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Dheeraj: (playing trivia on phone) Pranjal, do you know what’s the answer to this?

Ahh this is so hard

Pranjal: let me see.. “what does 15th august mark”. DHEERAJ HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW THIS, its india’s
independence of course..

Dheeraj; who cares, I just want the points, you know If I cross a million points, I’ll reach the next level, im
a pro at this, wooohoo

Pranjal: Trivia’s fine, but how could you not remember something as important as our independence
day, you do know that the reason you’re standing here today, without chains, breathing without
someone forcing you not to, playing without being reminded of that you’re a mere you… is our freedom
struggle right?

Dheeraj: look pranjal, let me focus on my trivia. Freedom struggle is cool and all, but I think it’s very

Pranjal: exaggerated? Really? You know what, let me just take you back in time. You will believe what
you see with your own eyes, you’ll shed tears when you see what work had to be put for this, this, free
air to be wrought.

Dheeraj: hmm okay

Pranjal: (gives specs) wear these, they’ll help you look back in time.

She’s Jhansi ki rani, we’re witnessing the revolt of 1857, this was the first clear expression of people
yearning for independence.

 Snehal: 60,000. 60,000 is the worth of our Jhansi to these English. They want to take Jhansi from me.

You know? This is the place where I was born on the 19th of November, this is the air that I’ve been
breathing ever since, this is the soil that has been bearing my weight and these are the people who are

After your dad has gone, the English have refused to accept you as the heir of this kingdom. They want
us to accept becoming their slaves. But, but, if we do give away Jhansi to them , then my relation with
this world will be over. Over forever. The dreams that your dad had seen for Jhansi, they’ll all vanish into
thin air. All these people that walk freely, without chains will be FORCED to live the way the English want
them to, they’ll be FORCED to live like puppets. But if I do go and face them in the battle ground, who
who will protect you. I don’t know what poses more importance- a righteous fight or a mom’s duty.
What do I choose..

But if I run away from Jhansi, like a coward, then I’ll fall in the eyes of you and myself. What do I do..

I’ll fight, I’ll fight for my rights, for our rights. And I’ll fulfill my duty as a mother, so that in your future,
there is not a trace of cowardice.
Till my last breath, till my last breath I’ll guard the dignity of Jhansi. I’ll walk into death but not a scar will
happen to you. This is my promise. My promise to you and to Jhansi

British officials*(vishal):- JHANSI IS OURS, INDIA IS OURS (fight with jhansi ki rani causing her to pass

Pranjal: बहुत लड़ी मर्दानी,वह तोह झदांसी वदली रदनी थी , lets jump to a few years later.

Ayush: (enacts and gives a two minute speech about Gandhi Ji) British officials*:- (oppose Gandhi, take
him to jail) If we are to receive self-government, we shall have to take it… freedom loving as it is, it will
not be a party to give freedom to a people who will not take it themselves .We have resolved to utilize
all our resources in the pursuit of an exclusively non-violent struggle. Let no one commit a wrong in
anger.I believe that in the history of the world, there has not been a more genuinely democratic struggle
for freedom than ours .I yearn for heart friendship between the Hindus, the Sikhs, and the Muslims. It
subsisted between them the other day. The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of
others . Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.You must not
lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not
become dirty.See the good in people and help them.” Whatever you do will be insignificant. But it is very
important that you do it.”

British:_ (vishal) humiates and jails ayush

Pranjal:- Bapu really is so inspirational, let’s look at one of his close followers sarojini naidu

Hamsika: (enacts and gives a two minute speech about sarojini naidu) As long as I have life, as long as
blood flows through this arm of mine, I shall not leave the cause of freedom…I am only a woman, only a
poet. But as a woman, I give to you the weapons of faith and courage and the shield of fortitude. And as
a poet, I fling out the banner of song and sound, the bugle call to battle. How shall I kindle the flame
which shall waken you men from slavery. The spirit of participating in the struggle for Independence
arose in me after the partition of Bengal in 1905. And I decided to fight for freedom as I took an
inspiration from gandhiji. In 1925, I was elected as president of the Indian National congress.I was very
much influenced with Mahatma Gandhi and participated in Salt Satyagraha in 1930. Later leading the
Civil Disobedience Movement and Quit India Movement In 1925, And actively worked hard for the
upliftment and equality of women in society. I travelled to diverse regions, areas to give speeches on
social welfare, women's empowerment and nationalism. founded the Women's Indian Association.
Where I sought equal rights for women. And encouraged more women to join the freedom struggle and
'play a part.

