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6p 2c 3D, (Polo PRAcTice TEST2 20 3B © iB GD Bb lea 12D 1B 1B 2D ec Dime cma Sib 3e8, HC RC HD we 8 WA @D GA WC HB RD MC A HD SDR sae PRACTICE TEST a nb BB de BRD BA Se A 5c. 6G Mei 8A 9 oD Cc me MA HD MA 3D CD dec ak RB HC WOR CKD KB OR HD BC SDA Soh HA HD He ‘eb Ob aE we 5A 6A 20 aD 9.c ID ia fea tno tek to me fon fe tem Bo Eb ep WA me BD aA ae cae ae GA ka md &b we oA ao een wa an ah we PRACTICE TEST 11 Sc 6B 7A am 9.0 we Lb 2D 3D 4c 3D 6B 18 4B sb 6D 198 IeB IBA 0c oe BoB Ce We ISA lec IB IRB IB 2D %D MA WE BB. WA BR Be BA me Be wR TA BA Be 3D 3B HA MB wD we BD HA MB MB HC MA LD IRC WD BC wD He an 8B 3D Wa GA GD We BA WD HB MA BA PRACTICE TEST 12, 5D 6A 7D &B 90 mA LA 2D 30 42 5C 6D 2B BA 9B iso eb 128 eB 18 0c RA BB MB IB les IB IkD 19D BA MD MA WH WD Ine BB BC AD we we WC AB BE Sib 436A 92C GRC OD AOA MA BC BD HA 360 GA FEB HD BBC SD WC OA HA OB UD NB MC BA HD HO me MC HB BC tana oo soya UY HIN Although Peary's suppers have fncded heavyweight ke the National (Source Mga Compton) 31. The word ete nthe pssge wold most ean B.putenendio Dea dou ‘When Peary was questioned before Congesin 1911, his ecount was consiered plus yal preset he fied to convinge his udience is betvour wae memorable his memory lapses helped hin to support his tary 38, What dos the word “ignorance the passage mean’? Ala of knomlage falof misakar 136, With which ofthe owing dd Cock’ ‘pang his reader deat pring hi readers inthe pictre ead the following passage and mark the ter 8, oD to indent the comet nswer each ofthe questions. “Tamas Ave don was Arc's mas productive vena th 18th cnt with te dizzying pace of serie Knowledge and the pofisin of new es ‘yu paraquat J spe ay ya et ase 2 p08 pao am ayy 209 es se Po ABE BuO MY PME a 2 a y SSRI mg son GNP ae TE NSO AEN IOLA ST g, 2. aay 8 pond Sou 2 vO WKS 7H SUNS “swonsanb 8 ‘sy wooo span ye ved fopan a8 aEIPU a q30 31" HL De sod pena reat easements wa ay 2 jen cr me 3) 0 ne ste pnb susp ypouldn'y 3g WEE 0246 9, TE IRL [Pp ‘dua peyY to india the sentence thet closet in meaning to ‘ach of the telgrng gestions 48, "You sould take more cate of your eth or you may reget "the doctor, ssid er 0 toincate the sentence that best combines each pale otowing questions. tan you might expect. Unless youesjoyoranising pres, you shouldnt have ne 50. Thepop saris spss gor, Tate, heavy typ. ‘A. The op sr alyssa bodyguard so that ao nee can ecgnie her B. The pop star avoids recogion wherever sh Recognized wherever he pes, the pop str '.Reoogizinn her wherever se goes bd sala a he sie ‘Time allotted: 60 min. ack the letter A 8G of D to Indicate the word whose untied prt dtrs ‘rom te aber heen pronunciation tn each ofthe Yllowing stn LA est Boaotty ‘Cdynanic D-tpily 2 Accommest —B.punshment —C.repeseat—D-peremnt 1 tndcte the word that fers tom the ther thee on of primary sts tn ech oe llawng questions. wet Beaty CedeeaeD, disipine © Close geste eter AB oF to tnaat he come ansver each the flowing D.Most ep ois pres, he was osussesil in his ew Dimch 8 ff before you eave the oe? having tumed . tem 9. Thesupemarktistrying__ people use paper bags Avoter Buiotan C.toeneourige D.eocounglag Tetum 31 _. You ca fia acheper model nye else Acsleoff — B forne ChargainD. wort 11. Some people hint the ne Iphone is A.ovevicst — Boverbuged Coveraid —D.doublechaged S29 wot p02 ELI“ onouappm 6m OL Hy Yon My SSE agg a mse anny SON app AORTA OE pene I ot of ae es 08 shoul said at ‘rend shouldbe able Boer ad ee you, D gv up He he peopl to sh hem trond he ioe filed with procres, Custers wee offre one to Uy outand the 20) sory began (Soe: ents Kogeptoam) 2%6.Acital —B.signifeat —C. mening Diu Bikeep hols Dine .woeking Dinuning CNeverteles ——D.Carsnly Comes Da suceating ‘ea the following passage and mark he eter K€ _ answer teach ofthe quertians Missy Mouse, Wal Disney's mos famous carte, nade his sree debut to fneate te corect, ‘What sppened e Oval the Rabi? {4 None liked the chaste, CA movie wat mae abou i 2B. He was taken avy fom Dis D. He boul fame Dis, D. They aceped he characte, Micky the Mose, ss sound Corer) a ¥ ‘au wor i posse om por now # SPE NI 3 ER bz a vec Bu 3S 2 8 ¥ IFS oso poe oo NANA S| ogee NES so “cz “svonsanb Guyana oj De2 ‘9 vopoau spsou ey ue paen9pun 2 amu Fg °9-¥ aN Sede a nota oy yapadsa ey Cao 10) MU 2p Mg OIE OA SAY SES “IT “opm Saoyo) a sped pum euEAPAN gy Suyuous wy aisoza som 902301 6 a0") EY DAL 2 sonemp'd fm suodeaa Suynoyo} un Jo peo i pin pauLpen atone mot 281 20 3 IHS op sea nome ee ‘ade eee cameo Bae wo 09, 20 10 Wed 0 aguas yn ay anepaT oY @ 20-9 sogeens'd Geum, Aap esoya amesoduat uy — sp aerpeom wana aut 91 09 (8 SAL SH HANS OAS HED FUSS sep PAEHE “eT Sasa eam Jo sous ap ak the eter 8, oda the sentence th {ach fhe folowing questions. closest in meaning to 2 Avwicked — Disoced = C ragged aed seems odo 40020. suopmedod wa 404 wou peda nj sented 240% ork the teter AB 6 {olowing exchange. 17. = Heme: "Exeuse me, wha the best way forme ingrove my Engl Me. Caie:~ "you dont rate nothin 1 to Indicate the cect response to exch of the do have same opinion shot D.thavene ids abot 20, The coach explained the regulation sng to make sue thst sone of be layers woul eco voor: ‘Astle Batlest Cindeait —Dainshon ‘at the fete 8 oF D to Inet the wort) OPPOSITE in meaning tothe tundertined wordt ‘Assoffen sent B upto dite ‘C.nowandthen onc an fr 22. Many women prefer to ue cosets Wo ebace ther Henly and make em leak young improve worsen Par the eter oF Oo nda the unertine pat that neds correction fn ‘each ofthe folowing questions. 