would be consequent of the physiological elements possess direct relations to the emotional
and behavioral manifestations (in other words, if one processes and the autonomic responses (Guyton &
is happy it is because one smiles … ) – as well as the Hall, 2011; Machado, 2013; Papez, 1937; Pergher,

Grassi-Oliveira, De Avila, & Stein, 2006). This fact
ideas of Walter Cannon and Phillip Bard – that for-
indicates that there is no criteria broadly accepted to
mulated the the CNS caused both the subjective
decide upon the constitution of the LS (Fontenelle, de
experience and the physiological and behavioral mani-
Oliveira-Souza, & Moll, 2015). Furthermore, the idea
festations (Cannon, 1927).
itself of a single system of emotions has been placed in
Substantive advance for the comprehension of the
check ever since the identification of different circuits
neurobiological phenomenons related to emotion was
and areas of the CNS that correlate to the disparate
reached by Joseph Papez, American anatomists that
states called emotions. Thus, in the present manu-
shifted the gaze of an emotional centers perspective,
script, the structures consensually recognized by the
substituting it for a conception of systems. In fact, ini-
different authors, as well as those that directly relate
tially it was believed that the limbic lobe described by
to emotions with be included in this discussion about
Broca would be related to smell, but Papez demon-
the LS.
strated that its different portions were united and Therefore, substituting – or amplifying – the idea
coordinated within itself, forming a circuit, which of the LS, a conception of the systems of emotions
included the cingulate cortex, the hippocampus and (Espiridi~ao Antonio et al., 2008; Esperidi~ao Antonio &
the anterior nuclei of the thalamus (Cannon, 1927). Majeski-Colombo, 2012), that house the disparate cir-
Further experimental evidences permitted the revi- cuits and neural networks that correlate to the typified
sion of structures pertaining to the circuit proposed states such as emotion, should be proposed.
by Papez, therefore emerging the concept of the lim-
bic system (LS) – resuming the term created by Broca
in describing the limbic lobe –, which would involve Structures related to emotions
the structures related to emotions (Cosenza, 1990; The systems of emotions (Espiridi~ao Antonio et al.,
Papez, 1937). The LS began being characterized as a 2008; Esperidi~ao Antonio & Majeski-Colombo, 2012)
neural circuit related to the emotional responses and – at least as they have been understood recently –
to the motivational impulses, having already been appear to be organized in a network; more pro-
included in his design, structures such as the hypo- nounced morphofunctionally regulatory components
thalamus, amygdala, nuclei of the bases, prefrontal do not exist in these systems, in other words, all of
area, cerebellum and septum (the hippocampus, ini- the elements play regulatory roles similar to each
tially inserted, does not appear to have decisive par- other (LeDoux, 2003). Therefore, it is understood that
ticipation in the neural mechanisms of emotions, these systems depend on the integration of their com-
having role in the consolidation of memories, includ- ponents in a complex, non-hierarchical manner,
ing those with emotional content, therefore being which still needs to be further explained (Papez, 1937;
4 ~

Table 2. Structures related to the emotions and that are not

included, originally, to the circuit of Papez.
Structures Comments
Amygdala It is activated in situations with marked emotional signifi-
cance, such as aggressive or sexual meeting; Is also
related to emotional learning and the storage of affect-
ive memories. In addition, the amygdala is responsible
for the formation of the association between stimuli
and rewards.
Septum The septum is related to anger, pleasure and neurovege-
tative control. It has been shown in animals that bilat-
eral involvement of the septal area causes “septal
anger”, characterized by emotional hyperactivity, fer-
ocity and anger in situations that do not usually
change animal behavior. Changes in blood pressure
and respiratory rate may be observed when the septal
area is stimulated (Yang et al., 2007). Self-stimulation
experiments performed on rats allowed the localization
Figure 1. Structures of the limbic system. Neuroanatomical of “pleasure areas” in the brain; Among the most fre-
quently stimulated areas are the septal area and the
image prepared by the authors. regions covered by the medial forebrain bundle. This
hypothesis was, in part, confirmed in experiments with
human patients(Gazzaniga et al., 2013).
Prefrontal The prefrontal area has been considered the core of the
cortex personality (Gazzaniga et al., 2013). There is still much
speculation around this region, but through the inter-
Table 1. Structures that compose the circuit of Papez. pretation of experimental and clinical data, it is noted
Structures Comments that this structure participates in decision making and
in the adoption of behavioral strategies more appropri-
Cingulate gyrus It is related to depression, anxiety, and aggression; in ate to the physical and social situation; In addition, it
humans, mental retardation is observed in cases of seems to be related to the capacity to follow ordered
injury to this structure. It assists in determining the sequences of thoughts and the modalities of control of
contents of memory, with a significant increase in the emotional behavior (Benoit, 2008; Guyton & Hall,
their activity when people lie (Guyton & Hall, 2011). 2011).
