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File No. 10-71/2021-AR (Computer No.

949062(36)/2021/AR Section

Government of lndia
Ministry of Education
Department of Higher Education
(Administrative Reforms Section)

New Delhi, dated: october 2 o'h,2o2L

Office Memorandum

Sub: - Creating a healthy and tobacco free environment in Educational lnstitutions- regarding

The undersigned is directed to refer to the AR Section's OM of even number dated

September gth, 2o2L enclosing therewith a copy of D.O. No. P.L6OL2/O2/2O21-TC dated
24.08.2027 along with its enclosures received from Shri Mansukh Mandaviya, Minister for
Health and Family Welfare on the subject mentioned above.

2. All the Bureau Heads/Divisiona I heads of D/o Higher Education were requested to direct
all the educational institutions/s u bordinate/a utonomous/attached offices concerning to their
Bureaus for appropriate actions/strict compliance in the matter and furnish the Action Taken
Report to the Administrative Reforms Sections for onward transmission to Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare. However, the requisite action taken report has not been received from any
Bureau so far. (Except the AMU, U1A, llMU, IIMBG and CUHaryana)

3. lttherefore, requested asain to kindlv furnish the action taken report pertaining to
vour Bureau to AR Section at the earliest for onward submission to Ministrv of Health and
Familv Welfare. Soft copv of the same mav also be mailed at,in.

N. Shah )

Under Secretary to the Govt. of lndia

Email: -,in


All Bureau Heads/Divisional Heads in the D/o Higher Education

Generated from eOffice by TEJ NARAYAN KASHYAP, ASO(TN-AR), ASO, Ministry of Education on 25/11/2022 04:30 PM
File No. 10-71/2021-AR (Computer No. 3186207)
927178(35)/2021/AR Section

VIP Reference/Top Priority


Government of lndia
Ministry of Education
Department of Higher Education
(Administrative Reforms Section)

New Delhi, Dated: September 9'h, 2021


Sub:- Creating a healthy and tobacro free environment in Educational lnstitutions- reqardim

The undersigned is directed to enclose herewith copy of D.O. No. ?.l6Ol2lO2/2021-TC dated
24.08.2027 along with its enclosures received from Shri Mansukh Mandaviya, Minister for Health and
Family Welfare on the subject mentioned above.

2. lt
is mentioned in the above letter that teachers can play a critical role in shaping attitudes of
children their tormative years right from the primary school level, towards tobacco and various other
forms of addictions. Hence, it is requested that suitable inputs may be incorporated in the teacher
traininB modules on harms due to tobacco use, provisions made under the Cigarettes and Other
Tobacco Products Act (COTPA), 2003 and their role in enforcement of COTPA, 2003. lt is further
requested that State Education Departments, including for School Education, Higher Education and
Technical Education undertake periodic special drives for enforcement of the provisions of COTPA, 2003
and for implementation of the Guidelines for Tobacco Free Educational lnstitutions (ToFEl).

3. ln view of the above. it is. therefore. reouested to direct State E ducation Deoartments for School
Education to undertake ial drives for enforcement of the orovisions of COTP A- 2003 and for
implementation of the Guidelines for Tobacoo Free E d ucat i on lnstitutions (T and furnish the Action
Taken Reoort to Admini ative Reforms Section for onward transmission Ministrv of Health and
Familv welfare. {Softcoov of the same m AV be emailed to soa

Under Secretary to the Govt of lndia
Encl: As above

Shri Rajesh Samplay, US(EE-l/Coord ),
D/o School Education and Literacy

Copv along with enclosure to:

All Bureau Heads and Divisional Heads of D/o Higher Education - with reouest to direct the Educotionol
institutions concernino to their Bureous/Divisions os well os Stote Educotion DeDartments fot similor
oction as mentioned in Poro 3 obove.

