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Analytical Thinking and Decision Making

Table of Contents
Question 1 : Discuss the value of decision analysis within the context of an organisation......4
Question 2 : Outline the challenges facing UWS Technical Services and discuss any
assumptions you have made.......................................................................................................4
Question 3: Apply decision analysis and develop an appropriate decision tree.......................5
Question 4 : Calculating the expected values and following the rollback method, outline the
most suitable approach for UWS Technical Services. Discuss your recommendations for the
managers of UWS Technical Services.......................................................................................6
Question 5 : Discuss the strengths and limitations of your analysis in the context of the
decision problem........................................................................................................................6
Question 6 : Discuss the influence of the UWS Technical Services engineers changing their
initial probability estimates. Discuss the influence of probability estimates and uncertainty
within the decision making process...........................................................................................7
Audience Response System is an interactive system for analysing the view point of the
audience in respect of various software models given by UWS Technical Services for the
development of the project. UWS Technical Services had provided four different software
development models in respect with monetary value of each software development. UWS had
also provided a different way that the client can choose any approach to continue the project
but if fails then they have to go with the Software A approach for further procedure of the
development of the software. The managers of the Audience Response System need to
evaluate and take a decision to analyse the various models up and down for giving the
contract to the UWS Technical Services.
Question 1 : Discuss the value of decision analysis within the context of an organisation
Solution : Decision analysis is very important in a business growth as in the context of
Audience Response System (ARS) which provides a wide range of functionality in the
participation of the people in quizzes and surveys. It is important to analyse the decisions of
an audience responses with respect of any technological or functionality of the response
analyse answers which are needed to verify the research and development of new
technologies that will incorporate in the further business usage. The decision analysis is very
important as it stimulates the proper order or functioning of the tendering of an organization.
The decision on developing a web based or an app based software enhancement of how a
audience response system will work on a huge scale like a voting or getting a majority of an
specified decision. The cost of the developing of a fully enhanced project or software of
Audience Response System is also needed to decide critically and analyse the cost of the
competitors involved in implementation of the project. With these help the organization will
gain sustainable advantage in the growth and challenges in the market. As well as the targeted
goals and objective can also be achieved by ordering, organising, planning and business
activities modulation (Santos et al., 2019). To make the most of the development a basic
decision analysing is required for the right kind of information and attributes to perform
smoothly. In the context the decision of choosing the proper project proposal of competitors,
so they asked for a detailed proposal including the technical development and software
capability, with these help they will understand and will discuss with the board members
which company will be chosen for the particular project and will be chosen for a contract
with a fee basis for the development of the app or software and also 1-year provision of
aftercare of the releasing of the software in the market worldwide.
Question 2 : Outline the challenges facing UWS Technical Services and discuss any
assumptions you have made
Solution : Challenges or assumptions are integral and inevitable part of a decision making of
an organisation project or getting a contract justified with the needs of the development. It
helps in the presumptions before taking any decisions or developing a strategy, planning and
implementing the decisions. In the context of Audience Response System (ARS) the
challenges are many in the situation like the need of awareness of the type of software or
application, respect of privacy of the audience so that they don’t get violated by the response
system, making a simple interface of the software so that every age group with little
knowledge of software usage can also perform the response back easily. Remote functions dis
not work properly, or getting the feedback instantly etc. The interface by the UWS Technical
Services should be appropriate with no bugs and be vibrant to the audience as this will be a
primary goal or objective of the software in terms of voting calculation or making a decision
making task easier by automating the whole process (Dess et al., 2022). So in the context of
UWS Technical Services the four outlined software modules are showcased with the
operation capability and the cost. ARS would face a huge challenge in electing the correct
software module as each one has different set of operational usage and cost of each one is
also a huge factor while proving a contract to the company. It is also a challenge for any
technical services company that which platform to use for the development of the software,
either be it a web based or a app based application or may be incorporated with any previous
developed application but change the structural behaviour of the application. So for selecting
a valid contract on the basis of different aspect is necessary for the technical service of any
development of project.
Question 3: Apply decision analysis and develop an appropriate decision tree
Solution : Interactive audience response system is extremely useful and beneficial for
students and other platforms for huge audience management. Audience Response Card
(Clicker) are used in the development of the software as it has the capability to catch and
store huge responses simultaneously over a large scale of audience (Lee et al., 2022). A
decision tree of the fully development of the project from getting the proposal to the
implementation of the software.