Pranjal:- I’m speechless.. Dheeraj look,Wait isn’t that a soldier?

Dheeraj:- wait yeah

Manvith: (depicts and enacts the life of a soldier along with Sushma as a house wife and bindu &
sanjana as the kids)
Bindu: (running) MOM DAD CAME HOME! MOM DAD CAME HOME! Sushma: what.. when (runs to open

Manvith : (returns home from the army) I’m back home.. it’s been a while (looks around) Sanjana: dad
you’re visiting us after a whole year, you don’t miss us?

Manvith: no, I do miss home very much.. but the country needs me. But now that im back home for a
holiday, let’s have fuun!

Sushma: you didn’t even call me in the past month, I was so worried (serves food)

Manvith: ahh home food, its been a while since ive felt this at peace


Manvith: okay okay, im coming. (manvith, bindu and sanjana start playing) (phone rings) (everyone

Manvith: I’ll.. I’ll take the call. Wait here, don’t come there

Ayush: General Ayush speaking


Ayush: we need you here at the border by tomorrow morning. Holiday’s over, come back, india needs
us. Jai hind


Manvith: (goes to family) I need to leave..

Sanjana: But dad you just came.. please don’t go please

Sushma: stay with us here, don’t go, its not safe, don’t go

Bindu: dad, play with us dad, please dad don’t go

Manvith: (wears bag and smiles) next time kids, take care of them sushma. Keep them happy, feed
them well. I’ll have to go now.. (at the border)

Manvith:- I need to fight for India, all these people, they have their hopes set on me, on us. It’s my
responsibility to guard them. And I’ll do it, until blood flows through this body of mine, until my eyes still
see the world, I shall protect my people from any harm that’s coming their way(fights and gets shot)

Sushma, Bindu and Sanjana: (envelop him in tricolor towel) and sing
Dheeraj: (removes specs and start crying) I’ve been so careless, so ignorant, these people, they
sacrificed their lives for me, and I I… Pranjal: Don’t cry, I’m glad you realized the importance of their
sacrifices. I’m sure they wouldn’t have wanted you to cry either.

Snehal: Today we all have the freedom to walk, speak & do whatever we want. However, the situation
was not the same when India was ruled by Britishers.

Hamsika: Seventy years back situations were so different; people were not allowed to do anything
according to their wish. Those were the days of struggle, hardship & suffering. The freedom fighters had
the courage, the love for motherland to fight against the Britishers to bring back freedom. We cannot
even imagine what freedom is if freedom fighters would not have done their part back then. Freedom
fighters were the people who selflessly sacrificed their lives for the freedom of our country. Few chose
the path of nonviolence while others chose violence to bring to an end of the British emperor in India.

Pranjal : Every freedom fighter has contributed in their way in their area to end dominance & slavery.
They are the symbols of patriotism & bravery. They are people who did not care about their family but
thought about the country & fought for the more significant cause. They are the ones who ignited the
people, who motivated the citizens of India to fight back for all the oppression’s. They made the
common people aware of their rights & privileges. Many freedom fighters even went on war with the
British government. Freedom fighters were the strong pillars of the freedom movement throughout the

Snehal: The voice they raised against all the violence & injustice done to the Indians has gifted us with
freedom today. For this, they have faced a lot of hardship, pain, the sacrifice which cannot be compared
with anything else. Many of them even lost their lives in this war against the foreigners. Every small &
big effort made by them has resulted in the life we are living today. Today as we freely move around in
our country without anyone questioning or imposing any kinds of restrictions on us we feel satisfied and
contended. But this satisfaction is due to the efforts taken by our freedom fighters to free our country
from the British rule. Its because of our freedom fighters that today we are enjoying are freedom. Their
satyagrahas, sacrifices, and tortures have resulted in the freedom that we enjoy today in our
motherland India. Next year’s independence day marks indias 75th independence day, time truly flies.
This day has a special significance as it marks the beginning of the 75th year of India's independence for
which 'Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav' is being celebrated. My hearty congratulations to you all on this
momentous occasion! We would like to conclude our presentation with this very beautiful quote gifted
to us by Netaji subhash Chandra bose

Everyone: One individual may die, but the idea will, after his death incarnate itself in a 1000 lives

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