Parahippocampal It is related to memory storage; Injurious processes Cerebellum Nowadays, it has been recognized that this organ has
gyrus located there produce isolated retrograde amnesia, functions broader than purely motor, acting in several
with preservation of the capacity to store new cognitive processes. Cerebellar damage is associated
explicit memories (Gazzaniga et al., 2013). with dysfunctions in executive tasks, learning, proced-
Hypothalamus This structure, for Papez, would constitute the central ural and declarative memory, language processing and
segment of the limbic system, relating to the vari- visual and spatial functions, as well as dysfunctions in
ous encephalic areas. Both hypothalamic stimula- personality, affection and cognition. The hypothesis
tion and inhibition often have profound effects on deriving from the anatomical model is that the rupture
the behavior and emotions of animals, including of the neural circuit that connects the cerebellum with
Homo sapiens sapiens. Stimulation of the lateral the associative and paralimbic areas prevents cerebellar
hypothalamus induces thirst, hunger and increases modulation of related cognitive functions, causing
the general level of activity of the animal, some- alterations in the subsystems and producing conduct
times leading to fury and/or fighting. The stimula- deficits (LeDoux, 2003). It was proposed a scheme of
tion of the ventromedial nucleus causes a contrary the different types of non-motor activity, which could
situation, that is, a sensation of satiety, reduction of be modulated by different cerebellar regions. In the
food intake and tranquility (Pergher et al., 2006). case of cognition and emotion, the earliest cerebellar
The stimulation of periventricular nuclei usually regions, such as the nodule-lobe, the worm, the fasti-
causes fear and punishment reactions. The sex gial nucleus and the globose nucleus are described,
drive can be stimulated mainly in the anterior and which can be considered equivalent to a limbic cere-
posterior portions of the hypothalamus. bellum, being responsible for the mechanisms
Thalamus The functions are mainly related to sensitivity, motor, Primitives of preservation, as manifestations of struggle,
emotional behavior and activation of the cerebral emotion, sexuality and, possibly, emotional memory
cortex (Papez, 1937). (LeDoux, 2003). The cerebellar lateral hemispheres and
Hippocampus The hippocampus has important functions related to the mandibular and emboliform nuclei seem to be
behavior and memory (Guyton & Hall, 2011). responsible for the modulation of thought, planning,
People undergoing bilateral hippocampal removal strategy formulation, learning, memory and language,
can access learned memory but can not learn any characteristics that are only identified in mammals. In
new information. This area is also integrated with this way, the cerebellum has been considered a power-
decision making, because when the hippocampus ful coordinator, capable of contributing to both motor
interprets a neuronal signal as important, it is prob- and sensory and cognitive abilities, thanks to the con-
ably stored in memory (Pergher et al., 2006). nections it establishes with brain regions responsible
Recently the relationship between the hippocampus for performing these functions (Guyton & Hall, 2011).
and the immune system has been demonstrated,
identifying that its integrity is fundamental for the
normality of the immune response, as well as the
interaction of memory with the levels of interleukin Berridge, 2004). Figure 1 and Table 1 present the
1 alpha (IL-1a) and IL-2. The hippocampus is not components of the LS, as proposed by Papez. Table 2
currently considered a crucial part of the neurobio-
logical systems of emotions. exposes additional structures that integrate with the
system of emotions (Espiridi~ao Antonio et al., 2008;
Esperidi~ao Antonio & Majeski-Colombo, 2012).

Although there is no precise definition of the discover the location of severe epilepsy. What the
neural circuit involved in the complex system of emo- researcher was able to observe was that the stimula-
tions (Espiridi~ao Antonio et al., 2008; Esperidi~ao tion in specific areas, according to the implantation
Antonio & Majeski-Colombo, 2012), some neuronal of the electrodes, generated different types of sensa-
pathways can be described, in a didactic fashion, with- tions. The patient in this case stimulated more fre-
out loosing sight of the fact that they are ultimately quently a site in the medial thalamus that, although
functionally integrated. These paths will be discussed it provoked an irritable sensation, caused an immi-
in the latter context of the different emotions. nent sensation of evoking a memory, making him
repeat the procedure in order to bring back the
memory to mind, in other words, with the objective
The neural bases of emotions of obtaining a rewards with repeated stimulation
Pleasure and reward (Ballone, 2002).
Later studies on simians demonstrated participation
The most ‘primitive’ emotions that are also well
of the medial proencephalic bundle on the appetitive
studied by neurophysiologists – with the purpose of
stimuli, being able to characterize a certain expect-
establishing their relations with cerebral functioning –
ation of pleasure. This bundle and its integrated
are the sensations of rewards (pleasure, satisfactions)
regions (ventral tegmental area, hypothalamus, accum-
and punishment (disgust, aversion), each one having
bens nucleus, anterior cingulate cortex and prefrontal
been characterized as their own encephalic circuit.
cortex) compose the circuit called mesolimbic system.