Generated from eOffice by TEJ NARAYAN KASHYAP, ASO(TN-AR), ASO, Ministry of Education on 25/11/2022 04:30 PM
File No. 10-71/2021-AR (Computer No. 3186207)
927178(35)/2021/AR Section 1
ssq G qR"fi mflIgr
T{(u qisHqr s rgrfi qd rd,d cfl
Mi for Heslth & FomilY Welfore
$i irgit
nd Chemicols & Fedilizer
t\ \\\t Govemmenl of lndio

ttg' j5C .o. P . I 60 12 I 02 I 202r -T C

Dated, the 2\hAugust, zozt

Dear Shri Dharmendra Pradh atr Jr' NAruS

Tobacco'use i3 the single largest cause of preventable deattrs and illness
worldwide and kills half of its users prematurely, in their most productive age. I am
.---happy to shqqlhat-!0y Ministry bas recently released the key fu:dings of the fourttt
--- round of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS4), 2019, with estimates on key
indicators on tobacco use among school-going children in the age group 13-15 years in
India. A copy of the,National Factshoet of GYTS-4 is enclosed herewith for ready

2, As per the findings of the GYTS-4, 8.5% of students in class 8e to 106 and aged
from 13 to 15 years, use tobacco in any form. The survey higblights that the prevalence
of tobacco use among boys is 9.6%o and among girls is 7.4%. More than 29olo of students
have reported exposure to second hand smoke. It is also noted that 28.8% of students
have reported that they saw anyone smoking inside the school building or ouBide school
property. It may also be noted tlrat the median age of initiation on tobacco use among the
children in the 13-15 years age group, has been estimated at ll.5 years for cigareftes,
10.5 years for Bidi and 9.9 yean for smokeless (chewing) tobacco.

t, 3. It is heartening to note that

85.4% school heads were found to be awatr of
CiBarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act, 2003 (COT?A). 82.1% of schools are found
- - ---t-o-be following "tObaeC-o- free school" guidelines and 82.5o/o of schools havb been found - --
, to be aware of the policy for displaying 'tobacco free school'signages. However, only
37.8% students have reported that they were taught in ctass about harmfirl effects of
' tobacco use during past 12 months.

r 4. Tobacco contol has been one of the high priorities of the Govcrnment.
Consistent with the idiom of "Prevention is better than cure", the Government has taken
various measures for both prevention of initiation oftobacco use among the children and
youttl and for providing cessation services. COTPA-2003 contains specific provisions to
discourage tobacco use among children and youth, such as ban on smoking in public
placcs, including in all educational institutions of all levels, both public
and private,
prohibition ofsale oftobacco products to or by minors (less than 18 years
ofage) and
prohibition of sales oftobacco products within 100 yards of any educational

Generated from eOffice by TEJ NARAYAN KASHYAP, ASO(TN-AR), ASO, Ministry of Education on 25/11/2022 04:30 PM
traHs. r, e n-air €rohr r-i t-l E:e ii
-, , : -^'r-
File No. 10-71/2021-AR (Computer No. 3186207)
927178(35)/2021/AR Section 2

gi'r ttt tzoz't tcENTRAL REGISTRY TION

wiE s6i


moasures to curb the use of tobacco

5. It is imperative that we take all possible to combat the menace
children at a very yo'ng *d impressionable age' in order
among children
the sooner' we create awareness among
of tobacco addiction' Tfte more and
adults' I thertfore
prevarence of tobacco urong children and consequently among
*" use" in
seek your interventionin tt" tV incorporating "Harmful effects of tobacco
'"'tl"t rigbt from the primary school level'
schoot curricula at various levels starting

6.Teachercoanplayacriticalroleinshapingattitudesofchildrenintheirformative of
years right ftom the p,irnuty level' towards tobacco and various ottrer forms
role in enforcoment of COTPA,2003'
the State Education Departments'
7. also request your good offices to urge upon
and rechnical Education, to undertake
including for School eoucatloq Higher Education
of the provisions of COTPA' 2003 and for
feriodic-special drives for enforcement
Educational Institutions (ToFEI)'
implementation of the Guidelines for Tobacco Free

8. am confident tbat ourjoint and coordinated efforts

I will lead to realization of
in Blucational Institutions'
our goal ofcreating a healthy and tobacco free environment
leading to a healthier India'

With regards,

Encls: As above.

JT" !

t o\" djca nsukh MandaviYa)

Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, a
Hon'ble Education Minister, I ?(jt\
Ministry of Education,

t1 Nt
302-C, Shastri Bhawan, F. r,\{
New Delhi

Generated from eOffice by TEJ NARAYAN KASHYAP, ASO(TN-AR), ASO, Ministry of Education on 25/11/2022 04:30 PM
File No. 10-71/2021-AR (Computer No. 3186207)
927178(35)/2021/AR Section


