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Legacies of Historical Globalization Unit Exam

You have the whole class to work on this exam. Read each question carefully and answer
each one to the best of your ability. There is no chance you will lose marks for guessing, so don’t
leave any blanks on the test. I will be around so please ask any questions that you may have, and
I will do my best to help you. Good luck and you may begin.

Multiple Choice Section: Choose the answer that best fits the question. If you are unsure, skip
the question and come back to it. Remember to look for clues from questions to help you with
others. (each question is worth 1 mark)

Use the following source to answer question 1

1) According to the cartoon, who benefits the most from cultural contact?
a) Europeans
b) First Nations
2) Greenpeace is a group that works to influence world governments to act more responsibly
for the environment. They are an example of a:
a) Non-profit organization
b) Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)

3) Which of these is an economic reason for imperialism?

a) Europeans could get raw materials for their industry.
b) The colonies were more developed than the imperial country.

4) The main reason for Imperialism was to

a) Receive the economic benefits of having colonies
b) Help the citizens in colonies have a higher standard of living

5) Of the people listed below, who is most likely to have said “the scramble for Africa was a
story of greed and terror.”
a) European monarch
b) African tribal leader

6) Indentured labour is:

a) fair because people had a chance to make a lot of money.
b) unfair because it created an unfair work situation for people.

7) Nelson Mandela was part of a rebel group that fought against the South African
Government because:
a) the government had racist policies.
b) there was an unfair military dictatorship.

8) Christopher Columbus:
a) was a hero to all who know about him.
b) is celebrated by some and not by others.

9) A critic of mercantilism would say:
a) local groups had too much involvement.
b) was more harmful to colonies than helpful to them.

10) During the imperial era, which of the following places was most abused by Europeans?
a) Africa
b) Australia

11) Which of the following groupings benefitted the most economically from the impact of
historical globalization?
a) First Nations, monarchs, and explorers.
b) industrialists, colonists, and the Church.

Use the following source to answer question 13

Pre-European contact cultural boundaries Current political boundaries of North America

12) When compared, the two maps above illustrate the:

a) similarities of past and current political boundaries.
b) consequences of European contact on Aboriginal societies.

13) Which of these imperial powers had the most influence on the lives of people in overseas
a) Britain
b) Germany

14) Ethnocentrism:
a) is a problem in some places, but not Canada.
b) was one of the main reasons for imperialism.

15) Which of these is an economic reason for imperialism?

a) Europeans could get raw materials for their industry.
b) There were better weapons in other parts of the world and Europeans wanted

Matching Section: Match each answer in the word bank to the correct definition. If you are
unsure, skip the question and come back to it. Remember to look for clues from questions to help
you with others. (each question is worth 1 mark)
Word Bank

Historical Globalization Child Labour Multiculturalism

Legacy Industrialization Genocide
Mercantilism Capitalism Gacaca Courts
Imperialism Ethnocentrism Apartheid
Colonialism Migration Enemy Aliens
White Man’s Burden Displacement Non-Governmental Organization NGO
Slave Labour Depopulation Gross National Income (GNI)
Indentured Labour Deindustrialization Cultural Mosaic
Foreign Aid

1) _____________________________: an Afrikaans word that refers to the segregating and

discriminating against non-whites in ​South Africa.

2) _____________________________: label from WWI and WWII assigned to people from

countries who were at war with Canada.

3) _____________________________: something transmitted by or received from an
ancestor or predecessor or from the past.

4) _____________________________: is where one country physically exerts complete

control over another country.

5) _____________________________: when people are employed against their will with

the threat of destitution, detention, violence including death, or other forms of extreme
hardship to either themselves or members of their families.

6) _____________________________: is based on the idea that a nation's wealth and power

were best served by increasing exports and so involved increasing trade.

7) _____________________________: a form of labour in which a person is contracted to

work without salary for a specific number of years.

8) _____________________________: is the formal or informal economic and political

domination of one country over the other.

9) _____________________________: when money, supplies, and other goods, as well as

expertise, are given by one country to another.

10) _____________________________: the amount of money earned by everyone in a


11) _____________________________: the process of change from a handicraft economy to

one dominated by industry and machine manufacturing.

12) _____________________________: a period in time that is often identified as beginning

in 1492 and ending after WWII.

13) _____________________________: an economic and political system where a country's
trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

14) _____________________________: the belief that the only valid worldview is your
own. Your own race or culture is the center of your thoughts.

15) _____________________________: the forced movement of people from their home, or

country of origin. It is also interchangeable with the term forced migration.

16) _____________________________: the task that white colonizers believed they had to
impose their civilization on the black inhabitants of their colonies.

17) _____________________________: the substantial reduction in the population of an


18) _____________________________: the exploitation of children through any form of

work that deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend
regular school, and is mentally, physically, socially and morally harmful.

19) _____________________________: the loss of industry.

20) _____________________________: a society made up of many cultural groups

21) _____________________________: the presence of several distinct cultural or ethnic

groups within a society. It is the official government policy founded on the idea that
Canadian society is pluralistic.

22) _____________________________: the mass killing of human beings, especially a

targeted group of people.

23) _____________________________: the movement of people from one place to another

with intentions of settling, permanently or temporarily, at a new location.

24) _____________________________: an organization established by groups of people to
work toward specific goals. Depends on volunteers and donations, but may receive
government funding, and can influence policies at national or international levels.

25) _____________________________: community courts in Rwanda to try low-level

officials and others involved in the genocide to bring them to justice and encourage

Short answer section: Answer each question to the best of your ability. If you don’t know the
answer, put one anyway! If the question is worth 4 marks, put 4 points. Answer each question in
full sentences.

1) Name a specific NGO and list its main objective. Is it working? Why or why not?
(4 marks)

2) Describe what life was like for a slave labourer. You may start from the time of their
captivity all the way until their death. (3 marks)

3) What is a legacy? What are two legacies of historical globalization? (3 marks)


Multiple Choice /15 Short Answer /10

Matching /25 Total /50

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