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As part of your study, you have worked for a short period of time in a company.
Write a letter to the manager of this company. In your letter:
- Thank him/her for the opportunity (cơ hội)
- Explain how the experience gained (đạt được) there has helped you
- Share your plans for the future.
Dear Mr Thanh,
I am writing this letter to thank you giving me the opportunity to work for a short period
of time in your company.
Although the internship only was in three months, but I learn a lot of new knowledge and
experience from your company. You spent a lot of time for me and support me for my
infressional (trí tuệ) development. So, after short time work in your company I leaned
more practical (thực tế) knowledge. Besdide, you instructed me much knowledge,
communication skills and team-working skills.
In the future, maybe I will study a master’s course (khóa học thạc sĩ) in Australia, and I
hope to work at your company.
Once again, I am very thankful for your training and help in the past time.
Best Regards,
Your friend Peter has invited to a party this Sunday afternoon, but you can’t go. Write an
email to Peter. In your email, you should,
- Apologize to him
- Explain why you can’t go
- Suggest another day when you could meet.
For + Ving
Dear Peter,
I am writing this letter with so many apologises for not attending your party this Sunday
afternoon and I very sad about that.
As far as I know, this party is very important to you, but I got into the university my
dream and on that day, I had to go to Ha Noi to complete the admission application (hồ
sơ nhập học). This is important to me, so I can not attend the party of you on this Sunday
afternoon. I hope you understand my reason.
Next Sunday, we can meet and have our party at OMG restaurant. Please let me know
what you think and when you can arrange to go with me.
I hope you have a perfect party, and I am looking forward to hearing (nghe) your news.
You want to have your computer fixed by the computer shop you bought in from, but the
shop refused to repair it. Write a letter to the manager of the computer shop. In your
letter, you:
- Describer the problem with your computer
- Explain why you are not satisfied with the service
- Explain what you want the shop to do
Dear Sir or Madam,
I bought a computer from your computer shop three months ago. And I am writing this
letter to talk about a problem with the service (dịch vụ) of the shop.
My computer had some problems including slow startup, blue screen while using. So,
yesterday I took my computer to the shop and requested the staff there to repair it.
However, the staff of the shop refused to repair my computer with reason customer
caused the error. I was very unhappy because they did not check my computer and
dissatisfied with them.
I work at home, and I have an improtant project. Your poor service has lost my time,
money, and affected my work.
I need my computer fixed by tomorrow. So, please plan to repair it as soon as. I am
looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best Regard,
You noticed an advertisement in an english advertisement for a job working in the City
Museum shop during holidays. You decide to apply for the job.
Write a letter to the director of the Museum. In your letter:
- Introduce yourself.
- Explain what experience and special skills you have.
- Explain the reasons why you are interested in the job.
As a/an + vị trí (làm việc tại vị trí nào đó)
Dear Mr. Jack,
I am writing this letter to apply for a part-time job in your shop during the holidays.
Yesterday, I saw noticed an advertisement in an English advertisement for a job working
in the City Museum shop during holidays. So, I want to be cashier (thu ngân) in the shop
during the holidays.
I am 22 years old, and I am a student at a university. I can speak English and have
communication skills. Last summer holidays, I work in a restaurant as a cashier and
enjoyed it very much.
The reason for applying for a position (vị trí) is that this is my favorite. Enclosed is a
copy of my curriculum vitae (sơ yếu lý lịch) which gives further information (bổ sung
thêm thông tin).
I hope that I may be granted (có thể được cho/cấp) an interview (buổi phỏng vấn).
Best Regard,
BÀI LUẬN – 1 (2 ý kiến)
Some people think that the government should decide the subject for students to study in
university. Others believe that students should be allowed to apply for the subject they
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

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