The ‘center of reward’ is primarily related to the
Dopamine appears to be fundamental in mediating
medial prosencephalic bundle – in the lateral and
the rewards’ effects. Dopaminergic neurons project
ventromedial nuclei of the hypothalamus –, having from the ventral tegmental area of the midbrain to
connections with the septum, amygdala, some areas of many areas of the encephalon through the medial
the thalamus and the ganglions of the base (Lent, prosencephalic bundle. Furthermore, drugs that cause
2010; Dror, 2001; Pergher et al., 2006). On the other chemical dependency increase the effectiveness of
hand, the ‘punishment center’ is described as being dopamine and provoke its release in the accumbens
located in the central grey area that surrounds Sylvius’ nucleus, demonstrating the role of this neurotransmit-
cerebral aqueduct in the midbrain, extending to the ter in the mechanisms of reward and/or pleasure
periventricular zones of the hypothalamus and thal- (Ballone, 2002). However, the investigations carried
amus, being related to the amygdala and the hippo- out until now continue obtaining ambiguous results,
campus (Dror, 2001) as well as the medial portions of especially in the ambit of pharmacological studies –
the hypothalamus and the lateral portions of the teg- which indicate that the dopamine’s agonists increase
mental areas of the midbrain (Ballone, 2002). the auto-stimulation rate, while the antagonists
For some researchers, the sensations of please can decrease this rate – and the lesion studies, that show
be distinguished by the facial expressions and attitude that the section of the medial prosencephalic bundle,
of the animal after exposure to a hedonic stimulus; por example, does not provoke significant reduction
these expressions are maintained even in anencephalic of the auto-stimulation, as expected (Ballone, 2002).
individuals, suggesting that the ‘center of please’ must
extend to the cerebral trunk (LeDoux, 2003). It is
believed that afferent emissions of the accumbens Happiness
nucleus towards the lateral and ventral hypothalamus, The experiences nuanced by happiness – response to
the globus pallidus and the structures connected in the identification of facial expressions of joy, and with
this same cerebral region are involved in the hedonic the visualization of pleasant images and/or the induc-
cerebral circuits (LeDoux, 2003). tion of memories of happiness, sexual pleasure and
In investigations with experiment animals (rats), it successful competitive stimulation – provokes the acti-
was demonstrated that stimuli in the septum area, vation of basal ganglions, including the ventral corpus
controlled by the animal, entailed a stimuli of recur- striatum and the putamen (Bear, Connors, &
rent deflagration of the stimuli, indicating a possible Paradiso, 2008; Niculescu, Schork, & Salomon, 2010).
correlation with the triggering of pleasure (Esperidi~ao The recent revision published by Machado Cantilino
Antonio & Majeski-Colombo, 2012; Gazzaniga et al., (Bogert et al., 2016) demonstrated that the postitive
2013). This conclusion, however, is not so simple: for emotions – including joy and happiness – relate with
example, in the 1960s, Robert Heath applied 17 elec- the reduction of activity in the right prefrontal cortex
trodes on the encephalon of a patient in order do and the increase of activity in the left prefrontal
6 ~

regions, as well as the association with the increment corroborates to the hypothesis of the existence of an
of activities in the regions of the cingulate gyrus, ideomotor component in empathy (Meyza, Bartal,
inferior and middle temporal gyrus, amygdala and Monfils, Panksepp, & Knapska, 2016). In this sense,
ventral striatum (Bogert et al., 2016). Furthermore, it Enzy et al. (Enzi, Amirie, & Br€ une, 2016) (Sampaio,
is important to remember that the basal ganglions Camino, & Roazzi, 2009) highlight that empathy is
receive vast innervation from the dopaminergic neu- associated to the activity in a complex neural network,
rons of the mesolimbic system – intimately related to including the anterior insula, the anterior and middle
the generation of pleasure – and the dopaminergic cingulate cortex and the lateral prefrontal cortex. The
system of the ventral striatum (Machado & Cantilino, role of the prefrontal cortex appears to be fundamen-
in press; Suardi, Sotgiu, Costa, Cauda, & Rusconi, tal, consequentially deserving attention from research-
2016). Dopamine acts independently – utilizing opioid ers – especially the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and
and GABAergic receptors on the ventral striatum, the the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Sampaio et al.,
amygdala and on the orbitofrontal cortex – fact 2009; Enzi et al., 2016) –, highlighting that the trans-
related to the affective sates (such as sensorial pleas- cranial stimulation of continued current of the latter
ure), while other neuropeptides are involved in the in can ‘modulate’ empathy (Ferrari, 2014).
the generation of the sensation of satisfaction through Another important research frontier refers to the
the homeostatic mechanisms (Li et al., 2016). neuroendocrine aspects, highlighting that there
Neuroanatomical descriptions of the lesions of the appears to be a correlation between empathy and the
cerebral-pontocerebellar pathways in individuals with action of certain hormones, such as oxytocin and
pathological laughter and crying suggest that the cere- vasopressin (Wang, Wang, Hu, & Li, 2014).