23, As mini he Blender is a necessry opine jp the pata of sf food a 3 (cae ve bgen reveled whe publi. Bic D 2, Plans forthe new bal ‘« 25. TheNote Dame Cather was bul between 1877 nd 1883, > 5 of Ho Chi Mish C's diniseative cone ing passage and mai the eter AB oD to fda the comet that bet sea of the numbered Bike | | Sate | = ‘ea the following passage and mak the eter 8, oF Dt ndeate the arect aBio'g — emeRY aIqeaFIp INR 8 moma = gomd'y no wage pe au 9} peu a ep 29 oie pour pey Sa EU eeu) Bawa g wow >ewug 26 ung poet Sg ce ‘a postin sey Surjou ng 20 ames xe — Supronoy 0 sp ASE aH 9p EPH G09 EY HELD sons fwd vopsed 2 23mg a ny apt oo Sp 854 mt ah aps yy 0 ua 29 wo a os ped nye HY ‘adr ov an n08 ‘fuaMY SEN 2. “LP ‘ead the following pasioge and mar he etter A, oF Do Inde te correct eeu off om teres of Amerie oe, ‘binds pampaed ARFEE sok se sds mp Jo HO 9 ‘soonsab ono peo ol nase ‘pau 99 204pu oy 430°9°W' O a eM pu sessed Bus 24) DEOL eran the line dog call. 1 uke the tthe Beth Ron would come tothe paty mo Bvbeter Chen Cowere caught Doh eh Dhar | | Cnhinkable unthinking bs 1 be response fr his own actions. 'C.None of D. Sever weigh, cat dwn nf Beane yp C.getout D.pucott 15.The frst and second versions ofthe sit bea 8. ‘Bc resemblance Cappel 2, You sem very ed | You seem very praed. | ace he eter A 8 ‘unerined werd a Indicate th wots} QOSEST in menning tthe fe elowng questions. ef unset, toughens wil scum sooner orate. decreas in umber Diinproveinganty ge wor fre, many companies fered revement plas st inceatses for older workers oe al make way fo the Younger one ka Boppornies C. motives encouragement ak the eter A 8G oD to Indlat the word) OPPOSITE a seating to the ‘tndetined word in each ofthe following qoetons 21, The police ied in_sain to brek up the protest cowl in font of the ovement bling: rer meanires needed be enoyed, ‘A. ws etecsvely Dively Cmisey De surive ek te eter 8 or to ndcate the underlined prt that ees coeton ch ofthe talon auestons 25, Researchers bev one way io minimising th damage iso get bts » 8 c Acdlght oii te rik of re, D 24, Indetion i th moon undersea a heavy bombardment dae hack the ey » 2s D 0. and fst but ot everyone cn afd. c D "Read the ftlowing passage and mar the etter A,B, Bt nice the correct. word or pirat hat best sea ofthe membered bias, ‘THEEIFEL TOWER (One af the mos famous constuction inthe word mb the Elle Tower in semone a 433, Ie eam be infeed fom the passage tt one reson for Hit toi othe ‘Grand Canyon prior 1890 as at ‘Ate was ack of secmmodsions 1. he South Rim had ot endive the road othe Nor Rim ha nat en epee tors had no iret natal wonders “M, Accrding tots passage, where do most people goto inthe Gran Canyon? ‘A The South Rim The rand Cayo Cothe Newt Rin. The Colorado 35. "Wale entharas inthe passe ae mt key ‘A.poople who dink alotafwater” people who woe in wate C.people who enjoy ater spor. pene wh enjoy ny Westar is arate to wre frvrous sons 37, Wherein te pasage does the writer mention to anima dat ie only ia the Grand Canyon ae? ‘A The fist sentence in paragraph}. The second sentence in paragraph 2 (CThe seve sence in paragraph 2, D. The send setenc in parr 3 ‘ead the following pastage and mark he letter A,B,C or Do ndeate the coet ‘nawer teach of te quetons. ‘A lt of rescrc had been done suegesing ‘lub membes would laugh without joke their fire esting From he on they sated thr tings by lughing ou lou without ay eal ssn, Thi is laugh non ed into the el hing ad hy relied they ere) 1 People fen exereee et schoo ealcge people form ends at ager cas, and wil sly end he thought that ager helped a perso hak move etvely 238. Whathapsed when Dr: Kr ti pope tht ewan to sat ager ch? ‘AA lotofpeope were excited by een People anal io know mere abot he recash, tar pap => sonst ao peo of oasue ‘pau am ao}pu 0 430 -V BND 3m He poe MEeed Bey PED seoemones er sumac pumusp ge stongen y 0¢ $5009 sind 62 sano wy 82 ussicasp ryoxtainn € goon Y Ue smque3 a uma’ pV Se “sya paaqum a3 pe0 ay og ya ee pa ‘ovo a ogo 20°98 an Ne ue aero gaa) a tno mato 2 a Bago sso se occerr mi TS 2 Aetpoiae pn ‘sooo 8 psa og pang epee Rags NN pS, pe ‘susp Sey SP ROMS a a v per a sou apse suse 10 FFAS PERG 2 “cc suansonbuneanos m0 2 ‘ons sane yes ed pompano 09 so ‘Time allotted: 60min, Mark the leter Ro Dt indlate the word wise undetned part ters ‘tom the other thee pronunciation in each ote Yllowing question, 1. Aomamest — Bleemony Cetletey 2 Amie — Babolue Cane ‘ak he eter A FD to eae the word that ters fe ‘nthe poston of primer sts nea of he elowtng queso, ae pices B.behave CoweriseD, C.pupose De istake Iter A © or onda the cnet answer to each ofthe fetowing he New York an Tokyoare__ popu Bidemely Caley vaiouly ts ele Blgpes sare ter expenses and opinions easy 7. People inmy ofc exchange cards wih connector D.comestiviy uring he olay, Caches Done mothe nd sik, young aod Colkely ——_D.ntike ‘wile he chaiman is Ceutdown —D. ing in 13. NoanetutAle_abilrtasverts de gh gusto ley he rofsce ‘Accareinfor Breamedawm with Ceamevpto Dane pith 14, Gestures ore unmportet means to___ message, Aeowey Baty Cet Dakeep hs the immigrants became tothe new envionment. Bak C happy D.secatomed sly poses only by aman beings BatnormalCeallsctve Di single Park the letter A, GoD to facet the words) CLOSEST i medaing to the ‘dectined word fa eadho the flowing auertons. 