2376 Annotated Bibliography Assessment 1 Priti Yogi 30391770

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Student name: Priti Rameshchandra YOGI

Student ID: 30391770

Annotated Bibliography Template

Around the globe, most of cities were facing that they do not have sufficient space to park vehicles.
It is one of the essential reasons for causing traffic which is one of the leading problems in urban
areas. With the advancement of technology, we can able to minimize parking issues with the help of
an automated smart parking system. This smart parking system saves time, reduces costs, and
enhances safety and security. This is possible to use the IoT tools and sensors to access the parking
via web or mobile application. The development of an IoT-integrated smart parking system will
contribute to the identification of parking spaces such as airports, shopping malls, offices, and
institutions. Through this development of a smart or automated parking system, we can able to
manage the parking space in a smarter method.


Title of article: Designing a Smart Car Parking System (PoC) Prototype Utilizing CCTV Nodes: A vision of an
IoT parking system via UCD process

Author: Muftah Fraifer, Mikael Fernström

URL (if available): https://www.astesj.com/v02/i03/p96/ Date accessed: 16th June 2017

Journal Title: Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal

Year of publication: 2017 Page Numbers: 755 - 764

Volume no: 2 Issue no: 3

The research is about the installation of a parking system using a user-centered design. This is an IoT parking
system built with the model of system operation. In this approach, IoT based smart parking system is
implemented with several services. The author has used the recent advances in sensing and communication
technology. This proposed design approach uses CCTV nodes. This article focuses on designing the
prototype for a smart car parking system using closed circuit television and computer-based vision. These
two algorithms were idealized and checked in a simulated environment.

It is to be summarized that the design of a prototype of a smart car parking system using CCTV detection
algorithm. The method used in the research is used the user-centered design on gaining user behavior,
stakeholder survey, and other facilities. The developed smart parking IoT application architecture comprises
an application layer, transmission layer, and perception layer. The microcontroller, CCTV, parking server
computers, and software components. This implementation of the system connects with the nodes and
provides information to a central computer and broadcasts the processor with atmospheric conditions. This
smart parking system focuses on researching various parking spaces by creating the potential mode of the
parking spots. The prototype developed is tested with two iterations and provides car parking information
accurately. The performance of the system is accurate and efficient.

It is concluded that an IoT-based car parking system is developed. The system developed involves searching
for vacant parking spaces and notifying giver about the status of car parking areas. The designed smart car
parking system prototype monitor the parking area and measure the vacant and system run on the
algorithm set. These kind of system testing is performed in virtual parking area and not in the actual parking


Title of article: IoT Based Smart Parking System Using RFID

Author: Prof.S.S.Thorat, Ashwini M , Akanksha Kelshikar , Sneha Londhe, Mamta Choudhary

URL (if available): http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICCCI50826.2021.9402699

Date accessed: January 2017

Journal Title: IOT Based Smart Vehicle Parking System Using RFID

Year of publication: 2017 Page Numbers: 9-12

Volume no: 4 Issue no: 1

This research is about IoT-based smart parking systems developed using radio frequency identification
technology. This research focuses on the implementation of a smart parking system to manage traffic in
metropolitan cities. Current research is using the unique algorithm to increase mobile application usage and
improve slot detection with help of IRS sensors. The tracking system used in the architecture is by
embedded and communication technologies. This development of technologies is based on vehicle
identification using RFID tags, slot detection, and other IR sensors. The implementation of a tracking system
monitors the parking system to satisfy the emergency services.

It is to be summarized that the research is about IoT-based smart parking systems as a development of
smart city development. The technology used in this research is IoT sensors. The proposed work consists of
mobile application, slot detection using IR sensors, vehicle detection using RFID, database, raspberry pi, and
payment application. The transition indicates the flow of data and identifies the data with IR sensors. All
data is generated is stored and retrieved from database. The implementation of operation focuses on
intimation of parking area information to monitor the various parameters for emergency services
It is to be concluded that the research is about development of IOT based smart parking system using the
radio frequency identification technology. The data of the parking location directly stored in the database
and notifies the users on mobile application about the parking slot vacant position. The application
developed is supporting all the mobile operating system. This reliable system is helpful in avoiding the traffic
problem in a systematic manner.


Title of article: Cloud-Based IoT Smart Parking System for Minimum Parking Delays on Campus

Author: Nesreen Alsbou, Mohamed Afify, Imad Ali

URL (if available): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-23357-0_11 Date accessed:

Journal Title: Internet of things ICIOT

Year of publication: 2019 Page Numbers: 131-139

Volume no: 4 Issue no: 1

In this article, the author explores smart parking system for minimum delays on parking. The smart parking
system is developed using the IoT and cloud based system with two major essentials which is IoT module.
The cloud integrated system focuses on tracking web application and perform payment to the parking
space. Once the parking space gets vacant, this will notifies the registered user. This will minimizes the delay
on campus. The main aim of the system is to make facilities to the student and guide through web

It is to be summarized that the smart parking system is developed with two hardware system and software
system. One system is acting as slave and one software system is acts as master. The master system is
responsible to communicating system and cloud but collecting the data on maintaining embedded system.
The magnetic sensor is connected with magnetic sensor, IR sensor with the module to server and cloud. The
implementation of the smart parking system is utilized and accessed as an android application. The
encryption connection is managing the tests by activating the target nodes.