bellum is a structure involved in the association
between the execution of laughter and crying and the
cognitive and situacional context in question; in fact,
when such structure is injured there in an incomplete The sensations of fear and anger are related to the
transition of information, provoking inadequate existing significant relations between the amygdala
behavior in its context (Burgdorf & Panksepp, 2006). and the hypothalamus (Uzefovsky et al., 2015). The
amygdala is responsible for the detections, generation
and maintenance of the emotions related to fear, as
Empathy and compassion
well as those related to the recognition of fearful
The investigations directed towards empathy and facial expressions and the coordination of the appro-
compassion have produced interesting results, in neu- priate responses to threat and danger (Bear et al.,
roscientific terms. The two concepts are similar, but 2008; Mobbs, Hagan, Dalgleish, Silston, & Prevost,
do not completely overlap. In fact, empathy refers to 2015; De Gelder, Snyder, Greve, Gerard, &
the ‘union or fusion with all beings or objects (consid- Hadjikhani, 2004). An injury of the amygdala in
ered animated)’ (Parvizi, Anderson, Martin, Damasio, humans produces a reduction in the emotionality
& Damasio, 2001); in a distinct manner, it is also con- and the capacity of recognizing fear. On the other
ceived as ‘an action of unconditional welcoming’, with- hand, the stimulation of the amygdala can lead to a
out judgment (Abbagnano, 2012). state of vigilance or of increased attention, anxiety
Based on these considerations, empathy and com- and fear (Ballone, 2002; H€ oistad & Barbas, 2008; Lee,
passion can be characterized as phenomenons intim- Milton, & Everitt, 2006).
ately related to emotional control and the capacity of Since the initial descriptions of the LS, realized by
relating with others. They are generally considered as Papez, it is believed that the hypothalamus plays a
pertaining to the Homo sapiens sapiens specie, even crucial role between the subcortical structures
though studies with other animals species have dem- involved in the processing of emotions. Currently, it
onstrated the existence of neural circuits that can be is recognized that the projections of the amygdala to
correlated to empathetic behaviors (Siqueira-Batista & the cortex contribute to the recognition of experienc-
Schramm, 2009). ing fear and other cognitive aspects of the emotional
Subsequently, research that used functional neuroi- process (Fontenelle et al., 2015).
maging techniques pointed to the existence of intri- The amygdala is a structure that acts preforms as
cate neural circuits – involving the premotor cortex, an essential link between the areas of the cerebral cor-
the parietal lobe and the supplementary motor area – tex, receiving information from all of the sensorial
which are activated by preforming a task or visualiz- systems. These, in turn, project in a specific form to
ing the same task performed by someone else, which the amygdaloid nuclei permitting the integration of

information coming from many cerebral areas, the unconditioned fear can be produced, for example,
through excitatory and inhibitory connections from by darkness. The conditioned fear, or learned fear, is
the cortical and subcortical pathways (Graham, caused by the majority of stimuli, that become
Devinsky, & LaBar, 2006). The basolateral nuclei are ‘warnings’ that a situation is threatening and can hap-
the main entrance ways of the amygdala, receiving pen again (Gazzaniga et al., 2013). After this discov-
sensorial and auditory information; however the ven- ery, it was possible to associate these behaviors to the
tral amygdalofugal pathways and the terminal stri- amygdala, once the injuries in this structure interfered
atum establish a connection with the hypothalamus, in the acquisition and the expression of the conditions
permitting the triggering of fear (Ballone, 2002). The fear (Fontenelle et al., 2015).
terminal striatum is related to the release of stress The investigation of the amygdala through imaging
hormones form the pituitary and adrenal gland during exams, such as positron emission tomography (PET)
conditioning (Fontenelle et al., 2015). and fMRI, allowed concluding the this structure is
Sensory inputs to the amygdala are received by the activated even when the analyzed individual is not
lateral nucleus. The auditive inputs come form the directly submitted to a situation that provokes fear. In
auditive thalamus and the auditive cortex and arrive addition, it was observed that the amygdala is not
to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala, stimulating it activated only processes that involve the sensation of
in the processes of conditioned fear (as described fear, but also during more positive situations, such as
below). This fact is confirmed by functional magnetic during the recognition of happy facial expressions,
resonance studies (fMRI) on humans, in which, dur- leading to the conclusions that the amygdala is
ing conditioning, activity in the amygdala and corre- involved in the response to importante emotional
lating activity in the thalamus were observed stimuli, regardless of its pleasant or unpleasant con-
(Fontenelle et al., 2015; Williams et al., 2006). In add- text (Bear et al., 2008). It should also be highlighted
ition to the auditive cortex and thalamus, ventral that the amygdala is related to the ability to ‘read’
areas of the hypothalamus project to the basolateral ocular movements expressed in facial mimics, during
and basomedial nuclei of the amygdala, and in case of significant emotional manifestations (Gonzalez-Villa
injury to these areas, there is interference in the gen- et al., 2016; Dejean et al., 2015).