19, Tals oo climmte change sesuned inthe German city of Boon on Sly 16 1a coms global waming. ‘Afoasion Bete down C.fightapsinst Ds up duno or sn 51009 aD PEACE PPT Dialphabet——Comessage DIM device inthe passage refers Bar ean DK? harrens byte ime youre people ener eles? ow ose IM, for FM Langgs (Chey us amore compe tae of I langage Tiny los ltrs in keeping inch, ‘ead the following passage and ma the etter A,B, Go Dt net the correct. ‘Shaver teac of he questions MUSICIAN ON THE MOVE Bing turing msn sx bt ik Hing lor. I's conta modem, ¢ SI According othe passa, each generation of young people ‘asthe sume lng words hel pens id se in between the ship in Sas B.isused more on by ets Cisse than Jpanese depending othe conn sued in Fr go sus ss 2 eu yaesar io uae ug any ROO sunsesua sad “suena postin 20 o woe iy 5942 as 1 prom ‘pau x9 a}pu oy a07'1 a 2) apo Seed Baboon Pend a 2 "ro Tse 1s nog STFS snp smu sBge! pe a ¥ ‘yaa nny BOSS Ns oa HIND caUO Aun HOON TA “Se a 2 smif ep nocemes a BHO a y 0 aq om BROS noe TIEN oH SEM WHO “ye a 2 Seo SS ees wr np em a v en hn oy ESSE SRST cP SST 9 SL “CZ “swonsab Saou) a 0189s} pomapEN > 6 Boyeow oy 3szs01 (pam aR NOPE ha 30) “LY Na a remy ON PueNg') DREN SOR _“somSAA Y “sup Boog go p> sods 9 61430 AN ADE ee Anno an yo 95 59 0 poe SECO steno pam emo aT 'Y fa Bed aT, OH 2 he lees 8 oF tw nde he sneha bes comes ec i ‘oop of he pe ( Bcmse ee widely respecte Soriano pei, soe wil be or We sent you the ender pponent _, Yous tie for your ppinmeat basse we ive youth enn. snake sue that you stv ante for your hand 0, tan extent, Bets Engh (Sou: Resend con) S1-A. reached Beane Canived Da got SDALneae — Binfict ingens! inaddiion MAbs Boke Clos Dtaing 34 Accordingly B alerively —C.sbsamillyD.sbsequenty 3S.Abe being Cae Dower "ea the following passage and mak the eter A.B, oD to Ina the comet. 346, How des he wit explain the concep of car ‘Ay providing examples of wht coral refs do by explaining where they are fod on oo ey sa pena Ep PA ay 2800 equ “ye a 2 uy PN UHR ML AL “aur nok gus 2803.1 9 905195 9 OK BP HUA" ro ON oes i ot [| ary FEE S00 ra nage ae i BH 8 SEY ew ‘xdnayausqndn 209'9 ‘sngpea ue stared ma eve ®9 “spn pasion abe xno — od sn on ep ds gone pu snopnzy ya Papen 9a aarp pm ry) ea ‘oa por is FEESUR wapo sv ska pata poor sma od sajgena wom pf] a “puto oe pms sn ots} Apts sp 7 acd pevapwop ad pepuem'DPePNWN jose a wip a ues voeygous pum aw SNE ‘MHL KL ondine )—di—anpedins'g——s-v “sont pS aay en symp wean we Sogo se sya SEN vA HSH 0ton09 a 1° Prcetonon mn ido xp aad po sn soo son San) a 0 eo (10 pu 26 Breau oy auso4so ion 9) ep 50) '8 a the lets 486 oF onde the nderined pat tat eds conection of the fol questions. ms per ion jens ebro ite . rt hm ating opie dco md etn 2. itn ais vec a se omy che os ~ remewes ‘of going to school, . ark the ete AG Dt indicate the cote answer to each te allowing ‘gestions, ‘Time allotted: 60 min. ack the Letter A BG oD to Indlcate the word whose deine patter: fr the oer tive a pronenciaton each fe ale Biprecede Co decent oak he word, we fn found a sal spring Cnmniog Das uming eld usa ot about Nes, he monster town Ds towing seo oq seMMNIT YUP MODY on so ss561 tt AOL, Ow "OF D diet vessel are checked reguaty ‘ago syjo sou wy uns por pea eum 1 oH FN ge so FFT us 2 ps oF F894 1, HOA oO 9A ALL spoqonjartnoge St dy pon my pe KL OE ‘sabueye Boao} a0 0109 oy 0 suns atgenas sou my ayo) 203" a A HE dna 7-9 seling — swoanso-y x fojrou u yas seq) unos am aIDpF G9 3-a-Y mT Ae |p Reetp poset 3am pen RAKSHA AL, Ea) ‘Time allotted: 60 min. atk the eter A. oF D te fda the word whose underlined part ters ftom the ether tre in pronunciation a ech af the allowing querone L Acspalicl —-Bockewed Crear sued 2 Abie oblige (C Nodergten D.pimary atk the letter A, C oD to tndcnte the word hat les tom the other tree ‘nthe poston of pinary stress neah he folowing queso. 3. ALbowsebold Bidding Damo 4 Avvunenble —B.teenble compulsory 6. Oneofte mot efasive method of ping cide en new vocal won {gt each unfair words se ia text prio he reading experienc, a e D Socal networks provide a common foun fo sores ofall els sae « . ic eet in he sl of hemp rst of ia rato and asec Mark the ete 8, G Dt indicate the coc anawer to each ofthe following Z . z Before the women literon movement in the 18 ceny, women ‘soy oii educa, A.usd not Bodidtusd > C.didmatuse to Di notwed to ssepeson ae ven B.Atthe endo books atthe mean of backs now been runing several programs to lp the homeless advantageous C.advanaged —_D.disavaniaged rade questions om the pice athe cn se hires Bom cin Dishroveh 16 Ow Mode Earth tas now been aly plant inthe Solar system 0 spor human Ae Ban come oa 17. A eter soutin should be ___ to del with he ate of mass imigrton fom th ral seas Coun, making og ‘ramon amSIPH UEONEAEY SpE A LIN TT HEL SV mg eee 2 poms 991 “cP pyaar Besd ag NP, BOK spon 5 i Lym ame ono am SOHNE JO oR] WOUDY 2p