The smart parking system is developed using the cloud for minimizing the parking delay. It is concluded that
the smart parking solution for the university student and staff members have implemented successfully. The
proposed system involves in achieving the goal of smart parking system that offers complete access to the
cell phone application. The application is also protected with token and device ID by communicating the
HTTP request with SSL encryption. The developed location helps in achieving the measure of available
paring spot location and identify it by smart devices in collecting data to count the vehicles.

Title of article: Park King: An IoT-based Smart Parking System

Author: C. Ajchariyavanich, T. Limpisthira1, N. Chanjarasvichai, T. Jareonwatanan, W. Phongphanpanya1, S.

Wareechuensuk, S. Srichareonkul , S. Tachatanitanont, C. Ratanamahatana, N. Prompoon and M.

URL (if available): http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ISC246665.2019.9071721

Date accessed: October 2019

Journal Title: IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2)

Year of publication: 2019 Page Numbers: 729-734

Volume no: 1 Issue no: 2

The research is about parking system development using IoT technology. In this research, the author have
discussed about the smart parking system that is to be implemented on the Thailand university. The
university focuses on promoting smart campus campaigns and to make it manage efficiently for the
students. In this research, the development of prototype is integrating IoT and cloud based technology by
monitoring the availability. The development of park king is based on monitoring the availability of parking
spot and control the parking flaps. This is a web bases application to research the parking space in advance.

The research is to focus on the smart parking system to be implemented on university campus. The
prototype developed is based on the integration of cloud and internet of things. This integration of the web
based application is accessed on the mobile application. After the essential components has been checked,
the integration of IoT module is done by enable the available parking spaces and web based application. The
payment is done by reserving the parking space. The smart parking system developed is an realisation of
campus in helping the convenient parking system to integration of IoT technology. The research is
completely accessed based on the examination and evaluation of parking datasets.

The research is concluded that the inefficiency of the current parking system is minimized in the university.
This park king prototype is offering seamless experience on managing the university campus. This is
comprised by checking the university availability. The payment done through the system is highly efficient
and deployed in the real world parking system. The test results needs to be checked to enhance the
performance of the system.

Title of article: Smart Parking using LoRa

Author: Prof. Pratibha Joshi, Ms. Sneha Menon, Mr. Manoj Subbiah

URL (if available): https://www.irjet.net/archives/V7/i9/IRJET-V7I9259.pdf

Date accessed: September 2020

Journal Title: International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

Year of publication: 2018 Page Numbers: 1526-1529

Volume no: 7 Issue no: 9

In this research, author have discussed about the smart parking system using the LoRa. The research is
focusing on the remote control operation and report vacancies to manage customer in real time. It is mainly
used in the long large communication at about 10KM range. The IoT based smart parking module is tracking
with all parked slots to check the slots of vehicle in checking vacant parking slots. The main purpose is to
implement the IT based sensors.

It is to be summarized that the research is focuses on development of LoRa for managing WAN technology
to manage operation of smart parking system. This improvement focuses on seeking research investigation.
The development of system is focusing on the vacant slots at parking region. This research focuses on the
two major division such as transmission side and reception side. The transmission side is focusing on
checking the parking slots to check the parking of vehicle. The receiver site checks that the reception
antenna signal and update the information about parking slot availability.

Thus it is concluded that the research about smart parking system is highly essential to check the vacant
space for parking system. The smart parking system is highly used in private parking slots, hospitals,
shopping malls, hotels and industries. The vacant spaces were highly checking for vacant space in checking
the searching of vacant slots in all regions. This research is highly helpful in checking smart parking system

It is concluded that the research on development of IoT integrated smart parking system.
The IoT based smart parking system offers solution to the parking problem faces on daily
basis. This implementation of the smart parking system enhances the safety and security
accessed through web or mobile application. The usage of IoT based smart parking
management scheme helps in managing the inefficient parking schemes. In this annotated
bibliography report, we have reviewed five articles which is related to IoT based smart
parking system. This implementation of technologies helps in improving the development of
an automated parking system integrated with IoT.
List of References

Ajchariyavanich, C., Limpisthira, T., Chanjarasvichai, N., Jareonwatanan, T., Phongphanpanya, W.,

Wareechuensuk, S., Srichareonkul, S., Tachatanitanont, S., Ratanamahatana, C.,

Prompoon, N., & Pipattanasomporn, M. (2019). Park King: An IoT-based smart parking

system. 2019 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference

(ISC2). https://doi.org/10.1109/isc246665.2019.9071721

Alsbou, N., Afify, M., & Ali, I. (2019). Cloud-based IoT smart parking system for minimum parking

delays on campus. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 131-139. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-


Fraifer, M., & Fernström, M. (2017). Designing a smart car parking system (PoC) prototype utilizing

CCTV nodes: A vision of an IoT parking system via UCD process. Advances in Science,

Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 2(3), 755-

764. https://doi.org/10.25046/aj020396

Kodali, R. K., Borra, K. Y., G. N., S. S., & Domma, H. J. (2018). An IoT based smart parking system

using Lora. 2018 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and

Knowledge Discovery (CyberC). https://doi.org/10.1109/cyberc.2018.00039

Thakre, M. P., Borse, P. S., Matale, N. P., & Sharma, P. (2021). IOT based smart vehicle parking

system using RFID. 2021 International Conference on Computer Communication and

Informatics (ICCCI). https://doi.org/10.1109/iccci50826.2021.9402699

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