eration of the conditioning. The central nucleus of the In order to learn the conditions fear, the pathways
amygdala is responsible for the interface of the motor that transmit information from the stimulus converge
system, consequentially, injuries to this nucleus reveal at the lateral nucleus of the amygdala, from the the
alterations in the expression of responses to condi- information goes to the central nucleus. This, in turn,
tioned fear (Fontenelle et al., 2015). establishes a connections with the hypothalamus and
The role of the amygdala in the triggering of fear the periaquedutal gray matter of the cephalic trunk,
was better studied in the 1970s and thee 1980s, when evoking, at last, somatic motor responses (LeDoux,
the technique of pavlovian fear conditioning was 2003; Ballone, 2002). The participation, in this pro-
described. This technique consisted of offering and cess, of the basolateral nucli of the amygdala could be
emotionally neutral stimulus, such as the emission of confirmed from the observation, in investigational
an audible pitch (conditioned stimulus), and associat- studies of the NMDA receptors of the brain – recep-
ing it to an aversive stimulus, such an electric shock tors associated to the acquisition, reconsolidation and
(unconditioned stimulus). After the repeated applica- extinction of memories. It was verified that the amyg-
tion of theses associated stimuli, it was noted that the daloid nuclei were the primary location for the actions
conditioned stimulus was able to provoke responses of drugs that act upon the NMDA receptors, in other
typically observed in the presence of danger, such as words, potentiating (agonist drugs) or extinguishing
defense behavior (flight or fight response), activation (antagonist drugs) the memory associated to the con-
of the autonomic nervous system (alterations in blood ditioned fear (H€ oistad & Barbas, 2008).
flow and cardiac frequency), neuroendocrine In addition to the important role of the amygdala
responses (release of pituitary and adrenal hormones), in generating fear, this process can also appear to be
among others (Fontenelle et al., 2015). Situations such dependent on the serotonergic, noradrenergic and
as the exposure to loud and subtle sounds, great central GABAnergic system, to the extent that it is
heights and large visual stimuli that are not identified known that the mechanism of action of the anti-
– that emerge suddenly from the superior part of the depressant and anxiolytic pharmaceuticals are depend-
field of vision –, produce the so called unconditioned ent on the interferences of the habitual conduction of
fear, present in many animals. In the human species, these pathways, when altering the concentration in its
8 ~

receptors (Jacobs, Renken, Aleman, & Cornelissen, behavioral pattern. Affective aggression, in turn, is
2012). provoked by stimulus from the periaquedutal gray
The role of the temporal lobe in the neurobiology matter by the lateral hypothalamus through the dorsal
of fear should also be highlighted. injuries in this longitudinal fascicle (Ballone, 2002).
location produce alteration in social and emotional Fear, such as anger, is and emotion related to the
behavior of animals, such as the acquisition of a functions of the amygdala, in result of connections to
docile posture by wild and ferocious animals, lost of the hypothalamus and other structures (Flynn, 1967).
fear, extreme curiosity, quick forgetfulness, the ten- The electric stimulation of the basolateral nucli of the
dency to place everything in mouth and extremely amygdala activate the hypothalamus and the nuclei of
intense sexual impulse (Kluver-Busy syndrome). the encephalic trunk through the ventral amygdalofu-
Although similar disturbances are rare in human gal pathway, producing the typical behavior of affect-
being, the affected people react in a similar manner ive aggression. On the other hand, the stimulation of
to the simians – condition characterizes by apathy, the corticomedial nuclei provoked inhibitory outputs
lethargy and emotional insensibility (Pergher et al., to the hypothalamus through the temrinal striatum,
2006). reducing predatory aggression (Ballone, 2002).
A study was carried out with the objective of identi-
Anger fying the cerebral areas involved in the processing of
anger, utilizing Fmri (Zhao, Sun, Chen, & Yang, 2016).
Anger is basically manifested by aggressive behaviors, The stimulus received by the participants were furious
almost always intense, which depend on the involve- or neutral voices, simultaneously, and they would
ment of diverse structures and organic systems in choose which one to listen to. The results of the studies
order to be expressed (Lara & Akiskal, 2006).
showed that the right amygdala and the bilateral super-
Furthermore, this behavior also allows for variations
ior temporal grooves responded to the recognition of
according to the stimulus thats evokes it.
