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BIM Challenges
some of them at least!

CIDB Malaysia, International BIM Day 2014

Strategic BIM adoption | Bilal Succar
BIM challenges for Architects
BIM significantly affects design activities through:

o Early involvement of project stakeholders

during planning and conceptual design
o Significant changes to workflow between
different consultants
o Changes in cost distribution (but not necessarily
reflected in payment structures)
o New requirements for quantity estimates and
detailed simulations to justify design choices
o Creation of new roles and re-alignment of
varied staff responsibilities
12 Image: HASSELL

CIDB Malaysia, International BIM Day 2014

Strategic BIM adoption | Bilal Succar
BIM challenges for engineers
BIM affects workflows and relationships:

o Changes relationship between architects and

engineers; analysis models can now be generated
earlier and thus influence design outcomes
o Changes relationship between engineers and sub-
contractors; sub-contractors can be engaged
earlier and their detailed models can supersede
the engineer’s models
o Changes role dynamics between engineers and
their BIM-enabled drafters/detailers
Image: Arup

CIDB Malaysia, International BIM Day 2014
Strategic BIM adoption | Bilal Succar

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