GYfS-4 | ercaelvourH roBAcco suRvEY !NDIA 2OL9

About GYTS
GYTH Methodology
lhot includes a,nvo'
The Global Youth Tobacco Survcy (CYTS), s comPonert
of GYTS uscs a global standardized Eethodology
System (CTSS), is a global ,r"s"."rple-desigo with schools sclccted with a plobablllty
tt Global Toba"co Surveillsnce
The classcs within sclccted schools
standard for systemaricatly monhoring youth lobacco use o'rotnloiiL io .n,ollmcnt sizc.
arc eliSiblc to
[iroiing ana i.ot<ctess) and tracking key tobscco conlrol Ii"iio.", ranao.ty und all srudents in selcclci classcs
corc questionnainr:
indicEtors. DarticlDate in thc survey. Thc survcy uscsa slandard
adrp' to ril€as1rrc and
iirii Li oucstions urai countrics can
GYTS is a cross-scctional, nationally rcprrsc{istii'e school' *"l-r.t "i"rrl"*r
" ,otio.* control indi.,tors The quesrioomirc covcrs.lhe
based suwey of studens in gadcs associatcd with agcs l3
f"ri"*iri ,ol*, mbacco tlsc (smoking and smokclcss)' cessation'
ts vcars. GYTS uses a s-lattdard'core qudtionnaire, sample secoodha]nd imoke (SHS), pro- ald a[ai']obacco
medi! messagcs and
desigt, and dats collectioo protocrl. lt assists counries in ;;;;;J;;il, access ro and availabilitv of mbacco pmducts' and
flrlfiiliog rteir obliSarions under the World Hcalth
knowlcdgc and snitudes rcgsrditrg tobacco use' TIE qucstioDnalG $
Orgonization (WHO) Frarnework Convcntion on Tobscco sclf-administcrcd; using paper shccs, it is anooymous to cosutc
Co-ntrol (FCTC) to generate comparable dara within aod confidentaality.
across countries. WH0 has devcloped MPOWER, a techrical
lntcmllioDal ltrniNlc
packagc of selectcd demand reduction measues contained in ln India, GYTS-4 was conduaed in 2019 by the
io, Poorlation Sciqoccs (ltPS) urdcr thc Minisry of Hcalth and
io-itJ wcfat" (voHFWi. Thc ovcrall responsc mtc rvas 96'90l'' A
l(,|al6f YJm siudents ftom 9E7 schools (Public-544; Privalcl4J]
Itlonltor tobacco use & Prevsntlorl 13'15
p"ni.ip""O in thc survey. Of which, E0,772 students
ycan wcrc considcrcd for rcPoning.
Proleci people from lobacco smoke

.,.,Ul^ Otrer help to quil lobacco use
GYT$4 Aim & Objectives
Overall aim was to documcnt and monitor the extent ofsmoking snd
Wam abd the dage,B ot tobacco smokclcss tobacco usc. and to mdgstand and rrscss thc sruds s
mnotuJoS Enforca bans on tabacco advertising,
aninrdcs, lnowledge and behEviour towards tobacto usc atd iE hellth
impacr, including- cessation, second hand smoke. media and
2 promotion, & sponsofshp ' advenising and minors' acccss. Spcci6c otic,ctivH wcrc:
Raise tares on tabacco
. To ddermine the lcvcl oflobacco use by StalduTs. sex, hcation
of school (urban/nral).
. To estimate the agc of initiation of ciEarcne and firli smoking
la lndia, four rounds ofGYTS havc bcen conductcd in 2003, and smokeless tobaoco.
2006, 2009 and 2019. The earlicr lhree rounds rvere designed . To estimstc lhe exposurc to sccondlund smoling (SHS).
to provide estimates at the national lwcl only, The prcscnt . To estim8tc thc exposrre lo lobeoo adveflisinS.
rouod has becn dcsigned lo provide estimatcs at thc st8te/UT . To asscss the reach ofrnajor prcvcntioo ProgEmmcs to school-
levcl by sex aad location ofschool (ruraVurban). bascd population.

Trcnd In the selecled indlcntors oftobscco use over differenl rounds ofGyTS (%)
lHtsrf,rn ,irn ,rfitr w
Current tobscco usen 16.9 t3;t 14.6 8.5

GmrndEeow&@ M ME DOO

Current tobacco users, girls e.i 9.4 E.l 7.4

Curent cigarcne smokers 4.2 3.8 4.4

Curreat smokeless tobacco urcrs t4.o 9.4 9.0 4.t


Sourcc of obtaioing cigarEltc: Storc 65.8 51.9 4'1.0 39.1

Studenr who thought other people's aobscco smoking is harmful to thern 67.9 66.E 70.6


Generated from eOffice by TEJ of
Ministry NARAYAN
and Family Welfare ASO, Ministry of Educationlnternational
on 25/11/2022 04:30 PM
, lnstitute for Population Sciences
File No. 10-71/2021-AR (Computer No. 3186207)
927178(35)/2021/AR Section 4
GYTS-4 | eroealvourH roBAcco suRVEy
tNDtA 2019
6910 of currcnt cigarene smokcrs and ?87o of cuncnt Dr./r .