AL tap ou pm ony HA MAY JH EY smep pu 8 aoe ye pe sou SOY “Spas 3S pu 3 wed png ww BHI ge ue soooe apes ee AHI peo poms por sou) asta sea pore Ae] ung ARINC SC apy snow 2 dat fave ap 2 9 su, ‘suopsnb mg ym sg se op 2 TUE a seco sampowo agnan O18 POP re omy puny our mg “pUBN 89 On xh am AO spon Aue) UOPPSREINY ys ¥ uy ENG FRI PEP 2m see a yA soo “suonsoa Sanyo) a 909 wf0.08 “omy Le pres ee 10 bjeomo ssop fon Bmp 8 DA I inthe past women's _in pubic or oil fe was considered stoprmal he sci ans. Aiovalve —-Bimolvemest —C.invoving Discrininaion aginst women __to develop ad ia amon oc ‘A. shuld be avy lining Sloss hes hele esd i ei = # qa 7 Stes Engel tate atl coment the e = Iai the eter A 8, oF Dt indicate the correc answer teach the towing It was daring th 19908 that toestons. ' Dasing the 19905 ys 5 Mpimiarhewende ty anette thomsen |g ee erga mt Boe secinoesvily de —! Acasa Cedesion —D,eeatinsl ee 19, We never expected tat come up __ so many problems tthe pee et, very srt of our bases awit guint foe Dw ark the leer A, oF D to indict the most sabe response to complete owing exchanges uy 8m nC aac oy, Ey ‘pompeye addy yi dad 3) 004 x ongped pur yeep ‘spon seg wonou qu top +9 tena eto Su SPORE poe nO fl Pa (Gao: Ons Go Bah ont marca Catia, taking following. pursing Bo Dat suo yo pr sop eps en a pe fogs | te eS AE oe Bune 0 for FOE HG HSH OL TE sabuepx Bojan] m8 owe pan oy aevodsosageus Sou 2 2g eh a0 a" sb 9D HEM anor audsq'D Boo Y ‘dod Jo Sumy sy sued pa 24 "pon omy pam] eam oF. = wa . oat pa ama go Ue pune sso mato po wo ovo vod “apps am ya pea op axord 590090 pun 9 = f2qhof We awn 5 Te taut es non-verbal) isa majors of howe e € tome decison on Eeauabead ea08 igus ea Jo samba Ne} Ye 306 HNN MO “GE chee 'A The ses epreseing tires, preset sung pune le eine BThestakats peseinga song gumentathe mesg eel tec, The sadntrepreseatd the classes sty presented song sre t tre etng Te mide ly he cases ped astong pine themes, ead the flowing passage and mark the ter AB oD onda the comet. i 30. The sadn presented a song argument a the meting, They represent eit ‘ead the flowing passage and mark he etter A, oF Bt ndcate decor ‘onan poyeosi Sen Foe su fees 9p fog MOK UY “Le ‘aoe peq2g1'9 pce ays ony ‘uz moe sap Aas Ss 3 a aa AH oH ojo sa aC. on one wf. om oyna papnoel soaker 3000, rom oot Buponn pm “yoy FuHo9 BES axon 2m a Baan soso w20q 51 PIPL yan a om de oF WLLL x “ym days sony 8004" " pos ubeo S208 [EAI ss wou aah ge Saye a8 se, pu uN PERO OZ “ebuens Sane 20 0 88 nouns oy eaves ages le! ay TEA oF 30° YD ‘a te eter A oF Dt ndcate the word haters rom te other fee a [di eo ee noe et 9 Seance “sua a p40 sso8 “une Suppo e125 ota spn se ugmdons w vegas 0 pods den uA “dgsamanuo 02pm soto 2 8s Lona 0 yoda de snp OY gs ps2 uo fed pos Lp Ng NS ap FONT SPD, “52 om stumeor'a sn) sent” pm "Soya etd nape aay Sys Nps [HORUS pus meses uno on OEE Pao aA SESH TOWN FC oo OOS EPIRA myn pou S49 POU J PL amg mop SHINGO ‘obuegr Bujano} m8 0 9 Sacer lacs nertar oer bnatacka gore ew mae ES pa ey Bt a sppeor'g =o rows ou oo 1 smls Jo apoyo pu pemeRed—BAMIEKO'D, tpio wy apg sounds aged am sags 23 TY “LL ishing the report in fc, she pet the boi in ere atk the eter A, ¢ or to net the underlined part that needs carection ef oa “uoqstoap v apmur jayad ,sonjos 241 ynoqe peusouoD YOUNGS 2A °C wwe es — at oan area eee eae Sos squnqa a ssp smd mp app, 8 = OF Snare ampppeeya meteaomly 3 may Sees maaan eee seaeeere ooo oy Spas Apoy St oust ap Lay poset ase iO OU BF soon POW AOL YL sul w UDO TEMA rg aE 0 opto 2a asso an 20} a 499 Buy 70H NE (eapea gO 39) a ef Bg OI IN oe REE Suh poe conotang Rupe u're wos fo stfuis 2p oon np Ssoueunjd a so 9 a 08 WOMANS PAN eae SF ssup 2 pu 4 0 Gp Spo women asi sud Sy yoy Peru amep 246 IE suundée -c po 1s pur seuoge mud oy soup at 2 Bay 0 i "een ope sn Raed 20 MNP WIE a a 40 BSNS osu we TSS aw aS 3} TAD St ap a oS 9 x9 SUP STEN HO8 yo MODI 95. me em a FE mem pS 8 “non ee) 90 ea ess ponan 22 feos assop tpn a see ah 038 NM a a py mo pes 0.0, 0 — ‘oo 34 uso SOOKE, "8L uynoye ey 0 wo oy aus au 9 EE 302 HDL AT ‘amidoée'c. ope 2 id V on ge 929 oF 0 op to SBI ora 09 po dager pn ss age HN HI fr snacurg suming Dg TMD AT a poe se A nq mie oxy 05 pon oo ep oy pop a5 pasooos HE Yoo 9p Jo porn ayy son PP Y guano fats poy 091100 .8E LG piea'a Ramet) peeaon'Y pro Kaew meg moty 23 ped st Se LY eee 45, According 1 the psa, the ulna evolution model posts far mone | fiver ‘Avevidence fom exactions of ay oder buns umber of ifeat pars of te wort ut Kind , DNA fn Neandertal apes osapact muliegionaism pops in freee Wereinked rough geet ncaa exchange Dts has oer appv by fl evidence Swimming withthe doping ws an even that not many had the chance to ‘va il somthing that nl of can nds im when beaks ool. dy le seivly whe tals easly. dot nis 50.1 had know tht my mother wa ick a rest of fling kidney had vo lle ow much toble my pascal were barn in dealing ith ike, ‘Bn my cilood 1 did know my mothers sees, 1 cod how toch rouble my aren _. 