Audience Response

Proposal Published by Audience

Response System

Verifying Proposal by the UWS

Review back for any Technical Service
changes required or
alternate plan
Collecting information and making proposal plan with
different approach by UWS Technical Services

Submitting the Proposal plan to the client that is

Audience Response System

Reviewing the plans and development with the monetary cost with the
managers of the university board
Discussions and closure of the deal

Payment of the project

Deployment of the

Figure 1: Decision Tree of the Process of Developing a Project

Source : Created By Learner
Question 4 : Calculating the expected values and following the rollback method,
outline the most suitable approach for UWS Technical Services. Discuss your
recommendations for the managers of UWS Technical Services
Solution : The approaches made by UWS Technical Services with various respect of
packages have a great impact on the Audience Response System for the correct approach or
which package to choose, as the monetary matters in every project. UWs provided web based
and application based system for the response catching. So before giving or handover the
contract the managers need to analyse every possible approach and decision to take the
project forward. The managers need to rollback to the first decision, that is for whom the
application will be designed is it for students, voting of any decision majority or anything
else. When this objective is cleared then only the process of development can continue and
after that the deployment will take place. So after the first decision is clarified then comes the
monetary decision of the project. As UWS Technical service provided various package of the
development and implementation with respect of different type of technical respective. UWS
Technical Service also provided the chance of the success of the program with various
packages, so the Audience Response System Managers need to decide very accurately what
package to choose to get the best result (Runge, 2020). Managers need to improvise that
quality needed or the monetary tagged. So the most favourable recommendation is for the
Software A which has a very high development cost but has a chance of full 100 % that the
project will work and it will be a web based or application is entirely depends upon the
decision of the project managers or the client based on their requirement, but Software A has
a huge amount needed for the development.
Question 5 : Discuss the strengths and limitations of your analysis in the context of the
decision problem
Solution : UWS Technical Service provided various approach which needed to kept in mind
and evaluate the strength and limitation of various method of analysis to successfully decide
which approach is better for the implementation of the project in a wide scale of audience.
The strengths that are given are like the ratio of the success of the project with the cost of
developing the proper software, the various approach has also limitations in the decision
making as four different approach provided, choosing any one will be hard but also needed to
analyse the cost factor while developing the project is one of the limitation of selecting the
correct approach. If the Audience Response System chooses the other approach apart from
Software A then the platform needed to be organised in such a manner and the extra cost also
will be added in the development of the project. But if the software development fails in
between then the client or Audience Response System need to go with the Software A
package as it has the fully success ratio after being developed.
So a number of options provided by the UWS Technical Service Ltd for the development of
the project, and also given the choice of developing in a web based or App based approach,
also provided the option of choosing other approach of development and if fails then
Audience Response System can go with the mot reliable option to process further.
Question 6 : Discuss the influence of the UWS Technical Services engineers changing
their initial probability estimates. Discuss the influence of probability estimates and
uncertainty within the decision making process
Solution : The engineers of the UWS Technical Services are very open biased in the
development of the software, so only the engineers gave four different software based
approach to the client that is Audience Response System . Audience Response System
managers are now in a deep analysis of which approach to chose for a better software model.
These scenarios gave the managers to set up a meeting for the proper analysing the approach
of various models with respect of the monetary influence of developing the software package.
So for these reasons the Audience Response System facing serious probability in the decision
making process of the software development (Kinra et al., 2020). The need of decision
making is a serious approach towards the correct way of managing the development cycle.
UWS Technical Service provided various approach to develop the project but it is now in the
hand of the Audience Response System to provide them with the correct approach to fulfil
their contract of their part by delivering the project on time. The approach is based on web
based or app based models of the development by the engineers of the UWS Technical
Services team.

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