8.59'0 otsudcnts-9.6% of boys and 7.4olo ofgirls- clnenrly used , smokers bought cigareneVlrd,,i from a stolt, paaa shop, smet I

any tobacco products. I vcndor or vcnding machine.

Highes current use of any tobacco wos in Arunachal Pr0dcsh & i . Among the cu.rcit s.okers who bough cigarcrtc/6r./r, 45% of I

Mizoran (58% each) and low'6t in Himachal Pradesh ( I . I o/o). cigarette smokers end 47% of Didi smokcrs wclc not rcfiscd
7J9'o of studena - t.37o ol boys and 6.27e of girls - cunently bccausc ofthcir
smoked tobacco. ,MEDDT
4.19'o ofsnrderts - 4.6% ofboys and 3.4% ofgirls- currenlly used I
52% of students nlodccd anii-tobacco messagcs in tIe mas
$roliclcss tobacco. I mcdia.
I 8% of studcnts noticed robacco 8dvcdiscmcnts or promorions
when visitin ints ofsale.
2 in I0 curEnt srnokers - 25% ofboys and 13% ofgkls - tried to i
quit smoking in the past 12 months. 7l% of students thought othcr peoph's cigarenc smoking is i

2l% ofcurrcut smokers waoled to quit smoking oow- harmful to thcm.

27% ofcurrent uscrs ofsmokelcss tobacco - 289'o ofboys and 257o r
5E% of srudcnts favoured ban on smoking inside cnclosed I

olgirls - ried to quit using in past 12 months. I

blic cs.

I in 4 cunenl lsefs ofsmokclcss,ranted to quit now

85% ofschool hcods - 85% in ruml and 8?% in urbao schools '
. - wcre aware ofCOTPA,2003.
I l% ofsbdcnls $cre cxposcd to tobacco smokc al home" I

. 2l% ofsrudc s $cre crposcd to tobacco srnotc insidcctcloscd. 8l% ofschool heads-82% in rural and 63% ir urban schools-
public places. werc aware ofrhc policy to display tobacro-free school' board.

rbcn, (Zd".Tolilf/.)
Any tobacco usef lsrr ol;cd ontl/or smokeless)
I a. Ever tobacco usersl r9.3 16.e 19.5 -- _ _t3:5 r8.t :

b. Currcnt lobacco uscrsl 9.6 9.4 5.5 8.J

a. Evcr tobacco smokers I] 8.t .0

b. Cuncnt tobacco smokers 8.1 6.2 8.r 4.5

Cigriclics. .;.;? -
a, Evcr rette users 6.0 3.1 4.1 4.1 4.6

b. Curcnt cigarene users 1.6 2.6 2.6

a" Erer D)ld usdh 5.0 3.2 3.1 4.1

2.2 2.1
b. Currcnt 6idi uscrs 2.8 1.4 1.9

r2.0 I1.7 8.5 12.5

a. Er"cr smokclcss tobacco uscts 13.0
4.6 3.4 4.6 2.1 4.1
rb. _!uqe!t smokltess tobacco users
c. Evcr uscrs of paaz nrsala5 -.
together with tobacco 49 3.6 4.7 2.7 4.3

Su ibilitu)
a Nevcr cigarette smokc6 susccptible lo c igarcne usc in 8.5 8.4 8.9 6.8 8.4
i\lcd t
10.4 9.3 .t L-6 lt?- I t.!
a. - Cigarcltc
10.1 r0.0 Lo.l
b. Bidi
I 1.6 !Q
10.3 9.r 9.7 10.5 9.9
c. Srnokcless tobacco
EL 26.4 21.5 24.7 26.9
Arvarcncss about e-cigarcttc 2.6 1.2 2.8
3.4 2.)
b. Evcr e-c use