1h’ ela te problems they had ode with wi my pen ld ne about ny moter iss, EE ‘Time alloted: 60 min, Mah he Iter A.B, of Dt indicate the word whoteendetined part ters ‘om the ether three in pronenclatoa i each ofthe tllowing estou 1 Apoom Baad C.bloom De moad 2 Aveicy — Bemve Cmuvive ——D.jusie A oF Dt indent the word tht fers rm he oie thee of rma ses each a the flowing Quest 2B. require CsvallowD, 4 Avwummi — Badiecse . Ceurensy —D. atk the leter BoD to Indeate de coect tower to each ofthe following ‘uestons 5. Ove monitor wil be teas person ___ the ihe ad fans wie l stuns have et Acswiching off B.swichft — C.twewichof D.tosvitching off Many youngsters in Hanoi are eazy aboot “finky ball” despite exper swings of cir impact, Acer —“Badvenely —C.adveniy —Dadvenary 7. Hina ave him anew biyee. Heth rust enainaton, a Bat have ped Di need hve passed oy seo am ot oman wy SoguOK a Kg UE am SUN BOG MUL “EE 122, A seaman ally managed opine hein baying # aki that she realy | Rend the following passage and mark the ete A or Dnt he comet. ‘ie ike ‘Acconvinc bet of Baualeeroutof 25-The ny hing abut Chines fade aise tn dienin evet coy * ae yea them and et ating ete Chinese foo yout in Chis. e pooper a mune oes Apnea Sugano w utgode 8 pow pomp 9 oo ay ra pone pa sera sequer'D 209 poe ot an suapis 2 eeqro} 9 WHI NAD woe xn AKO -V _yo 270 poe so pis Px po on uy ao Oona OS 28, Whi fe followings am appropri il ithe pss? 238, Aceaidng othe passage, polaris are ol brome of. ‘A. Peasot the Tundra elon vival in the Tune region Animas of th Tundra elon Tundra dese ‘old and ry winds Diack ofsinevs ek te eter A. oft foecate the sentence that else fn meaning to nc ofthe flowing questions 46, From time o time there are things we do eve though me think they ae wrong, ‘4. Somaines we might do thing at ar consider wrone 1B. We oir do things because we tak thy ae th things todo a he ine. Ween reverbe sue ifall he things we do aright ‘on wehbe had work ovine, _opu pot nog pum nog 5 UMTS FI PHP y 08 se seduce apps ae pe HE a IN ime 9 Rupes | MOET po UR ‘Cod sna plop au sso ae 3 Shui ppmog 29802, 5209 20.0 Sen Sy sxe JH oy 09 so Ho aa ~ tack the eter A, 6° tft the ween par that needs correction ln then stapes ofeaming new language, we ears more tough itening x = sgt on ps patenting raat ‘Reo the following passage and mak he eter A,B or Dotnet the covet. {ch ofthe alwing guests 23. Qn Devers. te on miners pogem sanen ‘a ~ ios in mean, whisk you weld hve diate ¢ est oft barging ay ping os and gardens 1 a axanyeuy amupeey'ad BiMON'Y Tosspoo-) wou __UORERASP'Y. snd Bue 2 Jo 389 Gd > woRsOd 2 sono mn wos 9 as ros VED oF 0209 IONE AD a Bay anoy 1 Wo pao oe 2 Ss 30 aoa mo Hap MD I KUO ION ayo oy poy 9 9 no aes a pu op water Pio ALD sp 2 ss py mu oa Spe ‘ 90 989 0 om Synoge 2091920 as pau 90 ae O38 sna a “Then Surbucs came along snd showed how eae cold be azz yp by ling he tly ie Yu Noes Te Kw Abt Cee By Peal Hane) indicts the mn then fhe passe? ‘A.Conravetion ofefac heres B, Emon fete in ancien .Usesof otis . Origin and sre of af. 28 of ey somal othe lowing EXCEPT Bdeergent Comedie D ever ak the eter 8 oF Dt deat the sentence tht lores esnig to a of te allowing qvestions. Sup rn ‘won J EMER 860 Wa ‘aoa mage wpe 8 WS a Spr {sp Sony pound paras oo se Sun pe Se ua, uae oe pean a Jo a Few ——enurDByRNORE YZ wa ow oT ONIERONT'Y suo Sunt 20 3p uopepunvosd wn qo am) wey ‘sup ued poueapan aoyh pom 9 =e 88309 "8 nN 3 HN enc gin sop 85 HOH alae A ee A aap a ‘erpuslamey, eopoup uum a nee pA PRR ASN yy aay a oman ton pode seo oy wwe slg, ZP ‘seu 25 S00 oa S24) ‘yous sum ajo ap a UL 2s 8 ‘ewes om 4 UL nar age HY ‘6. The won recipe” inthe passage i capestin mening Ainseucion fornia C. piley Daman 2 Acorg teens eo ene wc tae NCEE ‘A. MeDoal ‘open a McDonalds mit fit work inane for wes om tiningpeograine in the resale at Sto le chen acl ety ee Pe nk re very important forte fasting the ay we B Save money forthe fue C. Get money nowt they have py bck nc 1, The reasons wy they ae secs | D-Altoftbe stove. 7 2 « v ops fam TRIE 20g TA _ urea eet tei ony Ww sasha aps SPOT pss x ame RST Hw Sa HOHE “svonsonh Buea 1089 rsp ned pep mp i838 sqmdnoang peu AE Somme ieee 29 es IS seo a pando a emp. won-a, amy 9 906 70> un J wee 0) aevodens 069 HF =NIBUH oF G30 UY ATT HH HK appr you ss iad en about what your plans were awe relied whit 0 tendo 1 6 ‘a be rig eon lowed members io sake importa decisions. He fostered ae the letter & BG oD oIntcate the word whose ndetin’ pt ters orontelaties teach of te tlowog questions. BLaggreson—C.posibly D.preme Bresplenaion —C-gzchmge Dieserise 8 ob tat he wor tt es a ee ors in ecko te following questions. salable C sara "amie 4 Ampeovement —B.wilingsss D opponent ‘ake eter. 80rd nate te amet never enc tte flowing goes 5. He woke at workshops for eet develop his knowlege of ease vebiles, his deep pase, sts fought a civ war ved__the extinction of Cchavingoused —Deaing |___totbe sm cantave neti ctocthskin geansino oi pues ose. ed sn asso pu se sss sed 2, sdeoogsn appa 26 025 seo um usunaoe adn aye ses eu 90 Pe ma jo snk dn 0 ado ig n= uoHI EIEIO Fe soo smd ay ep gh Ue UN SON LF Spies wu tare mi at mt i eh tf Si Te 2. Ours bs Diharvest pose thebas 24 Ale her forms of energy, tral as may i do et ams, cook fod, Dicome wy 2 a se ‘oot sheen pasos cael 25. The goverment reeonmends tht al expectant women * 3 16 T____ these old phar when 1 wasting the closet. fom smoking but als uo ples whee aha people smoke D ‘A bumped into B,lokedatr came ross D, west ino ak the ete A or Bt nate the comet response fo ech af