anger, regardless of when the voice that denoted anger
One of the first structures associated to anger was
was chosen or not; therefore, the orbitofrontal cortex
the hypothalamus, due to studies realized in the
and the cuneus (in the medial occipital cortex) showed
1920s, in which was the description of manifestations
greatest activation when the furious voice was chosen
of anger in unsuitable situations, after total removal
rather than when it was discarded, indicating possible
of the telencephalon. However, this same behavior
association of these areas with neural processing of the
was not observed when the injury extended to the
recognition of fear (Zhao et al., 2016). In addition to
posterior half of the hypothalamus, leading to the
conclusion that the posterior hypothalamus would be this study, there are description of the association of the
involved in the expression of anger and aggressive- injuries of the orbitofrontal cortex – especially in the
ness, while the telencephalon would mediate inhibi- context of the influence of emotion in the process of
tory effects on this behavior (Ballone, 2002). decision making (Lara & Akiskal, 2006) – to inappro-
Generally, two behaviors, classically studied in ani- priate behaviors such as impulsiveness, anger, little
mals, can be describes: a predatory aggression, that has expression of happiness and characteristics of double
an objective the obtaining of food, and affective personality disorder (Sander et al., 2005). Furthermore,
aggression, whose purpose is exhibition to other sur- in another investigation utilizing imaging exams
rounding animals or females. During the 1960s, John (fMRI), bilateral activation of the amygdala was dem-
Flynn identifies that these aggressive behaviors were onstrated during visualization of scared faces, while the
provoked by the stimulation of specific areas of the observation of the figures that denoted infuriated facial
hypothalamus, located respectively on the medial and expression provokes stimulation of only the right
lateral hypothalamus (Beyer, M€ unte, G€ ottlich, & amygdala. Such fact, besides agreeing with the study
Kr€amer, 2014). described previously (Zhao et al., 2016), makes it pos-
The typical behavior of predatory aggression can be sible to reinforce that the amygdala is associated to the
verified after stimulating the lateral hypothalamus, perception of threatening facial expressions and that its
which possesses many outputs in the ventral tegmen- connection to the other cortical and subcortical struc-
tal area through medial prosencephalic bundle. On tures permit a response to this threat (Berlin, Rolls, &
the other hand, the section of this neuronal bundle Iversen, 2005; Fitzgerald, Angstadt, Jelsone, Nathan, &
does not totally eliminate such behavior, indicating a Phan, 2006; Suslow et al., 2006).
possibility that the hypothalamus is not the only In addition to the structural components, there are
structure associated to the generation of this studies that involve the participation of

neurotransmitter in the modulation of anger and facial expressions of a person or animal that the indi-
aggression. Serotonin is one of the neurotransmitters vidual communicates with (Majeski-Colombo et al.,
involved in this regulation, which can easily suggest, 2006; Porges, 2003).
once the location of the serotonergic neurons on the Every time a person perceives an environment as
encephalic trunk’s raphe, the medial prosencephalic ‘safe’, he/she has inhibitory mechanisms that act on
bundle, the hypothalamus and in other associated lim- the limbic structures that control the fight or flight
bic structures (Jacobs et al., 2012). This association behaviors, including the lateral and dorsomedial
can be reinforced by studies realized with knockout regions of the periquedutal grey matter (Kahle, Miller,
mice for the 5-HT1B receptors. These specific recep- Lopez, & Hastings, 2016). This mechanism can be
tors are localized on the nuclei of the rafe, the amyg- exemplified by the neural projections of the fusiform
dala, the periaquedutal grey matter and the ganglions gyrus and superior temporal sulcus to the amygdala
of the base (Ballone, 2002). (more precisely the central amygdaloid nucleus), that
Anger appears to be mainly modulated by the inhibit it. In this manner, the amygdala does not play
accumbens nucleus and through the dopaminergic and its normal role, in other words, the stimulation of
glutamatergic systems, once dopaminergic antidepres- these pathways in the periaquedutal grey matter.
sants and psychostimulants are potentialize fear and Concomitantly, after the processing of all of the infor-
the antipsychotics and mood stabilizers can have mation, the motor cortex (where the frontal areas are
depressant effects on anger (Jacobs et al., 2012). highlighted) command the activation of the cortico-
bulbar pathways of the medulla (source nuclei of the
V, VII, IX, X and XI cranial nerves), that activate the
Fight or flight reactions
somatomotor components (muscles of the face and
The hypothalamic projections to the regions of the head) and visceromotor (heart, bronchial tree) of the
brainstem – highlighting the nucleus tractus solitarius – physiological mechanisms for social contact (Majeski-
are possibly responsible for the direct connections Colombo et al., 2006).
between the hypothalamus and the autonomic nervous On the other hand, every time a person perceives
system (ANS). In addition to the output pathways, the the environment as ‘dangerous’, the amygdala will be
vagus nerve (CN X), one of the main elements of the free to trigger excitatory stimuli upon the lateral and
ANS (parasympathetic portion), represent an important dorsolateral region of the periaquetudal grey matter,
afferent component, activating superior cerebral areas: that then stimulate the pathways of the pyramidal
its input projections ascend to the forebrain through tract, producing fight or flight responses. In addition,
the parabraquial nucleus and the ceruleus locus, con- there are cases where the person responds to such
necting directly to all of the levels of the forebrain situation as if she/he were paralyzed; this response
(hypothalamus, amygdala and thalamic regions that happens due to the stimulation of the region that is
control the insula and the orbitofrontal and prefrontal ventrolateral to the cerebral aqueduct (Sylvius), that
cortex) (Majeski-Colombo, Viana, Pinto, Esperidi~ao- also stimulates the neural pathways of the lateral cor-
Ant^ onio, & Siqueira-Batista, 2006; Porges, 2003). In ticospinal tracts (pyramidal). It is interesting to
this way, the vagus nerve is highlighted in its participa- emphasize that these reactions occur parallel to the
tion in the integrated response (cognition-emotion), sympathetic autonomic response, by nerves that ori-
because, besides stimulating the encephalic areas, it ginate from the paravertebral ganglions, and sympa-
produces direct physiological organic reactions (the thetic (Nerves III, VII, IX and X), as well as its sacral
vagal inputs will determine specific responses, inhibi- portion, represented by the sacral nerves from S2 to
tory or excitatory, in various tissues and bodily systems) S4, thus allowing the innervation of blood vessels and
and also indirect, through the parallel stimulation of smooth muscles of organs from different systems in
other nerves that originate from the next vagal center of all of the organism. In fight or flight situation there is
the central nervous system. an elevation of the cardiac frequency and of the sys-
The ANS is directly involved in the so called temic arterial blood pressure; however, in situations of
‘situations of fight and/or flight’ and immobilization immobilization, intense bradycardia and systemic
(Atzori et al., 2016). These events are intrinsically arterial hypotension occurs.