tri'd or cstcrimaitcd Eri fo{[l of tobocco
of, i.c. sm*ilg . lrloLclcs.,
lrd rtrY oltcr fo.m ol'tqbacco p.aducq 2. Evct br .rl slrlh B ro.lai. tit6' ch'Nou
NotLli t. tftc of!,'Y f.rm li'Ys 4 trchde\ oalc, fg.rn of luolrng Pto&r(tr
in.ddit'too lo cigdnrc
'od&c cacgoia of soolodcrs rcbac
oficl 3. tlsr of srIY f@ of tobaco Pasl
n 30
t'rth lobsrEo rral !*cd dlrlcrly ss .tec of
o, au-ot S.U* ol ti*'
ner.h loBcriar
5 of thcir &icads o,lircd ft ta
to r$!r|8 t&rcia P(od(.ts if
'U'.. otE
ciganllor. 1\016 PiIc' c"l, "l*t lhorc uho !'ls-lvcEd -)d-. or '[E]Dc-
Generated from eOffice
Susaq$t bytoTEJ
fi*lre ui€
ASO(TN-AR), ASO, Ministry
(L'$$S of Education
) lnd urolud6
uil othcr 04:30 PM
on 25/11/2022
htc dctic6 c!l.aB'ug, ProdEl\
llc 15 an of El !.ctronir
NicJrnt DcliicrY Slsron
File No. 10-71/2021-AR (Computer No. 3186207)
927178(35)/2021/AR Section
I J,
GYTS-A I ercaalvourHroBAcco tNDtA 2019 rii
9.8 14.6 10.6
13.0 7.0
a. Evdr tobacco u it ir laat 12 inonthst
C\rrenr tobacco imokers who tried to quit smoking l].3 18.6 29.3
b. 24.8

9.8 2n.6
a. 24.4 15.2 r

now9 "2s.7
Smokeleis tobrcco
Ever smokcless tobrcco usbrs who qu il in last 12 8.0 E.7 13.7 9.4
a. 10.7
ess tobacco users who sied to quil 'r1 < 25.4 27.0 '.23.7 26.7
r. --lgbessg.iLlhc-
c. Cunent smokeless tobacco users who rvantcd to quit u.8 27.'l 24.9 24.0 24.8
tobacco now'

27.9 28.3
a. Exposur€ to tobacco smokc at home/public placc 30.9
,9.0:. fi.2,
'' . l3.l 9.2 I t.8
b. to tobacm smoke 'oi home
Exposure to tobacco smoke inside any encl osed public 22.7 t9.7 20.3 24.6 zt.2

td;- smoke at any outdoor' public 25.1 2t.6 22.5 26.9: 23.4
: i-,p&sas-'L
c. Students who saw anyone smohng imide the school 30.8 26.1 29.3 27.t 28.8
buildi or outside school

or sourre of tobrcco ductsrl.


b. 27.8 l9.l 24.7 27.4 252

Cigarcne: Paorr shop - -
,Bidi: Store 51.9 47.3 --5?.0 _fs,o l-_ :0.i.
d. Bidi. Poon 26.5 29.7 23.8 43.5 27.5

tobacco: 40.3 45.7 '42.9 I 42.0 ,

[. Smokeless tobacco: Paarr 23-6 19.2 18.9 36.0 22.2

a zt.g 63.7 69.3 69.8 11,- *o'

h. Cunent Dilr smokers rvho bought bidj from a store, paaz - '74.2 78. t 15.? 77.6

.. 79.1
,or streel vendor
Refused sale because of a tn st 30

Retused sale .of
Refused sale ofbidr
cigajrq 46.4

_ rq{
L_ {.L

ioJg o-f smotelcss lobacco 62.4 74.6 69.5 50.0 ,f 6i.6'

as rn ys ilE_-l
b. Bidi
I :sz,

Arlti-tobacco advcrlis !n ast 30
& Students who ooticed 71.2 7 t.3 70.3 74.6 71.3
who ooticcd ,'
52.7 5t.7 50.9 57:t
-'- 1--
c. Studerlb rvho noticed alti-lobacco messages at sporling, --.
32.6 34.E 36.6 ) ).!
Cvents or heri ngs'6

noticed health 00 tobacco
24.6 25.8 25.0 26.0

No(ca: 8..Slopprd'Jsitrg toboaco.ill prsl' 12 rDoIdL$ 9. Rcfc6 tO cu[cnt rohdaco ut r!

