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I am Nilyn M. Bacaron, young freshly graduate taking up Bachelor of Science in
Hospitality Management, I lived in Putingbato Brgy. Washington Escalante City
6124. My hobbies are cleaning the surrounding , watering the plants , reading
confessional books , playing balls like volleyball and soccer.

Because of the many business related topics I studied in my senior high school,
such us balancing and comparing, I am an excellent business literate or
entrepreneur person. I can work even during hard circumstances since I am
physically well, and I also multitask and flexible well. Person who is trustworthy,
self-driven, and has a good outlook in every task. I am able to collaborate with
others. I am able to prioritize my tasks and work well.

I am skilled at cleaning and washing cloths, including folding the bed and washing
the plates in the kichen . Even in cleaning the bathroom . I have a long-lasting
capacity of patience and I can adjust fast to the personality that every person
must have, and I am able to clean the sealing also. I am devoted to my work and
have excellent communication skills. I frequently go to the church ever Sunday to
maintain my Godleness, That's everything about me. Do not be reluctant to
approach me if you have any inquiries. I'm grateful.

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