related to a mechanism of neuroception, that is char-
acterized by the capacity of an individual of acting
according to his/her perception of his/her environ-
ment as safe or dangerous. This perception can be Sadness and depression can be seen as ‘poles’ of a
given by the tone of voice or the movements and same process – the first is considered ‘physiological’,
10 ~

and the second, ‘pathological’ – therefore being important addition to the investigation in this field
related to in neurophysiological terms (Bondarenko, was experienced from the 1990 up until today, pro-
Guimar~aes, Braga, & Nalivaiko, 2016; Gelenberg, ducing promising results (Siqueira-Batista, Batista, &
2010). The description of the correlation between Schramm, 2012). In fact, it is generally recognized
emotional dysfunctions and damage to the neurocog- that the information that reaches the brain, that com
nitive functions are more and more frequent. As a from different sources, goes through a certain trajec-
matter of fact, depression associates to deficits in stra- tory where it is processed. Then it is directed to the
tegic areas of the brain, including the limbic regions. the limbic and paralimbic structures, through the
Different investigations demonstrated that the real- neural pathways related to emotions – for example,
ization of activities that evoke this sentiment are the Papez circuit –, or through other connections, to
related to the activation of the central areas, such as acquire emotional significance, directing itself, con-
the inferior and medial occipital gyri, the fusiform tinuously, to certain regions of the cerebral cortex,
gyrus, the lingual gyrus, the postero-medial and permitting that decisions be made and actions trig-
superior gyri and the dorsal amygdala, also highlight- gered – processes related to autonomy (Figure 2) – a
ing the participation of the dorsomedial prefrontal function that is generally dependent of the frontal or
cortex (Barrett & Janata, 2016), which was reinforced prefrontal cortex (Benoit, 2008; Damasio & Carvalho,
in recent studies utilizing musical evocation 2013; Posner & Raichle, 1994; Siqueira-Batista &
(Niculescu et al., 2010). Furthermore, in normal indi- Schramm, 2008).
viduals it was observed, through positron emission For the most part, images certainly provoke activa-
tomography (PET) that the induction of sadness tion of the visual occipital cortex (occipital and fusi-
related to: 1) the activation of the limbic regions – form gyri), however, the amygdala can also receive a
subgenual portion of the cingulate gyrus and the substantial amount of stimuli coming from the tem-
anterior insula –; 2) cortical deactivation – right pre- poral areas associated to vision, participating in the
frontal cortex and inferior parietal cortex –; and 3) formation of memories through the hippocampal or
reduction of glucose metabolism in the prefrontal cor- the striatum circuits (Fontenelle et al., 2015). Such
tex (Goldin et al., 2005). In the same manner, import-
ant activation of the subcallosum cingulate cortex
(especially in the anterior subgenual/ventral cingulate
region) was identified after induction of sadness in
the studied individuals; however, in patients with clin-
ical depression, hypometabolism or hypofusion was
noted in the subcallosum cingulate cortex (Bear et al.,
With the objective of evaluating the neurochemical
systems involved in the emotional processes, Zubieta
et al. (Machado-Vieira, Bressan, Frey, & Soares, 2005)
realized a study on humans, observing that, through
the stimulation and maintenance of a saddened state
and deactivation of the neurotransmitters of the anter-
ior rostral cingulate gyrus, the ventral pallidum, the Figure 2. Is it possible to propose a “neuroanatomy” of deci-
amygdala and the inferior temporal cortex was devel- sion-making involving the prefrontal cortex – perhaps a neuro-
oped (Machado-Vieira et al., 2005). There is a correl- biology of autonomy? Recent investigations have corroborated
ation between the increase of the rate of negative to this hypothesis. In this context, the use of reason would be
initiated medially by the action of the anterior cingulate cortex
feelings and a reduction of the rate of positive feel- (executive attention), which has as a function focusing the per-
ings, confirming the role of mu-opioid receptors in ceptual and cognitive attention, modulating the activity of the
the regulation of the affective human experiences. corresponding areas. The dorsolateral areas of the prefrontal
cortex would be responsible for the comparison of new and
old information. The ultimate adjustment – taking into account
Emotion and reason the objective of teach individuals and the social contexts –
would be realized by an area that is not illustrated, the ventro-
The relation between emotion and reason represent medial prefrontal cortex. Neuroanatomical image prepared by
archaic themes in Western Culture, motivating Rodrigo Siqueira-Batista (UFV and FADIP) and Vanderson
important philosophical reflections in the last 25 cen- Esperidi~ao Antonio (UFV), inspired by Posner and Raichle
turies (Zubieta et al., 2003). In scientific terms, an (1994).