pcopl€'J sllaking in p&n 7 drys: I l- Rcfcrs lo sclrcoLq hoqdj,
onlyi 1 0. Sccondlfind srllokillI or plss'ivc cmoking rcfcrs I ).(.lii,6ore lo orhcr
thoFs. ra$ruronls, ,nov c rheat.cs, nubtic corf,€ jerc€s,
hos?itll building, niirr,ry waiiing .oorr, pllblic toilcE, public omccs, cducoriorEl6.iliiti $rm,, SPorts !rc{rs. !
utions. Iibmriai. ctc.:r 12. Refers to pliysrouD&, sidc
boildirg!, plrlir. trfthcs, br,s 5t .rt q mar&ct plrccs. elc; tJ, R.fa.! ro
sour.c ofobblinin 8 obcco lx!<lucrJ by cor..or !t lhc tin c of usc ir prrrjo d
Generated from so(ln
lir hrt ,Itrjix eOffice
c.S!n by gi\en
lErE, tlrc.rfg(c, ASO(TN-AR),
lh6e. hso ASO, Ministry of Education on 25/11/2022 04:30 PM ruyllot rdd Vpr o Lflra [s rhdc arc odrcr slu]Ecs;'14, lrcludcs aoy form of miis.motia.' fai
l- corn
File No. 10-71/2021-AR (Computer No. 3186207)
927178(35)/2021/AR Section €Dn
9 \i$
IND|A 2019
Studants lvho s&w tobacco adve is€m 60.0 61.2 59.4 64.6 60.6
b, Students who sau'anyone using tobacco on mas mcdiaD 51.6 54.0 5l. r 58.6 52.8

adven tiors at oint ofsalern 18.1 16.8 r7.8 16.3 t?.5

a Strdents rvho rverc taught in class aboul harmful cffecrs

ofmbacco use duri past l2 monrhs 36.8 3 8.9 38.9 l4.l 37.8

a. Studeos who Ooughr it is difficuh to quit once someone
26.2 25.7 24.8 30.f 26,0
b. SMens who hought other people's tobacco smoking is
69.2 72.2 '70.6
69.8 13.3
harmful to thcm
Students who
ban on smo

a"oir-,rm fauou,rd b*
.r"kl"g .r
g inside enclosed




5 8.6
58. t

a. School heads awarc oICOT?A l0 2003 84,6 86.9 85.4
b. Schools authorized by the state govemmenr to collecr
39.2 35.4 38.2
l'roe for viola:ion under Seclion-6 ofthe COTPA, 2003

[-_9!99[rouowitl%ua cco-free school' elines 8l.9 E2.4 82.1 |

d. Schools arvarc ofthe policy for displaying 'tobacco-frce
82.2 83.0 82S
ir 20.
!d 3ml

GmmEs@tfr,rlrrr{ib6]Mtr@) Places of usurl smoking (7o)

tlioE t , I'rdcth t.t A( liofia 21.5
Kfin k! t2
Al s.hool I9.5
Goo 2.t
D&N Hallli 2.4 Al fri.r& hourcr 16.7
Al!dh.8 Pndlih 2.6
Cltrdi8!fi 3.0 Al soarilrlrdls 8.7
lknh lo public 12.2
Hrry{r 3.E
Mldhlll Pnd,.!t 1.9 Oltcre 19.4
Rli$thdr 4.t
' PduchltDr 4.3
D!m6. & Dir 4.3 Reasons for quilting tobscco(%)
A&t{ ltlottdr 4.4
T-til N!d', 4.8 E To improrc herl$ E Lack of money o Family doscn't like il 5.t E Fricnds il
don't like iOthcr
M.bn6.lrn 5.t
Tahrg.nn 5.2

I nn
G{arnt 5,4 12.6
2t-5 23.7
0.ri.b 5J 16-9 16.7 10.6 I1.6
Odbhr 62 5.9 4.3
fYcil BcrFl 7.1
&'t a 7.3 Smoling 9nolrclas
T.ittrlr t- 1-6
D!lhi lt.0 Evur uscd or ever herrd lbout Qultline (%)
ChndiiS.rn t.0
Lrfd!rd$.cP 8.' lToul BBoy! ocirls sRural r Urban
lndi! E.5 . ls.8
t6.0 l7 l
J&K 6rld Lldrl(h I1.2
l t.9 14 8 I5-2
Ull.rlthaDd It.5
lla Put t9.5
U03 lhde3lt
Sir$m 24.8
4.5 4.9 4.0 ,1.5 4.1'l.F 13.6
5't.9 Calll.{ Tob*co Quitlinc
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