he allowing 1g, ~Lan:*Would you mind helping me wih these heavy boxes” ~trang:_* Yes two B.Notatall, —€,Whatapiy! D.My Gosh ‘sayin ued pnpan sage pion ap opp ova 0 9" “uu 99 :panone own STEN oj woos fn. soso O20 ru yp pq 9} oF IE a sm pn a HPP OHH RS GU Ue sa Y zoeterat wna soy wopses expr 9 209 Sy 8 sais dos wap ontop RSS sone ego sondsye pA os oes M4, HOH aL Slowly, and your brain sins down. Afr you ( irs bought int your ngs when you breathe ino nhl wi se is Sou dy sis bak sp fa oe level se fered out of your ang when you bate oto exe (Sauce wwe combat) 54, According the pase the Hon ping io he wll of ans se oi ‘A-much carbon dose (no fee ie In the respon proses, only one o Dishes Bape C.survives Bdowry —C.dezy ‘ead the following passage and ma the eter AB, oF Dt net te correct [naver teach of te questions "Whe Hoods seat to th Langs by the het 4, The prowess by which cabo donde and oxygen te tanned docs wat eptdon ae A tepresnceafiteaen nthe aod being missles Tings a ironia em emo? cs 2, | oo hg cag tapmin Do | pense nme oe nti on mt te ein sm tan seg oO soothe yore am yep BED TE rab poe pry ano sre nse m5 He BT ENS HL “sua Baynes 018 D2 jnsonte pone yu pasippun 21 DPA) g 30°90 1S sano fus9805 ay esa yoo m9 1 UAE on tng en BER sO sea) 0 309 WB TEU ena Binge 95 Boje fa eno LL "ark teeter A, oD wed amet ono ech fe allvng gestions combines each pst chat ond cheese ark the lte A, 8, of tn Dihere a there ftom doe heen premonition tn each ote folowing pang wan oe eng vo susp aS pom m9) HAL 2 ano weadomg pu ENP WON 7 ra aan oo xp ss 5 Sat pool UH pena ana US, pees ain nea 0 3899 -¥ na] a mH Bed BONE MPM sey infect stadons, The msn language ‘pacement sing word epeseat hing rl bpp tot esc or lly oocing, but elsewhere o at omtaung 8) Both parents ane chlden have ble mnging tc ine ', Chien arent ken god eae a by tie working pret 53, According to the author, the ream given by Sandra Hoek forthe Sine ‘ead the ftlowing pesege an mark the els A, (or onda the coret {nawer teach ofthe questions. “Aneian fie ages 33012 spent 29 hours week in shoo ht oe bobo ate akieg pat in schol aetves 235, The word “unsructared” inthe psig probly means Ainvafuale B.inpractealC-ootcoslly Dna orgnized ‘4 The word "they" Ince passage festa ‘Acpareas BLiids Ceffons books resin wih pra 37, Weean inf ftom the passage that_ renopent ony 9 bs wi el ‘Atos pret lieve renfing toe of nea cilren “aaa Boy 99 0H NO HH OS AH “bun fp jo peo op studs panes on SIEIpAH oF @ 30 "GY DHT HD EN, seule fq aad PON SoA es dopa aro se As aOOP DUAR — URAL AHHY 9 SOHO Gd AewESDAT' NAO SYED’ _ Om ING V “7S po SEERA Sy senda ama SBNO-IGHI YH 1s Sr ese 2 0 OER we 140 ede yep om Jo Amopuapar pespswo 24 anve-a fant a swoon Boos wp :n4sue PD EAPO G30 TYAN AB PEM ‘eMinardsvr one ofe floing EXCEPT oem ‘B. rotating crops. ‘hath the leter A 8, 0 D to fact the sentence that is loses in meaning to ac fhe tstoing questions nied the str f the i ‘Ma the etter 8. ort tncate the sentence thats ferent in meaning te ich ee ftowing questions Rese Time allotted: 60 min, ok the letter A, B,C oF D to Inaeate the word whose wnerined pat tes ‘rom the other thee in prenuntion tn acho tin 20 D.segesion ath te letter A.B ot Bt nda the word tht fers rm the oer thre ln the postion of pear stres fn enh ote fllowing question 3. Aslan Boeyele approach 4 Acdveniy —Bbigpy ——_C.curiuhan ‘pau 4929p en 30°99 -Y naa ood os a aay som net pnb 2 nop Yea nd 4 Ag BNE IH, sap dans S02 AL a suns Pe SPURS" exiyomy ‘omen apoyo opto He HN PL ‘eo yo pon RODD" smart pub epi) rareapestioemyne 8 winsenpara 32028) psn a SAN gpa 38 vss 29 pt pot mo Sp et ep na pay No nF gn Soa sa EN DANS CRE ®nal her om a Aimy © am pomzang ap Jo Suna 918 UNE AL soar 24 Wears oh hs tet ss us ee * 25, Huan nfs sot aly lt walk by sees ui * 5 c marke eter 8,8 ¢ 9 Do nae the coe eof the nombre Blan. wos making a Sight fo Fras, fer making & {oak off epnin wih over two nuded pasensers ‘As son thy were in he athe terns cha the sera Thretenine ‘he (@7)_an yasnpers wi ns hy fred pl hangs ie xe esige nd mah he ter oF Donde coe ach of the questions, a. a Pa Ap op aSeunio ap wos fapg sforssemm a Kes.eannyo'9 Sam 20 to) a 9y0a, Gap Fe, 0 pope a 1 wo Suns 6 609 2044 woo 400120 Petsuen vag seq soc pu mu 96 ——$ ase woe pe pes Bugs vey ap oe snes as 3 sie ou 3 04 9 pa 39,805 sone cnt 20 se 0203 0 DE popes a ase D> saurpese'g—SiBAP'Y 2 aac notes omen oa ae oy ved agzpensgn pon a pao 090M 2 “uur og :panove ‘ea the towing passage and ark the eter A,B oF Donate the cet hor and log ave do tansait tock 27 hous forthe to edhe first topo ious yng they wee relieved to recognize te Atlin vl of Balina, Sy tard arth an Unde at Bshae's Faigle port ote cheers of 2500 people. {Seu Depart Eason, Hatha Torry Goverment Ass) Long distance ight were uns The erew could net conte the med. 40. Hw ong was the fight ftom Hawai oF? hous B3Showe | C.27 hare D.23hous Southern Cras eae fl for 0 monet 5760 kilometres” mean tt ‘A. they would rn ot of i { j itty stayed ff couse 1: they coud not each he desinnon with such fl the distance was too long and they noted dey would have enough fel ore whe 42, Why ithe pit ave ory on tensa ‘A They ha no weather eee Ther ean ws cramped ad uncomfortable Thr communication equipment was not eile .They could nt se