fact occurs due to the special role of the amygdala in emotional one, being responsible for the evaluation
the processing of relevant visual emotional informa- and/or cognitive interruption of emotions (Bear et al.,
tion, signaling fear and aversion or other evidences. 2008; Gamond & Cattaneo, 2016; Morawetz, Bode,
The activation of the amygdala can be mainly Baudewig, & Heekeren, 2016).
involved in the emission of an alert for upcoming More recently, it was described that the ACC and
threats obtained from the perception by the cortex the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) hold the
(Bear et al., 2008). neural bases of the performance of concurrent tasks
The integration of the affective load to the cogni- of central execution. The results show that the cogni-
tive processes probably occurs in the orbitofrontal tive processes are modulated by the ACC of the
cortex complex (OFC)/ventromedial prefrontal cortex same hemisphere. The ACC is probably positioned
(VMPFC) (Abu-Akel, 2003; Siqueira-Batista & in a way that connects information within the brain;
Schramm, 2012; Siqueira-Batista & Schramm, 2013). this way, it includes reciprocal connections that are
In fact, the sensorial impressions (such as vision, important to the motor system and the emotional
hearing, and other somatosensory information) con- system. The DLPFC participates in the executive sit-
verge through the PFC to the VMPFC, from where uations, such as coordination of concurrent cognitive
the synthesized information is taken to the dorsome- processes and selective attention to information of
dial and infero-lateral prefrontal cortex regions for relevant tasks. It is postulated that general human
decision making. Injuries in the VMPFC cause dam- intelligence is a result of a functional integration
age to the decision-making capacity, generally charac- between the alert system based on the ACC and the
terized by the inability to adopt strategies of executive system based on the DLPFC (Kondo,
appropriate behavior to the consequences of actions Osaka, & Osaka, 2004).
taken, leading to impulsiveness. The VMPFC and the Another important structure in integrating emo-
OFC maintain important relation to the amygdala and tion/reason is the insula, which is activated during
both contribute to decision-making, although the the induction of memories of experienced moments,
mechanisms by which it occurs are distinct. It is which provoke a specific sensation, whether it be
believed that these cortical regions receive input from happiness, sadness, pleasure, anger, or any other,
the amygdala – which represent the motivational for specific stimuli (Billot et al., 2017). However, the
value of the stimuli – integrating themselves and pro- insula is not activated when the same sensation is
moting an evaluation of future behavior that will be provoked in the same individual through a film, sug-
adopted (Gamond & Cattaneo, 2016; De Martino, gesting that the structure is involved in aspects of
Kumaran, Seymour, & Dolan, 2006). evaluation, experimentation or expression of an emo-
Although the amygdala does not establish direct tion generated internally (Bear et al., 2008).
connection to the prefrontal lateral cortex, it com- Based on what was discussed, it is possible to
municates with the anterior cingulate and orbital the consider that decision-making becomes directly
cortex, which are involved in memory circuits, mak- dependent of the emotional association realized by
ing the justification of some authors possible that the individual when he/she experiences certain daily
the amygdala participates in the modulation of mem- situations. Furthermore, the use of this acquired
ory and in the integration of emotional and cogni- information depends on motor responses – such as
tive information, possibly attributing emotional load running, smiling or eating – and autonomic
to them, enabling the transformation of subjective responses, such as the elevation or reduction of the
experiences to emotional experiences (Fontenelle cardiac frequency or increased intestinal peristalsis.
et al., 2015; Gamond & Cattaneo, 2016). Injuries of Such autonomic responses are directly influenced
the medial rostral prefrontal cortex lead to the by the hypothalamus and it, in turn, acts
inappropriate expression of emotions during social through processing all of the information that
behaviors and damage to the personally beneficial reaches the brain.
decision-making process (Bear et al., 2008; Siqueira-
Batista & Schramm, 2013).
Studies show that the executive processes are medi- Final considerations
ated by the frontal lobe, particularly the anterior cin- The correlation of (1) different emotions and (2)
gulate cortex (ACC) and the prefrontal cortex (PFC). interactions between emotional states and cognitive
According to these investigation, the medial PFC is processes – including decision-making – to neural
involved in associating the cognitive aspect to the structures (with special emphasis on its
12 ~

anatomofunctional characteristics) is still the reason Funding

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gation (Gainotti, 2012; Hacker, 2009; Kondo et al., support.
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