hese of pr wether, ‘8. What happened rng the Bight 1 how hat navigation and communication ‘quer vs “ull inthe 193080 ‘A,Oncof he compasses soped working. The engines of he silane were nosy. {CThey could only conc wits the wold bythe adi. . The irra nededrefcing before ead fr Fk “4, The wordmargl” inthe pasmage is loc inemaning to fue Bett Clinic Deon 45, Which othe following statements fs NOT rue acoring othe pssge? C. They stopped twice 1 tke on fa daring thei ight coe the Pai They Inde ona makes seed on he Avram sou eas ‘Mat the eter Ao to indcate the sentence has lore fn meaning 0 ‘och fhe folowing questions 46, I il only woe exe hors i gst pda ihe rg Sok 0 pore ns UN BEBO SSS SHIP € syvra pazqame a0 e930 ‘pac a aepa oy a0 9 Hy a ma Pu ABEES BuO 20 =H 16. The principal has _an urgent meeting with he teshers mepmeimery arom aoeedazames im teeta | St Ce eae Bet’ | seaptan Lenvetaceuemnenpenecawramnsacioee a es ate eter ABC or nate he comet anor echt alow quetions | pil feats conn to dpe eis me many | hed the village bu it was thou any inbitans. Everything was Bremoe tren Diisolated 20. recent survey eva tha he poulaton siti the cop rows Bile pus Dedcloses leer A.B oF to tndcate the wots} OPPOSITE fn mesg tothe wort in cach ofthe alow qertons D,poveatig st be Haute sine oe is sito encourag sh patent ali fate hing that * S = ‘fine foe they allowed him to Bieta Rehan causing them duly. D B.tumep catow D.putin stones vc op a pao sunoues Fe OY IE FEU 'Y "op a8 poo seoewEs oY pases HOS SY og J 38 Fda en Sy PFO LC sr pandas 34D9 336 1-04 HHP “suonsonbBaynoyoy 23 fue oss Duns yee on G0) NY a -soq ss pong semsges moan e536 604 “orang on san le aq vonb ufo we UL") ca ng ou a i 18929 20 9 4 anager sted ctumomiq stayosesconp') —— s90024q_ seutaoM'Y xa tn sg so a poy ar we POY sss sds sessed sep way 2p A, SIND HAA ABE AA YH senna ren sty on ps yo 5088 ‘eyed pm mau spy ey 28H Su ED (soseesdtinsuavoearnany ty 2105) won eto ar seman» 89 59 E02} SL See voy mosd entre seuss ©2 fe2n on NOGE FG ATEN Sse sm nat SOUT S00 on sm dn pus) 2 ‘ram na 299 Uo mos 1 SDgu eons ao | 2008 the foewing passage and mask the eter A,r Bt nde the eorect 1 compat og tone as close as posible o re compte tere se In eighteth century Cana, te we ae wel eee te Bk to ply fxm spn Die ae nt te We Obs (Cionsones” hubcaps Moret otc plying ese Po ‘ip dy ah cs ba ob 42 A, dove we oh di rang xf mabe nde en op dng Hn 9 han by thang cing gut dB x86 Men dung Chine vin bn, ky chon Ninh tne ph hap i dat ‘bata vin ben. ‘Bip an ay a ca cu ab 42D, Boe we ha Wen nding oe ty thang to Yong nt ving vn bn aiaupeehi 'Bép an dy i ca bu 8544 A, ae x86 ve Ue tenana ng na cb am ra 8p cing en nr doe Shanty thor ir cata gust Bae mn no dng ‘ie vn, a6 ey ham ue rg dy nh fing otha. ‘ap andy st cla chu a8 4518 B, Gage xe oh Ge | ed ng doe heh nae dh oe the edu x Sh in tong hop obs the au ci va vit ve guy ou. ‘pn ey ht cia chu ab 45 18D, Gage x ah cr wn tna rng do ty hong tn os tong met vera vn bn {8 cage ch tr gb ne dink ue nga ee AY tong ne i, ‘apa dy edt cla chu ah 47 18D, Grae xe Ga di wen dng oe wot yng tn tong tod bd 8 ‘Dip n dy ot cn ctu 9 46 8G, age x nh dr WEN tng 3 17mg non ab a a 3p ang kh ra ee ant oy thong ching gutta nde mn nf Suna hin ca vin ba, 3 uy un ge thang cy MD ‘ng eu ha ‘pan du sl ca bu #6 4918 B, Ave xe nh WEN wins ris ap cing Hn ning doe ‘uy hd daze tng tn Gy mt > ong each rgon na, arg te ts tung ob bell vn bi eb 8 18D, dugo xe dah die en ren y ting vb rg sn ih vn ban dre wen ‘hong teh ngs de wung ca cco vin Ban Time allotted: 60 min. fa he leer oD dete he wor we wader from the oer teen prnuncatin each te atoning enn ak Brana inhsy Rede Cuber ‘probit 2B. pripat discriminate ak teeter 8 oD ont the ct newer xh ofthe folowing questions. C sppiant Ceri neue ven hou he was mh og da tide Lae donnda gun hy wee paying Tbe "(nie Dota nek ane ine eta Tie govern tsb ‘establish more shelters to care for those. have homes, 2 Acsindone't Bivio dn Cowie D. bh n't te sho hea est Same fe met sues ‘haven gota penny to their name. rene te mont c To wl te forging 8 Th eqns en_—__ ae tat de nr, imagiory BL imaginaiveCimagiab D, imble imagination 1. The goverment is going a the od bilding and bila ne one. Avexingush—B.diswiveC. demolish Dewcee ama 9a vos en eapto unto 2 et tp Soo Up ap a pe Sn 9M RI Fo er tes ea ap 2 se a Borge me me ps oUF OS Tau An abn en nrg nb an dana da Buse uy lp 3 99 igus Wu 99 ub oem 209 Guy Rok an enp aio Sx sano a 168 98h exo Wes fro Ue a a oa Bs ion pnp on un 39029 Bon Si en wb abn ae Ge me eT pe fp UF OG amu va 269 Bug 2 ip inp or conten ip a9 Mat ‘NP 2000 BD Bu v8 258 Bug eA 96 98999 eT UU Amp UF CG 7 "ae an usp ea aps 9 fu 09a WUD 9x 2000 2 156 9 NED ETE RUE HP UP AG sneoon woamsee'anre people yon gp quou eno o> 2ybu ott wD pe 2000 ace Ba nso dau ao 0 = ge Bu. 0a on ne Bann eno pub Oe! UA =F pp wn nu Ken wa np gt fp Buoy or a CB Beane no oe cop tu qn win agp Buon tu ca ap 2p ban 91 98 2 A UY HP UF =a ug ou arg BND we UG 28> tun go “onu fen wo nga fra 9g8 gh SoD Suaey 1 Spe en oo ogo ono as PNBu gn oo wa Bopp Eur (ca ep px "W162 98 MED 29 ANY APU OS Bu Fen we mg a9 Bue Suses 1 uo a pn ange ogo Wn SBE g 9 wa BHD Bor ‘a ona wu opx 3889 "W G2 98 MEO 8 ALAND UP OES ab ws ao op WB oN HON FR i us dg ann wade tu You Yap ups 3p unt Ubi enp wap ape 20np "yz 98 NEDBND TR IO UF SG & “ego a Poitou doy buona 8:03 (Bugu eu 92) Aa us wR Sa SS gn fun go Suey 293 oro Bung ors 16 ta ede up oe 26ro 1 #192 NET A np HAG ope papa ver og 26 eu wUR UND I Ye 2D rant on Saba Sq? 68 gO e9 Gat pate 20.0 {EE Bs cag fr uo eo ui exe 207 a Uru A eno Bue EN (EF agb hee Sune ane set Um Bug | WE OF ~ BE 92 99 nog 8 pr aR SB FE OB suo 89800 He MED ET Ra oD a 2p "who 2 Yue 260 26 x 269 ow) Ue UA 92 up (05 ~ 96 UND)" UR UER 298 P9> Kup 26 ‘pee un a neo pn pp uno | BHD UD 8 pa en esa np URL BARU HL 8 WE 08 — Le GE FN AD 280 Baar ca, ap ye sows cps fey Balers oun ofa nok seed of eo sug> Bu OM EU dod pH Aton anp dlp 2p 200 eS 9 mE TO HHP UF a | @ ‘eapoemoun ton eB abnéu Seu a op op ou wun sen. BueK Ui ror eunouy) 8 9 eno up upg BUOY Ne aso 2 in er a GO ED na RL 2 ONO obi oo 2 92 0 wo Bs ft BU ON pL oj Coren ip ope 20np ' 6 98 OD 0 1g fe UF zl ‘ip an uy ahi obs chu ab 7 BD bn Wand ose ftp hake it ul xg pr hop wong vt hep ny Hh Eesha p, eb due ts ha bg i ut ‘Cie eau heb 8 10 dm rs bn te Noo pr: ilantad ds de ng tho ce hago Sonos pina de cfc tees woe bre are ke roo chu tc bin hen ove crgcincsau cn reenact he Creo rang hot uc pw a ese aL ch 8 eb ton gn Conk rs sing hn, ae, tone, cane hem ol phn it re cam vk aon eae a cin eto van 5] BaP dn diy nhac eau 38 16 1 D, duge nao din ava én ich hp ea ng tv conn ttnton, a7 |p | Di én duy nhl ia ctu 9817 8, dave nae nh ve Wn gf enh ch tee tov ghia a PRG NeD.— a |e | Bip andy ie cbs eau of 181 Bago de dh dye tn L nal ein 08 chon dba hoop vB nian ‘ip Sn uy dt ea eu 8 1018 A, de x6e dah av ven ‘gd ean af enon cong ty ph hop vn dthop ela dng tow oe Ghote “ (Ce eu 20, 21 la ra Kd rng hu, rn tng th br Ga ca Kh nrg 0g ng ngd tong ia ip ae trh mb OH i (thong ehva cdc yutb angen nh th lt, dav. ang Mak) 2 lua chon phat ngn ein xe nt ph nop vit haba gad Ne int abn ‘ip in uy tea eu 8 20 8B 06 nde nh ao ie eee fecctaead ee Sa RECREATES) | os eearceeeawerd) |» (ReSuleSE Beg. tye tip. as Se aceeeaaEE| [ masa adtaWaguiapwmapm ange |. eececorars| [Sane aha ereder anaes Sei ty ITS em imane ce noun naa Paani naga nS Soe a ae a |» [cedmeugaterstlnsncs etme : manor eee aaa ce areca wensumos : canes eae a tet ee eae cet snamomanroum| | | « |tunmuennmaecramnnmene mo Spenmeneete : Sons sear a ce es ee Se Samant meee aT cera «fo fimenmenmnemecss) |_| (ater nes SO ee ee en ccoreakamaranomtn| [Senne einrnisgil apie ara dace eee eA Ore e rae Sia GR TABI pau Hu omIedaT ups dt Ba eu au day tus uy us eit 4 uno map wanes pina wou om | | ® hug npamodu sch 89 ere ene WMD UW "a UGB ete upep en quN UR PAL URD a= RG nus ge na Buep 9 Sugut ey ant ~) pucy sewo oNs,| | 3 nia on puew 209 918 ge m2 STS kp Uy RG ‘wy Bug Busi es ue Go > 9 Ba nb Gury sou owe oud io up ‘Buta 208 nD G2 AND No topo apa. ons Bu 8 eng Su pu a 9 MED 38 yuu nau pun tuea yo mie menroan tion van gram sue) 9 | + tg eens 209 Si 9 > eT ho ve oF rn igo 8108 co uno Bap oa gu gn gous omee| @ | ¢ Sh goin Bu op Ba ose KU |. “1a 989 dou Bug | 2 eng ep 90 wR YP pL URN 9M ON BUNA EN fr e499 Deg eo we puso uptu wg eu gf dl Buc Bus. "woy a Gon Wwe ep 399 er |g on an 9h ru py pa UU UU B89 URE» a MD pone 8p do Bug 0 gn usa 6m "yHEN NAY LR 29 Ae Om, Erne up yd 99 UNBo Up enP LOD Bry 20D Up deg ge Burm uns on a@p Bren nM WBuIen ge cou] a | 4 ne 10411 B00 wx 9p a mau ony po Pou yn HE wo ‘oy So Ban unis oo OD UPD 2 GP _netanatio pans one pt oR 8 oes AYLNYAIYID QHD YA Ny aya sepmasgjog Seon) aap g amu y send Bupa ag susp og BYWORC] JOP, US amp spo won 0a odes uspou "> rrunofowsjon 9 oon pon 9-¥ og ue ogo DUT OSS SH "sarang seq sping a9 em PH spin uo fuse vag susunexp ou09 songox sn HDG "opagbp] jo sa se ueueda 280 on a8 suaunaop 0g "Y “seo saupaun A “Sundae ng oH mp BoNHNPHO UR FEHR LEN EH LD sant por a nin ype yr na us sieuuss dB opdnep £4 uO“, steynape 192383029" joam2yna ens ese 9 PHA, HON 2 309 HAF $6 1s stted in te it argh hat wen ow pope frm drent eles ‘they ey fen misdescach oer cordance with ocaleastons ofthe reading passage? Bent Nes ops unelrs more ikl D. Naming er Reasoo (Source: Jesse iti Haig Cameco 1, Es, Combe, 2054 43, Acortng tothe ft pamgraph, wish of the f {infomation sb avele is NOT imporant B. whether they have done aything wrong wher they Ie wed fake decent hehe hy have wd cms 99 2 "emp ueyoay 28 m8 40S AES) prose a sous on on sms tm om oon sya praqum 240 eo 041 aes 0 DIO pao xg aveypa ona 209 8 oa pe Ae e BU O 2 PTH puso009 0910 nou poo oft ai 04a sera DH oe ‘tenon pass pu ayo wey afd 8 apa HHH pons vs 25a nde 0 Kas prune eee gua pando ag ato poo sad a a 9 e919 wo gs pnd 2 “ng sad 9 0 Kuo 1 see “svonran Buy ye pen soa qe 04210509 2p 6 309" 8H] a EL 12, We maukdhavesenthim a Cvstmascarif we _is dress st yet. Ackzow Bnew ‘avelow shad know 2. ign econ il a oi, __— ete. 17. When communicating in English, i mecessry to prepare person for our Acdepat ——-B.depurment’ —_C.deparing D.depare 1 tern bck to ny rom, hiking I would never fel t home a legs AFighing with B.Fighinghick —C-Fihting foe D. 19, When my roommate gsc, she ___my sping and having phon while she war ing sleep ‘Avvined—-Biblumaton tamed for Math the letter A 8. © oF to nda the mos 2 nat he wr) LOSES ering to he cho the flowing communities. The ks 25. 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